Summary of Getting To The Root Of And Getting Rid Of Heartburn And Reflux

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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

The video discusses how heartburn and reflux are actually lifestyle problems that can be addressed with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. Dr. Hyman introduces the Mark's Picks newsletter, in which he shares his favorite health-related items, and discusses how chronic inflammation can downregulate stomach acid production, which can lead to heartburn and reflux.

  • 00:00:00 In this podcast, Dr. Mark Hyman interviews Dr. Todd Lepine about heartburn and reflux. Dr. Lepine explains that heartburn is a common condition, that heartburn is not always caused by too much acid, and that a person's body often produces too much gastrin when they take medications to treat heartburn. If a person stops taking their medication abruptly, they may experience rebound symptoms, which can be much worse than before they started taking the medication.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses how heartburn and reflux are actually lifestyle problems that can be addressed with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Dr. Hyman discusses how reflux can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, weight, pregnancy, and bacteria. He also introduces the Mark's Picks newsletter, in which he shares his favorite health-related items.
  • 00:15:00 The patient had high blood pressure and was on a calcium channel blocker, high cholesterol medication, and a PPI. The patient developed heartburn, which led to nerve damage. The patient's doctor prescribed additional medications without checking his b12 status. The patient became deficient in b12 and developed other health problems as a result. Functional medicine can help address the root cause of these problems and get the patient's health back on track.
  • 00:20:00 Functional medicine is a medical approach that looks at the whole person, not just their symptoms. It helps to treat problems that are often intractable and frustrating, and can often be solved with simple, effective treatments.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, the speaker discusses how chronic inflammation can downregulate stomach acid production, which can lead to heartburn and reflux. The speaker also discusses how to get to the root of the problem and deal with various factors that can contribute, such as food allergies, h pylori, and zinc deficiencies. The speaker recommends lifestyle changes, such as avoiding fried foods, spicy foods, tomato-based foods, citrus foods, and caffeine, and cutting doses of medications by half once a week. The speaker also discusses how to use supplements such as dgl (de-glycerized licorice), glutamine aloe and licorice, and magnesium to help with stomach lining and acid reflux. Finally, the speaker talks about how big pharma is lacking in following up patients on long-term medication, and how acid reflux and heartburn can be related to poor gut health.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Dr. Hyman discusses how heartburn and reflux are related to hydrogenic acidosis, and how functional medicine can help to solve the problem. He also recommends that listeners share the podcast with their friends and family, and subscribe to the House Call for the Doctor's Pharmacy podcast to stay up-to-date on the latest information on these topics.

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