Summary of A Christmas Story!

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

The protagonist, an old man, tells the story of his time working for the city. He mentions that one day, he was talking to an old man named LP about the park. LP started talking for an hour, and the protagonist had to leave for a meeting. He mentions that LP always talks without stop and was the first one out there patrolling the grounds.

  • 00:00:00 The protagonist, an old man, tells the story of his time working for the city. He mentions that, even though he had the title of "mechanical inspector," he was really just a "red shirt" who did menial tasks. One day, he was talking to an old man named LP about the park where a slide had been tearing kids' legs open. LP started talking for an hour, and the protagonist had to leave for a meeting. He mentions that LP always talks without stop and was the first one out there patrolling the grounds.
  • 00:05:00 Public Works was outsourced to a lowest bidder, and when one of these lowest bidders did not live up to their promises, the young inspector found himself in a lot of fights.
  • 00:10:00 The plumber, minor, and insignificant in A Christmas Story are above my pay grade, and no decision-making happens on our part. This could result in extremely danger, and in fact, that library I mentioned earlier - although they did end up digging up that whole foundation in pouring a new one - must have cut some other corners somewhere else. Years later, I read in the newspapers that the library where I worked had been voted as having the worst magazine subscriptions around. Conflict resolution is likely a video for another channel, so I did eventually work it out on my own, mostly resorting to psychological warfare or you know, "playing dumb out loud." Well, would you look at that my drawing shows four wire clamps per guy... wire it looks like you only really needed three nice work guys. And I'd scribble something in my book nine times out of ten on my next visit, all would be right with the world for that one in ten I could call in one of the older guys I like my horse heads on my horses. Things were flowing pretty alright my TPS reports looked good and I had fewer and fewer tickets on the cork board which meant I was finally holding my own. I was on schedule, getting to know my co-
  • 00:15:00 Grandma gets a Christmas present from Grandpa - a Lip balm. She thanks him and goes to get it. She meets up with him by the security gate, and he tells her he's having car trouble. She helps him get the lip balm, and they go back to the house.

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