Summary of José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la fe católica - La Sacristía de La Vendée: 24-11-2022

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section of the YouTube video titled "José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la fe católica - La Sacristía de La Vendée: 24-11-2022," the speaker presents a discussion on the challenges facing the Catholic Church. They focus on the authorities and their disregard for the traditions and teachings of the Church, as well as the need for greater trust in God and the importance of spiritual readiness for death. The speaker highlights the challenges facing faith and the Church, including the rise of consumer culture and secular values that undermine faith. The speaker encourages viewers to remain steadfast in their faith and to keep their focus on the teachings of the Church. They also discuss the importance of prayer and devotion in maintaining faith and hope in the face of life's challenges. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the need for greater commitment to the Catholic faith and the importance of seeking guidance and support from the Church during difficult times.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video titled "José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la fe católica - La Sacristía de La Vendée: 24-11-2022," the host welcomes viewers to a celebration of Martyrs' Day. The video's main focus is on Vietnam Martyrs, who are considered the protagonists of the story, including Vietnamites and Europeans such as Spaniards. The aim of the program is to challenge the memoristic law of Grenada, which is perceived as un law that suppresses truth. The host argues that the law needs to be resisted when it stands against the principles of religion. The program covers topics such as the truth, which is a fundamental aspect of the law, its origins, and the fight against it. Additionally, the program delves into topics such as previous reforms, the treatment of deceased Catholics, and the opposition to cremation, which is supported by the Catholic Church. Overall, the program aims to educate, challenge, and motivate its audience to fight against laws and injustices that oppress the principles of religion.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker of the podcast talks about the upcoming episcopal conference and its significance. The conference has relevance on a political and social scale. The speaker also discusses the role of Don Jorge González Guadalix and other notable figures in this conference. Additionally, the speaker invites his viewers to watch and listen to his podcast for interesting discussions. The podcast is available on multiple platforms, including YouTube, Spotify, and others. The speaker also talks about the upcoming project of launching a new podcast based on interesting stories. Finally, the speaker welcomes his guest, Don Álvaro Romero, to the program for an interesting discussion on José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker presents a video about José Antonio Primo de Rivera, discussing various aspects of his life, including his interest in fascism and the role of religion in his politics. The speaker notes that while José Antonio was a fascist and controversial figure, he had a strong Catholic faith. He emphasizes that José Antonio's concept of Catholicism was not just about being a Catholic but was a way of understanding the world and the concept of existence. The speaker calls it "a cosmovisión" and refers to it as the "hachacado," highlighting the conflicts he had with other Catholic groups. The video also expresses José Antonio's love for his mother, Pilar Primo de Rivera, and the family values instilled in him. The speaker concludes that José Antonio's concept of Catholicism was an integral part of his political beliefs and that he embodied the religious and moral values of his time.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the excerpt discusses José Antonio Primo de Rivera and his views on religion. The protagonist attends a meal after a speech, where he expresses that "for a stupendous ruby, one loses the sky. It is something in that sense, that matches his Concepción de la vida, Catholic aid, Catholic aid, cannot be denied. He states that the king's dictator father had to give up his "easy way," the "consequences." Own his Concepción de the Catholic goodwill led Primo de Rivera to give up "a glaring vice." However, his ideology still had many ties with society. Although Primo de Rivera was prepared to meditate on politics, his vocation was to be an attorney. He completes his work in a political way, despite his political beliefs. He became idealistic and socially conscious and developed a deep concern for social justice, which he referred to as "social justice and this is why I believed that the fight to the classes is harmful." He believes that the fight for classes provides many more benefits than solutions, which was a position he had adopted from a novel in which the speaker provides a profound and eloquent argument against socialism. The protagonist had a deep interest in religion and discusses his views on sin, which he attributed to one's willingness to give up his life. He believes that behaviors such as casual improvisation in speech and in the face of death are not compatible with his principles. The protagonist observes that society has become worse, and his concerns are rooted in a desire for a better future. He believes that a reference to his hope for Spain and the interests of his people is key to the preservation of his principles.