Summary of (eBay) ASTE SI? o ASTE NO?

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the pros and cons of using eBay's ASTE SI? o ASTE NO? auction format. The speaker argues that, while the format is good, it can be difficult to tell the difference between "yes" and "no" when it comes to assessing whether or not an item is sellable. The speaker urges viewers to watch her live stream on Facebook and Instagram to see how the subject is discussed in person. Finally, the speaker reminds viewers that they can contact her if they have any questions.

  • 00:00:00 In this YouTube video, the host discusses the importance of eBay's Assessy and Aste No service. The host goes on to say that, while the service is good, it can be difficult to tell the difference between "yes" and "no" when it comes to assessing whether or not an item is sellable. The host urges viewers to watch her live stream on Facebook and Instagram to see how the subject is discussed in person. Finally, the host reminds viewers that they can contact her if they have any questions.
  • 00:05:00 The video explains that eBay's auction system works on the principle of "time working for money," so if an auction has not received any bids yet, it will move down the search results based on how much time is left. It also notes that some items have a "relevance" that automatically raises their auction prices relative to other auction mechanisms that are more complex. Finally, the video outlines some other factors that can influence an auction's success, including the item's current bid and how close it is to its expiration date.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the difference between astes (eBay sales) and noastes (no eBay sales). It explains that if my product is new and costs 90 euros, 100 euros, or any other round number, the buyer usually can't reach the 30-40 euro range. This is because the price at market is usually higher. The example given is of wanting to sell a bracelet. Normally this bracelet would sell for 10 euros with shipping, but if I added shipping, the bracelet would sell for 15 euros. This demonstrates that when a product's price is higher than 30-40% of the market value, it's not wise to auction it. The video then goes on to explain that astes have a big advantage over noastes. Aste auctions have a calculated risk, whereas noaeste auctions don't. This is because people who do noaeste auctions often make the mistake of thinking that because they're buying above market value, they're automatically making a profit. However, this isn't always the case. The video finishes by saying that if your goal is to acquire products at a low cost, then auctioning is not the best way to go about it. Instead, you should use a
  • 00:15:00 In this video, eBay seller ritira i Lotti se spendevo mille euro, supponendo c'erano 100 libri. Regardless of what was inside, this particular book was indipendent from the others and didn't matter to me. I would close the book and do the math, and if the sum was 100 or more, then I would declare the book "sold." My starting price for every auction was 99 cents, and always had to start at 99 cents. There is always the risk that the auction will end at 99 cents, and you should not close the auction. You should only make stupid decisions like this. Don't make stupid investments, only make stupid decisions. If the product you like increases in price, then that is good. But if the product you like decreases in price, then that is also good. Because auctions cost money, there are some promotions within the store where the auction is free. So take advantage of that promotion, but my logic was this: 99 cents enters the psychological factor. The object is so cheap, justly so, that I would offer a free course of shipping that could make it slightly less expensive for a single bid, or even a single build
  • 00:20:00 In this YouTube video, eBay seller modo explains why he understands the logic of auctions, and why he knew that the auction system works the way it does. He then goes on to say that, when it comes to selling on eBay, you have to be very careful about when you put your auction up, as the days and hours of the auction are important in order to make sure that your buyers are present when you're selling. Modo then goes on to say that, in order to make sure that your auctions are successful, you have to first know how many people are looking for the product you're selling, and secondly, you have to set the auction price at a price that will be affordable for as many people as possible.
  • 00:25:00 The author discusses their decision to auction off their products, knowing that they would need to recover any euros that were lost. They explain that if they were to recover euros, they would buy the product back at 0.99, because they always started at 0 to 99. If someone bought the product at 0.99, the seller would make a profit of 2 euros. If the product was sold at 9.90 plus shipping, that would be 30 euros profit. If the product was sold at 0.99 with 7 shipping, that would be 470 euros profit. After accounting for the cost of the product, any subsequent sales would be profit. The author concludes that they made no money on the auction, but they did recover some money and were able to sell their products all the way out. Auctions are risky, and the author recommends avoiding them if possible.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses eBay's ASTE SI? o ASTE NO? auction format, which was designed to avoid issues such as low sales and break evens. The creator discusses how they sold 180 capsules of coffee each week for six months, until their product became more popular and they were able to quit their day jobs. The video then discusses how people become interested in auctions and how to make the most of them by selling products that are in high demand. The author mentions a motorcycle customization shop, Pinerolo, and how its owner has been successful in selling used automotive products for decades. He then discusses how one can make the most of their auction by selling products that have a long shelf life and that are in demand.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses eBay ASTE SI? o ASTE NO? and how to make the most of using them to your advantage. For example, if you have a product that is selling for a low price on eBay, you can set up an auction and lower the price to get more attention. However, if you do not have a product that is selling well, it is best to avoid setting up an auction and instead focus on promoting the product through other methods such as social media.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses eBay's ASTE SI? o ASTE NO? classification system, which is based on the country of origin of the products being auctioned. Italy has a 10% share of global eBay sales, but its products are auctioned 10 times more than those of other countries. This creates a difficulty for sellers when trying to market their items, as they may not find buyers even if they have great titles and descriptions. Facebook does not work well for Italian sellers, who lose money on every Facebook auction they participate in and then receive thanks from Facebook in the same way that sellers on eBay do. A strategic auction is very strong, overcoming the impact of a lower top of the sales list. Remember to plan your auction carefully, as if it does not work, you will not make any money. I wanted to show you something to make you understand. For example, a preliminary analysis that one should do before an auction is to determine if the product category has any auctions currently running. I have bought well, so I know that if I sell at 30%, as Max told me, the auction will sell at 34% of the market value. Almost exactly a scale I could make would work. The first thing I need to verify is if the product category has any
  • 00:45:00 In this YouTube video, the speaker discusses why they think eBay's ASTE SI? o ASTE NO? category is bad because of the high number of negative results. The speaker then goes on to discuss how they use different search engines to find information on eBay, and how they use this information to decide whether or not to create an auction. The speaker also mentions that there are often only a few bids on eBay auctions, which suggests that many people are not winning auctions.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the pros and cons of auctioning items, and provides tips on how to successfully auction items. It suggests that, in order to increase the value of an auctioned item, it is important to set a starting price high and keep it high. It also advises against auctioning items that are not of interest to the majority of buyers.
  • 00:55:00 The video advises that, in order to increase the value of an eBay item, factors such as the price paid and the starting price of the auction are not helpful. The speaker argues that the price at which an auction begins must be independent of the item's value. 0.99 points are not worth considering when thinking about auction strategies. They are psychologically beneficial to honey bees, but do nothing to increase the value of a Tarantino. Moreover, other auction strategies do not serve any purpose. Psiologically, this cream is more important to bees than gorgonzola is to bergamaski. It is worth thinking about what is more important to you before deciding whether or not to bid on an item. The Girl Boss story illustrates the importance of setting your priorities correctly. When the speaker took over a man's clothing store, she started by selling items from her own wardrobe. This showed the customers that she was serious about the business. Her customers appreciated the added value that she added to items she sold. Organizing and executing an auction is a business. You have to dress the part and have a good back story if you want people to take you seriously. This video provides an overview of how to successfully sell used clothing.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

