Summary of El Big Bang: "El origen del Universo"

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In the "El Big Bang: "El origen del Universo" video, scientists discuss the origins of the universe and how it came to be. They explain that in the very early moments after the big bang, small subatomic particles known as quarks collided and created matter. This event set off a shower of elemental particles like quarks that later formed stars and galaxies. Scientists hope to use a machine called the higgs chamber to capture the trail of the elusive higgs particle, which could contain the secret to the universe's mass. If successful, this machine would provide a new era of scientific discovery.

  • 00:00:00 In the video, Professor Lawrence Krauss discusses the "Big Bang" and how it occurred in a fraction of a second. From that moment on, the universe existed and has continued to grow ever since. It is amazing what can happen in an instant, literally closing one's eyes to see. The universe is composed of matter and energy, and the secret to creation and everything is hidden inside that first or second moment in time. The technology is close to revealing what happened in the second most important moment in history, the "Big Bang." Krauss has dedicated his career to studying this moment, and after that, understanding our place in the universe. We must go back to the beginning and uncover what happened, starting with the absolute. This theory has only been around for a few decades, and is still being accepted by the scientific community. However, one of the concepts that has been around for centuries is the idea of the "Big Band." The theory suggests that in the beginning, there was nothing. Time and space didn't exist because they didn't exist in and of themselves. From nothing, a ball of fire exploded into existence millions of times larger than the sun. This became the universe. It exploded from a tiny concentration millions of times smaller than the tip of
  • 00:05:00 In the second after the big band was created, the foundation of all stars and planets in the cosmos was tested. First, they need a new way to measure time, so we thought in smaller time units than we use in any human activity. The first active and smaller time units of a car race or good job were discovered. What we've learned is that anything can happen in these smaller time units. A second-rate contract can be completed in the blink of an eye, and one can close their eyes in space and be surprised by love. Hours, minutes, and seconds are the foundation of modern life, but events that followed the big band occurred in smaller time units of less than a second to analyze. To understand what happens, scientists use a new measure of time called time of plank. This equals 10 raised to less than 43 seconds. So it's an impossible quantity. Yet, in this small pulse of time, plank occurs something that determines the next 13 million 700 million years of the universe. Four fundamental forces of nature depend on it: gravity, the nuclear force,
  • 00:10:00 Scientists studying the early universe used radio telescopes to detect a faint, ancient radiation called cosmic background radiation. They found that this radiation was coming from all directions, not just from Earth, and was older than anything else detected. They also realized that this radiation was the echo of the Big Bang, which occurred 13.7 billion years ago. This rapid expansion was called inflation, and the radiation left behind is still detectable today as radio waves. These waves reveal that the universe is expanding at an ever-faster rate, and that it was once much smaller than it is now.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, scientists explain the origins of the universe. They describe how, in the first few seconds after the big bang, the universe was filled with intense energy. This energy caused the expansion of space. However, if the universe is uniform, from the first second after the big bang to the present, how did galaxies and planets form? Scientists from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) have developed a satellite called the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). WMAP is so sensitive that it can measure the temperature of cosmic radiation in a billionth of a degree. This data has allowed scientists to map the distribution of temperatures in the universe in great detail. What was once invisible to the human eye is now being observed in great detail with sophisticated instruments. The universe has been evolving for billions of years, and as it has done so, tiny waves of energy have turned into groups of particles. These particles then form stars and galaxies. This video provides an exciting glimpse into the history of the universe and the role of cosmic radiation in its development.
