Summary of 1-INDEPENDENCIA #CursoHistoriaMX

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video covers the history of the Mexican Revolution, with a focus on the humanization of the leaders and participants. It discusses how the Revolution was fought by regular people, and how even the clergy were not persecuted despite their involvement. Finally, it highlights the role of hackers in helping to overthrow the government.

  • 00:00:00 This is the first course in history of information politics offered by the Brigade for Freedom. We are currently connected online with all of our networks, and I would like to say that, for more than a month, we have been broadcasting a program of the Brigade for Liberty, speaking freely and having more than 100,000 people connected. This figure is expected to be equal today by using the hashtag #cursohistoriamx. We are also asking people to write to this course not only in person but also online, with more than 300 groups connected so far throughout the republic. I would like to especially send a congratulations to the largest group, with 120 members from Guanajuato, which I believe deserves a applause. We were able to connect 120 people from Guanajuato to take this course. And we would also like to give thanks to Nayeli from the State of Mexico, who together with 22 groups in the State of Mexico registered for the course. One of the most important things for this course to work online is that it is shared across all social media networks simultaneously. We are transmitting the same content simultaneously on Facebook Live, Twitter, and Periscope. And we are asking people who are present to also write to the course on line. We have
  • 00:05:00 This video provides a course on Mexican history, with a focus on the Mexican Revolution. The course is offered online, and is open to anyone in Mexico. The first session is underway, and participants can download the course materials. The course will last five weeks, and will cover the Mexican Revolution from beginning to end. The instructor is Jorge Belarmino Fernandez, a comrade of the famed guerrilla leader, Hidalgo Morelos. Other participants include Francisco Pérez Arsenio, a novelist and economist; and Francisco González Viejo, a veteran of the Mexican Revolution and author of important historical texts from the 1960s and 1970s.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the history of MX independence, focusing on the Mexican Revolution of 1910. It covers the reasons for the revolution and its main participants, and provides a brief overview of the events that took place. The video finishes with a discussion of the importance of memory and historiography in contemporary times, and how careful historians must be when approaching colonial and independent periods.
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses the history of the Mexican Revolution, which began with a revolt against the Spanish government in 1810. Pedro Salmerón, a historian, gives a brief overview of the events leading up to and during the Revolution. He discusses the importance of the people who played a role in the Revolution, including Hidalgo and Morelos, and talks about the importance of the memory of the Revolution's victims. He then gives the floor to someone else, Fernando Granados, who discusses the book he wrote about the Revolution, "Espejo haitiano."
  • 00:20:00 This video provides a brief history of Mexico's independence movement, focusing on the events that took place from 1810-1824. The video explains how the independence war was fought primarily by the country's indigenous people, who were fighting for their right to freedom and independence from Spanish colonial rule. The video also highlights the role of the priest Hidalgo, who played a major role in the independence movement and helped to abolish slavery in Mexico. The video ends by explaining how the country eventually was recaptured by the Spanish, and how the independence war changed Mexican society forever.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the history of Mexican independence, focusing on the peasant uprising led by Hidalgo and continued by Morelos. The video explains that these uprisings opened the cycle of peasant rebellions against capitalist systems, and against a capitalist system accompanied and supported by pre-capitalist forms of exploitation. Two forms of feudalism are discussed, but the uprising is directed against mines where there were some manifestations of wage labor. Against merchants and landlords, the war of independence becomes a great revolution, with concrete materialization unfortunately not carried out by Hidalgo, who died prematurely. Morelos lacked Hidalgo's intellectual and political preparation, but he had the blood of the people on his hands. He was an arriero, or cattle driver, who entered politics much later, and was ordained a priest. Morelos had a deep understanding of and feeling for his people, and he was able to structure demands of the population and formulate for the first time the need for distributing land. Morelos was also a revolutionary agrarian thinker, and had the vision of building a different country for the era, one that was insufficient. This is what some had noted about him- that he never held a banner up, and was always careful to keep the throne for Fernando VII.
  • 00:30:00 This video covers the life and accomplishments of revolutionary leader Morelos. It also features comments from contemporary individuals about Morelos's legacy. One of the main points made is that Morelos was able to build a strong democracy despite his military background and his ability to resign from his military post and reject the title of general. He and Hidalgo are credited with building the best part of Mexico, and they continue to be supported by comrades even though some messages have not been able to be delivered safely. They are following the transmission in individual groups or small groups, and their biggest support goes to the Mexican army in difficult circumstances. They report that groups have been organized in San Juan del Rio, La Casa Ciudadana Escapo Salco Xalapa, and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Chiapas in San Cristóbal.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, a group of history teachers discuss the importance of restoring the memory of the Hidalgo Revolution, a significant event in Mexican history. The teachers point out that many people misunderstand the event due to the lack of accurate information available in school. They discuss the importance of art in history, and how the artist who created the statue of the Hidalgo Revolution, José de San Martín, used different languages to represent the Revolution's multilingual nature. Finally, they talk about the importance of reviving the memory of the Hidalgo Revolution and its connection to the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, the commentator discusses how Mexico never truly independence from its feudal rulers. They are the same people who are in power now. I would like to see the panelists talk more about the mundane side of Father of the Nation, Pancho Villa. Another comment is in order. This particular one will be commented on later, but I can promise you it will be with gusto. The last comment is concerning flowers. The right-wingers keep saying that the Mexican Revolution failed, and that only the rich got richer afterwards. This book deals specifically with the Guanajuato region and the Hacienda of Jong Tutino, and one new book covers the commerce of Veracruz from Antonio García de León's perspective. What appears to be happening in Mexico today is that we are returning to a type of capitalism where the wealthy are made through violent means, such as the enslavement of people and the exploitation of workers. This destruction of capitalism is not the work of the priest Hidalgo, it is the work of the hundreds of thousands of mixed-race mestizos, ranchers, and slaves who accompany him.
