Summary of Sesión 5. Sábado 19 de noviembre

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, educators discuss the importance of having a clear educational goal for students, and implementing strategies that will help them achieve that goal. They also talk about the need for educators to have a high level of cognitive understanding in order to be effective.

  • 00:00:00 This fifth and final session of the course on strategies for avoiding recuperation and educational failure starts by discussing the student's age and what they should be studying based on that. In the second part, the students will practice a skill they did last session. The first two blocks of this session will focus on differentiating between learning strategy and teaching strategy and using them to advantage. The students will learn that using a more spontaneous approach, with more efficacy, is more beneficial to the student's learning process. The third block will focus on teaching skills in a way that makes them more likely to be remembered. The fourth and final block will cover assessment strategies. The students will be given a case study to work on, and then be asked to provide feedback on the case study. This concludes this course.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Patricia Flowers, a teacher and chat member, discusses the strategies she uses to teach and learn. She explains that, while there is no one right way to do it, she typically employs strategies such as using material that is relevant to the student's interests, engaging the student in active learning, and breaking down complex concepts into smaller, more manageable steps. She also mentions that, in order to effectively use these strategies, teachers need to be aware of their students' individual learning styles and be able to adapt their teaching accordingly.
  • 00:10:00 This video is about a session called "5. Saturday, November 19th" where people share their teaching strategies. One strategy that is mentioned is having students write down 10 ideas for teaching strategies on cards. The video then goes on to show how participants are filling out cards and then voting on which teaching strategy they prefer. The video ends with a discussion on how to implement the chosen strategy in the classroom. Participants are sharing teaching strategies that they use in their classrooms. One strategy is having students write down 10 ideas for teaching strategies on cards. After they have written down their ideas, they are then allowed to vote on which strategy they prefer. The video ends with a discussion on how to implement the chosen strategy in the classroom.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses three types of learning strategies: deep briefing, dialogue, and experiential learning. The speaker explains that the student's goal is to gain knowledge and share it with others. He then shows a slide of a student deep briefing an instructor on how to do a wound dressing. Next, he moves on to a slide of a student dialogueing with an instructor about a topic. Finally, he shows a slide of a student experiencing a topic by doing an activity himself. The speaker concludes the video by discussing how to use these three strategies in the classroom.
  • 00:20:00 This video discusses students' use of questionnaire cases, table with summary graphics, discussion infographics cases clinical examples, and pictorial representation of ideas. One student's questionnaire case studies focus on frustration. Another student's table of case studies illustrates different teaching strategies. A discussion infographic shows how a student's online interactions have led to increased understanding of a topic. Finally, a video discusses students' use of questionnaire cases, table with summary graphics, discussion infographics cases clinical examples, and pictorial representation of ideas. One student's questionnaire case studies focus on frustration. Another student's table of case studies illustrates different teaching strategies. A discussion infographic shows how a student's online interactions have led to increased understanding of a topic. Finally, a video discusses students' use of questionnaire cases, table with summary graphics, discussion infographics cases clinical examples, and pictorial representation of ideas.
  • 00:25:00 The students from various schools participate together in a collaborative way to create a more cohesive Palmas Campus. Individual cases are then recommended, based on how they can be used to foster interaction with others. One of the problems with this approach is that it is based on problems that are more difficult to solve. A more practical approach, which requires a separate project, is to include projects that are more complex. One of the strategies that can be used with these more complex projects is to include problem-solving activities as part of the overall strategy. This helps to engage students more actively in the learning process. In-class discussion, as well as physical debates, are also important tools in this process. By involving all students in the classroom, teachers can create more engaging teaching strategies.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the role that student participation in class plays in learning. It is explained that, through active participation, students can learn and remember information more effectively. It is also mentioned that, through the use of multimedia tools, students can learn in a more interactive and engaging way. Finally, it is explained that, by using a constructivist approach, students can develop their own theories about learning.
