Summary of Curso Cómo Hacer un Retiro Matrimonial en tu Iglesia - Sesión 3

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video is part of a series on how to make a church-based marriage retreat. In this video, pastors Victor and Anabel discuss how to plan and execute a retreat, including how to choose a date and format, what topics to cover, and how to bless couples and families.

  • 00:00:00 In this third video of a series on how to do a church-based marriage retreat, pastors Victor and Anabel discuss how to plan and execute a retreat for couples. They explain that couples should plan their retreat around the anniversary of their marriage, and that they offer instruction on how to do a church-based marriage retreat in their online course. The video also features a discussion with pastors Victor and Anabel about how to bless couples and families.
  • 00:05:00 This video is a tutorial on how to do a spiritual retreat for married couples. Twelve people will form a team, and they will travel to various churches to support ministries. They started in Italy, and the church they founded there is still operational. They then moved to Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Ukraine, and finally Mexico City. They continue to work with churches across the world, and their main focus is spiritual retreats for married couples. They discuss each topic in-depth, and offer advice for couples preparing for a spiritual retreat. Most of the attendees are pastors who are preparing to lead spiritual retreats for married couples. The video concludes with advice on how to schedule a spiritual retreat.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, the organizers of a matrimonial retreat explain the topics they will be addressing during the retreat, which include marriage topics such as communicating well, resolving conflicts, and having a biblical foundation for talks on relationships. They ask for prayer for themselves and the couples attending the retreat, as each retreat is unique and will feature different topics depending on the couples involved. The atmosphere and spiritual focus of each retreat will be determined by the leaders chosen, and may be focused more on one's personal life issues or more on practical matters of day-to-day living. The goal of this retreat is to help couples grow in their relationship with Christ, and prayer is essential for choosing the right leaders, as well as for preparing the topics for discussion.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, a church seminar focuses on how to make a marital retreat. Topics covered include how to build foundations in relationships through shared examples, how to differentiate between a voluntary marriage and one in which someone is forced to marry, and how to teach couples that the love of God is the foundation of a healthy marriage. It is important to distinguish between a marriage based on love and one based on convenience or emotion, as love based marriages are more likely to last. In addition, we teach couples that the love of God is the only real foundation for a marital relationship. Finally, we discuss the importance of love and how it can help sustain a marriage.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, a pastor discusses the importance of having short, medium, and long-term goals in a relationship, and how to communicate those goals to each other. He also mentions the importance of communication in any relationship, whether it is during the dating phase or after marriage. Finally, he discusses the importance of maintaining a good relationship after marriage.
  • 00:25:00 The video focuses on how to deal with marital conflict. It provides advice on how to communicate well, and suggests that spouses avoid using negative words.
  • 00:30:00 In this third session of a series on how to make a marital retreat at church, the speaker explains that there are different ways to deal with conflicts in marriage and how these methods can help strengthen or weaken the relationship. He references the story of the two builders and how one built his house on sand while the other built his house on solid ground. The speaker urges couples to be aware of their limits and to set boundaries with their parents so that they may build a strong relationship.
  • 00:35:00 In this third session of a series on how to make a marital retreat in your church, aside from not having a home, some couples struggle. But there are some who, after all, find themselves matrimonially entrenched with their parents after all. There are children in these cases, and often there are problems because the husband has to seek permission from all of his parents to make a decision, or because they have different educational backgrounds, etc. It can be tough to manage these issues, sometimes becoming very strong, because we're not setting our priorities correctly, according to this video. It's important to share these things during a marital retreat, so that the marriages can actually learn to work together, forming a new home. This is an important topic to be discussing, as it's something that we'll always cherish and respect our parents, but we won't ever stop honoring them or respecting them, but we need to be really careful not to cross a line, because we're not a new family now. Genesis may not know the truth about what we have to leave behind to join our parents in one flesh. It's not just a word, "jara," implying a separation and a rift. It has to encompass physical, emotional, economic, spiritual areas
  • 00:40:00 This third session of a three-session course on how to make a marital retreat in your church focuses on financial management. One issue couples often have difficulty reconciling is money. This topic can be a good opportunity to teach couples about what God expects from them with regards to their finances, and how to manage their money wisely. Financial management is also an important part of restoring a marriage.
  • 00:45:00 In this third session of the "Curso Cómo Hacer un Retiro Matrimonial en tu Iglesia" series, participants discuss how to make a marital retreat in their church. Some of the topics covered include how to come to ruin, how to be jobless and all that that can be very strong in a marriage, the passage from Malaquias about bringing all ten commandments to the altar, and the truth that words in proverbs say "Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Each participant shares a personal story about how one of these topics has affected their marriage. The video concludes with a discussion of how to manage these personal issues in a more open and transparent way, and how to do so with both women and men present.
  • 00:50:00 In this third session of a retreat on how to make a marital retreat in your church, participants explore the role of love languages in marriage. They discuss how to better understand how each spouse receives love and how to give love in a more effective way. The importance of understanding God's love language for marriages as a whole is also addressed. This topic is difficult to discuss, and often couples don't know how to communicate with each other about love. However, with the help of God's Spirit, couples can learn how to communicate effectively and have stronger marriages.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses how to make a marital retreat in your church, focusing on session 3. It discusses how to communicate via Facebook or secret conversations, which are not legitimate, and then the person becomes unfaithful. It goes on to say that it has been hard for me, but I have never cheated. It is true that someone else has never done it for me, but already you have been unfaithful. You have been faithful, and that is true. Desires that the person like I did, Jesus never, and that is already adultery to him. If we have to handle this issue and help couples to know more about each other, we will see another way. This is an important topic to discuss, as marriages need to have the same purpose. We need to be able to serve God with a specific call to develop a ministry. Every marriage has a different ministry, and it is helpful to know what those are. We need to find good conferees who can share the topics suggested and others that the Lord will show the speaker. This is important, as husbands need to be able to choose those who will be able to share the Lord's word.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

This video is part of a series on how to conduct a church-based marriage retreat. In this particular video, the focus is on how to deal with disrespectful behavior from one or both spouses. Claudio Islas, a pastor, offers advice on how to choose guest speakers for the retreat, and Pablo Ceja provides information on the schedule and format of the retreat.

  • 01:00:00 This video covers how to do a church-based marriage retreat. The main points covered are the objectives of the retreat, the importance of having a minister in a marriage, and the different ways to do a retreat, including a separate panel or table discussion. The video also covers how to prepare for and conduct a retreat.
  • 01:05:00 In this third session of the "How to make a marital retreat in your church" course, we'll be discussing how to handle situations where one or both of the spouses exhibits disrespectful behavior towards the other. This can be a difficult issue to manage, but it's important to be able to talk about it openly and hopefully resolve it without having to resort to Conflict Resolution. Guiding couples through this process is essential, and the expert speakers in this video series offer some advice on how to do just that.
  • 01:10:00 In this video, Claudio Islas, a pastor, discusses how different pastors choose who they invite to speak at their church retreats. He says that it depends on the retreat's purpose, and that sometimes special guests are invited to share their unique ministry experiences. He also says that it's important for churches to have the resources necessary to bring in guest speakers, and that each church should decide what is best for its own needs. Finally, he provides a message for couples preparing for their own church retreat.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, Pastor Pablo Ceja discusses how to make a marital retreat in your church. Sessions will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 11am to 12pm, and from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. The class will also include a session on Thursday from 11am to 12pm. There will also be a class on Friday from 10am to 12pm. The class is free, and open to students in the school's worship ministry. They will also be able to take the class online, and there will be a special class on Saturday on vision and mission theology with Washington D.C. pastor Fernando.

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