Summary of 📰IT 뉴스 - GPT4 / 카카오 단톡 유출 논란 / LLaMA의 미친 혁신 / 디자이너 실직 위기?!

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This IT news video covers a variety of topics, including the release of GPT-4, the controversy surrounding KakaoTalk's data leakage, IT innovations from LLaMA, and the impact of AI models on the job market. GPT-4 has already been used in coding education, and its improved visual input feature is said to process images and text up to 25,000 words long. The video also highlights the importance of natural language processing skills and introduces the concept of prompt engineers who will be responsible for training and customizing AI systems. Furthermore, the video touches on the controversy surrounding Samsung's fake moon photograph and the implications of authenticity in an AI-aided digital world.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the presenter shares some IT news, including the release of GPT4 that has sparked a speed competition among YouTubers worldwide. The video covers various topics, including IT innovations from LLaMA and the controversy surrounding KakaoTalk's data leakage. Furthermore, the presenter updates viewers on the hot weather, and an unfortunate incident where highly confidential documents were leaked via a popular chat app, cautioning the public to stay alert online.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker announces an upcoming offline event to commemorate achieving 500,000 subscribers. The event will include a hackathon, where participants will create prototypes using GPT api. The speaker also discusses the significance of reaching 500,000 subscribers and how it is a challenging milestone. Some brief news is also mentioned, including the beta release of MS Edge browser without a waitlist and a leaked KakaoTalk chat.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, it is reported that GPT-4 is already being used in coding education, with Jo Coding teaching the basics of programming and even trying to predict lottery numbers using AI deep learning. GPT-4 is said to be specialized in information search, making it useful for searches and generating code and text, while another program called Prompt Engineering is offering high-paying jobs for engineers who can use natural language as a form of input. According to Tesla's former AI Chief, the most popular new programming language is English, and learning how to ask good questions in English is becoming a key skill in accessing a wide range of services, from programming to design and video creation.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, it is discussed that AI language models such as GPT-4 are being developed by Naver and Kakao, highlighting the growing importance of natural language processing skills. With AI model development becoming easier, the need for prompt engineers increases. Prompt engineers are individuals who train AI models and will play a vital role in customizing the AI system to each individual service's needs. As a result, the Korean government is considering implementing education programs to teach people how to train AI systems. It is emphasized that prompt engineers' role in the future will be significant, as these engineers will be responsible for shaping how AI interacts and responds.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the host discusses the latest iteration of the LLaMA algorithm, version 5, which has vastly improved image generation capabilities, producing image results that are almost indistinguishable from real photographs. The host mentions that this marks a general trend towards improved image and video generation algorithms, and that it may become increasingly difficult to differentiate real photographs from computer-generated ones in the future. The host also touches on the controversy surrounding the Samsung Galaxy 23 marketing campaign, which claims to have taken a photograph of the Moon using 100x zoom but has been accused of falsifying the image.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the IT news covers the controversy over Samsung's fake moon picture that was taken with a Galaxy S10 phone. Despite the backlash and claims of image manipulation, Samsung officially announced that the photo was taken with an AI technology called "upscaling" which took a low-quality image and applied filters to generate a high-resolution photo. While public trust has been damaged by this incident, many people are beginning to question what constitutes authenticity in our increasingly AI-aided digital world.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the discussion is about the potential impact of GPT-4 on the job market for developers. As an example, the speaker mentions that GPT was used in developing an astrology app, where it generated most of the code and design, and the developer only had to review and modify it. The speaker suggests that developers may have to focus on tasks that require more attention to details and customization, while leaving the basic coding tasks to AI. In another news report, a security vulnerability in KakaoTalk's open chat feature is discussed, where data from open chats can be extracted and converted to real name and phone numbers, a feature that can be used for marketing purposes.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the transcript discusses the "Golden Calf Project" that KakaoTalk launched in 2011, which utilized the Loco Protocol for lightweight packet transmission. This project increased the messaging app's transmission speed by more than twenty-fold and allowed it to handle over a billion messages per day shortly after its release. However, the Loco Protocol had vulnerabilities, which allowed savvy users to reverse-engineer the protocol, exploit its weaknesses, and create non-KakaoTalk features. These same security vulnerabilities have also led to hacks and attacks, including the recent controversy of certain images automatically playing in open chat rooms of the app.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, it was reported that KakaoTalk has been subject to a major controversy as a result of several security vulnerabilities causing users' information to be exposed through reverse engineering. An anonymous group was shown to be able to maliciously infiltrate private groups and obtain personal information, including full names and phone numbers, of the participants. In addition, these individuals were even marketing and selling the stolen information online, with some information apparently priced at a premium. While KakaoTalk responded to the breach, uncovering the vulnerabilities and filing a report with the police for the arrest of the perpetrators, the incident highlights the significance of using secure communication platforms and methods to protect sensitive user data.