  • 00:35:00 This video discusses how the brain builds connections through neuron networks, which can be strengthened when the student makes a new synaptic connection or neural network. This process of learning is something that humans are gradually learning from the moment we are born. We are not learning to walk, run, swim, and play music the way we were meant to. The neural network is strengthened as these tasks are revisited, and it no longer requires a lot of conscious state as opposed to being able to walk. A little movement to the right and then a step to the left and I am moving forward. This process initially looks this way because the neural network is being formed. It takes on average about 21 days for the neural network to become established, and this process is helped by activities such as playing games, exercising, socializing, and especially emoting. Habits, reading, listening, and writing are all important in this process. This technique is useful for saying something to someone, as is demonstrated by Prof. Oropesa in this video. He first has a conversation with his brother, and then discusses how this technique is useful in his class. The student is then shown how to do this by reading and writing about it. It is a very useful technique that can be used in
  • 00:40:00 The question is a memory aid that helps with something called "operational memory." Operational memory is the memory for things that need to be repeated frequently, like tables of multiplication. This little bit here helps to sound good but when you actually do something with it to get it out of your memory, the important part is actually learning the parts of functions of each organ and knowing the effects of certain drugs. He memorizes the parts of functions of each organ but doesn't know the neural networks behind learning. If the student is prepared mentally and age-wise to memorize, then the teacher should be preparing them to be able to do neural network analysis as well. If the student doesn't know the Neural Networks concept, they will have an imaginary understanding of what they are learning and make erroneous inferences. However, if the student knows the concept, they will have knowledge in words of functions and types of scaling. For example, a builder might say, "I need a beam to reach a certain height to paint the ceiling." A student who has learned about neural networks might say, "I need a bridge to connect the two points." This analogy is a memory aid and the student has memorized it.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, two things are said that are going to stop a memory from being literal: the student's ability to say "No" and the teacher's support for the student's abstract thinking. The cognitive theorists in education prefer that this process of analysis not exist, as it is too difficult to pin down as a concept. However, by imagining an example and putting it in a hierarchy of concepts, the memory can be reconstructed. Robert Manzano has a different classification of memory levels, which are six in total: knowledge, comprehension, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and reflection. These levels help to organize the different ways that a person thinks about a memory. Thus far, the memory levels that have been mentioned are knowledge, comprehension, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and reflection. These levels correspond to the six levels of Manzano's taxonomy. After stating this, he goes on to say that this is only a partial list, as other levels exist. He also mentions metacognition, which is the ability to think about one's own thought processes. Finally, he discusses consciousness and its six levels. These levels correspond to the six levels of Bloom's taxonomy, which is a more widely-known classification of memory. Although these
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the objectives of learning and how to teach students to achieve these objectives. It goes on to talk about different strategies for teaching and learning, and how to use them to help students remember and understand information. Finally, it explains how to use these strategies to improve students' memory and comprehension.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, a group of educators discuss the importance of having a clear and relevant educational goal for students, as well as implementing strategies that will help students achieve that goal. They also talk about the need for educators to have a high level of cognitive understanding in order to be effective. One of the educators makes the point that, while a student's level of cognitive understanding is important, it is not the only thing that needs to be taken into account when it comes to assessing their learning. He goes on to say that, in order to provide students with the best possible learning experience, it is also necessary to value their cognitive skills and to provide them with a sufficient amount of challenging content. Finally, the speaker discusses the importance of using evidence of student learning to inform future teaching and learning strategies.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses the different strategies that can be used to help students learn, including group auto-study, using multimedia tools, and using psychological strategies. It also discusses the importance of having a well-organized resource center and of providing supplemental material to make the learning process more engaging for students.

