Summary of ¿Cómo preparar la autoevaluación institucional y los planes de mejora PMI?

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video provides an overview of how to prepare for an institutional self-evaluation and outlines the importance of involving all stakeholders in the process. It also discusses how to create an effective improvement plan and highlights the need for institutions to be flexible and adaptable in times of crisis.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses how to prepare for an institutional and improvement plan evaluation, with the main focus being on the students' perspective. The participants discuss their own experiences and how they have adapted during this year's pandemic. They also discuss their individual contributions to the school's improvement process.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses how the Distrito Federal government is working to improve quality education through better management of educational institutions and student assessment. In order to do this, the Distrito Federal government is investing in a multidimensional system of evaluation that includes both annual student assessment tests and ongoing evaluations of school management. The video discusses how the director of evaluation, Anita, is working to implement these evaluations and improve student assessment outcomes.
  • 00:10:00 This video provides a overview of how institutional and improvement plans are developed through the use of surveys and evaluations of teachers. It covers factors that contribute to the evaluation results, such as the type of students studied and the practices used in their schools. The video also discusses how institutional quality assurance is achieved through voluntary participation of official institutions. Lastly, the video describes the importance of institutional surveys in providing data for decision making and outlines the steps needed to develop an institutional improvement plan.
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses how to prepare an institutional assessment and improve PMI plans. It discusses how to identify the institutional strengths and weaknesses, and outlines steps and strategies for improvement. The video also asks Diego to help review what is happening with the chat. This process of institutional assessment requires a planned, systematic approach, involving the participation of all involved stakeholders.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the importance of strong work ethic in the development of areas and that this builds institutional identity. Another teacher, Miriam Paes, says that what identifies a school in terms of community solidarity is another teacher's answer that a school's identity is based on its commitment to its mission and vision, and how these are consolidated in other areas, such as relationships among school members. The teachers present say that what identifies a school is its commitment to its students and community members, and the various elements that are being taught in this moment. They also say that strong work ethic, academic development, and commitment to progress are essential for schools to overcome the current learning environment and continue learning at home. We then move on to a diapositiva about the second stage of the autoevaluation process, which is workshops for teachers and students. We invite all educators and the community to participate in these workshops, which we will be developing in the second half of this year and will culminate in a series of workshops in the second half of August. We will be working on a guide that will detail methodological aspects of the workshops, focusing on topics such as assessment, pedagogy, and institutional evaluation. Finally, we present the five steps of the autoevaluation process,
  • 00:25:00 In this video, we discuss how to prepare an institutional assessment and improvement plans, as well as how to measure and track progress. The steps are: moment, what is our route, continuity or a second step, which is how we account for our educational work; pedagogical if we say we're going to look at what's happening now; what's happening at our institution, and how we're capturing and documenting it; the third step is how we perceive ourselves in our institution or in the fourth step, which is very important, we go to history of the school, we're collecting all these moments key factors that made it necessary for the institution to be founded, that it was created, and we're elaborating that frame which allows us to understand how historical developments have shaped our current situation and another one to develop this step, we propose some methods in this particular case, for example, a timeline that allows us to trace the historical development of our institution, in the second step we develop a series of strategies that allow us to account for how we're documenting our progress or our management processes in different moments and in different situations, and lastly, in this third step, we have an application of an instrument, a student survey, which many schools have used
  • 00:30:00 This YouTube video provides a series of qualitative and quantitative elements for advancing our recognition and institutional characterization through PMI. It offers a series of points that can be helpful in advancing our self-evaluation in our fourth step. This important step involves establishing internal relationships of coherence within key aspects of the school. If teachers are invited to participate in this process through instruments such as surveys, then they can begin to reflect on how they have achieved these relationships over time in their institutional discourse. This video goes on to propose a set of evaluation criteria that will help orient and guide the school’s reflection on how progress is being made in each of the institutional processes. Finally, the video offers a glimpse into the planned improvement plan that will be developed as a result of the self-evaluation. This video provides the basic resources for defining and implementing improvements in an institutional setting.