The video discusses how to become wealthy through online commerce, and gives tips on how to succeed. It features a discussion with Marina Rossi, who discusses her experience as a successful eBay seller. She notes that it is important to have a successful business model that is adaptable to changing market conditions and that takes into account customer feedback. She also discusses how she has learned to market her products effectively.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses how eBay sellers should price their items to get the best results, and how this affects sellers' psychology. It also covers how to price items on eBay if you don't have prior experience. Finally, the presenter discusses how sellers should schedule their auctions to optimize their chances of success.
  • 01:05:00 This YouTube video is about eBay and how to make the most of the sales weekend. Alessandro, a perfect eBay seller, means that he analyzes his market and knows what to buy. Well, your buyer persona, but if I think about it, I don't think it has any value. Try it out yourself and see if it matters to you. For example, in the book category, I remember one sale where the books were not worth it to me. But, other categories, such as automotive, have a different seasonal cycle. For car mechanics, the highest frequency is on Monday. For people who use car maintenance, you'll see a small Monday that does this every year. I'll put water in the water glass for the year at the same time so that people know that it's because I'm forgetful, not because it's a bad time of year. I learned something important in my career. Sometimes, we as Italian entrepreneurs don't react well to crises because we're stuck in our line of work and don't have the opportunity to act. You have to find a solution. I learned that it's useless to look for the guilty person and then buy an action. You have to find a solution yourself. If you think that it's
  • 01:10:00 The YouTube video discusses a disagreement between the speaker and others about whether or not students should attend classes taught by Drop Giuseppe Giorgi. The speaker argues that they should not because they would not benefit from the instruction and would be better off doing physical exercises in a gym. He also states that he only accepts students for his eBay courses, and that he does not do any promotional activities for his other courses. The video concludes with the speaker explaining that his focus is only on eBay and that he does not like the other courses he offers.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses how one can become wealthy through online commerce, and gives tips on how to succeed. It features a discussion with Marina Rossi, who discusses her experience as a successful eBay seller. She notes that it is important to have a successful business model that is adaptable to changing market conditions and that takes into account customer feedback. She also discusses how she has learned to market her products effectively.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses how becoming rich is not just about having a lot of money, and that it can be achieved by working hard and having a good idea. It then moves on to talk about eBay founder, Jeff Bezos, who has built an empire through hard work and an inventive mind. It concludes by saying that if you're looking to become rich, you should learn from people like Bezos and Musk, and not try to be like them.

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