  • 00:45:00 This video is about the Mexican Revolution and the role of the clergy. It discusses the abolition of slavery, the power of the clergy, and the humanization of Mexican leaders, including José Hidalgo. The video also mentions the crossing of the US-Mexico border by slave-owning American businessmen, and how this led to the Mexican Revolution.
  • 00:50:00 In this video, Pedro Díaz describes how the independence of Mexico was achieved, focusing on the role of Hidalgo. He also mentions the importance of talking about the personal motivations of the historical figures, and how this can help to humanize them. He also talks about the impact of Hidalgo's cult on the Mexican colony, and his role in organizing theater and art. He concludes by discussing the various descendants of Hidalgo and the impact of their actions on Mexico's independence.
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the history of Mexico, focusing on the Mexican Revolution. It discusses the humanization of the leaders of the Revolution and how they were similar to regular people. Insignificant figures, such as priests, were not persecuted despite the many of them involved. The video also discusses the humanization of the people of Oaxaca, who fought and suffered greatly during the Revolution. Finally, the video discusses the humanization of hackers during the Revolution, highlighting the role they played in helping to overthrow the government.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses the history of Mexican independence, focusing on the role of women in the conflict. It mentions the importance of women in the struggle and how they played an important role in the war effort. It also mentions the role of Francisco Javier Hidalgo, who is considered the father of the nation.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, Josefa talks about the role of women in Mexican independence, and how Guadalupe played a key role. Another woman, Lola, talks about the importance of women during the Mexican Revolution. Finally, Carlos talks about the importance of women in Mexican history, and how they are often left out of discussions. He also mentions Hidalgo, a revolutionary figure who is still relevant today. The video concludes with a question and answer session where people can share their thoughts on this issue.
  • 01:05:00 This video discusses the Mexican Revolution and its importance. It features a commentary by Pancho González, who credits the bravery of Apatzingán, a small town in Michoacán, for helping to achieve independence for Mexico.
  • 01:10:00 In this video, Fray Servando Teresa de Mier is asked about his opinion on women in history. He responds by saying that women in history are known as "Las Mujeres de Pénjamo" (literally, "Women of Lead"). He writes a blog post about this nickname, and then tweets it out. A woman named Pedro follows him, and they discuss the history of women in Mexico. Pedro shares her own experiences as a woman in history, and Fray Servando gives his opinion on women's roles in society. He also speaks about women's role in the Mexican War of Independence, and how they played a major role in both supporting the Spanish army and fighting on the side of the insurgents. He ends the video by recommending that people read Pedro's blog post on the topic, and share it with others.
  • 01:15:00 In this short video, a brief history of the Virgin of Guadalupe is discussed. The note goes directly to atotonilco, as you already know she doesn't want to be a national symbol like has been shown previously. There is a painting on wood with some nails sticking out of it. An indigenous group of rebels, known as the Independencia Army, discovers her and takes her into their ranks. Guadalupe is first named by the Indian leader Genou in honor of the Virgin Mary, then by the Catholic priest, then finally by you and the rest of the people. Spaniards have a very negative reaction to her and the indigenous people who venerate her. The oligarch of the time, Francisco de Miranda, orders 100,000 statuettes of the Virgin of Remedies (a Mexican folk remedy) to be made. The Independencia Army captures her palio (a horse race) and parades her through the city. They think they've found the first tradition of recognizing each other in this New World. The Virgin of Atotonilco makes a shirt for herself called "The Art of Mexico". Parts of Mexico make a reproduction of her shirt. The story of Guadalupe continues with a book being written about
  • 01:20:00 The figure of the Inquisitor is interesting for its sinister level of danger. The level of danger in this conspiracy was staggering. It seems to have suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace. The disappearance of this conspiracy is curiously being stated in academic literature, too. However, the conspirators do not want to be exposed. No single paper from the conspiracy remains, and no one wants to talk about it. It seems that a continuing relationship between the conspirators exists. One of the conspirators, Spring Usa, is still linked to Iturbide, or the relationship with intervention of the conspiracy of the prison. This conspiracy never ends. Only until recently has it been revealed that Iturbide was also a conspirator. He was in charge of moving troops and supplies to the conspirators, and he often intervened on their behalf. He was also in charge of communications between the conspirators and their local supporters. If the project had continued, this would have been a confrontation between two empires, one Spanish and one Mexican. The Mexican army was much weaker at this point, and the Spanish would have easily won. This battle is still an open mystery.
