Summary of Vortrag Digitale Fitness für die digitale Transformation – Spaß an Veränderungen finden

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

In this video, the speaker shares their expertise in digital fitness and the importance of embracing the digital transformation. They emphasize the need for companies to focus not only on software installation but also on developing the necessary skills, competencies, and organizational frameworks. The speaker discusses the challenges of hybrid work formats, the importance of addressing attitudes and perspectives, and the need for effective leadership in creating a social and collaborative work environment. They highlight the varying levels of digital maturity within companies and the lack of digital leadership. The speaker also emphasizes the need for collaboration, expertise, and the development of soft skills in successfully navigating the digital transformation. They provide examples of business cases related to digital fitness and the potential benefits for businesses.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker talks about his background in digital media and how he educates young people to become digitally proficient. He also mentions that he supports various companies in their digital transformation and has written books on the topic. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not just focusing on software installation but also on developing the necessary skills, competencies, and organizational frameworks for digital transformation. He mentions that digital transformation is happening in various industries, such as technology, media, retail, fintech, and education, and highlights the challenge for companies to manage the transformation in a way that is compatible with their employees and addresses various subtopics like structures, processes, and agile working methods.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the need to change the way we work, especially in light of hybrid work formats that have emerged in recent years. Instead of traditional instructional learning methods, the focus should be on implementing new learning techniques to quickly enable employees with the necessary skills. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the attitudes and perspectives of individuals, including leaders and top management, as they shape the culture of the organization. Digital transformation is no longer a niche topic, but rather a fundamental aspect of business due to pressure from customers seeking more personalized and efficient service, global competition with disruptive business models, and the expectations of younger employees. While technology plays a significant role, it is also crucial for leaders to create a social and collaborative work environment. Remote work presents additional challenges that require new leadership skills and approaches to ensure a positive employee experience.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of competencies and how employees are increasingly indifferent to where they work. They highlight that many companies lack a clear strategy for effectively and future-orientedly combining digital and analog aspects, often just organizing crises to make things function. They mention a future study that showcases potential technological changes, such as a mobile office with its own Wi-Fi satellite dish, antenna, and battery power. The speaker also mentions the varying levels of digital maturity within companies, with some being digital followers, some being late adopters, and a significant portion being digital conservatives. Interestingly, the speaker notes that the digital conservatives are not solely older employees but can be found across all age groups. They emphasize the need for more digital leadership and highlight the low percentage of digital leaders within companies, stating that this is insufficient for shaping the future of the economy. The speaker also points out the lack of sensitivity in decision-making bodies, except for a few exceptions like digital officers, and the need for more awareness and action at a broader level.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the lack of sensitivity and understanding surrounding digital transformation. Many people are unsure of how digital disruption will affect their industry, and there is a need for collaboration and expertise to navigate this change. The speaker also highlights common questions they receive, such as how to implement agile working and incorporate technology effectively. They emphasize that agile transformation requires intelligent decision-making and a process that occurs over time. Furthermore, the speaker mentions the challenge of motivating leaders and employees during this transformation, as people may resist change or struggle to adapt to new tools and processes. The speaker identifies soft skills as crucial in the digital transformation, highlighting mindset, social tools, virtual trust, psychological safety, and digital competencies. They stress that these skills are more important than hard skills or technical knowledge in successfully initiating and managing a transformation process.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of soft skills in the digital transformation process. He emphasizes the need for skills such as communication, building virtual trust, achieving digital balance, and ensuring psychological safety for individual employees. The speaker also mentions the limitations of top-down strategies and highlights the importance of involving employees in the transformation process. He suggests developing a shared mindset through regular information sessions and creating a supportive environment for employees to contribute their ideas and thoughts. Additionally, the speaker recommends identifying a business case to create a sense of urgency and anchoring the transformation efforts within the organization. The speaker acknowledges that some companies may be resistant to investing in digital fitness, but encourages them to consider the potential benefits and impact on their business.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of support and guidance in the digital transformation process. He mentions that teams need to feel supported, either through external or internal resources, such as consultants or CEOs. The speaker then presents three examples of business cases related to digital fitness. The first example is about E-Recruiting and the strategies needed to attract and engage potential employees in the digital age. The second example focuses on the use of social media for digital communication, especially in B2B companies. The speaker highlights the need for companies to improve their digital fitness in this area. Lastly, he discusses the significance of customer acquisition and retention, emphasizing that every business is constantly looking for new customers and ways to keep them loyal. Overall, these examples serve as input and highlight the various aspects of digital fitness in the context of the digital transformation process.

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