Summary of Bizancio, la raíz común

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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

In this video, historians David Abulafia and Alberto Toscano discuss the origins of the Byzantine Empire. Abulafia argues that the term "Bizancio" is a combination of two Greek words, bizantine and Constantinople, and that it originally referred to the period of Byzantine history between 1204 and 1261. Toscano, on the other hand, argues that the Byzantine Empire was not a separate entity, but rather a continuation of the Roman Empire. He also discusses the Byzantine Empire's influence on later empires, including the Ottoman Empire.

  • 00:10:00 The video, "Bizancio, la raíz común" covers the history of the Byzantine Empire and its influence on the world. The presenter discusses the empire's decline and its legacy on modern day Europe and the Middle East.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, Professor David Abulafia of the University of Cambridge discusses the origins of the term "Bizancio." He argues that the term is a combination of two Greek words, bizantine and Constantinople, and that it originally referred to the period of Byzantine history between 1204 and 1261.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, historian and author Alberto Toscano discusses the origins of the Byzantine Empire, which he argues was a continuation of the Roman Empire. In this video, historian and author Alberto Toscano discusses the origins of the Byzantine Empire, which he argues was a continuation of the Roman Empire. Toscano argues that the Byzantine Empire was not a separate entity, but rather a continuation of the Roman Empire. He also discusses the Byzantine Empire's influence on later empires, including the Ottoman Empire.

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