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses José Antonio Primo de Rivera's strong commitment to his Catholic faith, which is evident in his correspondence and writings. Despite some critics perceiving his earlier interviews as mere posturing, his tío Antón and testament reveal his sincere devotion to God and his acceptance of his imminent execution. The speaker emphasizes that José Antonio did not renounce his nationalist-syndicalist beliefs and instead remained unapologetic. They argue that if he had any doubts or regrets, he would have expressed them in his testament. Furthermore, the speaker highlights José Antonio's exemplary Catholicism, as demonstrated by his contemplation of priesthood. While he ultimately chose a different path, his commitment to his faith remained strong. Ramón Serrano Zúñiga, who wrote extensively about José Antonio's life, consistently emphasizes the central role of his Catholic beliefs.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the spirit of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and how his Catholic faith was an integral part of his political beliefs and actions. He argues that the sympathies of the Falange and sincere love for José Antonio are linked to the cross and the faith, as they all represent this central idea. The speaker refers to the verse "José Antonio lo defendía en su casa" and emphasizes the significance of this defending spirit in politics and society. He concludes by commending José Antonio's perspective, which sought to build a just society from a permanent foundation.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the political climate during the three years of José Antonio Primo de Rivera y the Catholic faith's stance on fascism. The speaker states that there were no changes in the Catholic Church's sentiment towards fascism and that their principles of engranage and prudencia helped navigate these social and political changes. The speaker then mentions El Testamento y the moment of his death, recalling an anecdote of how he forgave his enemies. The speaker also highlights the importance of studying the life of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and his contributions to Catholic faith.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the YouTube video discusses the book "La Sacristía de La Vendée" by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, who was a Spanish politician and founder of the Nationalist Movement on September 19, 1936. The book is known for its brutal content, and it was detained and declared illegal under the presidency of Ramón Serrano Zúñiga. The book contains twelve letters from the author, but the content is unknown due to poor memory. The hosts recommend reading the book in depth to understand its themes, including justice, socialism, communism, and the last reign of terror. They also encourage viewers to read other works by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, such as "Fascismo y Antifascismo" and "El reino social católico". Lastly, they invited viewers to send their greetings to the loved ones of the author, including Jorge Gonzalez Guadalix.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the YouTube video titled "José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la fe católica - La Sacristía de La Vendée: 24-11-2022" features a discussion on the topic of the Officio funebre. The speaker discusses the concept of the Funerary Office and explains that it was originally a Pascual ritual, which means that it had a strong Christian symbolism. They explain that the Funerary Office was similar to the Pagan Roman rituals but had a strong Jewish influence, including practices such as numeration of the corpse in contrast to cremation and the recitation of psalms, washing the body, and the subsequent inhumation. The speaker asserts that the reform of the Funerary Office, initiated by the Concilio Vaticano II, aimed to recover the lost elements of the ritual and to return to a more traditional form of practice.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la fe católica - La Sacristía de La Vendée: 24-11-2022", the speaker discusses the notion of passing from this world to the next and entering the kingdom of God after death. He explains that the idea is to see how the beginning of this eternal life is similar to the beginning of life on earth, but the concept that is being emphasized is much more than just the ritual itself. The speaker discusses the three sacraments of initiation in Christianity - baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist, and their corresponding elements. The idea is to focus on the sacraments and the obligations of receiving the viaticum before death, which is the second rite in the rituals exequiales. The speaker notes that in the past, the rituals exequiales were influenced by the concept of a parallelism with the Last Supper in the New Testament. The emphasis is now on the importance of receiving the viaticum before death and not just on reciting prayers and singing hymns. Overall, the speaker suggests that the current ritual of exequiales is a representation of the final chapter of the story of salvation, and should be approached with reverence and respect for the importance of receiving the viaticum before passing on.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the contrast between the texts and rituals of traditional liturgy and the invented texts of the post-Vatican II reform. They specifically focus on the visual aspect of the liturgy, stating that the reform entered through the eyes of millions of Catholic and non-Catholic believers. The use of black vestments in the liturgy of the dead is highlighted as an example of a contradiction in the post-Vatican II liturgy. The speaker questions why black vestments, which were a centuries-old tradition, were replaced with purple vestments. They suggest that this change has had sociological and psychological consequences on the faithful. The discussion also touches on the theological significance of colors in the Church and references ancient sources to support their argument.