  • 00:35:00 This video discusses how to prepare an institutional and improvement plan (PMI) and includes comments from a teacher about her experience. She says that in order to be more inclusive and make education a better place, teachers have learned to be flexible in evaluation. One aspect that has been emphasized throughout the student's learning at home is evaluation having a more personal approach with parents. We will continue collecting teacher's contributions in practical exercises and discuss the following five steps: planning, organizing, involving different groups within the institution, and utilizing clear evaluation criteria. Once we have these criteria, we can then evaluate different processes within the institution. The second part of our workshop will present five evaluation criteria that schools, teachers, and directors can use to assess their current state. Finally, we will share some comments from other teachers that we have received. For example, one teacher from Manuela Ayala School says they have been able to identify good academic levels by looking at the structural and curricular features of the school. Another teacher from Alfonso School shares that their school has been identified for its physical and educational features. Another says that they have been able to identify their college level based on the strength of their school's administration, curriculum, and student body. We would like to thank all of our
  • 00:40:00 The author provides a brief overview of the main points of the autoevaluation process, including the importance of recognizing individual school's unique characteristics. They then discuss the main elements that will be used in the school's self-evaluation, which will take place this year in light of the global situation. Pedro Pablo Ruiz, who will be accompanying the author in the second part of the workshop, will present a practical exercise aimed at improving school's evaluation process. Participants will be asked to respond to five questions about their current evaluation process, after which they will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  • 00:45:00 The video covers how to prepare an institutional and improvement PMI, as well as how to identify situations that have already become part of institutional dynamics during this current stage. Anita, please pass the whiteboard. The institutional autoevaluation and improvement plans presented in this video are based on a 5-point affirmation (that is, an affirmation that is based on a number). The five points are: 1) reality as it is currently; 2) what we have linked as innovative within this current stage; 3) the context of the current stage; 4) new situations that have emerged in the past year; and 5) projecting future scenarios based on what we are experiencing now. Participants are invited to participate in a conversation about their institutional reality before the current stage of the COBI19, which was what the educational institution has worked on throughout its history. What is new about this stage is that it is related to the current stage of the COBI19. The institutional reality that must be matched with improved aspects in terms of Mejoramiento Institucional Vigencia 2021 is outlined in this video. The first point is that institutions have access to important information about this exercise, which includes information about the population's understanding of
  • 00:50:00 The author of the video discusses the need for institutions to prepare for their 2020 PMI and outlines some of the challenges that families are currently facing, such as violence at home. The need for institutions to take into account the changing environment has led to them working with families more closely in order to understand their needs. The author also talks about the importance of having Complementary Education programs for students with disabilities, and how Carlos Arango Viez has been able to stay afloat in a changing market by having a long history of offering an integrated education to children from various socioeconomic backgrounds. Finally, the author asks for viewers' opinions on the matter, as they provide valuable insight into the challenges that institutions face when it comes to adapting to the ever-changing digital world.
  • 00:55:00 This YouTube video discusses how to prepare an effective institutional and improvement PMI. It features interviews with Edgar Alba, an educator at a new school, and Pablo Santos, an educator at a public school. Alba says that one way to improve the school's performance is to make students' efforts and goals more visible. Santos says that one way to do this is to create a system where all stakeholders - students, faculty, and administrators - share information about school processes. He also points out that, in times of crisis, it is important for institutions to have effective processes for assessing their own performance. The interviewees suggest that, in order to improve their curricula, institutions should document each of their institutional processes, as well as the goals and responsibilities of each stakeholder involved. They also mention the importance of training staff in innovative tech tools. Overall, the video provides tips on how to improve institutional performance during a time of crisis.

