Summary of Work with accessors. Part 1

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

This YouTube video focuses on working with accessors, which are used to interact with databases and APIs. The presenter demonstrates two examples, one for user authentication and another for working with user profiles. He explains how accessors are initialized and how modules can use defined accessor methods without needing to know which specific accessor is being used. The video also discusses how accessors can be customized and shows the implementation of four methods for creating, getting, inserting, and updating account data. This section emphasizes that creating a new accessor is essential for interacting with any database or API and can be done without modifying existing authorization modules.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the presenter explains what accessors are and how they work. Accessors are demonstrated in two examples, one for basic user authentication and another for working with a user profile. The presenter shows how to initialize an accessor with logic for accessing a database and points out that modules can use any accessor methods that are defined. The presenter also explains that modules do not need to know which specific accessor they use, as they only need to use the default accessor methods that are available to them. Finally, he explains that accessors can be customized for specific purposes, allowing developers to easily create logic for working with user accounts.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the video discusses how to work with accessors in Unity. The video demonstrates the use of accessors to interact with account databases and initializes a collection method used exclusively by the accessor. The video also demonstrates how to create a new accessor and accessor factory in Unity's project folder. The video shows that an account database is created when the game processor is started and initialization of a collection inside the database is also shown.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the tutorial shows the initialization of the accessory factory and the error that appears due to the lack of implementation of the account database. The solution to this is creating the Accessor, registering it in the master server and implementing the necessary methods for authentication in the account database. The tutorial also demonstrates the creation of the account class and implementation of its interface methods. Finally, the methods for creating, getting, updating and syncing the account data are implemented.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video explains the implementation of four methods: create account instance, get account by device ID, insert new account, and update account. These methods are implemented without interacting with each other. The create account instance method returns the instance of the account which is required for the first-time login. The get account by device ID method looks for the account in the database by the device ID. The insert new account method creates a new account and initializes it with a string identifier. The update account method updates the account in the database. Finally, the video shows how to initialize fields of the account class and how to run the game process with the implemented methods.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, we learn that creating a new accessor is essential for establishing a new interaction with any database or API. The process simply involves creating two classes, without the need for modifying existing authorization modules, which means this logic enables creating a personalized authorization and connecting it to the authorization module. The following section will demonstrate how to accomplish this.

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