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, it was reported that the open chat rooms on KakaoTalk had a leak, with the phone numbers and personal details of users being sold. The vulnerability of the system's protocol has been causing problems for a while now, and with 47 million users, it is not an easy task to fix the problem overnight. The security of the app and companies in general are important and need to be taken seriously to avoid such leaks and ensuing legal disputes.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, AI news from this week is summarized, with a focus on the release of GPT-4. The new technology includes an improved visual input feature that can process images and text up to 25,000 words long, and has already demonstrated outstanding performance on challenging tests like the Bar exam and SAT. While the specific parameters of GPT-4 have not been released, the German CTO has hinted at future updates that will allow for even more advanced capabilities.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the presenter discusses the recent advancements in AI language model GPT-4. One of its notable developments is its improved performance in achieving high scores when challenged in various tasks, such as predicting outcomes and reasoning about objects in images. GPT-4 can also handle more massive input sizes and is capable of understanding and generating complex html codes with ease, making it convenient for coding and automating web development. The model also helps define unusual features in images, recognize humor in memes, and comprehend complex wordplay. It has impressive accuracy and can precisely predict user language and preferences.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This YouTube video covers a range of topics related to AI, including the latest developments with GPT-4, how AI can be used to create websites and predict horoscopes, and the potential negative consequences and criticism of AI. The video also discusses recent news and announcements from Microsoft and Google in their AI competition, as well as controversies around the leak of Kakao Talk messages and the open-sourcing of language models. Additionally, the video highlights the impact of AI and automation on the job market and potential cybersecurity threats posed by the power of AI technology. Throughout the video, there is a focus on the ethical considerations of AI and the importance of responsible use.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the latest developments regarding GPT-4, including improved precision and memory capacity. He also mentions the increased multitasking functionality, including the ability to customize system messages for accounting and tax-related functions. Additionally, he shares examples of the system's language capabilities, including the enhancement of Korean language processing. The speaker also talks about the introduction of new features like roll allocation and the development of a unique game platform showcasing GPT-4's abilities. Finally, he shows the startling ability of GPT-4 to code advanced website layouts and ApplePay equivalents flawlessly with the help of Swift AI.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses AI and how it can be used to create websites, design logos, and even calculate astrological predictions. The speaker demonstrates a chat web application that calculates a user's horoscope based on their birthdate and provides dating advice. They mention that they made it in just one day and will offer a tutorial on how to create it. The speaker suggests that this type of AI technology can help create more innovative and profitable startups, and even mentions the recently unveiled GPT-4. However, they also acknowledge that there is criticism surrounding these technological advancements.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the OpenAI's GPT-4 has received criticism from experts who claim that the technology is all hype with no substance following its release. Although the company claimed they had completed an essential document on the technology, there is no empirical data to back up their assertions. The GPT-4 is causing some concern as it has not disclosed its entire potential for research, despite claims about its open-nature. All of this comes amid a decision by Microsoft to implement the technology on their Office 365 suite, leaving some to wonder when exactly these secretive advancements will come to light.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the video discusses the recent announcement from Microsoft about the integration of GPT-4 into its products, which will allow users to generate PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, and even analyse data using natural language input. Microsoft has also released a new AI-powered lineup of product features, similar to Google's Workspace, that will include AI-generated summaries and other useful tools. Google has also made an announcement, releasing an AI-powered robotic model API called "Farm", which will enable developers to access the robotic model's capabilities.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, we cover recent AI news, including the release of Google's Farm API allowing anyone to utilize their artificial intelligence model, and the recent issue surrounding the leak of Kakao Talk messages. Microsoft and Google are also mentioned in their competition for market share in the AI industry. Additionally, the recent public release through torrent files of Meta's language model, LLaMA, has created controversy in the industry. Finally, the article concludes with a discussion on how AI and automation will continue to have a significant impact on the job market, particularly in the office administration sector.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, it was discussed how the stable diffuser, an AI model that generates images, was revolutionized and popularized due to the open-sourcing of the model itself. Previously, models such as DALL-E were not publicly available, which limited their potential for customization and improvement. However, with the open-sourcing of stable diffuser and other language models, developers have been able to fine-tune them further and create even more powerful models such as Alpaca. Additionally, new resources such as the Rama CPP allow for these models to be used on much smaller computers, which opens up even more possibilities for their application.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the video discusses the recently released Korean language model, KO-alpha which was created by a Korean developer who trained the model using the GPT-4 algorithm. As an open-source model, anyone can use KO-alpha and fine-tune it to their own liking. However, the release of LAMA's (Language Model Analysis) model came with commercial bespoke licensing limitation which sparked a request for a change to Apache licensing. Supporters argue that having multiple companies create the same model would result in a huge carbon emission, negatively impacting the environment. With the ability to fine-tune the model, several people are requesting that the model be open-sourced to help reduce carbon emissions while still providing language processing for all.