Summary of October 27, 2022 Pre Mass, Introductory Rites and Liturgy of the word.

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this YouTube video, the speaker discusses the importance of the Mass and sets the stage for the class. They explain that the class will look at the Mass from three different angles, including the perspective of the Roman Catholics Anglican rite, which offers more detailed descriptions of the different parts of the Mass. The video includes discussions on the church's history, the significance of entering the church, the role of sacred objects such as candles and the tabernacle, and the Liturgy of the Word. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the lector and making the readings engaging to keep the congregation's attention. Additionally, the concept of perichoresis is introduced, describing the binding of the Holy Trinity and the two natures of Jesus Christ as a choreographed dance where all members move precisely and fluidly together.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, a joke is told before the opening prayer of a church service. The speaker then asks the congregation to imagine themselves at the church early in the morning with the church being dark and illuminated only by a red globe. The prayer is given in the name of the father and of Jesus Christ. The speaker acknowledges their unworthiness to enter the house of God, but asks for compassion and righteousness.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the Mass and sets the stage for the class. They explain that the class will look at the Mass from three different angles, including the perspective of the Roman Catholics Anglican rite, which offers more detailed descriptions of the different parts of the Mass. The speaker also explains the history behind the split between the Church in England and the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation, which happened shortly after the Pope declared King Henry VII the defender of the faith. This split is important to understand in order to grasp the context of the Catholic Anglican rite.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses King Henry's reformation and how he moved the Church of England out of the Catholic faith, mainly for the purpose of having an heir to keep his nation safe. However, the speaker also emphasizes that Henry was the defender of the faith, which is an extremely rare honor. The purpose of the introductory rites is to bring everyone together in one body of Christ and to listen to God's word, which is the heart of Sunday worship. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of entering the church, which should be fully intended and remembered, as it symbolizes leaving behind worldly cares and consecrating oneself to God.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video's speaker talks about their upcoming assignments for the class and introduces the structure of the match, breaking it down into four areas: pre-match actions, introductory rights, Liturgy of the Word, and the Eucharist. They briefly touch on the Communion of Saints and their personal experiences with it. The speaker also shares how they begin their Sundays with a strong sense of conversion and spirituality, and talk about their grandmother's belief of the separation through the veil.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the importance of preparing oneself before entering the church and the proper etiquette to follow. He suggests arriving 15 minutes early and removing hats, hoods, and covering heads before entering the church. He especially emphasizes the significance of women wearing veils during mass to signify their holiness. Though it is not mandatory, it is a lovely tradition that he encourages women to partake in. However, he clarifies that not wearing a veil will not result in any punishment from the church.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the significance of sanctifying oneself with holy water upon entering the church, associating it with the act of baptism and choosing to follow God. They also provide insight on why women are allowed to wear hats in church while men are not, and explain the concept of the narthex as the entryway of the church. Furthermore, they mention the symbolism behind the design of the church's interior, particularly the ark-like structure of the nave, and inquire about how one can verify that Christ is present in the Tabernacle.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains the role of the sacred candle and the empty tabernacle in the church. The candle signifies the presence of Christ, and the tabernacle is usually never empty, except on Good Friday when there are reserved hosts. Taking hosts out of the tabernacle should only be done by extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who have met diocesan training requirements, and the bishop has approved them. Both men and women can be extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and the speaker encourages attendees to consider this rewarding service to the community.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, a volunteer reader reads out verses 1 through 12 of chapter 13 from the Bible, which describes the parable of the sower. The word "table" is used to denote the gathering of stories, poems, songs, and proverbs. The speaker also talks about the Epiphany, celebrated on January 6th, where Christ is manifested to Gentiles, and the word "perichloresis," a Greek term, is introduced. The concept of an epiphany is explained as a spiritual realization or a sudden insight that makes everything clear.