Summary of Temperatura y Calor. Escalas de Temperatura

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

This video introduces the concept of temperature and how it is measured. It also discusses the different temperature scales and how they are used. Finally, it looks at an example of how to convert between Celsius and Kelvin.

  • 00:00:00 This video tutorial explains the concepts of temperature and heat, and how to measure them. We then discuss what is heat, and how temperature differences exist between the two concepts. We then discuss equilibrium thermistry, and how two bodies that are in different temperatures will eventually reach the same temperature. Finally, we look at an example graph of equilibrium thermistry.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, we introduce the concept of temperature and temperature scales. We also present equivalences that relate Celsius and Kelvin temperature measurements. Finally, we discuss how to convert Celsius to Kelvin and vice versa. One important unit of measurement for energy is still the calorie. This is because many scientific texts consider this unit to be a measure of energy in the form of heat. For this reason, we present a brief definition of what a calorie is here. A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. We can also relate these units of energy of heat to these equivalences that present, for example, that one calorie equals 4.184 joules. These equivalences are very important because, as I mentioned earlier, there are texts that use calorie units and others that use units of energy called joules. We need to make conversions from one unit to another in order to relate variables, such as those related to temperature changes and caloric energy of water, for example. One way to measure temperature is using a property called dilatation. This property is present in substances as they change in temperature, and we use it in mathematical models to translate calories into iors, such as the
  • 00:10:00 The four most common temperature scales in the world are Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Rankine. Each scale has positive and negative values, and a fourth scale, Absolute, which only has positive values. Internationally, we have degrees Celsius in the English system, and degrees Kelvin in the scientific system. In the Relative scale, we use an "S" to indicate a positive value, and a "C" for a negative value. The Kelvin scale was developed by the British physicist, William Thomson, in 1848. The absolute temperature scale was developed to avoid negative values, and takes the lowest possible temperature as its reference point, 273.15 degrees Celsius. The Rankine scale was developed in the late 1800s to avoid confusion between Celsius and Kelvin. It uses the point of freezing as its reference point, and degrees Rankine are equal to degrees Celsius with a "R" prefix. Finally, we have the temperature ranking scale, which is an absolute temperature scale with positive and negative values. Zero Kelvin is assigned to the lowest possible temperature, and 459 degrees Kelvin is assigned to the highest possible temperature.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, grad degrees Fahrenheit and in this value then making the value of 0 ranking according to that scale ranking no longer uses negative values but only positive values the purpose of managing only positive values in scales such as rest in the scale that Elvin and Lass rank is due to the easy found by the scientists to make calculation in faster and more efficient measuring temperature now well with relation to the scale Celsius or degrees there is a small difference between the scales Celsius and centigrade that is not the same although we say approximately the same let's say it this way when we talk about scales centigrade we're talking about that which the freezing point of water is of 0 degrees Celsius centigrades at an atmosphere of pressure at sea level and the classes us since takes the point triple of water that is, the point triple is that where coexist the three states of water solid liquid and vapor and this value is actually of 0.01 degrees Celsius the difference between Celsius and centigrades is that there is really not a big difference between them although we can say it

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