  • 00:20:00 The universe began 13.000 million years ago with the birth of the sun. Stars and planets formed as a result of the universe's rapid expansion. Science has been able to locate the trail of everything we see today up to the first second of creation, but we are here thanks to what happened in the few seconds of time following the Big Bang. The universe is inundated with the components of matter, up to the present day according to the cosmic clock. The universe at the beginning was nothing more than energy, which became matter after being purified. All that surrounds us is composed of matter. Where is the air we breathe, and all the planet is composed of matter? All of it is made of atoms. In the first second after the Big Bang, the ingredients for atoms were created. However, as matter appeared, something that always has puzzled scientists until 1905 was when Albert Einstein proposed his most famous equation-m = c². Einstein's equation tells us that energy and matter are different representations of the same thing. Matter and energy are interchangeable. Some scientists later used this equation to create the most destructive weapon in history-the atomic bomb. In an nuclear explosion, particles of matter separate to produce a massive amount of energy.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the discovery of antimatter, which until that point had only been observed in laboratories. The video explain that matter and antimatter are enemies, and that they cannot coexist. A fraction of a second after the big bang, the universe was filled with particles of the elements. These particles are constantly fighting, and if the battle is not won, the universe will eventually end. However, thanks to the work of scientists at a particle accelerator, we may be able to solve this problem. If they can understand how the quarks behave, they may be able to reveal the secret to matter itself. If this is successful, it could revolutionize medicine and restart space exploration. The project began in 2000 and has been ongoing for five years. In 2005, after smashing atoms of gold together, scientists discovered a liquid instead of a gas. This was a surprise because, according to the standard model of the universe, everything should have turned into gas. This discovery has led scientists to rethink the early moments of the universe. With the help of a particle accelerator, we are able to create two types of matter- one that we observe around us, and the other, antimatter. Matter and antimatter are enemies, and when they come into contact, a battle ens
  • 00:30:00 In 1964, the physicist F.H.Ising, at the University of Edinburgh, proposed that the universe began with a "big bang" - an explosion of matter and energy that created everything we see around us. The video follows a battle between matter and antimatter, which results in an explosive universe. Soon after, everything would have been destroyed, including us. However, something created mass in the first seconds after the big bang, allowing for the creation of galaxies and life. Although scientists still don't know what gave mass to the particles, this mystery may be solved with the discovery of the "first piece of the puzzle" - the mass that makes everything move.
  • 00:35:00 El video discusses the theory of the Big Bang, proposing that an invisible field extends throughout the universe in the first second and giving mass to particles known as the Higgs field. When particles interact with the field, they gain mass. For example, if we push a car that has run out of gas on a highway, it can be moved and progress, but if we were in mud, it would be much harder to move. Likewise, particles have mass even though they don't have mass in the everyday world. The theory of the Big Bang says that the field of Higgs is dragged along by particles, giving them mass. This theory has been tested by building the largest accelerators in the world, but until now, no particle has been found that is able to explain the existence of love. Recently, a small scale version of this machine has been built to withdraw the conditions that existed 13.7 billion years ago, and if it works as planned, it will be able to detect what is happening inside the machine called Atlas. This machine occupies half of a football field and weighs as much as a nuclear submarine. It is able to detect millions of collections per second.
  • 00:40:00 In the video, titled "El Big Bang: "El origen del Universo", scientists discuss the origins of the universe. In the very early moments of the universe's existence, the very small subatomic particles known as quarks collided and created matter. This event is known as the big bang. After the big bang, a shower of elemental particles like quarks awaited discovery. However, finding one particle in this storm is like finding a gold nugget on a beach. The higgs chamber, which detected this particle, has a life span of only 6 minutes. As a result, the particle's trail is difficult to detect. Scientists hope to capture this trail with higher technology cameras and analyze the data. This information may contain the secret to the universe's mass, the missing piece of the puzzle about the first second of the universe. The higgs chamber, which uses the world's most powerful supercomputers, is currently being built and will be activated shortly. This machine could lead to a new era in science by revealing the history of the universe's creation. If successful, the higgs chamber would have conducted the first experiment in history that led to the discovery of the higgs zone. This zone is a region of the universe where the energy
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the origins of the universe and how it came to be. It explains that in the next few minutes, the universe will be cooled enough so that protons and neutrons will form the first atomic nuclei 300 years later. This first atom appears in billions of years as matter accumulates to form the first stars and galaxies. Over nine billion years later, the earth is born.

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