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the concept of perichoresis, which describes the binding of the Holy Trinity and the two natures of Jesus Christ as a choreographed dance where all members move precisely and fluidly together. The speaker compares this to an old-fashioned formal dance where every participant has a part to play and assists others. The Mass, therefore, is seen as a formal dance where the Trinity is our partner and the wider community are the participants, all having a part, participating, and assisting one another. The community of saints is discussed, consisting of three houses: the Church militant, the Church penitent, and the Church triumphant, all participating in the Mass simultaneously, regardless of time zone or language.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker talks about Purgatory and how individuals have to spend some time purifying themselves before going to heaven. He jokingly shares that he may have to spend 10,000 years in Purgatory. He then talks about the Church Triumphant and how they participate in the Mass with the living. The speaker shares how the Vatican 2 Mass is his preferred type of Mass because he can understand what is being said, and the congregation can participate, making it a beautiful and shared experience. The speaker then asks the audience to turn to Matthew 18:20 and reminds them that two or three are gathered in Jesus' name.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, the priest sets up the introductory rites and Liturgy of the Word. The gathering starts with Christ being brought forward and the priest acting in place of Christ. During this gathering, there is a sanctifying water that can take place, usually done by the bishop, at the beginning of the mass. Followed by the penitential right, where attendees confess and apologize for their shortcomings and request help from God. The penitential right is then followed by the Kyrie, a prayer for mercy. This is followed by the Gloria, which is sung every Sunday and is a song of praise.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the Liturgy of the Word and the role of the lector. They explain that the purpose of the Liturgy of the Word is to get God's word to the people and that the lector is responsible for making the words come alive. The speaker uses the analogy of the lector being a window that allows the word of the Lord to come through and into the people of the pew. They emphasize the importance of eye contact and making the readings engaging to keep the congregation's attention. The speaker also shares their love for a particular Old Testament reading and suggests that making the readings come alive can be a gratifying experience.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses the structure of the Liturgy of the Word during a Catholic Mass, including the readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Epistles, and the Gospel. The speaker reflects on the historical context of the New Testament letters and emphasizes the importance of prayer and fasting during the mass. The video also delves into the liturgy of the Eucharist, including the presentation and preparation of gifts on the altar and the significance of offering. The speaker emphasizes the importance of Catholic obligations, such as attending Mass and completing sacraments of initiation, and mentions upcoming events in the Church, including celebrations for All Saints Day, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and National Eucharistic Revival. Finally, the community discusses the news of Father Gregory's transfer and welcomes Father Mark as their new pastor.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the video explains the structure of the Liturgy of the Word during a Catholic Mass, which includes the first reading from the Old Testament, the Psalm with a repetitive refrain, the second reading from the Epistles, and the Gospel. The video reflects on the historical contexts of the letters in the New Testament and how they depict the early Church's struggles. Additionally, it is mentioned that Psalm is chanted to create an atmosphere of prayer where worshippers can contemplate their faith and their relationship with God.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker explains the importance of the sacrament of confession in Catholicism and how it acknowledges that people often make mistakes. The transcript then proceeds to describe the Liturgy of the Word, where the priest reads the first and second readings from the Bible, followed by the Gospel. The Gospel reading is considered the high point of the liturgy and is followed by a homily to help the congregation reflect on its message. Lastly, the speaker emphasizes the requirement of fasting for one hour before taking communion.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker talks about the importance of the Creed, which encapsulates everything one should believe in as a Christian. The speaker mentions that some people may pick and choose what they believe in, but the Creed is an important proclamation of what it means to be a Christian. The Creed used to be worded "We Believe," but after Vatican II, it was changed to "I Believe." The speaker also discusses the length of the Creed and how it is helpful to have a shorter version for people who may pass out during a long homily.