  • 01:00:00 This video discusses the role of the teacher and tutor, and how the two can work together to support student learning. It discusses the importance of having a clear goal for students to achieve, and discusses the role of a tutor in helping students achieve that goal.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, five strategies for studying are reviewed, and then a simulation is played in which two students are tutoring and one is a monitor. The strategies reviewed are: 1) group auto-study; 2) seeking out assistance from classmates; 3) using flashcards and practice exams; 4) using multimedia tools, such as videos and articles; and 5) using psychological strategies, such as self-study, peer review, and self-testing. Each strategy is briefly explained, and then a question is asked about using one of the strategies in a particular situation. Each strategy is then discussed in more detail. Finally, students are asked for feedback on the strategies.
  • 01:10:00 In this video, a teacher discusses the importance of having an effective school-based student monitoring system in order to help ensure that students are both academically and militarily successful. The teacher points out that while it is possible to have both an academic and military focus, it is important to have a system in place that allows for both flexibility and accountability. The teacher suggests that a student monitoring system could be implemented in a number of ways, depending on the school's existing infrastructure and the students' availability and willingness to participate.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, a teacher explains the importance of good communication between teachers and students. The teacher also shares a example of when a student has difficulty with a particular topic, and how the teacher can help out. Finally, the teacher recommends a book that is both professional and helpful for students.
  • 01:20:00 This video provides advice on how to choose topics for class lessons, given that the mediator and organizer of the session, the student, is injured. Out of the six topics that were discussed, one may be upgraded to a full-blown subject, depending on the student's performance. This flexibility is useful for teaching professionals, as it allows for different approaches to be used in different subjects. The key point to remember is that, when teaching current topics, students should focus on learning, rather than on marks or grades. If a student does not feel well or engages in a disruptive behavior outside of the school's regulations, he or she may be sent to a sesión inmediata, even if their academic performance is good. Additionally, institutional strategies should be aimed at fostering tutor relationships with students in order to help them learn. Finally, there is always room for improvement when it comes to teaching, and this video provides a glimpse into some of the ways in which teachers are currently innovating.
  • 01:25:00 This video discusses the importance of having a well-organized resource center, which can include videos, materials, and activities meant to help teachers and students learn the material. It also discusses the importance of providing supplemental material, such as podcasts and simulations, to make the learning process more engaging for students.
  • 01:30:00 This video discusses the importance of teacher training in handling students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It also discusses the importance of identifying and diagnosing ASD in students.
  • 01:35:00 This video discusses how adolescents can best deal with their hyperactivity and increased neurodevelopment after the pandemic ended. It also mentions how to improve self-esteem and learn strategies for personal development. The video discusses how groups of adolescents can improve their self-esteem and develop coping skills through self-directed learning. It urges schools to provide such groups and suggests that self-esteem counseling for adults with autism be available as well.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses different types of learning strategies and how students can use them to improve their learning. It also describes the difference between a mental map and a conceptual map, and provides examples of each. Finally, it gives tips on how to use learning strategies effectively.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the different characteristics of a conceptual map, which is more rigid and includes the use of ellipses and ovals. It also discusses the use of connectors, which enables concepts to be connected. The main points made are that the conceptual map is more flexible than the mental map and can include drawings, Triangles, Circles, and Ellipses. Finally, the idea of multiple perspectives is demonstrated by showing how the map can be drawn in one hand and how it can include keys, drawings, and triangles.
  • 01:50:00 The video shows an example of a map mental and a comparative map, and discusses the difference between the two. The map mental is designed to be more flexible, allowing students to present information in a graphical, sinthetic form. The strategy of learning is useful for students to be able to take notes and to synthesize information, and may also be useful for organizing thoughts. There may be a guide or tutorial available on how to use the map mental, which would be beneficial for students. The comparative map is more conceptual and allows for comparison of different concepts. While the map mental is still useful, the comparative map has lost popularity in recent years due to its complexity.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the use of infographics to help students learn more effectively. It explains that there are different types of infographics, depending on the student's style of learning. It then presents a comparison chart, with the corresponding author and title. The student then provides their own opinion, concluding that this particular infographic is useful for broad reference. The last part of the video is a descriptive graphic, describing the different features of the medication ABC. The student compares and contrasts the features of each medication, making a final judgment.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In this video, the instructor discusses how the student's performance on a quiz will impact their final score. The quiz has 16 questions, and the student's score is based on their answers to these questions as well as their time remaining. If the student answers all questions correctly, they receive a score of 16 points; if they answer any questions incorrectly, their score is reduced by 1 point for each question answered incorrectly. The instructor also points out that, depending on how well the student does on the quiz, their final score may also be impacted by their time.