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the use of colors in Catholic liturgy, specifically the change from black to purple for funerals. They mention that the color black has historically been associated with mourning and expresses the pain and tragedy of death. They argue that black is the appropriate color for liturgical funerals as it represents the darkness and grief that comes with losing a loved one. The speaker believes that purple, on the other hand, does not reflect the theology of funerals and is used to soften the tragedy and sorrow. They suggest that the use of black with threads of gold and silver better conveys the idea that only the light of Christ can illuminate the darkness of the heart during these moments of grief. The speaker acknowledges that sociological factors influenced the choice of purple over black but emphasizes the importance of tradition in liturgical practices.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The speaker in the video discusses various aspects of their YouTube channel and the importance of engaging with their content. They also share their positive experience collaborating with a guest on the program and the value of discussing topics related to the Catholic faith. The Speakers then engage in a discussion about various aspects of the Catholic faith, including liturgy for the dead and the changes that have occurred in recent times. They express concern about the shift towards cremation and the increasingly casual and lighthearted approach towards death and the afterlife. The Speakers also reflect on the importance of reintroducing a sense of reverence and understanding towards death and the afterlife. The speaker also discusses specific codes and cannons in the Catholic Church that address cremation and the role of competent authority in granting or denying funeral rites. Finally, the speaker discusses the relevance and importance of the Catholic Church in politics and its role in promoting social and political issues.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the YouTuber discusses the different sections of their YouTube channel, including the weekly program and various segments they have started. They mention the importance of entering the channel and finding the current video and upcoming programs. They also discuss their positive experience working with a guest on the program and the value of discussing topics related to the Catholic faith and the attack on the Catholicism in Spain. The YouTuber introduces the participants in the discussion and mentions that they will be talking about the liturgy for the dead and the changes that have been made in recent times.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speakers discuss various aspects related to the Catholic faith and burial practices. They mention that it is not prohibited for priests to wear black vestments during funerals and that cremation, while not recommended by the Church, has been permitted for several decades. They emphasize the belief that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be respected by allowing nature to run its course and burying the deceased. They also highlight the historical contrast between the Catholic tradition of burial and the pagan practice of cremation. The speakers express concern about the shift towards cremation, which they attribute to a weakening of faith. They acknowledge that the body loses its status as a human body once the soul departs, becoming a cadaver or remains. The speakers reflect on the changes in funeral rituals and terminology, noting that some references to "despojos" (remains) have been removed in favor of more technical language. They invite the input of an older priest in discussing the evolution of perceptions and practices surrounding death and funerals.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the loss of faith and transcendence in relation to death and the afterlife, noting a shift towards a more casual and lighthearted approach. They mention the disappearance of concepts like purgatory and hell, and the suavization of the funeral rites. They also mention the importance of the black vestments and catafalques in understanding the traditional Catholic view of death. They criticize the current trend of turning death into a joke and highlight the need to reintroduce a sense of reverence and understanding towards death and the afterlife. The speakers recommend a book called "Historia de la muerte en Occidente" by Felipe Aguirre, which explores the history of death in Western culture from a Catholic perspective.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of a book that explores the Catholic faith during the Middle Ages and how it relates to the concept of death. They note that many customs and traditions surrounding death and funerals have been preserved from that time, emphasizing the deep connection between Christianity and death. The speaker also mentions the role of priests and their perspective on the changes in liturgy and the loss of certain traditions. They highlight the idea that these changes have led to a sense of falseness and an abandonment of basic aesthetic and anthropological principles. The section ends with a anecdote about a priest's reaction to the lack of proper attire at a funeral, questioning why people have abandoned such basic traditions if even priests have stopped using them in liturgical contexts.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the topic of cremation and burial practices, particularly in relation to the Catholic faith. They mention that traditionally, burials were conducted within churches, but in some places, columbariums are now being used to store ashes. The speaker emphasizes that it is strictly forbidden to cremate a body and then scatter the ashes or keep them as a decoration, highlighting the importance of proper burial and respect for the deceased. They also mention the different cultural practices surrounding funeral rites, such as the Romans' use of sarcophagi and the Day of the Dead celebration in America. The speaker notes that the distinction between body and soul plays a role in these practices, and the Church teaches that bodies should be buried with respect. They argue that changing funeral rituals can lead to a loss of faith and contribute to anthropological errors. The speaker recommends studying the topic further through a document from the Holy See and a book titled "La Sepultura Cristiana."