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to the prayers during the Catholic ritual, as many people may not realize just how essential they are. The prayers are a way of praying for assistance and the needs of the whole world. During the Liturgy of the Word, the congregation is reminded that they are one and that when they say "Lord, hear our prayer," it is a united prayer, not individual ones. The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the second half of the mass, and it is divided into two sections, just like how the first Christians went to synagogue to listen to the word and then to someone's home for the Eucharist. The speaker also notes the unmistakable connection between Judaism and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker talks about a scene from the movie "There be Dragons," which depicts a priest named Saint Jose Maria Esquivel giving last rites to a Jewish man. The speaker then goes on to talk about the founder of Opus Dei, Saint Jose Maria Scribio, who underwent persecution during the Spanish Civil War. The speaker also reflects on their experience with the Catholic Church in Hispanic communities, where they previously assumed that these countries were just hardcore Catholic until they studied the history of the Spanish Civil War.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the video, the speakers discuss historical cases of Catholic persecution, including in Mexico, France during the Revolution, and England under Mary and Elizabeth. They also recommend the film "For Greater Glory" about Saint Jose Maria. The discussion then moves on to the liturgy of the Eucharist and the presentation and preparation of gifts on the altar, including the concept of offering, exemplified by the story of the Widow's Mite in Luke 21:1-4. The speakers note that gifts come in many forms, from large bills to pocket change, and emphasize the importance of giving.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of giving offerings during Mass and how some people may take offerings for themselves. He mentions the story of Cain and Abel to explain the significance of bringing the best of one's crops or flock as an offering to the Lord. As the altar is being set and offerings are being made, the priest blesses the crew of water that the altar boy hands him, and the wine is poured into the Chalice.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the significance of adding water to the wine during the preparation of the chalice. The water symbolizes the union of divinity and humanity in Christ. The video also touches on the importance of the Eucharistic prayer, which is considered the central prayer of the entire mass celebration. The prayer is a call to unite with the priest in addressing the father through Jesus Christ, reminding viewers that during the Eucharistic prayer, it is not the priest standing on the altar but rather Jesus Christ himself. The video also briefly mentions the proper way to lift one's heart during the prayer and introduces the upcoming continuation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses attendance obligations for Catholics, specifically those who have not completed their sacraments of initiation. She explains that those who are baptized have an obligation to attend Mass every weekend and on holy days of obligation, and if they have not completed their other sacraments of initiation, they should work towards completing them. The speaker also mentions upcoming masses for All Saints Day and All Souls Day and highlights the importance of completing all sacraments of initiation.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of All Saints Day and All Souls Day, which are days to remember and pray for the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory, respectively. They also mention the tradition of praying a rosary for the people buried in Potter's Field, a cemetery for those with no family who claimed them, and for those with loved ones buried in Kingsburg Cemetery. Additionally, they mention upcoming masses and celebrations including Thanksgiving Day Mass and the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations, which are not holy days of obligation but are still significant.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the transcript, the speaker mentions various upcoming events in the church including the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a night of Eucharistic adoration, an Advent Parish Mission, and a Diocesan Shrine of Saint Jude. The speaker also talks about the prayer for National Eucharistic Revival and the need for Catholics to understand the true presence of Jesus. Additionally, the speaker announces that Father Gregory, who has served the church for 18 years, will be transferred and replaced by Father Mark Maxson from Saint Malachi's. The speaker notes that it will be a big change for many in the community but that they will welcome Father Mark with open arms.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, parishioners discuss the recent news of their current priest Father Gregory being transferred and replaced by Father Mark. Father Mark is an experienced priest who also celebrates the traditional Latin Mass like Father Gregory. However, although the community is saddened by Father Gregory's departure, they remain faithful to the bishop's decision in obedience to the Church. The community takes comfort in knowing that Father Mark will soon become their new pastor and they welcome him with open arms.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the "October 27, 2022 Pre Mass, Introductory Rites and Liturgy of the Word" video, the speaker starts with some informal talk and announces that there will be a break until the end of November. He leads the audience in a prayer and recites the Lord's Prayer. Additionally, the speaker encourages those who missed the last session to see him as they missed out on a handout provided by Laura.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the speaker begins with some banter and informs the audience that there would be a break until the end of November. The speaker then leads the audience in a prayer and recites the Lord's Prayer. He urges those who missed last week's session to see him as they missed out on a handout given by Laura.

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