Summary of La Crisis de la Posmodernidad

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The video discusses the current crisis of postmodernity, and how it is characterized by a loss of faith in science and an increasing distrust of the individual. It argues that this trend has led to a rise in fundamentalist and supremacist ideologies, as well as the spread of pseudoscience.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the phenomenon of "walk culture," which is a social trend that is gradually becoming more noticeable in developed and developing countries, and slowly also in countries not so developed in which political positions are increasingly dividing society, until these people on foot join in debating and deconstructing each element of daily life. Caricatures must have a political correct message, the language must be vigilantly monitored, clothing must be looked at carefully, words and thoughts must all be subject to a witch hunt, and normalization, romanticization, and deconstruction of society must stop being unusual to social media users, who now speak of "normalizing" stopping "romanticizing" the decay of society, and "deconstructing" as if the majority of the population had a selective formation in philosophy of postmodernity and sociology. If this is culture, where everyone is awake, where endless debates take place day by day to decide if a joke is part of a system of oppression, then common people on foot must be asking themselves the same question: is it all just rhetoric, without meaning? The answer is not so simple, everything arising in the postmodern era is the result of what was the project of the modern era- the postmodern era is not something that
  • 00:05:00 The following is a transcript excerpt of a YouTube video titled "La Crisis de la Posmodernidad" followed by a 1-paragraph summary of the video's main point: The video highlights the fact that the current crisis of postmodernity has some useful applications, such as understanding how we can be oppressed more effectively with smiles and promises rather than with bars and jails. It also helps to understand what was a disciplined society, and to understand that progress is not an objective reality that can be verified by science, but rather a mere belief. All of these narrative analyses are useful, but they all go into a crisis when a man called Alan Sokal publishes a paper in a postmodern academic journal called "Social Text." This paper had something special--it said nothing at all. It was just a string of words with a few phrases repeated ad nauseam. It was called "Fashionable Nonsense." Sokal's goal was to show that intellectual debates can be won by making attacks on accepted scientific principles using loaded terms like "vector isomorphism." This was met with widespread criticism, and Sokal responded with a book called "Impostures Intellectuelles," which attempted to list all the ways in which intellectuals had used scientific terms wrongly.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the crisis of the postmodern era, which it refers to as a "totalitarian masculinity" that dominates society. It says that important words such as "humanity", "patria", "nation", "person", and "citizen" are feminine, and therefore this type of totalitarianism has already tainted these words. Therefore, one cannot critique it from within this same totalitarian language. I respond that you are capable of knowing this because you are using the same totalitarian language supposedly. Furthermore, Japan and Turkey do not have a gender-based typography, and they are not part of the system. He responds that nothing can come out of this totalitarianism because even though I try to make a critique with language, it is still totalitarian. So, there is no way to argue against this because ultimately I am using language now to try to be direct. However, at this point we do not have a way to study social sciences in the same way that we study physics or biology because each science has its own methods and forms. However, this does not mean that the scientific method is not useful. Rather, it is something that needs to be adapted but at this point the complexity of human existence is too great and ridiculous that we have no way to
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the concept of "posmodernity," which is a social construct that was first introduced by sociologist Jerry Alencon and biologist Prof. Daniel Daniels. Jerry and Daniels debate the role of sex and gender in society, with Jerry stating that they are social constructs that are based on biology. Daniels responds by saying that sex and gender are based on biology, but that they also have a real, observable existence. This video challenges the theory of gender that is espoused by some parts of the feminist movement, which asks its followers to change their preferences to the opposite sex. This argument is based on the idea that preferences in sexual orientation are purely political, and does not originate from anything else. It is an attack on the long-term struggle of people who are not heterosexual to be recognized as people with real identities, and is offensive to those who have fought for years to be treated equally. It is called "arrogant" to argue that genetics has no role in determining who someone loves, and is called "false" when compared to the progress made in the field of genetics over the past few decades. All of these contradictions are what lead to the beliefs of individuals who subscribe to the posmodern view of the world becoming increasingly accepted. It is "
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the current crisis of postmodernity, which is characterized by a loss of faith in the power of science and an increasing distrust of the individual. It argues that this trend has led to a rise in fundamentalist and supremacist ideologies, as well as the spread of pseudoscience. The video also points out that social sciences have been neglected for many years, and that this will ultimately lead to our undoing.
  • 00:25:00 The video talks about how fragile the reality is, and how it can be changed by some new discoveries. It goes on to say that even if something we thought was completely true yesterday is false tomorrow, this doesn't mean that there is no truth at all, or that we have to use darkness to light up corners.

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