Summary of Parto humanizado, la Doula y la educación perinatal . Mtra. Mercedes Campliglia

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00:00:00 - 00:45:00

This video discusses the importance of humanized childbirth, and how it can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby. It also discusses the importance of training doctors in humanized birth methods, and recommends that mothers avoid manual or instrumental exams of their uterine cavity during labor. Finally, the video stresses the importance of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding in early postpartum care.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Mtra. Mercedes Campliglia discusses the importance of doulas during childbirth, and how they can be helpful in providing support and advice to women during their pregnancies. She also points out that doulas can play an important role in helping to ease the pain experienced during labor, and can provide a sense of comfort to mothers and babies during their time together in the hospital.
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses the humanization of childbirth, with Mtra. Mercedes Campliglia discussing how different nurses can observe childbirths minutes apart to make comparisons. This helps to ensure that childbirth is done in a way that is most comfortable for both the mother and the baby. One of the doctors at the hospital where she works is one of the founders of water birth and he has also worked as a doctor on a submarine. The video discusses the importance of having a woman's desire considered before providing information, and of putting the woman in the driver's seat. It also discusses the importance of providing information in a way that is not overwhelming and that allows women to make informed decisions. This is part of a larger project to train the nurses at the hospital where Campliglia works.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses humanized childbirth, which is a more compassionate approach to childbirth that takes into account the individual's wants and needs. The speaker discusses how humanized childbirth is a practice that has become ingrained in Mexican culture, and how it is important for us to remember that we are the actors who are creating these changes. The speaker talks about how humanized childbirth can reduce the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby. However, excessive intervention during childbirth and the postpartum period can have negative consequences, such as increased rates of cesarean births. The speaker provides statistics that show how humanized childbirth is on the rise in Mexico, and goes on to say that this trend is of utmost importance because it can help to improve the health and safety of mothers and babies.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses recent studies that suggest there is a greater risk of diabetes and asthma in babies born vaginally, as well as the benefits of giving birth naturally. It then features Mercedes Campliglia, a doula, who discusses the benefits of colaborating with a doctor to establish a mother-child bond in a relaxed, comfortable environment. Finally, a psychologist discusses the possible implications of these studies for pregnant women.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how the body produces oxitocine during labor, and how too much of this hormone can lead to distorted labor and a woman's chance of having a cesarean birth. It also discusses how increasing oxitocine production during labor can be done through various interventions, and how this can help to reduce the number of cesareans. The author also discusses how society needs to be more open to the idea that labor can last for longer than the standard 24 hours, and that more women should be considered for labor induction. Finally, the author discusses how we should be flexible in our approach to labor, and not be afraid to try different methods until we find the one that best suits the woman and her baby.
  • 00:25:00 This woman talks about how her name, "Parto humanizado," is a humanized childbirth, which is an approach to childbirth that focuses on the involvement of both the mother and the father. The name is based on a concept that was first established in Brazil in 2000. The video also discusses the importance of respecting the right to autonomous reproductive activity, and the fact that family-centered childbirth interventions are more effective than those that are based on medical expertise alone.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Doula Mercedes Campliglia discusses how artificial medical interventions during childbirth can interfere with the natural production of childbirth situations, and can take up to a month to recover to a normal level. She goes on to say that, as medical professionals, we should be working together to create a mutual agreement among doctors, nurses, and Pediatricians, in which patients are made aware of their options and are not afraid to ask for help when experiencing pain or anxiety during childbirth. By using positive words and phrases, Campliglia argues that we need to prepare women for childbirth by teaching them about their body's natural capabilities, and restoring their confidence in being able to handle pain and stress. Finally, Campliglia encourages women to learn self-care techniques and to have faith in their own abilities, in order to participate fully in childbirth studies.
  • 00:35:00 This video discusses the history and importance of doulas, and their role in assisting with childbirth. It explains that doulas are not new, and have been around for centuries. They are a figure who has been revived in recent years, and is now known as "lula." One of the studies discussed in the video looked at the impact of doulas on the health of mothers and their babies. The study found that doulas have a significant impact on reducing the risk of post-partum depression, and that they should be the norm, not the exception. Other studies have shown that doulas can have a positive impact on a mother's overall health, including decreasing the risk of cesarean sections. The video concludes with a discussion of the importance of doulas in the current healthcare environment, and how they can help improve the health of mothers and babies. It recommends that all mothers have access to doulas, and that hospitals adopt more standardized birthing practices in order to maximize the benefits of doulas.
  • 00:40:00 This YouTube video features Dr. Mercedes Campliglia, a perinatal educator, discussing the results of her studies on the impact of childbirth attended by a doula. The studies, which were conducted over 25 years, found that doulas' attendance has a significant impact on reducing the use of epidurals and other invasive procedures, and improving the maternal experience overall. Campliglia goes on to say that, in order to maximize the benefits of doulas' attendance, it is important for both the doula and the woman being attended to be well-trained and knowledgeable. This video provides a brief overview of Campliglia's experience as an educator of perinatal care, and provides information on her center's childbirth preparation course.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the benefits of having a humanized birth, and provides examples of how a humanized birth can be beneficial for both the mother and the baby. It also discusses the importance of training doctors in humanized birth methods, and recommends that mothers avoid manual or instrumental exams of their uterine cavity during labor. Finally, the video stresses the importance of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding in early postpartum care.

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