Summary of Documental Comprar, tirar, comprar. - Consumismo y manipulación - COMPLETO

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the history of consumerism and how it has led to the decline of many products. It describes how businesses have manipulated consumers by making products that last less long than they should, and how this has led to problems such as overspending and the throw-away culture. The video ends with a discussion of the ethical implications of this, and how engineers are now examining their most basic ethical concepts in response.

  • 00:00:00 This documentary discusses how consumerism and manipulation have led to problems in the world, such as overspending and the throw-away culture. The chairman of the Light Bulb Committee talks about how they discovered the old light bulb hanging in a fire station and how it was verified to have been burning continuously since 1901. He says that people will never forgive us for our throw-away lifestyles, and posterity will suddenly find out about it.
  • 00:05:00 This documentary tells the story of how the light bulb was invented and how it has been a part of everyday life ever since. It also explains the history of the filament and how it has remained a secret.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how the light bulb has been a symbol for ideas and innovation, but also how it has been a good example of planned obsolescence. The speaker talks about how, starting in the 1980s, their flashlights would not work, but they would buy new ones every time. Eventually, this became too expensive and they started having problems with their vision.
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses the history of consumerism and the way that companies have manipulated consumers by making products that last less long than they should. It describes how this has led to the decline of many products, such as flashlights. The speaker believes that it is the duty of consumers to complain about products that do not work, and so he has written sonnets of complaint.
  • 00:20:00 The documentary discusses the effects of the Great Depression on the economy and society. It shows how unemployment rates rose to staggering proportions, how one-fourth of the labor force was unemployed, and how food became scarce. Retail businesses needed to purchase goods to stimulate trade, which forced expiration dates would revive consumer ability and the need for more production. Bernard London was a capitalist and philanthropist who sought to balance capital and labor in order to create a market for new goods.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses how the desire of a consumer to own something newer, better, and sooner than necessary is what drives the industry of product consumption. American designers and manufacturers have embraced planned obsolescence in order to make the consumer unhappy with the product and to obtain the newest product with the newest possible look.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses how our economy is based on consumption, and how this has been changing in recent decades. It also discusses how engineers in the 1950s debated whether or not to deliberately date products to make people buy them, and how this has led to a situation where our economy is based on planned obsolescence. The video ends with a discussion of the ethical implications of this, and how engineers are now examining their most basic ethical concepts in response.
  • 00:35:00 This video discusses the history of consumerism and the manipulation of consumers by businesses. It discusses how companies try to control the invention of new products in order to increase profits, and how this can be frustrating for the engineers who are working on them.
  • 00:40:00 In this YouTube video, a debate is presented between old school and new school engineers concerning the design and manufacture of products. The new school engineers, driven by the market, are in favor of making products that are as disposable as possible, while the old school engineers believe that they should make products that are of higher quality and will last longer. The debate resolved itself when the new school engineers took over.
  • 00:45:00 This YouTube video is a documentary about the negative effects of over-commercialization on society, and how it is changing the character of Americans. The narrator talks about how he was very broke and had an iPod that had a dead battery. Apple told him to buy a new one, so he called them. At the time, Apple's policy was to tell their customers to buy a new iPod if the battery died. This video is a warning about the consequences of too much consumerism.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how iPod batteries usually only last for about 18 months and how consumers have to replace the entire unit if the battery dies. The video also interviews people who have filed a class action lawsuit against Apple for this issue.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the issue of electronic waste, specifically how it's being brought into Africa and how it's often not usable. It highlights the issue of poverty and how people are often unable to afford to properly dispose of this waste, leading to environmental damage and health problems. The students discuss the issue of education and how it's important to bridge the digital divide between Europe, America, and Africa.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

The video discusses the waste economy and how it affects poorer countries. It also discusses how consumerism has replaced traditional forms of identity and how this has led to the breakdown of things that used to give people a sense of community and identity.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses the waste economy, which is a system where companies make money by disposing of products after they have been used or have reached their expiration date. The video also discusses ways to stop companies from dumping products in poorer countries, such as by using legislation to force companies to recycle products or by finding people who are willing to fix things despite the complexity of the task.
  • 01:05:00 The documentary discusses how consumers can be manipulated into thinking that they need to buy more and more products, even if they're not really necessary. It shows how products are mass manufactured in factories, which saves resources and energy, and how this is a good basis for starting a business.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses the effects of consumerism and how it has replaced traditional forms of identity. It discusses how people become more reliant on objects to feel good about themselves, and how this has led to the breakdown of things that used to give people a sense of community and identity.

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