Summary of Rene Goes to School - NHK WORLD-JAPAN

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

In the video, "Rene Goes to School - NHK WORLD-JAPAN", 38-year-old Rene Hoshino talks about his experiences as a black man living in Japan. He talks about how he grew up in Cameroon and experienced difficulty fitting in because of his different cultural background. He also talks about how he now works as a manga creator, and how he often draws from his own experiences when creating his manga.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, NHK World-Japan follows 38-year-old Rene Hoshino as he goes to school in Japan. He grew up in Cameroon, where he was the only African person in his class and experienced difficulty fitting in because of his different cultural background. Now a manga creator, Rene often draws from his own experiences when creating his manga. In this particular episode, Rene meets a 17-year-old Nepalese girl named upama arikari. Upama struggles with Japanese food and school, but she is determined to succeed. Rene helps her find her stride in Japanese society and introduces her to the manga world.
  • 00:05:00 The video follows Renee, a black girl, as she attends her high school's entrance ceremony in Japan. While everyone is looking at her, her mother is there proudly wearing traditional African attire, and Renee talks earnestly with her upama (or teacher) about her troubles. The video then switches to Renee visiting upama's home to do research for her manga. Upama's sister, Ahisma, is there and her father works at a foreign trading company. Upama has lived in Japan for a while, but because she's from Nepal she feels out of place. Lastly, the video switches to Renee's sister claiming to be Japanese and her parents being proud to be Nepalese. Renee feels caught in between her Cameroonian Heritage and Japanese upbringing.
  • 00:10:00 Renee, a Japanese man, talks about his experiences growing up in himeji city in hilgo prefecture and his identity crisis. His Cameroonian mother and Japanese father were both foreign, and Renee took on some of his father's qualities. When he was going through a tough time, it was his parents' support that got him through. He currently works as a manga artist and uploads videos of himself making dishes from his homeland Cameroon in his house's kitchen. His mother worries about what she says and his father is reserved.
  • 00:15:00 Six-year-old Ahisma is oblivious to her sister's concerns about her six-year-old sister, Renee, who is going to start watching Rene's channel. Rene, who is from Japan but has lived in the US for six years, tells the story of how he became self-conscious about his skin color and how one week later, he featured another person as the main character in his manga. He hopes that his manga will help Renee find her way. After spending days in his work room, Renee goes out to meet some friends from his hometown who have stayed in touch for over 30 years.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Renee, a foreigner living in Japan, talks about her experiences and what it's like to be different from the other children in her school. She introduces her manga to the other children and shares her story of growing up in Nepal and moving to Japan. However, despite her best efforts, she still experiences feeling like an outsider. Her sister, who has been living in Japan for much longer, helps her to understand that being different is okay and that she has family here.
  • 00:25:00 This video is about a Japanese woman named Renee who has been living in Japan for a long time, but who is worried about one day when she will "control with the fact that she's in a place to my dear sister one day you might start wondering who you are." Renee tells the story of how she came to have this worry, and how she has found a source of confidence by taking control of her narrative and sharing it with others. She urges children who have similar experiences to not be afraid to find their voices and share them with others.

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