Summary of Super Humanos - Esteroides [esp].avi

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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

In the video, "Super Humanos - Esteroides [esp].avi", a group of athletes that use steroids compete in a sport. The athletes discuss the benefits and costs of using steroids, with some believing that the benefits outweigh the costs. The video also shows how steroids can be dangerous, with one athlete almost killing himself. In the end, the athletes blame the spectators for wanting to see better performance, and not caring about the risks associated with steroids.

  • 00:00:00 Superhumanos takes a look at some of the most controversial drugs in the world, and it's not cocaine, heroine, or methamphetamine - it's steroids. These drugs are very effective and can be found on the streets. There are penalties for using steroids, and some people even say that they've had a heart attack and are lucky to be alive. What are athletes doing to themselves with all of this use? Millions of people around the world use steroids, including those who least suspect it. The public wants our athletes to use steroids, and yet research on the subject is inconclusive. Consumers and abusers share stories about steroids and the world of steroids. We get a glimpse into how steroids work in the body and what we know about the risks and effects of using them. The debate over steroids is complex, and it's not just scientists involved. Many people in the world are concerned about the long-term risks of these drugs. When you see this kind of behavior repeated over and over again, it's only natural to reach a conclusion. Science is not the only voice in the argument - others have something to say and have paid a price. The athlete whose health was destroyed by steroids is not the only one. Father's
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Rick Bishop, an athlete and bodybuilder, discusses the use of esteroides, which are drugs that are similar to narcotic drugs, and how they can help athletes achieve better results. Bishop begins with injections of esteroides during the morning and then adds tablets during a 16-week period. He argues that it is better to take different esteroides simultaneously rather than taking them all at once, which keeps the athlete's receptors alert and sends the substances through the body more effectively. Many experts believe that esteroides can help athletes break physical limitations faster and stronger than naturally.
  • 00:10:00 Superhumanos is a documentary film about the world's fastest people and their use of performance-enhancing drugs, specifically anabolic steroids. Ben Johnson, the 1988 Olympic gold medalist in the 200 meters, returns to the United States after two years of competition in the Netherlands without anabolic steroids, and his times are significantly slower than before. This scandalized Johnson, and the United States government held hearings to declare anabolic steroids illegal for non-medicinal use, with opponents including the American Medical Association and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, in 1991, the United States Congress voted to make anabolic steroids illegal without a prescription. There are many different types of steroids, both anabolic (building muscle) and androgenic (masculinizing), and both versions of the hormone are synthetic versions of the hormones produced naturally in the body. Athletes use anabolic steroids to develop muscle, while cortical steroids are used to reduce inflammation. However, anabolic steroids can have negative side effects, such as catabolism (breakdown of muscle) and high levels of destructive hormones called glucocorticoids. Taking more than the physiological dose of anabolic steroids can lead to dramatic physical changes in body composition and strength that may be beyond
  • 00:15:00 Super Humanos follows individuals who are consuming 100 times the amount of testosterone produced normally. In other words, if we know that a normal man produces between 50 and 75 milligrams of testosterone per week, these subjects are consuming 6000 milligrams or their equivalent per week in injections or tablets. And, as they take more doses, their muscular volume increases. For many athletes, anabolic steroids appear to be the source of youth. Androgenic effects, such as muscle growth, can be seen in only two weeks, even in beginners. Even in a shorter period of time, an increase in muscle size can be seen. When training to create resistance, the strength of their muscles will develop. If you are training to acquire muscle size, your muscles will develop size. Most athletes only have a few opportunities to achieve success in some sports, and only a few years to start working on them first. These athletes have very short periods of opportunity to become professional athletes, and very little time to attend university or sign a contract. Second, these drugs carry with them a physical condition that would not be possible even in 50 years of lifting weights. They are that powerful. When some athletes visit anabolic steroids as an extra help to have success
