Summary of CHAMUCO TV. Fabrizio Mejía

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00:00:00 - 00:50:00

In the video, Mejía discusses the recent march for democracy and how it was misrepresented by some media outlets. He also talks about how the march may be the start of a new era of Mexican democracy. He finishes the video by discussing the recent protests and how the march may be the start of a new era of Mexican democracy.

  • 00:00:00 In this YouTube video, Fabrizio Mejía discusses the March for Democracy, which he attended but did not participate in. He points out that he knows no one who participated, and that his friends who did attend were all democrats. He then plays a song about the march and talks about some of Mexico's great democratic figures, including Claudio X Madero and Margarita Bocanegra. He also mentions Luís Carlos Ugandi, a disciple of Elba Esther Gordillo, and Rabina Tagora, the mother of Tagora, who both played a big role in the Mexican Revolution. Mejía then talks about why he didn't participate in the march, and how it was misrepresented by some media outlets as being about re-electing Lopez Obrador. He finishes the video by discussing the recent protests and how the march may be the start of a new era of Mexican democracy.
  • 00:05:00 The video presents a first survey that was conducted to see if a presidential candidate can be revoked of their mandate. According to this, the question asked was if the respondent knew or not know about the president of the INE, which was a measure of the president's popularity. The survey also asked if the respondent would vote for the president of the opposition if he or she were to run for office. The presenter then asks if someone like themselves can not participate in a march like this because they are guaranteed to be run out. He then goes on to mention that the organizations that are organizing the march are affiliated with the panistas, who are a political party without a party. All of the former governors, including Rufo, Placencia, and Salinas, are also affiliated with the panistas. The presenter then talks about how fraud can take place during elections, and specifically mentions that Roberto Madrazos, who was a representative of the panistas, was one of the fraud victims. The presenter then goes on to mention that González has been focusing his campaign on the family Cruz. The presenter then talks about how Ugalde, who was the IFE's director at the time, was able to convince other officials to
  • 00:10:00 CHAMUCO TV hosts a series of dinner meetings with intellectuals to discuss the upcoming Mexican presidential election. Carlos Ugalde, an opinion writer, tells the intellectuals that Felipe Calderón will win. The reaction from the Obradoristas is evident; Aguilar speaks very prudently and balances her positions very well, speaking about both sides of the issue. The plurality of voices at the dinner is a sign that people are not going to protest, but will instead vote in the upcoming election. Felipe Calderón's brother, Claudio, is also in attendance. He is discussed as being a fraud and a liar, and it is implied that he is benefiting from the electoral frauds.
  • 00:15:00 Fabrizio Mejía discusses the reasons behind the recent march in Chamuco, which is spearheaded by the opposition party. He states that many of the claims made about the reform are false, and that the goal of the march is not to discuss the reform, but rather to promote democracy. He goes on to say that the current system, in which half of the power resides in the two-thirds of the Congress, is not democratic. He also says that more members should be appointed to the Supreme Court, and that the electoral system should be more proportional.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Fabricio Mejía discusses how the opposition is using false narratives to oppose government policies, and how these narratives are weak and based on lies. He also talks about how the opposition is using the disappearances of Lorenzo Cordoba and the INE reform to mobilize people.
  • 00:25:00 CHAMUCO TV discusses a march that Fabrizio Mejía was not able to attend. He explains that something strange is happening- the same thing that Einstein predicted but was also predictable. Imagine if this man with the double name of dog, Max Kaiser, told people not to join the march if they wanted to interview him- because they would be asking about the reform and he would not know anything about it. Of course, because they would be asking about the reform and he would not know anything about it, they would not be able to contact him. This is an example of how the old regime controlled the electoral body, and as a result, they were able to predict the outcome of certain elections. Yes, sure, they made all these deals, but that's because they're not going to continue doing them exactly this way. Right-wing spokespeople are feeding people's perception that politics is dirty and all politicians are bad. This is what "litista," a slang term for someone who speaks in academic terms, means- that politicians are not held accountable for their actions because they know that the people who are ignorant of politics will believe them. Aristotle never said that, and what he is saying is that in some cases it
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the CHAMUCO TV program, which features Fabrizio Mejía, a centrist politician. Mejía discusses his political views, stating that he is from the center because, as he puts it, "es este cálculo geométrico que de alguna manera ellos creen que puede ser el principio moral para regirse." He goes on to say that, at some point, this theory had some sense, but now it doesn't in the center there is nothing. He then goes on to talk about moments in which this theory makes sense and moments when it is just a purposeful plan. He concludes the video by saying that, if they were to take a look at the first part of the program, they would see that the convocators of the march are from the González family, which promoted Claudio González, the father, actively in 2006's fraud. Margarita Zavala, Claudio González's wife, also presents her CA (certificate of election) at a given moment and has fake signatures above 200,000. Luis Carlos Ugalde, one of the perpetrators of the 2006 fraud, is also mentioned. H
  • 00:35:00 CHAMUCO TV interviews Fabrizio Mejía, a political commentator and owner of a business that provides catering services to politicians. He talks about how the country's political system is flawed, and how the current administration is using populist tactics to gain support. He also points out that the 20% of the population that is against the president is made up of conservative, racist, and classist people, who are upset that the poor are using the democratic process to get what they want. Mejía believes that the country is in danger of losing its democracy, and that the intellectuals in the opposition are fighting a losing battle.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Fabrizio Mejía, a political scientist and commentator, discusses the current situation in Latin America, where right-wing groups are pushing for more authoritarianism in order to stop the left from taking over. He says that, despite this, the left will always be able to rely on its strong historical roots, as its neoliberal counterpart has always been conservative. He also points out that, in Brazil, the right-wing is currently very strong, despite the left's victory in the recent presidential election.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, Fabrizio Mejía talks about how fascism has started to grow in Mexico, and how the Mexican left has become very moderate. He also mentions how it is happening in other parts of the world, but is dangerous because it can lead to the rise of right-wing fascism. He believes that the Mexican left is still relatively strong, but that it is slowly shrinking due to its history of fighting against the right wing. He also talks about the need for a special program to talk about politics and games for eight hours a day, and eat healthy foods.
  • 00:50:00 This video features Fabricio Mejía, a Quejoso (a person who has filed a lawsuit) who is bidding goodbye to his viewers. He thanks them for watching his show, and reminds them that they can still purchase his magazine in November. He also reminds viewers to be careful.

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