Summary of Sesión 13: Acciones Colectivas Público-privadas en la lucha contra la corrupción

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video "Sesión 13: Acciones Colectivas Público-privadas en la lucha contra la corrupción" features a discussion on the role of the private sector in the fight against corruption. The panelists, who include Alberto López Salgado, Carolina Hernández, and Sebastián Pérez Mora, explore the ways that businesses and the private sector can contribute to efforts to combat corruption. The session aims to highlight the shared responsibility between the public and private sectors in addressing the issue. The speaker briefly mentions the mandate issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to combat corruption in Colombia and the role that the private sector can play in this effort.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the moderator introduces the panelists for the session on collective public-private actions in the fight against corruption. The panelists include Alberto López Salgado, an electronic engineer specializing in high management, information technology, and satellite networks; Carolina Hernández, a lawyer specializing in human rights and international humanitarian law, who currently coordinates human rights and anti-corruption at Pacto Global Red Colombia; and Sebastián Pérez Mora, a philosopher with a master's degree in philosophy and public policy from the London School of Economics. The moderator highlights the diverse backgrounds and expertise of the panelists and emphasizes that the session will focus on the perspective of the private sector in combating corruption.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Sebastian, a professional specialized in anti-corruption in the private sector of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and Victor Saavedra, an economist and anti-corruption researcher, join the panel to discuss the public-private collective actions in the fight against corruption. The session aims to explore the role of businesses and the private sector in combating corruption, highlighting the shared responsibility between the public and private sectors. The panelists have limited time to discuss the topic, but their diverse backgrounds and expertise make for an interesting and comprehensive discussion. Despite the time constraints, the session promises to shed light on various aspects of corruption and its implications for the private sector.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the mandate that has been issued by the Nations Unido for combating corruption in Colombia. He explains that the mandate currently applies to Colombia and not just to the Andean region and the Southern Cone. The mandate is global in scope and is intended to address the problem of corruption in Colombia. The speaker further explains that the materialiotopic under discussion is the area of anti-corruption, which is closely related to the theme of the day. The main objective of this area of work is to support the government of Colombia in implementing the anti-corruption convention of the Nations Unido. However, the speaker notes that the mandate of the organization may be expanding and impacting all areas, including the area of anti-corruption. In addition to this, the speaker briefly mentions the topic of a publication made in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota called "La guía anti-corrupción". This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the topic of corruption, its manifestations, and the ways to combat it. The main focus of this document is on the sector of business and trade and the important allies involved in the realization of the publication, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the British Embassy, various ministries, and government agencies. The speaker explains that the publication also includes a definition of corruption and its relation to the business sector and the overall understanding of the topic. It also highlights the complexity of understanding corruption, and various perspectives and matices exist, which require careful analysis to understand.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the different definitions of corruption, highlighting that there are academic conceptualizations as well as institutionalized definitions by international agencies. They mention that one of the most canonical definitions of corruption, according to Robert, focuses on issues of monopoly, discretion, and lack of transparency. However, there are also other definitions that emphasize the misuse of public power or authority for private benefit. The complexity of corruption is acknowledged, and it is mentioned that even large international conventions like the UN Convention Against Corruption do not provide a precise definition but rather present a series of examples of corrupt behaviors. The speaker also mentions that the guide covers the consequences of corruption, including its impact on economic growth, poverty, inequality, governance, human rights, gender perspectives, armed conflicts, and the environment. Overall, they emphasize that corruption has multifaceted consequences in various areas, and while they don't delve into each specific consequence, they invite readers to explore them in the guide.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses how corruption kills and can have significant consequences on people's lives, such as the erosion of democracy and the allocation of resources. The video also highlights the importance of addressing private sector corruption, not just the public one, and mentions the need for further research in order to understand the root causes of corruption. The discussion then turns to a document developed by a think tank called Centro de Estudios y Perspectiva (CESP), which conducted a diagnosis of corruption in Colombia and the proactive measures to address it.