01:00:00 - 01:50:00

The video discusses how to prepare an institutional and improvement plan (PMI) evaluation. It explains that the evaluation is a collective reflection on progress made, and that it should be conducted in a way that takes into account the unique characteristics of each school. The program will last for 45 months, and each three-week meeting will include a presentation and Q&A.

  • 01:00:00 The presenter discusses how an institutional improvement plan can be made easier for everyone to follow. They discuss how to measure performance and identify areas for improvement. They also discuss how to develop indicators to measure performance. Finally, they mention that it is important for families and students to be interested in learning new technology so that they can keep up with the changes happening in their educations.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses how to prepare for an institutional and improvement PMI. One of the participants of the teachers' age group reiterates that it is not important how long we have been in the teaching profession or how long we have been at the educational institution, but that the opportunity to improve and this opportunity to improve student outcomes benefits us all. We focus on our students and their families when we talk about the mission of the institution, and when we talk about vision, we see the education institution as seeking to have a position within its local community within 5 or 10 years. This possibility of position-making through institutional practices of classrooms, different spaces within the institution, and the acquisition of new knowledge has been achieved. We are in the process of moving away from a unilateral view of the teacher as the sole provider of information to the student. Today, the student receives information and the teacher provides it in a particular moment for the student to be more profound and much more knowledgeable.
  • 01:10:00 In this video, three aspects of institutional improvement are proposed: integrating curricular experiences among different areas of study, developing transversal communication channels between teachers and students, and using technology to facilitate communication among teachers and students. It is suggested that the improvement of communication skills among teachers is key to achieving successful institutional improvement.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses how to prepare an institutional evaluation and improvement plans (PMI) and explains that there are people who are very knowledgeable about technology, programming, and online communication. It is important that these individuals be brought into the process of identifying and working on needs in student teams, as well as throughout the school's departments. Key Points: -Institutions need to have a plan in place to improve student outcomes. -There are individuals who are knowledgeable about technology, programming, and online communication who can be a valuable asset to the process. -Schools should seek out partnerships with other entities in order to improve student outcomes.
  • 01:20:00 This video discusses how students have adapted to the new educational materials and teaching methods, as well as how flexible the evaluation processes have become. In addition, the experience of current teachers has been valuable in developing an adequate PMI document. In view of the current educational situation, the institutional support staff have made virtual courses available to students, improving their memory, concentration, and other skills. We see that, although it was not usual to work online, the pandemic has brought about a shortage of teachers' time. Consequently, it is up to us to make sure that we take account of individual students' needs when providing support to our students.
  • 01:25:00 The speaker discusses how the pandemic has led to an improvement in the support parents provide for their children's education, and how this can be further enhanced in both the public and private sectors. They mention that one way to improve the situation is to provide training to teachers on how to better include students with special needs. They also mention that there is a need to strengthen teacher's abilities to flexibly accommodate students' needs through some good process of capacity building. Finally, they state that one opportunity for improvement is to create training and self-training programs that will help strengthen the role of the teacher in the process of inclusion education.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, the presenter discusses how assessment is being implemented in their school and how they are trying to improve their PMI scores. They go on to explain that in order to improve assessment, it is important to have a conversation about assessment within the educational institution. Additionally, they mention that curricular and assessment innovation is being implemented at their school. Finally, they explain that in order to decrease the number of students who are not promoted, assessment must be done in an integrated and continuous way.
  • 01:35:00 The author discusses how teachers have been able to improve their work with students by using different strategies in the current educational environment. He believes that today's student critiques their school's promotion process more critically than ever before. He goes on to say that schools must take into account the current realities of each institution when designing improvement plans. With this in mind, he invites participants to a discussion on quality assessment and student evaluation at the school level on August 25.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses how important it is to have institutional and improvement plan PMI evaluations in order to help ensure that students' learning is being monitored and improved. It explains that, in order to make this a reality, teachers and schools need to develop and implement institutional evaluations that are integrated with pedagogical approaches. Five steps are provided for teachers to follow in order to prepare for and carry out institutional evaluations: develop a plan, select participants, develop materials, hold sessions, and evaluate the results.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses how to prepare an institutional and improvement plan (PMI) evaluation. The key points are that all colleges should participate, that the evaluation is a collective reflection on progress made, and that the evaluation should be conducted in a way that takes into account institutional peculiarities. The program will last for 45 months, and each three-week meeting will include a presentation and Q&A.
  • 01:50:00 This video thank schools for giving them an opportunity to present their educational institutions inside. I'm sure the exercise will lead to finding reality that will strengthen us.

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