Summary of Maciej Ceglowski - The Website Obesity Crisis [Web Directions 2015 Keynote]

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00:00:00 - 00:50:00

Maciej Ceglowski's keynote at the 2015 Web Directions conference discusses the website obesity crisis and how web designers can help address it. He explains that while websites have gotten smaller, the interface has not adjusted to make it easier to use. He also discusses the problem of interface warring and how developers are forced to deal with outdated and expensive equipment.

  • 00:00:00 Maciej Ceglowski discusses the web page obesity crisis, noting that pages are becoming increasingly bloated in size. He recommends that designers focus on creating elegant and parsimonious websites.
  • 00:05:00 Maciej Ceglowski, a video creator, gives a speech on the website obesity crisis, which is growing in size and causing slower page loading times. He also mentions that smaller files are being promoted on social media, but they should not be the same size. One article that is not mentioned is about a slide deck that is 9 megabytes in size, and another is about Facebook's proposal for "instant articles."
  • 00:10:00 Maciej Ceglowski, in his keynote at the Web Directions conference in 2015, discussed the website obesity crisis, which is the equivalent of making an exercise video where you don't even bother to exercise - you just stand there eating pizza and biscuits. He proposed a solution - designers who make pages like this should be forced to use the Apple hockey-puck mouse for the remainder of their careers. Google has announced the accelerated mobile pages project, which is designed to reduce the load time of mobile pages. Jeremy Keith, a technical lead at Google, explained that the reason the advanced mobile pages page was enormous ly bloated was limited resources and outsourcing. Ceglowski proposed a further design - the Taft's test - which would measure the aesthetics of a website and, if it looks better, the website should be kept small.
  • 00:15:00 Maciej Ceglowski gives a brief overview of the "Website Obesity Crisis" and how web designers can help make their pages load faster. He shared a simplified version of the "Web Pyramid" which suggests that text at the base of the page should be the majority, followed by semantically-important markup, images, CSS, and finally scripting. He says that we need to be honest about how fast our pages are loading, and that we should be more conscientious about using resources wisely.
  • 00:20:00 Maciej Ceglowski talks about the website obesity crisis and how ads and bloat have taken over the web. He explains how ads work and how they draw attention to products, which eventually goes into the pockets of the advertisers. He also discusses the political economy of the ad industry and how it's distorted the relationship between customers and merchants.
  • 00:25:00 Maciej Ceglowski, a web designer and keynote speaker, warns of the impending ad-free future in which technology companies will consolidate and track their users. He suggests that we ban third-party tracking and ad networks in order to regain control of our design and privacy.
  • 00:30:00 Maciej Ceglowski gives a keynote on the website obesity crisis and the need for returning to dumb old advertising. He argues that ad tech companies are wrong in believing that dumb advertising will not be enough to bring in money, and that we've already paid for things like the Batmobile and the development of the internet with our ignorance of what our pages look like.
  • 00:35:00 Maciej Ceglowski gives a 15-minute talk on minimalism and its negative effects on the obesity crisis. He cites examples of bad design, such as websites with minimalistic interfaces that are difficult to use and full of ads. He also mentions examples of good design, such as the Apple watch review and Virgin America's old design. Ceglowski argues that we need to redesign information products to be more user-friendly and less information-dense.
  • 00:40:00 In his keynote at the 2015 Web Directions conference, Maciej Ceglowski talked about the website obesity crisis and the ways in which web designers can help address it. He explained that while websites have gotten smaller, the interface has not adjusted to make it easier to use. He also discussed the problem of interface warring and how developers are forced to deal with outdated and expensive equipment.
  • 00:45:00 Maciej Ceglowski gives a talk about the website obesity crisis, in which he talks about how difficult it is to make websites that are attractive and engaging to the programmer, and how this has led to the development of distributed systems. He then goes on to talk about the future of the web, in which it will be filled with complex, but ultimately successful, websites.
  • 00:50:00 Maciej Ceglowski gives a keynote on the "Website Obesity Crisis" and how as websites get faster, the web should get faster, too. He encourages everyone to break the back of the surveillance establishment.

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