Summary of Tactics Tyrsday - EZ D6

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video tutorial explains the basics of the "EZ D6" system, which is designed to be simpler and faster than traditional tabletop role-playing games. In this system, level 2d6 and ones are re-rolled, and heroes can call on miracles by petitioning their deity. Non-magical wealth is not a chore to track in this system, and gear can be bought depending on the wealth level of the characters.

  • 00:00:00 Tactics Thursday is a video series focused on Easy D6, a rules-light system designed for combat encounters. Josh the Pirate introduces himself and discusses the game before going into more detail about the character creation process. Ardan and Josh play a game of Dwarf Pilot Talk using Easy D6, and the game flows smoothly with no hiccups.
  • 00:05:00 The "Tactics Thursday" video by Scotty McFarlane covers the basics of the Easy D6 game system. The game is an action-based fantasy incarnation of the Ecd6 system, with poetic moments, crazy stories, and unforeseen fun ahead. The player starts the game by stating their goal to the rebel raiser, and then the rabble browser determines whether the task is easy, normal, hard, or very hard based on a dice roll. If the player succeeds, they attack the enemy; if they fail, they fail the task.
  • 00:10:00 The Tactics Tyrsday video discusses how to play D6 games differently to make them easier to play. The video revisits the classic D6 game system and discusses how to replace stats with a simple mechanic called a boon. This mechanic allows players to easily add an additional die to a roll or a boon to tasks. The video also recommends using skills to cancel out bane effects.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, the author explains how Karma works in Tyrsday, and how it can be used to help a player succeed or fail in various ways. Additionally, the author discusses how the time narrative in Tyrsday is a loose structure, and how narrative time and action time are different in combat.
  • 00:20:00 Easy D6 is a simplified combat system in which heroes and enemies take turns, with each taking one action. The hero can delay their turn to see what the enemy will do, then interrupt them and take their turn. Enemies complete their turn after the player finishes.
  • 00:25:00 In this Tactics Thursday video, the author discusses the basic rules of Pathfnder, explaining how each hit equals one strike and how to confirm a crit. He also discusses how to use crit karma to boost rolls.
  • 00:30:00 In "Tactics Tyrsday - EZ D6," the narrator explains the various dice systems used in fantasy RPGs, including exploding dice and the armor save. He also provides a brief overview of the karma mechanic, which can be used to boost save rolls in combat. Finally, the narrator provides an overview of the different factions and their respective armor.
  • 00:35:00 In this Tactics Thursday video, the author discusses how to play a hero in a dice-based roleplaying game, focusing on the different actions that can be taken and the consequences of those actions. He also covers how magic and miracles work in the game, and how the player can power up spells.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses various tactics for Tyrsday, including ways to beat the five with one die, casting magic with a boon, and using karma to affect the rabble rouser. It also describes the ways in which a conjurer can roll three dice to determine the power level of a spell they are attempting to cast, and discusses the potential risks and benefits of doing so.
  • 00:45:00 The video explains how Easy D6 is a new, alcohol-free beverage game that allows players to re-roll any die roll, making it a more forgiving game. It also features two metacurrencies, which balances the game.
  • 00:50:00 In "Tactics Tyrsday - EZ D6," the player discusses the different meta currencies in the game, karma and car rod. Karma is used to modify dice rolls and store bad luck away, while car rod can be used to reroll power level dice. Conjurers can attack multiple enemies with a spell, but the strain is great and the defenses will become harder to overcome. When casting a spell, the player must be careful not to make it too complicated to explain to the table. Scrolls offer spells from all circles of sorcery, and once used, the scroll burns up and cannot be used again.
  • 00:55:00 This video tutorial explains the basics of the "EZ D6" system, which is designed to be simpler and faster than traditional tabletop role-playing games. In this system, level 2d6 and ones are re-rolled, and heroes can call on miracles by petitioning their deity. Non-magical wealth is not a chore to track in this system, and gear can be bought depending on the wealth level of the characters.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video discusses how to play Easy D6, a rules-light RPG. The video goes over character creation, equipment, and how to use various scrolls and spells. The video also discusses how to raid other players.