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the possible side effects of using steroids, which include an increase in aggression. Some of these effects are still being debated, such as whether steroids increase the risk of death from a violent act. Studies on animals and humans have found that high doses of testosterone increase aggression, but not all steroid users experience a change in personality. Steroids make a person more unstable and if they are aggressive, they are even more aggressive. Studies suggest that only a minority of steroid users become violent. Clinical trials using double-blind methods have administered high doses of steroids to 109 men only 5% of whom experienced changes in behavior. While one person will become clinically insane, some doctors believe that steroid use is exaggerated and that the "fury steroid" is rare. The "fury steroid" does not exist in the real world and has been lost sight of. Steroids can dramatically alter cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. They can also raise dramatically the levels of toxic compounds, leading to retention of liquids and increased pressure in the blood vessels. Moreover, steroid use can dramatically alter the levels of blood sugar, raising the risk of diabetes. In the last decade, three bodybuilders have died suddenly of heart attacks. All of them had
  • 00:25:00 This video tells the story of Danny Mcdermott, a 54-year-old financial advisor who once competed in fitness competitions and now suffers from arteriosclerosis. In 2006, Santoro published the first study to show an association between esteroides and coronary artery disease. Since then, other studies have been published confirming this link. Mcdermott's group of study participants is very small, and the conclusions they reach are not necessarily applicable to the larger population. Furthermore, since esteroides are illegal drugs, it is difficult to study the effects of these substances in a laboratory setting. Therefore, the only way to study the effects of these drugs is to observe them in nature. However, there are many limitations to this approach.
  • 00:30:00 In 2007, American baseball received a harsh blow when a extensive investigation revealed that 80 players from all teams were using performance-enhancing drugs. Among them were two of the best players, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. Both denied the accusations, claiming that the players using drugs were simply "super humanos." Since then, the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports has become rampant, with more heroes falling. In 2007, American football received a similarly harsh blow when it was revealed that over 50 players from all teams were using performance-enhancing drugs. Among them was top prospect Tim Tebow. At the time, Tebow's parents were unaware of his involvement, but when he stopped playing football and started using steroids, signs began to show up that he was in trouble. His acne worsened, his voice changed, and his nose swelled. He also began to experience other side effects of performance-enhancing drugs, such as mood swings and depressed levels of testosterone. Tebow's story underscores the danger of using performance-enhancing drugs without understanding the risks. Although his parents were aware of the risks, they were not properly trained to identify the signs of steroid use and did not take action until it was too late
  • 00:35:00 The video shows a survey of adults, asking about their experience with anabolic steroids. 4% of the respondents said that they had attempted suicide during abstinence. The ball that was used to mark the respondent's first homerun was on June 16, 2001. The reason why this is important is that it was the respondent's first homerun and also the last. Don Taylor, a father, founded the Taylor Foundation to protect other adolescent athletes from anabolic steroids. The Taylor Foundation is the largest program for high school athletes in the United States. However, today many consumers of anabolic steroids use creams, which makes detection more difficult. This is why people of all ages are increasing their intake of anabolic steroids. The stereotipic perception is that there are giant grotesque bodybuilders with a needle stuck in their forehead coming to eat children of others. This is how people see it, but the reality is that there are millions of people using anabolic steroids without anyone noticing. They seem like common and average people. It is estimated that 50% of all anabolic steroid users are non-athletic. The growth of anabolic steroid consumers is outpacing that of high school or professional athletes. The distorted perception of bodybuilders due
  • 00:40:00 In this video, a group of "superhumanos" compete in a sport that is heavily influenced by steroids. These athletes reject the benefits and costs of steroids, and no one knows better than their coach, ex-Mr. Universe and ex- steroid user, Steve. Michael, the contestant with the most formidable opponent, is here, invisible to the temptation to win. The temptation to use steroids is poisonous and they are even dangerous for a man who almost killed himself. But, I would risk it all again if you would just watch for a moment, as spirit is the best of the planet Earth. Michael, from Long Island, New York, trains a new generation of fitness athletes, and this is his story. There is a hard reality for these athletes: some steroids can be valuable, the difference between a salary and a fortune between mediocrity and stardom. One of our patients summed up the situation this way: "When I can be Superman, if there were such a drug, I would take it without hesitation, because I am sure I would win the Nobel Prize." Other experts blame someone else, I believe the people blame us, the spectators, for wanting to see numbers, see performance, and see more home runs. There is a

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