Summary of Foro virtual: Tensiones entre educación y educación inclusiva. Desafíos a partir del COVID-19

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. It features a discussion with panelists from different countries who offer their thoughts on how to overcome challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The panelists emphasize the importance of grassroots, community-based initiatives in order to create a more inclusive society.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. Challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic are discussed, and panelists offer their thoughts on how to overcome them. Several panelists from different countries discuss their experience with inclusive education in the face of pandemic challenges. The panelists discuss how inclusive education is necessary to ensure that all students have access to quality education, regardless of their disability or socioeconomic status. They emphasize the importance of grassroots, community-based initiatives in order to create a more inclusive society. The moderator welcomes the attendees and introduces the panelists. Carlos Sklar from Argentina and Walter Guinness from Brazil discuss their experiences with inclusive education in their respective countries. Gerardo Etxeita from Mexico and Rodolfo Cruz Ladrillo from Mexico discuss inclusive education in their home countries. Leticia Campos Bedoya from the Centro Universitario Contemporáneo in Querétaro, Mexico, moderates the discussion.
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. Challenges are discussed based on the COVID-19 study, which found that socio-economic disparities in access to cultural goods and opportunities are a big factor in educational inequality. The issues raised include the lack of services and opportunities for marginalized groups in schools, as well as the invisibility of such groups in research on inclusive education. The presenter hopes that this forum will help make these issues more visible and address them in Mexico's education system as a whole.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education, and challengesfacing educators in the wake of COVID-19. It mentions the work of the comité, which has given educators the opportunity to discuss these tensions. The panelists discuss their perspectives on inclusivedevelopment. The video ends with a brief statement from the doctor, thanking everyone for participating in the forum and urging more dialogue on the topic.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses tensions between education that emphasizes traditional values and education that includes inclusive values, and challenges to be posed from the COVID-19 study. It mentions that while I am a good person, one of the people who has tried to think about education inclusively, the idea of inclusive education is often marginalized in the context of education, and is not always at the forefront of our minds. I will try to make a case for inclusive education by first discussing the current pandemic situation. Secondly, I will discuss the idea that has become almost totalitarian- that communication is the starting point for any educational process- and how communication is conflated with responsibility. Thirdly, I will discuss the idea that education has gone backwards in its approach to communication, and how communication is only a part of the era we are living in.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the tension between education and inclusive education, and challenges that need to be addressed in light of COVID-19. Specifically, the author discusses the idea of returning to thinking about the difficult relationship between system-wide breakdown and individual pain when something falls apart in the general order. It was discussed 20 years ago by Nobel Prize-winning philosopher Peter Sloterdijk. In his book "Erasing Human Existence", he talks about how something in the general order of the system can break down and this can lead to the development of small policies of solidarity, equality, and aid for education. Another challenge is to think about the relationship between system and life, body, and school in a more plural way. This operation would involve giving plurality to human phenomena in description of facts about human beings. However, it would also be a way of realizing that the world is not just one world, and that this one world is not just my world and that this world is not just the world of economic beings. Life is not just one life, and life around me is not just this life or the life that is around me. Even if life is just an accelerated time-travel quest for the benefit of profit, and school is just one school, or a
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses tensions between education that is inclusive and traditional education. It challenges the conventional view that successful individuals necessitate the destruction of countless lives, and that a tight link exists between body type, form of body, and social roles. It argues that this idea, which is shocking to me, should form part of the list of things that educators should be concerned about. The talk then moves on to talk about how to create a liberatory and emancipatory school, and how to remember and represent the human experience that has been forgotten, abandoned, or desahuiliated over the course of history. Finally, the speaker gives the floor to Walter, who will speak about the challenges of intervention at this time.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the tensions between education and inclusive education, and challenges from the COVID-19 study. It features a discussion with Monica, Gerardo, and Carlos, who discuss the challenges of inclusive education. The video then goes on to talk about an idea that Monica had, that schools should be designed for all students, not just those who are privileged. Simon Rodríguez, a Venezuelan educator, said in a quote that "school is for all citizens because all citizens are citizens." This quote is contrary to the idea that schools are for the privileged few, and it seems to be the opposite of the current trend in Brazilian education.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Simon Rodríguez, a philosopher and educator, discusses the tension between inclusive education and traditional education. He argues that only citizens in a state of equality can make schools work, and that if we think schools are for citizens, or if we think that education will create equality, we are actually creating and perpetuating exclusion. Rodríguez quotes Carlos Ruiz, who said that all can learn because equality is the starting point. Simon Rodríguez also discusses the idea that education is time-consuming, and that in order to make education truly democratic and inclusive, we need to make time for it. He quotes Simón Rodríguez, who lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and who said that education in Greek means "free time." By negating free time, we are negating education itself. In these times of interrupted and uncertainly, when we try to be education without bodies remotely, as Carlos said, it is useful to hear Simon Rodríguez say that education is about making time for others.