Summary of modelo del cuidado

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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

This video discusses the modelo del cuidado, which is a classification system for diagnosing health risks and objectives for care. It is used by doctors to make decisions about treatment and covers six diagnostic classes: risk, health, illness, injury, dysfunction, and syndrome. The modelo del cuidado helps doctors to make decisions about which patients to treat and how to treat them. It also helps them to decide which interventions are appropriate for each patient.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Marilyn speaks about the model of care for healthcare professionals, particularly those in positions of authority, such as doctors and managers. This model serves as a guideline for applying best practices in the field of nursing. It is a methodical, standardized representation that Mexican nurses can use as a reference to apply the best practices in their care of patients. The process of nursing attention, which is the scientific method used by nurses, is also described as being metodological and standardized. It means that the same method, approach, and form will be developed in the care of a person, whether that person is a nurse or a patient's central focus. Mexican nurses must be familiar with this model of care and apply it to patients when they are faced with one. Additionally, rodríguez has defined nursing as a beginning and an art, and the simple act of providing preventive and therapeutic care is an expression of nursing as an ethical and aesthetic profession. The video also shows how the model of care can be applied at different levels of healthcare, including a primary care center, a hospital, and a regional or general hospital. Nursing attention is important for everyone, and this video provides information about the model of care and how to apply it.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, the CENTRO modelo del cuidado is explained. This model includes everything that I know about care. I apply my nursing process attention to what this process consists of valuing the patient generating a medical diagnosis. Planning which interventions I want to achieve certain objectives with. Executing these interventions with a goal in mind that is based on evidence. After I have performed this process, I can then evaluate if the interventions that I performed achieved the desired objective. If they do, I then move on to the human responses expected. If they do not, I then re-evaluate the interventions based on the evidence. My goal is to provide nursing care that is individualized, while still using standardized care. This model is based on evidence and provides guidelines for practice. It also includes articles from scientific journals that provide guidelines for clinical practice and patient care interventions that are not found in standard nursing manuals. The famoso nandan (satan) is introduced and is not relevant to the video.
  • 00:10:00 The video presents the latest phase of the modelo del cuidado, which is the results. In this phase, through the not I established my objective as an enfermer, can value whether my objective is in agreement with human response. Now, well then what is a paradigm? A paradigm is a set of assumptions that maintain interrelatedness with respect to the interpretation of the world. It is an energy that provides the basis for professional within their discipline or indicates which are the different problems to be treated and seeks this reference frame within which questions are addressed through a epistemology, that is, through knowledge. Here, because we said that it was a set of assumptions that is the interpretation of the world, not a guide for professional within a discipline, and that indicatesthese are our problems to be addressed within a reference frame, then in the following slide we will find the meta paradigm for enfermery. Now, what is the meta paradigm for enfermery? Well, first what is a meta paradigm? It is the most widespread consensus within a discipline and provides general parameters of the field to scientists, giving them an extensive orientation towards working. Then, in where does the enfermery go to focus? First
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the eleven principles of health care management, or "modelos del cuidado." These models depict how a person's health can change depending on their interactions with others and their own personal "patrones." Ultimately, the modelo del cuidado leads to disfunctional relationships. The eleven principles are divided into physical (físicos) and emotional (emocionales), and illustrated in a subsequent slide. The physical principles include healthy body, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and cognitive perceptual activity. The emotional principles include self-perception, autoconcept, role relationships, and sexuality and reproduction. These two sets of principles are then divided again, this time into physical and emotional. The physical principles include physical health (sana y fuerte), physical activity, and physical values. The emotional principles include emotional health (sana), emotional values, and emotional problems. The video then discusses how to apply these principles to a real-life scenario, with an example of a person with obesity and an injury.
  • 00:20:00 The model of care discussed in the video is focused on identifying patients' "patterns of function" based on their vital signs and Gordon Céfalus's concept of "flows". Different techniques were taught according to the principles of functional patterns of greater and lesser Gordon Céfalus and focused on devices and systems. The important thing is that if I make an appropriate assessment, then I can arrive at a reliable enfermer's diagnosis. Confident and determinate enfermery interventions can be formulated based on this assessment. The model of care discussed in the video leads to the following outcomes: 1. Diagnostic assessments of well-being based on functional patterns of greater and lesser Gordon Céfalus. 2. Prevention of primary health problems through primary health care interventions directed at modifying risk factors. 3. Secondary prevention, which refers to interventions aimed at preventing problems from developing in the first place. This is often done through lifestyle changes such as weight loss, healthier eating habits, and moderate exercise.
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses the modelo del cuidado, which is a classification system for diagnosing health risks and objectives for care that doctors use to make decisions about treatment. It covers six diagnostic classes: risk, health, illness, injury, dysfunction, and syndrome. The modelo del cuidado helps doctors to make decisions about which patients to treat and how to treat them. It also helps them to decide which interventions are appropriate for each patient. Finally, it provides some examples of diagnostics using this system.
  • 00:30:00 This video covers the three types of risk assessment that are commonly used in health care, real risk assessment, potential risk assessment, and functional risk assessment. It also provides three example patient profiles and how the different assessments can be used to make a diagnosis. This video is a helpful introduction to risk assessment and is useful for practitioners when working with patients. It is important to remember that patient profiles and assessments must be correlated in order to make a diagnosis.

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