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In this video, David Sinclair discusses the potential for extending human lifespan by a variety of orders of magnitude more than what currently exists. He shares his thoughts on how this could be achieved through better doctor-patient relationships and advancements in health care technology, as well as the privacy implications of such a shift. He also gives tips on how to live a longer life, such as intermittent fasting and following a plant-based diet.
David Sinclair discusses the potential for extending human lifespan beyond 100 years, noting that it's a "curse" but also a "gift" when viewed in perspective. He discusses the possible benefits of extending human lifespan, including reducing environmental impact and improving mental health, but also cites the challenges of researching and developing such technologies. He shares a story of how, after working on projects that made him feel 'nothing's working', he eventually came to appreciate every day as joyous.
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