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses tensions between education that focuses on exclusivity and inclusive education. It challenges the viewer to think about ways to reconcile these two education models. It emphasizes the importance of time, and of creating opportunities for everyone to learn, regardless of their circumstances. It argues that the time is now to open up education to other forms, such as immersive learning experiences. This would be a more inclusive way of living and creating world for everyone, rather than simply informing and competing with one another.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education.Walter discusses how difficult it is to separate education from the current reality, and how this tension between inclusive and traditional education is problematic. He also suggests that this tension between education and society needs to be addressed by academics and other institutions, not just educators.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the tension between education and education inclusive, with challenges that can be faced when trying to change education for the better. The COVID-19 experiment, which is a scientific study looking into how things can be different, is mentioned. It is explained that, despite the obstacles, there is a chance to make changes that will improve education as a whole. This is important, as it reflects a systemic perspective instead of viewing the issue as just pertaining to special groups of students, such as those who are disabled or have special needs. Finally, it is mentioned that there is a need to take a holistic and systemic perspective when addressing the issue of education inclusive for all students, not just a few. If we hope to achieve this, we must first acknowledge the broader issues that affect society as a whole.
  • 00:55:00 This video, entitled "Foro virtual: Tensiones entre educación y educación inclusiva. Desafíos a partir del COVID-19," provides an overview of tensions between traditional education and inclusive education. It discusses challenges faced by educators in trying to meet the social and educational aspirations of a wider population that exceed generations of people who have worked hard can be paralyzing and, as such, for many of the people who are teachers and teachers' professors in school we have to share this message and give them the message in these terms: that we have to adopt also a perspective we could call "local," which allows us to do more and that there is a lot that needs to be done and can be done and that we have to do it in our classrooms and centers and that's what's here at least to some degree, but not entirely. Nevertheless, we have to make a bit more progress on this front, at least a little bit lower under their control. Nobody prevents a teacher from treating well his or her students, who should worry about all of them when planning an educational action, a class that thinks about the unique characteristics, potentialities, and needs of all of its students. This

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses tensions between education and inclusion, with challenges posed by the COVID-19 study. It highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the different groups that are affected by education, as well as for ethical and epistemological curricular and pedagogical elements. The speaker also urges us to rethink our approach to childhood, in order to create a more inclusive society.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses tensions between education and education inclusive, with challenges raised from the COVID-19 study. We discuss inequality, discrimination, and exclusion, and see how these issues are reflected in comments following the video. I believe it is important to talk about these tensions now, as the pandemic has brought them to the forefront. We discuss education and inclusive education, and how these tensions illustrate both current issues in educational planning and history of struggles between different elements of society. I would like to briefly introduce some of the ideas I would like to discuss at greater length, namely the need to equalize space, understand common values, and make changes over time. These universal values have been built up over time and are not as easily accessible as they once were. We need to re-evaluate them and explore what has been achieved so far, and what still needs to be done in order to ensure that everyone has an equal chance in education. Inclusion is one of the things we should be concerned about, as it is one of the most important values we uphold, but it is also a very nebulous concept. We should be thinking about what it means to include people, and what actual practices result from that. I agree with Doctor Etxeita when he says that this
  • 01:05:00 This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional, hierarchical education. It discusses how these tensions are manifested in the current educational system in Mexico, where some students go to school one day a week, while others attend on another day due to their needs to get on track. The speaker believes that the educational system can change, and that this change needs to be thought about and approached from a theoretical perspective, as well as being implemented in practice. The five tensions discussed are: the educational system's relationship to the world of work; its relationship to the classroom; its relationship to knowledge; its relationship to students' identities; and its relationship to students' abilities. The speaker believes that all of these tensions need to be considered when designing an inclusive education system.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. It discusses challenges faced in the current educational system, which despite being flexible, still exclude some identities. The first tension is that of school, which is seeing increasing tension between educational models that only focus on externalities (such as academic achievement) and those that include an internal component (such as teaching values and skills). The third tension is about inclusion itself, as teachers and students struggle to find common ground on what constitutes effective inclusion. While these tensions are important, the speaker believes that a more pressing issue is the lack of practice educators have in incorporating inclusive education into their curriculum. This lack of practice hampers the progress of inclusive education and results in a stalemate.