  • 01:00:00 This video demonstrates how to play "Easy D6," a rules-light RPG by DM Scotty McFarlane. Everything is done on a single d6, with a dm setting the roll before you roll it. If you roll a one, you fail; if you roll higher, you succeed. There are two currencies in the game, karma and hero dice. You can spend five karma to buy back your hero dice, which are just 1-d6s.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, various classes of characters are discussed, including rogues, wizards, clerics, and bards. Each class has a different set of abilities and advantages which can be used to customize their playstyle. One interesting note is that certain classes, such as bards, can use karma to improve their rolls.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how a hobgoblin character benefits from increased strength and dexterity. It also mentions that the character's race provides resistance to poison, which is advantageous in a melee character. Finally, it discusses the boons available to a hobgoblin character, and how the race's natural abilities score increase would apply to the character's Con score.
  • 01:15:00 The Hobgoblin is a race that is between 5 and 6 feet tall, has a speed of 30 feet, and has darkvision up to 60 feet. They are proficient with two martial weapons of their choice, and can gain a bonus to a role equal to the number of allies that can see them within 30 feet, up to a maximum bonus of five. Hobgoblins speak Common and Goblin.
  • 01:20:00 In this YouTube video, the narrator discusses the benefits and drawbacks of Beast Mastering as a ranger. He emphasizes that, in order to be effective with this class, a player must first have at least three levels in the ranger class and five levels in the necromancer class. Additionally, the player must have an understanding of the beast companion's terrain advantages and disadvantages, in order to make the most of their companion's abilities.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the game's three classes: the rogue, the barbarian, and the fighter. The rogue gets two class features, the barbarian gets one, and the fighter gets one. The video then goes on to discuss the class features of the rogue, the barbarian, and the fighter. The rogue gets inclinations in tunnel site and Boone to resist poison, the barbarian gets inclinations in victory or failure, and the fighter gets inclinations in power through and sweep or swift attack. The video then goes on to discuss the class features of the rogue, the barbarian, and the fighter's familiars. The rogue gets a familiar that can grow a teat, the barbarian gets a familiar that can mimic, and the fighter gets a faithful familiar. The video ends with the advice that, if you're a fighter, you should focus on melee combat and use your boon in melee weapons.
  • 01:30:00 In "Tactics Tyrsday - EZ D6," the player creates their character by selecting an inclination and species, as well as two aspects. The game then proceeds to introduce them to the game's mechanics by explaining the circle of sorcery and how it works. The player is then asked to select a hero path and begin leveling up.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the various "story collectors" in the game, including the "story collector" (player character) who has a Broad range of abilities. These include the ability to dictate aspects of the player's personality, as well as the ability to manipulate objects and grapple enemies.
  • 01:40:00 In this video, the author discusses tactics for Tyrsday, which is a day where players can earn extra karma by playing different roles. One tactic is to play as a shadow weaver, which is the only role that makes sense because she is the only one that can resist poison. The author also discusses another tactic, which is to play as a human dragonborn. This character has two parents that are both human, which makes her character trackable. The author also discusses a third tactic, which is to play as an orc. Orcs are usually high in testosterone and most half Hawks are squishy, which is a nice change of pace. The author also introduces a friend of his, named Matt, who plays as a half orc monk.
  • 01:45:00 In this video, the author discusses the tactics for Tyrsday, which is a day where players can use any tactics they want. He notes that his name is Mugbork and that he has a half orc race. He also tells a story of meeting a character named Muhammad who was a very powerful sorcerer. He also introduces the player characters to the game's aspects, Master of Magic, and how they work. Next, the author rolls some dice to randomly determine the equipment that the player characters can equip. He then goes on to discuss the common gear that players can roll for each group and how to randomly choose items from each group. Finally, he introduces the player characters to the game's three currencies, gold, silver, and copper.
  • 01:50:00 In this video, the player demonstrates how to use various scrolls and spells in their game, including a classic monster and easy-to-use d6 specific monsters.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses how to play Easy D6, including how to create a character, choose equipment, and raid other players. The video also discusses Ukraine and how the people there are experiencing a time of crisis. The video recommends donating to an action appeal for the people of Ukraine.

02:00:00 - 02:05:00

This video covers the basics of setting up and transporting a miniature for use in the game Shadowrun. It also discusses the importance of Charisma for the Eldritch Knight class, and offers a few tips on how to make the most of the class.

  • 02:00:00 Tyersday is a day for gamers to show off their Tactics skills. The video features a demonstration of how to set up and transport a miniature, as well as a discussion of Shadowrun and its characters.
  • 02:05:00 Josh explains that it can be hard to triple class an Eldritch Knight, and that Charisma is especially important for the class. He also mentions that it's always a good idea to play Khan, and that he will be away from the channel on Thursday night.

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