Summary of I Made an AI Bot to STEAL from SCAMMERS (and it's working)

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

The YouTube video "I Made an AI Bot to STEAL from SCAMMERS (and it's working)" shows a 24-year-old caller training his artificial intelligence to steal from phone scammers. The video demonstrates how the AI bot can be used to detect when a scammer is trying to scam the user, and then take steps to stop the scam.

  • 00:00:00 The YouTube video "I Made an AI Bot to STEAL from SCAMMERS (and it's working)" shows Eric, a 24-year-old caller, training his artificial intelligence to steal from phone scammers. After 8 minutes of training, his AI successfully steals one of the scammers' bank accounts.
  • 00:05:00 The creator of an AI bot that has successfully scammed a scammer out of a bank notes that thebot can be used to scam other people as well. He demonstrates this by trying to scam a scammer into believing that his computer is not operable, and then refunding him once he is online.
  • 00:10:00 The video demonstrates how an AI bot can be used to steal from scammers. The AI bot detects when a scammers is trying to scam the user, and then takes steps to stop the scam.
  • 00:15:00 The YouTube video's speaker explains that they created an AI bot to steal from scammers, and it is working as intended. He says that despite the AI bot's poor coding, it is still a hacker and should be treated as such.

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