Summary of Peace, War & The Purpose of Prophethood

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the different perspectives on Prophet Muhammad's role in peace or war. It argues that the true purpose of the prophet was to promote peace. It then goes on to discuss the life of the Prophet Muhammad during the Medinan phase, when he does not engage in warfare.

  • 00:00:00 Shakhtar discusses the different perspectives on Prophet Muhammad's role in peace or war. He goes on to say that the prophet was a prophet of peace and that his actions were all geared towards that goal.
  • 00:05:00 John of Damascus wrote a text condemning various aspects of Islam, including the Prophet Muhammad's role as a prophet of war. modern-day islamophobes often use his work to cast doubt on Muhammad's role as a prophet.
  • 00:10:00 John of Damascus criticizes Islam for its violence and sexual deviancy. He claims that these are reasons why the prophet Muhammad was not a true prophet.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the objectives of war and peace, and how humans generally prefer peace. It explains that one of the objectives of peace is stability, which is why humans generally prefer it.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the objectives of war and peace, and how to understand the Prophet Muhammad's life story if we take the perspective that he was a warmonger. It then goes on to discuss the life of the Prophet Muhammad during the Medinan phase, when he does not engage in warfare.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the different phases Prophets Muhammad (Sallam) went through in order to spread his message. The Meccan phase was when Muhammad was small in number and did not have the ability to fight. The Medina phase was when Muhammad became a power and engaged in battle after battle. The treaty of Hudabiyah was a peace treaty because it seemed lopsided that the muslims, who had been through a lot of battles, were still weak.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Muslim scholar Dr. Mohamad Elmasry argues that the prophet Muhammad's true purpose was not exclusively to wage war, but to promote peace. Elmasry provides a different perspective on the so-called "Sita Treaty of Hudabiya", which is often seen as a treaty between Muhammad and the Meccans establishing peace between the two groups. Elmasry suggests that the true purpose of the treaty was to allow Muhammad to return to Mecca and continue his preaching.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the various claims between Muslims and Christians regarding prophethood and the purpose of it. It argues that, even if one takes an outsider perspective, it is still difficult to reconcile the idea that the prophet Muhammad claimed Islam was the truth in exclusion to everything else and yet still allow for religious pluralism. This paradox lends to the idea that prophethood was not ultimately about peace.
  • 00:40:00 The author argues that the Muslim approach to history is the only way to make sense of the Sita. The Western approach only presents more problems and questions. The author makes two assumptions: that the Quran is a source of knowledge and that the teleological view of history is a progressive march in one direction. Historians do not accept this view because it negates other cultures and assumes that liberalism and the enlightenment were at the apex of development.
  • 00:45:00 The presenter discusses the two assumptions underlying a teleological view of history – that there is a purpose and direction to history, and that the Quran is a source of knowledge. He points out that from an intellectual standpoint, human beings have progressed in their understanding of the world over time. He also notes that from a sociological standpoint, human beings are developing in their ability to cooperate and understand each other.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the Islamic view of prophecy, which is that a prophet is sent with a message specifically for a specific community and at a specific time. The video then goes on to discuss the example of prophets such as Moses and Jesus.
  • 00:55:00 The purpose of prophets and messengers is to send guidance and truth to humanity. The first ayah talks about the prophet Muhammad and the second ayah talks about other prophets who have come before him.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

The purpose of prophethood is to provide guidance and bring people closer to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad saws had a compassionate and perfect approach to achieving this purpose, and we should follow in his footsteps.

  • 01:00:00 The purpose of prophets is to provide guidance with clear evidences to humanity so that they may understand what is right and what is wrong. Prophets also bring Islam and the sunnah, which is the path of the prophet. When we understand all of this, we can reach a level of maturity and understanding that is unparalleled in any other time or place.
  • 01:05:00 This YouTube video discusses the purpose of prophethood and how it manifests in the form of a peace treaty between two opposing armies. The video also mentions the anomaly of Hudhayfa and how it was perplexing to the companions of the prophet Muhammad.
  • 01:10:00 IBM author, Shaku Sam, discusses the purpose of prophethood and the significance of the Treaty of Badr. He argues that no previous victory in Islam was greater than this battle, which led to the conversion of many people to Islam. He also notes that after the prophet's death, many Muslims reverted back to their old ways due to the absence of a prophet-figure who cared for their well-being in the afterlife.
  • 01:15:00 Sheikh Yusuf Karadawi discusses the objective of prophethood, which is to elevate humans to worship God, and how war is not always engaged for the purpose of acquiring land or other riches, but instead to help humans come closer to God.
  • 01:20:00 The author discusses the concept of "submission" in Islam, which refers to both submitting to God's will and submitting one's intellect. Islam requires that Muslims have a limited understanding of the faith in order to remain human.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the purpose of prophethood and how it relates to religious pluralism. It points out that all prophets are entrusted with settling a religious pluralist society, and that this has not yet been accomplished. The video then asks a question about the current pandemic situation, and whether it is making people more interested in religion. Abbas responds that the job of settling a religious pluralist society is still to be done, and that it is now the responsibility of the people who claim to love and follow the prophet Muhammad.
  • 01:30:00 The purpose of prophethood is to help people find peace and solace in life, and to bring people closer to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad saws had a compassionate and perfect approach to achieving this purpose, and we should follow in his footsteps. Part two of this series will be released next week.

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