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the topic of cremation within the Catholic Church. They mention specific codes and canons that address the issue, highlighting a change in the Church's stance on cremation over the years. The speaker also questions whether the current mentality of society aligns with these codes and whether the Church actually denies Christian burial for those who choose cremation. They also mention the role of competent authority in granting or denying funeral rites and discuss the case of public sinners. Overall, the speaker suggests that there is a clear doctrine on cremation but acknowledges that there are many aspects to consider. The section concludes with a lighthearted mention of the new secretary of the Episcopal Conference being elected from their archdiocese and the speaker congratulates them.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the conversation is about the relevance and importance of bishops in the current state of the Episcopal Conference. The speakers express skepticism towards the speech of Cardinal Omella and highlight the lack of seriousness and repetition in these types of speeches. They criticize the Conference for prioritizing appearances and consensus over meaningful discussions and decisions. The conversation also touches on the issue of the Trans Law and how its impact on children and young people is seen as less significant compared to the warning labels on cigarette packs. Overall, there is a feeling that the Conference is disconnected from the people and fails to address important issues effectively.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the irrelevance and emptiness of the Catholic Church's discourse, which has become increasingly conformist and disconnected from its core values. He suggests that this is due to a misguided attempt to modernize and reconcile with the changing times. Additionally, he highlights the Church's fear of economic consequences, particularly in relation to financial support and donations from parishioners. The speaker also criticizes the Church for adopting a Protestantized mentality that seeks to minimize religious presence in public spaces and align itself with secular ideologies. He points out that this is evident in the Church's propaganda campaigns, which resemble those of secular events rather than religious initiatives. The speaker concludes by noting the Church's tendency to prioritize dialogue with politicians, suggesting that it is attempting to blend in and seek forgiveness rather than boldly proclaim its message.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the role of the Catholic Church in politics and suggests that those at the grassroots level should be the ones involved in politics, rather than bishops. They criticize certain decisions made by the Church, such as the inclusion of non-binary options in a questionnaire by Caritas Barcelona. The speaker also mentions the lack of Gospel in political programs and criticizes the demonization of certain political parties. They then transition to discussing their own upcoming classes and the mission of bishops to teach and preach the Gospel. They express their intention to bring their blog to their YouTube channel and make more assertive comments. Lastly, they mention a controversial tweet by "páter Góngora" that has sparked a reaction on social media.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a recent debate in the Spanish Congress of Deputies regarding the general state budget. They highlight a speech given by Vox party representative Carla Toscano, in which she criticizes the Ministry of Equality and its association with gender ideology. The speaker notes that various international figures, such as Petro of Colombia and Alberto Fernández of Argentina, came to Irene Montero's defense, prompting a priest from Almería to support Toscano's speech. The speaker expresses frustration with the fact that those who criticize gender violence and political violence are often labeled as macho or extremist, while those who defend abortion and euthanasia are portrayed as victims. They argue that the true perpetrators of violence are those enabling laws that result in thousands of abortions and euthanasia cases in Spain. The speaker concludes by asserting their right to freedom of expression and defending their stance in line with church doctrine.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the criticism received by Carla Toscano, who defended judges that have been insulted for their decisions. The speaker mentions that Toscano has been attacked for her relationship with Pablo Iglesias, and emphasizes that she has studied extensively to reach her position. Additionally, the speaker mentions the criticism received by Monsignor Omella for his comments on Twitter, particularly regarding scientific evidence and faith. The speaker also highlights a tweet by Father Rodrigo, in which he criticizes the government for granting political power to the heirs of a terrorist organization. The speaker concludes by referring to the importance of public opinion and the role of social media in shaping it.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses a recent event where a woman from the United States defended abortion and euthanasia at a conference in Avila, Spain. The speaker finds it curious that some individuals who oppose neoliberalism also advocate for progressive economic policies, such as the freedom to choose abortion. The argument presented is that being against neoliberalism does not necessarily mean supporting abortion. The speaker also criticizes the labeling and use of adjectives in political discourse, expressing frustration with being called various names without substantive arguments. Additionally, the speaker criticizes the Opus Dei leadership and dismisses the government of China as illegitimate due to its oppressive nature, stating that the Catholic doctrine does not support such regimes.