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the work of the Expert Anti-Corruption Commission in understanding corruption in the country and providing recommendations. They present a diagram that shows the different factors contributing to corruption, including the limited access to information. Alberto Lopez from the Ethics Commission then talks about the legislative framework developed in recent years in Colombia to promote transparency. However, due to technical difficulties, his presentation is interrupted.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the logical framework that defines the problem of corruption in the country. They explain that corruption presents itself through various manifestations, such as electoral capture and the extraction of rents from the state. The speaker also mentions that there are barriers to citizen control of corruption, including the presence of illegal economies and violence against whistleblowers. The expert commission on corruption provides a detailed analysis of the determinants of corruption and formulates recommendations based on this analysis. The speaker highlights that corruption in Colombia is a systemic problem driven by corrupt actors, including clientelistic organizations, large economic interests, and illicit groups, all seeking to extract rents from the state.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Carolina Hernández, the coordinator of Human Rights and Anti-Corruption at Pacto Global, explains that Pacto Global is a global initiative that contributes to sustainable development goals within the framework of ten universal principles. These principles are aligned with global trends in areas such as human rights, labor standards, anti-corruption, and climate change. Pacto Global works towards these goals through 17 sustainable development objectives with 169 targets. These objectives aim to combat poverty, inequality, and promote a just world. The focus of this discussion is on Objective 16, which pertains to peace, justice, and strong institutions, including combating corruption.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Carolina explains that the goal of the public-private collective actions against corruption is to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all forms, as well as to create effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels. She mentions that companies can contribute to this goal by implementing actions within their organizations, such as sensitization and training on anticorruption measures, promoting ethics and integrity, measuring ethical climate, and facilitating spaces for exchange. She also highlights the role of the Global Compact Network in Colombia, which aligns its work with the global mission of promoting responsible business practices and sustainable development goals through collaboration and innovation. The network works through information exchange and partnerships with organizations like UNI and Alias for Integrity to implement actions related to integrity and ethics in business relationships.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses collective actions against corruption, specifically the work being done with the Alliance for Integrity. They hold regular meetings with private sector members to discuss topics of interest and trends in the companies. They emphasize the importance of knowledge sharing and learning from each other's experiences to avoid making the same mistakes. One initiative is the Compliance Officers Network, where they discuss specific cases related to compliance officers' actions and how they can be more effective in knowledge management and exchange of best practices. Additionally, they mention the integration of Pacto Global (Global Compact) and the Hacia la Integridad (Towards Integrity) initiative to provide knowledge to compliance officers in private organizations.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the concept of an open state, which involves continuous political and ethical dialogue with citizens, transparency, participation, and collaboration. They highlight that citizens should be at the center of decision-making processes, emphasizing the importance of open data and information exchange between the government and citizens. They also mention international initiatives such as the Open Government Partnership and the Inter-American Open Data Charter, which aim to prevent corruption through the sharing of open data. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of cultural transformation, technology, and processes in the digital transformation of public entities, stressing the need for a change in culture and the development of digital ecosystems. They recommend reading laws and regulations related to transparency and suggest that both public and private organizations have tools, such as compliance officers, to ensure legal compliance and prevent corruption.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of public-private collective actions in the fight against corruption. They explain that in today's business world, there is increasing emphasis on social and governance aspects, with organizations integrating these issues into their agendas and management plans. While profit generation and financial goals are still important, there is now a context that values respecting others and the environment. The speaker also introduces a document that proposes actions to combat corruption, prioritizing recommendations based on feasibility and impact. Some of the key recommendations include reforming the process of selecting electoral magistrates to ensure independence and investigative capabilities, increasing public funding for political campaigns, implementing comprehensive reforms to improve control agencies' effectiveness, and enhancing the analysis of illicit financial flows and money laundering. Overall, the goal is to address corruption through a range of measures and reforms.