  • 02:00:00 This video presents an infographics tool that can be used to present information in a visual way. It also discusses the use of a conceptual map.
  • 02:05:00 In this video, Dante demonstrates how to create a mental map to help students remember concepts. He covers different types of maps, such as a map of concepts, a map of locations, and a map of time. He also provides examples of how mental maps can be used in class, such as when a student is asked to provide evidence for a claim. Finally, he discusses how to help students create mental maps, including providing examples and using tools like flashcards and video tutorials.
  • 02:10:00 In this video, a professor asks students questions about their anxieties about studying strategies. Then, the teacher provides a link to a fun, informal game to help students get started. The students are divided into groups, and each group is given a QR code to scan. Once the codes are scanned, the students are connected to the teacher, who begins the game. Each student is given a random animal to dress up as, and then they are set loose in a virtual forest. The objective of the game is to collect items and find the exit. The game is played in rounds, and each round is timed. The first student to exit the forest wins. The students are divided into two teams, and the game continues until one team is victorious. At the end of the game, the students are asked to share their thoughts. Most students find the game fun and motivating, and a few mention that they would like to see the game with more challenging levels.
  • 02:15:00 In this video, the instructor discusses how the student's performance on a quiz will impact their final score. The quiz has 16 questions, and the student's score is based on their answers to these questions as well as their time remaining. If the student answers all questions correctly, they receive a score of 16 points; if they answer any questions incorrectly, their score is reduced by 1 point for each question answered incorrectly. The instructor also points out that, depending on how well the student does on the quiz, their final score may also be impacted by their time.
  • 02:20:00 The video is a session of "Sesión 5" on Saturday, November 19th. The final result is shown and the second place is currently held by Anabel.
  • 02:25:00 In this fifth session, Anaabel is leading the way in first place, while Dante is second, and Luis is in third. However, María de Jesús is still missing two, and Jesús is still missing four. Luisa is in second place, and could move up to third if Jesús is found. Norma and the other students are working hard to catch up, but it is still difficult. Finally, Jesús is found and he is in fifth place.
  • 02:30:00 In this fifth session of the semester, the group discusses how well their group is doing in terms of precision. They are told that there will be standards to follow, but no one is solving the puzzle link. Anabel is awarded third place for her work, and Dante and Luis are second and first, respectively. The rest of the group is listed and their answers to the questions are listed below. Lizeth and Diana both get the question correct, but the other questions have some members getting the answer wrong. Anabel is the only one to get all the questions correct. The group discusses the indicators of success in terms of numbers and concludes that there are five indicators of success. These five are reprobation, deserción, egreso, titulación, and acreditación. The evaluation and accreditation measures are not indicators of success, and education is not the only factor taken into account. The group discusses how the failure in school can be caused by social development factors such as education. The correct answer to the question is that "education is very important" and "there are five players who answered correctly, and two who answered incorrectly."
  • 02:35:00 In this video, Dr. Eduardo E. Vásquez discusses the different types of tutor interventions that can be used to help students succeed in their educational endeavors. He also discusses the importance of having a clear goal for one's educational career, as well as the importance of having a strong sense of motivation. If you notice that a student is not doing well in his or her studies, Dr. Vásquez recommends that you first try to understand the student's motive for wanting to learn, and then work to help that student achieve that goal.
  • 02:40:00 In this video, the tutor discusses the importance of having a structured interview and why it is important for the student's development. The video also covers the different types of interviews and the order in which they should be conducted.
  • 02:45:00 In this fifth episode, the speaker discusses the importance of academic tutoring and how it can help improve student performance. They also mention that the student's performance is not solely the responsibility of the tutor, but also of other factors such as the student's level of education and learning style. Finally, they mention that supplemental materials, such as educational resources and lesson plans, are very important in order to help students succeed.
  • 02:50:00 In this video, the presenter discusses how to improve student performance by providing individual or group tutoring before or after a test. The key features of good tutoring are the use of techniques such as lying, and the use of a positive reinforcement system. The presenter also provides links to resources for more information.
  • 02:55:00 The video discusses the importance of feedback in teaching and how students can improve their academic performance. It also discusses the importance of data collection and analyzing it in order to improve teaching. Finally, it talks about the importance of individualized feedback for students to improve their learning.

03:00:00 - 03:00:00

In this video, baja no discusses the high dropout rate at the university due to students not meeting academic requirements. He asks for help in finding lost or misplaced instruments, and gives instructions on how to reach him via email. He talks about a recent course he took and how it is different from the teacher training program. He then introduces the two students who are going to be the main subject of this session, Juanito and Pepito. He asks them about their experiences and what motivates them. Norma, one of the tutors, shares her experience of implementing an ABM, and how it helped her to better understand her students. Finally, Jesús shares some advice on how to best prepare students for their tutoring sessions.

  • 03:00:00 In this video, Sesión 5, Saturday, November 19th, baja no discusses the situation of students who are not meeting the academic requirements to continue their studies at the university. Many students are dropping out because of this. He asks for people's help in finding lost or misplaced instruments, and gives instructions on how to reach him via email. He talks about a recent course he took and how it is different from the teacher training program. He then introduces the two students who are going to be the main subject of this session, Juanito and Pepito. He asks them about their experiences and what motivates them. Norma, one of the tutors, shares her experience of implementing an ABM, and how it helped her to better understand her students. Finally, Jesús shares some advice on how to best prepare students for their tutoring sessions.

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