02:00:00 - 02:30:00

The speaker in the YouTube video titled "José Antonio Primo de Rivera y la fe católica - La Sacristía de La Vendée: 24-11-2022" delves into a range of controversial topics within the Catholic Church, including legislative changes, abortion, violence against women, celibacy, and same-sex relationships. The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of affairs, where traditional Catholic teachings seem to be being undermined by modernist views and political changes. The speaker argues that the importance of preserving traditional doctrine must be emphasized and that the Church needs to ensure that it maintains its constructive influence in the world. The video also includes a discussion on the upcoming direct broadcast of the Programma Tomista and a reflection on the importance of the spiritual message and the role of God in people's lives.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the speaker criticizes recent legislative changes in Spain, such as the gender law, divorce law, and transgender law, referring to them as "legislative aberrations." They also mention an article that equates the secret agreements between the Vatican and China with the appointment of bishops during Franco's regime. The speaker argues that this comparison is malicious or ignorant, as it fails to recognize that the communist regime in China has been persecuting the Catholic Church for decades. The speaker also mentions the lack of transparency in the current synodal church and the mistreatment of Cardinal Müller in Rome. They conclude by highlighting the secrecy and lack of knowledge within the church, particularly regarding China, the economy, and international charities like Caritas. The section ends with a brief mention of a French priest who was sanctioned for speaking the truth about abortion and World War I.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses various controversial topics, including abortion, violence against women, and the issue of celibacy within the Catholic Church. They express their frustration with the current state of affairs, where bishops, cardinals, and priests are seen openly supporting same-sex relationships and criticizing celibacy and pro-life positions. The speaker argues that this level of modernism and deviation from traditional Catholic teachings was not seen in the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. They also highlight the case of the President of the Juan Pablo II Institute, who suggests blessing same-sex couples. The speaker expresses disbelief at these developments and emphasizes that there seem to be no consequences for such actions within the Church.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the presence of certain individuals within the Catholic Church who have gained influence in the past 10 years, particularly during Pope Francis' papacy. The speaker suggests that this can be seen as a positive thing because it helps reveal the true nature of people's hearts and beliefs. However, the speaker also questions whether any significant doctrinal changes have actually been made during this time, highlighting the numerous synods and discussions that have taken place without resulting in any concrete changes. The speaker expresses concern that while the Pope may be seen as a figurehead, it is the influence of others within the Church that continues to have an impact. Additionally, the speaker discusses the changes made in the Vatican II Council, arguing that while the documents themselves may not be heterodox, there have been political changes in the Church that have had significant implications. The speaker uses the example of changes in the stance on communion for divorced and remarried individuals to illustrate this point.
  • 02:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential changes in Canon 915 and how it could impact the teaching of traditional Catholic doctrine. They express gratitude that certain doctrines, like the Church's teaching on the death penalty, have not been changed to the point where it would cause problems. They emphasize the importance of preserving traditional doctrine and express concern about the gradual degradation of doctrine through decrees and changes. The speaker also criticizes the lack of a consistent criterion or realist Catholic philosophy in the Church's decision-making process. They conclude by mentioning a news article about a proposal to offer financial incentives for couples to marry in the Church, highlighting the concern for the decline of traditional families.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, the discussion revolves around the demographic problem and the suggestion to encourage marriage as a way to increase birth rates. The conversation criticizes the idea that financial incentives for marriage should only be available to those who marry traditionally and form traditional families, deeming it subversive. The focus then shifts to the issue of authority within the Catholic Church, with mentions of controversial figures and their influence on decision-making. The need for prudence is discussed, particularly in relation to statements made by cardinals and bishops regarding same-sex couples. The importance of freedom of expression is emphasized, and the conversation highlights a bishop's encouragement to continue expressing views freely. The segment ends with praise for a vicar's support and agreement on the discussed matters.
  • 02:25:00 In this section of the video, host Padre Gabriel announces that he will be traveling to Barcelona this weekend to speak about the book "La crisis de fe" and the disintegration of Spain. He will be joined by Father Custodio Ballester, Javier Barreco, and others in a presentation of the crisis. During the presentation, Padre Gabriel discusses the importance of the work of José Antonio Primo de Rivera, who was a Spanish Falangist leader executed during the Spanish Civil War. He emphasizes that despite José Antonio's controversial legacy, his insights can still be valuable to contemporary audiences in both the Church and the broader Hispanic world. Padre Gabriel also discusses the upcoming direct broadcast of the Programma Tomista of Veritatem on Sunday, which will be available online in addition to the live broadcast.
  • 02:30:00 In this section, another selected video in the series takes a break from giving out specific information and delves deeper into the spiritual message. The speaker expresses gratitude that the conversation has continued and for the possibility to be present, acknowledging that it is not possible to be there every week. The video extends to ask for God's blessing, thanking him for the opportunity to converge and improve on the conversation.

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