01:00:00 - 01:55:00

In this section of the video titled "Sesión 13: Acciones Colectivas Público-privadas en la lucha contra la corrupción," the speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding corruption as a systemic issue and developing the capacity to analyze corruption cases as criminal networks. They suggest reviewing the public procurement system to avoid abuse and reducing direct contracting. The speaker highlights the progress made in developing a legislative framework and implementing measures related to open government and digital transformation. They encourage public officials to adhere to ethical standards and emphasize the importance of citizen participation in combating corruption. The video also discusses the role of the private sector in the fight against corruption, promoting ethics and compliance in businesses through anti-corruption programs. The importance of responsible citizenship in the fight against corruption and the need for collective action are also highlighted. Additionally, the video touches on the publication of "Innovating in Business Integrity" and "No Excuses," which provide guidance and address the excuses often made regarding corruption.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses several recommendations for fighting corruption in Colombia. They emphasize the importance of understanding corruption as a systemic issue and highlight the need to develop the capacity to analyze corruption cases as criminal networks. They also suggest that the Colombian government should review the public procurement system to avoid abuse and reduce direct contracting. Additionally, they mention the progress made in developing a legislative framework and implementing measures related to open government and digital transformation. The speaker encourages public officials to adhere to ethical standards and emphasizes the importance of citizen participation in combating corruption.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video titled "Sesión 13: Acciones Colectivas Público-privadas en la lucha contra la corrupción", the speakers discuss the process of accessing and transforming information, which they have been involved in since 2018. The video goes on to talk about the policies that were implemented in Colombia in 2021, with the implementation of an open government model model that is transparent, participatory, and innovative. The video suggests that the Government Open model has several objectives, such as improving access to public information, promoting public integrity, and reducing corruption. One of the main strategies used in this process is the use of digital technologies, particularly the development of digital solutions to access information in the three branches of government, the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. The video suggests the importance of digital technologies, including telecommunications, as a means of accessing information and mapping the territory. The video also highlights the development of a unified portal for access to government information, making it easier for citizens to access information from any institution, department, or municipality in Colombia. Overall, the video suggests that the implementation of open government policies, combined with the use of digital technologies, can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government processes and promote transparency and participation in decision-making processes.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the video discusses the use of technology during the pandemic and its potential impact in the fight against corruption. The video covers the topic of information, specifically electronic information, and how it can be used to improve transparency, accessibility, and democratic participation. The unification of different systems of information and the implementation of information systems at a territorial level are discussed as well. The video also touches on the importance of values such as honesty, respect, commitment, diligence, and justice in the public sector and how they can be guided by the CODEGRES Servicio Público Colombiano. In addition, the video discusses the PAEC program, a reference for anticorruption and ethical compliance in the private sector, and how it can be used to guide businesses in upholding ethical standards. Finally, the role of the private sector in the fight against corruption is also highlighted, specifically in the area of public procurement.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of implementing anticorruption and compliance programs in the private sector. These programs serve as tools for businesses to address various risks, including corruption, lack of transparency, and unethical practices. Compliance is not synonymous with corruption but encompasses adhering to the law, ethical standards, and integrity. In addition to corruption, compliance programs also cover other areas such as data protection, money laundering, and sustainability. The speaker highlights the need to comply with legal obligations and contractual agreements, emphasizing that non-compliance poses significant risks. The presentation also mentions international standards, such as the ISO 37.001 and ISO 37.301, which provide guidance on compliance management. The discussion concludes with an overview of key components in anticorruption and compliance programs, aligning with international standards and the United Nations' emphasis on the private sector's role in combating corruption.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the private sector in the fight against corruption and highlights the role of anti-corruption programs in promoting ethics and compliance in businesses. They mention that these programs, such as transparency and corporate ethics programs, are crucial for actively engaging the private sector in combating corruption. The speaker briefly goes through some key steps outlined in the guide for implementing these programs, emphasizing the need for clear commitment from company executives, specific policies regarding gifts and political donations, and the importance of monitoring and supervision to ensure program effectiveness.