  • 01:25:00 In this video, historian and author Fernando de Alva Ibarra discusses the Battle of Monte de las Cruces, which was one of the most brutal battles in colonial Mexico. Spanish colonial forces, led by Hidalgo y Costilla, were successful in defeating the Spanish army led by Iturbide. However, the colonial army's lack of organization and lack of experience in fighting indigenous people resulted in a devastating massacre. Historian Fernando de Alva Ibarra argues that the victory at Monte de las Cruces was more a miracle than a result of skill on the part of the Mexican rebels. The priests accompanying Hidalgo and Morelos, who were known for their militant Catholicism, were instrumental in converting local citizens to their cause. However, the Mexican rebels were eventually defeated in the Battle of Jalapa, which took place a few months after Monte de las Cruces. Fernando de Alva Ibarra argues that the defeat at Jalapa was a sign that the Mexican rebels were not yet ready for independence.
  • 01:30:00 This video provides a short history of Mexico's independence, focusing on the role of women in the conflict. It mentions the importance of women in the struggle and how they played an important role in the war effort. It also mentions the role of Francisco Javier Hidalgo, who is considered the father of the nation.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the history of Mexico's independence, focusing on the work of two key figures: Hidalgo and Morelos. Hidalgo is depicted as the first Mexican military armorer and one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. He is arrested and held at a police station in Querétaro, but does not participate in the Revolution. He is then sent to a boat in the windows of his prison cell, and is transported to various locations in Mexico, where he organizes breadwinners in the Lagunilla Lokatza ("little lagoon"). He is finally released and arrives in Acapulco, where he contracts malaria and hepatitis. When Morelos arrives, he is sent to the Philippines and works as an slave for eight years. Upon his release, he travels to Spain, where he is recognized as "Alteza Serenísima," or "Most Serene Highness." He dies in 1858 at the age of 88. This video discusses the history of Mexico's independence, focusing on the work of Hidalgo and Morelos. Hidalgo is depicted as the first Mexican military armorer and one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution. He is arrested and held at a police station in Quer
  • 01:40:00 This video discusses the ideological contradictions between the insurgents, and the importance of understanding them. Life is a contradiction, all is a contradiction. Opposing contradictions are not opposite, but good and bad. People thought differently back then. Allende had a military vision, while Lopez Rayón had a bureaucratic vision less radical than Hidalgo. Morelos emerged as the leader of the war of independence, and this created tensions between the two men. However, neither Lopez Rayón nor Morelos ever led a military confrontation or political battle. A political battle between them would have been much more complicated and difficult. Lopez Rayón eventually emerged victorious. In terms of ideology, Lopez Rayón was a right-wing conservative, similar to Hidalgo. He maintained this position until the congress of Chilpancingo, where he didn't participate. I believe this video leaves clear enough that the Mexican Revolution was the process of the largest historical Mexican events, and that Lopez Rayón was a significant part of it. His main task was to reconstruct and connect the different events to form a structured organic view of what at first appears to be a disordered and chaotic situation. It is up to historians to do this, and this is one of the motivations for this course. Another motivation
  • 01:45:00 This video discusses the influence of the Mexican Revolution on other revolutions around the world. It describes how the Battle of Torreón was won five times by the Mexican Federales, as recorded in newspapers in Mexico City. It also discusses the legacy of José María Morelos and Emiliano Zapata, two of the main leaders of the Mexican Revolution. Finally, the presenter urges young historians to write and publish their own histories, and to be open to criticism and scrutiny.
  • 01:50:00 Victoriano Huerta discusses the importance of history, and how it can be used to empower people. He goes on to say that one of the goals of this course is to create a network of revolutionaries, so that the history of Mexico can be fulfilled. He asks for people's signatures on a book, and promises to send them copies once the course is finished. The next class is on Wednesday, and everyone is encouraged to come. Those who can't come in person are asked to sign the book.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the history of Mexican independence, focusing on the work of the Torreón de Toluca- Culiacán Brigade, which organized and participated in the independence movement. The brigade is then thanked, and the video ends with the promise of a second course. Comments are offered about the video, including thoughts on the importance of history and the impact of making it available to all.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video is about a course called "1-INDEPENDENCIA" which is divided into four parts. The last part of the course is about producing the course material. The course is available on YouTube, and the last part of the video is about how many people have taken the course and how it is going.

  • 02:00:00 The video introduces the "1-INDEPENDENCIA" course, in which people can share the course material with others. The course is divided into four parts, and the last part is about producing the course material. The course is available on YouTube, and the last part of the video is about how many people have taken the course and how it is going.

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