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, participants discuss the tension between inclusive education and traditional education. They discuss challenges that need to be addressed in order to achieve a more equitable and inclusive educational system. One challenge they mention is the need to better understand students from a epistemological perspective, such as their knowledge of subjects. They also mention the need to work on an historical approach, as today's institutions are not yet able to fully accommodate students with disabilities. Finally, they give a brief summary of their own experiences with earthquake shaking.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, two educators discuss the tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. They discuss challenges and opportunities that arise from the COVID-19 study, which found that inclusive education is more successful in reducing social isolation and improving mental health outcomes. They also discuss the need for educators to be proactive in addressing the needs of students with disabilities, and the need for students to have a voice in the education they receive.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses tensions between inclusive education and special education, and challenges that can be posed based on the COVID-19 study. It discusses how education in its original form began with small, community-based schools that favored other forms of education over special education, and how this occurred since special education was first conceived as a temporary solution to the problem of balanced schooling. The video then shifts to discussing the current situation of inclusive education, which it says is being implemented in a way that does not reflect the original ideals of the movement. It highlights the work of young activists who are pushing for change in a variety of ways, from educational courses and seminars to cultural and artistic projects. Finally, it touches on the importance of participatory democracy in making such change a reality.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses tensions between education and education inclusive.challenges are discussed based on the COVID-19 study. Panelists share their thoughts on the topic, and one panelist offers a solution. The video ends with questions for the audience. The tension between education and inclusion is a difficult issue to resolve, and it is something that needs to be thought about more inclusively. In order to address this tension, it is important to have a deeper understanding of the different groups that are affected by education. Additionally, ethical and epistemological curricular and pedagogical elements must be present in education that truly impacts social inequality. We must also question the assumption that redefining education will only benefit special-needs students. There are many challenges to be addressed before inclusive education can be successful, but it is an issue that must be considered more thoroughly.
  • 01:35:00 The two discuss the tension between education that is inclusive and education that is traditional. Challenges are discussed based on the COVID-19 study. The speaker wishes to address two points: First, it is necessary to restore the relationship between childhood and learning in order to create a better world for future generations. Second, traditional education has been replaced by a neoliberal model that values training and forming professionals instead of developing children's abilities to live their lives and engage in productive activities. This has led to a situation where children are increasingly denied access to childhood, resulting in a lost generation. In order to create a better future, education must return to its roots of nurturing children's abilities and fostering communication and social interactions.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. Challenges are discussed based on the COVID-19 study, which found that children with diverse backgrounds often do not feel included in mainstream classrooms. The speaker offers some thoughts on how to overcome these challenges. One suggestion is to rethink how we approach questions and ideas, instead of simply providing answers. Another suggestion is to focus on listening to and understanding children's questions rather than responding to them. Finally, the speaker urges us to rethink our approach to childhood, in order to create a more inclusive society.
  • 01:45:00 This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education. It focuses on the challenges of transitioning to an inclusive education system, as well as the need for radical changes in how we think about and approach education. The speaker, a professor, discusses the need for radical changes in how we think about education, and how including a diversity of perspectives and identities is the key to balancing out the exclusionary tendencies of traditional schooling. He also argues that inclusive education is not just about changing the way we teach, but also about changing how we think about and approach education itself.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses the tensions between education and education inclusive, and challenges that need to be faced in order to improve the situation. It points out that, although there may be a problem, it is usually not thought to be that bad, and that we often forget that when things are going well, we are actually doing well. I began to think about this when I realized that, in these times of economic crisis, we are trying to solve a problem that may not actually be there. For example, the state and educational institutions are trying to go back to the old norm, which is characterized by a lack of diversity and equality. This is what many analysts say we are likely to continue to see, rather than returning to the way things were before. This is because we have not given up on the original idea of schools, which was to teach a different way because different people were living in a different world. I am referring to the National Institute of the Blind, which is a part of history that we should be revisiting in order to understand the current practices of young people who are subverting disability as a deficit and are promoting difference in what sense we should support them. We will be fighting with them, only this time, we will be fighting on their behalf.