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of establishing clear and visible programs for combating corruption and ensuring ethical compliance. They emphasize the need for these programs to be accessible to all participants within a company or organization, as well as to external partners and stakeholders. The speaker also highlights the significance of implementing internal controls and maintaining accurate records to demonstrate efforts in compliance. Additionally, they stress the role of communication and training in ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their role, are familiar with and understand the principles of ethics and compliance. Lastly, the speaker mentions the importance of promoting and actively incentivizing ethical behavior, as well as detecting and reporting violations within the system.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the video discusses the importance of organisms within anti-corruption programs. It explains that these organizations help to identify violations to the system and determine appropriate sanctions or ethical and compliance measures. The video also stresses the need for periodic evaluations and examinations to assess the effectiveness of these programs. The video provides a practical guide for companies to aid in the implementation of anti-corruption programs. The speaker, Alberto, emphasizes the duty of citizens as professionals and the need for civic participation. The video also touches upon the idea of responsible citizenship and its role in building a more just society. The speaker also briefly mentions an upcoming presentation by Carolina of Pacto Global Red Colombia. Overall, the video provides valuable insight into the importance of responsible citizenship in the fight against corruption and the effective implementation of anti-corruption programs.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the publication of "Innovating in Business Integrity," which proposes categories relevant to the fight against corruption, such as measuring organizational climate, gender issues, and challenges during the pandemic. They highlight the success of compliance programs and the importance of companies becoming replicators of such programs. The speaker mentions that around 20 companies submitted their good practices for evaluation and emphasizes that the fight against corruption should not be limited to large companies but should be a strategic focus for all organizations, including small and medium-sized enterprises. They also reference the publication "No Excuses," which serves as a guide to address the excuses often made regarding corruption and was created in collaboration with various sectors, including civil society, the private sector, and the public sector.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the excuses commonly used to justify corrupt behavior in Colombia. These excuses, such as believing that paying bribes is necessary to enter the market or thinking that laws and reporting are ineffective, have become normalized in society. However, it is important for companies to recognize and confront these excuses, both by implementing internal measures and taking external actions. This includes identifying corruption risks, expanding measures to other areas, and reporting examples of anti-corruption efforts. The speaker emphasizes the need for collective actions and collaboration among sectors, pointing out the example of the collective action taken by 33 companies in the Colombian electricity sector. The session concludes by stressing the importance of all companies, regardless of their size, implementing robust anti-corruption programs to effectively manage corruption risks.
  • 01:45:00 In this section, the speakers discuss their opinion on the effectiveness of ethical certifications in the business sector. They believe that certifications can be useful as long as they are done genuinely, rather than being used solely for reputational purposes. They emphasize the importance of organizations walking the talk and not just using certifications as a façade. While there are various certifications available, it is crucial to choose ones that are internationally or nationally recognized and have reliable backing from academic institutions or certification entities. However, they caution that certifications should always be open to public scrutiny and understanding, and not used to mislead or cover up inadequate practices. Additionally, they briefly touch on the need to regulate corporate lobbying, viewing it as a risk that organizations should identify rather than relying on external regulations. Overall, they highlight the importance of upholding ethical standards and avoiding excuses that can harm the country's progress in combating corruption.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the topic of corporate lobbying and its regulation. They mention that there is a delicate line between ethical lobbying practices and corrupt practices, with some arguing that prohibiting lobbying can be counterproductive. Instead, they suggest that it may be more beneficial to have regulations in place to make lobbying more transparent and accountable. However, there are differing opinions, with some seeing lobbying as a means for powerful sectors to exert undue influence on public policy decisions. Overall, the debate on lobbying regulation remains open, and the speakers emphasize the need for collective action in the fight against corruption.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the speaker expresses gratitude for the support and collaboration from the private sector and other organizations in the fight against corruption. They recognize the importance of working together and participating in spaces like this to maximize knowledge sharing. The speaker emphasizes the responsibility of individuals, including both entrepreneurs and public officials, in promoting transparency and integrity. They highlight the significance of prevention and early detection in minimizing the need for investigation and punishment. The speaker concludes by thanking the moderator and expressing anticipation for future opportunities to discuss similar topics.

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