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential impact of the release of an open-source version of GPT-4, which would enable anyone to create commercial products and could lead to a significant increase in convenience for consumers. The video then shifts to a conversation about the recent KakaoTalk chat leakage scandal, followed by a discussion of the innovative LLaMA project and the possible job loss crisis faced by designers. The video concludes by highlighting the potential cybersecurity threats posed by the power of GPT-4 technology.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the potential negative consequences of the power of the OpenAI model GPT-3 are discussed. While the original idea behind OpenAI was to create a level playing field where everyone could benefit from the power of artificial intelligence, there is now concern that this powerful tool could be misused. One specific concern is related to cybersecurity since those with ill intentions could use GPT-3 to create malicious code, phishing sites, or ransomware. While cybersecurity experts traditionally go through rigorous training and are held to high ethical standards, with GPT-3 even those without extensive knowledge could potentially create harmful attacks. Therefore, it is important to consider the ethical implications of widespread access to such powerful technology, as people must be held responsible for how they use it.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the video discusses how the advancement of AI such as GPT-4 may make fake news easily accessible to the public. Despites many arguing that people would not be able to make a piece of believable fake news, it is possible with the aid of AI. Moreover, AI is a potential threat to cybersecurity, including the ability to make phishing emails that appear authentic and making it difficult to recover lost data. Furthermore, the video demonstrates how even an average individual can create phishing emails with just a few steps to follow.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a new AI program called GPT4, which has the ability to analyze code and identify potential vulnerabilities, making it easier for hackers to exploit cybersecurity. They demonstrate an example of a C code that can be hacked, and explain how GPT4 can help attackers identify the areas where they can insert their code. The speaker warns that with this technology, even uneducated individuals can exploit cybersecurity weaknesses, and thus calls for greater cybersecurity measures.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the video discusses how a website's vulnerability was exposed by using the GPT model. The website stores the index that the "kr" string appears in a certain input field, and by multiplying it by 30, one can easily access a potential vulnerability. GPT can also be used to find vulnerabilities in smart contracts, and even non-experts are now able to locate potential weaknesses and try out attacks. However, the video emphasizes that these powerful tools should be used ethically and for the benefit of society.

02:00:00 - 02:25:00

This video discusses various AI news topics, including the potential dangers of GPT-4 and the need for proper ethics education in AI development and use. It also talks about Microsoft's recently released AI-powered design tool, "Microsoft Designer," and Canva, another AI-powered design tool that provides users with design templates based on the images they input. The video also demonstrates how AI is being used to design simple but complex campaign images and the potential impact of GPT4 on designer jobs. The video concludes with a reminder to tune in for next week's news segment and AI lecture.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential dangers of GPT-4, an upcoming neural network language model that could be used for hacking and cyber attacks if not used responsibly. The speaker emphasizes the need for proper ethics education in the development and use of AI and cyber technologies to prevent misuse. The speaker also discusses the risk of anyone becoming a hacker with powerful tools like GPT-4, similar to anyone becoming a skilled fighter in martial arts, and calls for nationwide education on cyber ethics to protect vulnerable individuals.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, it was reported that Microsoft has released a new AI tool called the "Microsoft Designer" that allows designers to use AI to make designs. The tool works by using AI to come up with different design options based on user specifications, and can edit designs in real-time. The tool will also generate basic designs that can be customized. The Microsoft Designer is currently available for those who sign up for the waitlist.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, the video discusses a new AI-powered design tool called Canva that utilizes image recognition to provide users with various design templates based on the images that they input. The tool also allows users to customize pre-made templates with easy editing tools and can generate images and even animations. The video demonstrates how the tool works by inputting various images and generating different design templates. The tool is free to use and can be useful for marketing campaigns or brand imaging. However, some users in the comments section question if the AI can handle more complex design requests.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, the video discusses how AI is being used to design campaign images that are both simple but complex. The video demonstrates several examples of Instagram posts that have been created using AI, including campaigns related to protecting the environment. Additionally, the video mentions how Microsoft designers are working to create products that can replace traditional design work.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, the presenter discusses GPT4, a new AI technology that has the ability to design computer code and UI elements without the need for a human designer. Using the technology, the presenter shows various examples of websites and UI elements that the AI has created using prompt engineering to design code and UI elements. The presenter highlights that this technology might make it challenging for designers to find jobs in the future, as developers can now use the AI to make UI and code design simpler. However, he also acknowledges that these AI technologies have the potential to simplify the design process, making development tasks more efficient.
  • 02:25:00 This section concludes the video by thanking viewers for watching and reminding them to subscribe and tune in for next week's news segment and AI lecture.

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