  • 01:55:00 Doctor Gerardo talks about the tensions between inclusive education and traditional education, and challenges to be faced as a result of COVID-19. He asks the audience to participate in the discussion, and shares his own thoughts on the matter. He believes that, in the current situation, we need to be open to the possibility of a different world, and that we should demand accountability from our educational institutions. He also feels that, as citizens, we have a responsibility to raise awareness about social issues in our local communities and beyond.

02:00:00 - 02:30:00

The video discusses the tension between inclusive education and traditional education, and how challenges can be tackled from the COVID-19 study. It points out that, because of this tension, students are at risk of being marginalized in their education. It discusses the importance of returning to a model where all students are considered "normal," and discusses the challenges of changing this mindset.

  • 02:00:00 The video discusses tensions between education and inclusive education, with challenges that must be faced in order for education to be inclusive for all. The speaker points out that, in order to move forward, it is important to keep with the new normal, which is to have a flexible school system. Another challenge is that, while social rights to education are universal, education is still not inclusive for all. One possible solution is to re-form the teaching profession. The audience is invited to participate in this discussion.
  • 02:05:00 The video discusses the tension between education and inclusive education. Challenges are discussed from the COVID-19 study, which looked at tensions between educators and students with disabilities. Some of the challenges raised include the educators' preference for students with disabilities to be educated in special schools, the educators' lack of knowledge about students with disabilities, and the educators' inability to help students with disabilities. The video ends with a question and comments from the audience. One audience member asks how educators can improve their relationships with students and how to redefine the role of children in society. Another audience member worries about the future of inclusion, given the current economic climate and the governments' desire for a "new normal."
  • 02:10:00 The video discusses the tension between inclusive education and traditional education, and challenges that need to be faced in order to achieve equal opportunities for all. It points out that, because of this tension, students are at risk of being marginalized in their education. It discusses the importance of returning to a model where all students are considered "normal," and discusses the challenges of changing this mindset.
  • 02:15:00 The video discusses the tensions between education and inclusive education. It challenges the idea that returning retired teachers to in-person supervision will improve student performance. It also discusses the need for a just and effective justice system that supports the return of adults who are already productive. The video's panelists include Dr. Gerardo A. Lopez, a geriatrician and member of the COVID-19 working group; Dr. Carlos L. González, a pediatrician and member of the COVID-19 working group; and Miriam Castillo, a social worker and member of the COVID-19 working group.
  • 02:20:00 This video discusses tensions between inclusive education and traditional education, and how challenges can be tackled from the COVID-19 study. It was very informative to hear from different perspectives on such a wide range of topics, and it was interesting to see how various levels of abstraction were brought to life through discussion of real-life experiences. I thought the discussion of pandemic effects on education was particularly interesting. We learned a lot about the education system, and also confirmed some long-standing issues. The topic of inequality in access to technology was brought to the forefront, as was the issue of gender inequality. We also discussed violence between family members, and the difficulties that come with trying to share a computer and internet access between parents and siblings. The discussion also brought up new issues, such as the difficulties of sharing household appliances, which had never arisen before in my experience. Overall, I think this video was extremely valuable in terms of providing a forum for discussing complex issues in a concrete way. It was also interesting to hear from different perspectives on current events, and to see how these topics have implications for education as a whole. I think it would be helpful to continue exploring these topics in more depth, in order to move our understanding of current educational dynamics forward.
  • 02:25:00 The video discusses tensions between education and education inclusive, with challenges posed from the COVID-19 study. Some positive aspects of the situation are also noted. A teacher discusses how he was able to use resources he created or adapted himself to destroy a service educational system, especially in poor communities without access to the internet. The video concludes by mentioning that, due to budget cuts, the educational system in Mexico will be drastically different in the coming years. Participation in the committee is encouraged, as is a deeper study of the challenges faced.
  • 02:30:00 These online forums are possible thanks to him and his team, and I wanted to say a big thank you to all of them. I want to mention in particular the team of araceli martínez rodríguez, which includes support from academic nanciar. I also want to thank daniela alvarado and mariam hernández de communication and distribution for their help in making this forum possible. Thank you girls! You've done a great job. We're all very proud to be part of this team, and I want to thank especially erick ramírez for his support. I want to thank especially my family for their support. I'd like to thank especially the committee for rights of city of mexico for their help in getting in touch with us. So, colleagues, friends, I'm leaving this audience, but it's only the beginning of an eternal pandemic. We've been suffering from an eight-week pandemic, and this is only the peak. We'll be dealing with this for a while longer, so please stay strong. I want to thank you all for your involvement. Be

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