Summary of El nacimiento del Estado Moderno en 15 minutos

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

This video discusses the origins of the modern state, which arose in the 15th and 16th centuries as monarchs took advantage of the feudal crisis to centralize their power. This process was achieved by agreeing with the feudal lords to receive their lands in exchange for some privilege or by conquering the territories through bloody wars. The kings received the support of the newly created bourgeoisie that wanted to get rid of the feudal lords in order to terminate their vassalage.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the origins of the modern state, which arose in the 15th and 16th centuries as monarchs took advantage of the feudal crisis to centralize their power. This process was achieved by agreeing with the feudal lords to receive their lands in exchange for some privilege or by conquering the territories through bloody wars. The kings received the support of the newly created bourgeoisie that wanted to get rid of the feudal lords in order to terminate their vassalage. The European political map that had once resembled a multicolour political mosaic with unstable edges was about to experience changes. The number of independent kingdoms began to shrink and the limits began to consolidate. This result was a consequence of the ascent of a series of monarchs with a certain national conscience, who understood their rule differently than their predecessors. Louis XI and Francis I in France, the Catholic kings in Spain and later Emperor Charles V and his son Philip II, Henry VII and Henry VIII in England, Christian I of Denmark, Casimir IV of Poland, Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, Ivan III of Russia were the artifices of the appearance of the first modern states. These kings governed as best as they could in order to keep the crown, resulting in a kind of natural selection that affected the final result
  • 00:05:00 The 16th century saw a number of major changes in the world, including the invention of the printing press and the Protestant Reformation. The most important of these changes was the heliocentric model of the universe, which challenged the geocentric model of the Earth as the center of the universe. This bold hypothesis clashed with the Holy Scriptures, and resulted in the persecution of Galileo for defending it. However, the scientific Revolution culminated with the work of Isaac Newton, who revolutionized the understanding of gravity and other physical laws. His work also inspired the development of capitalism and the transition from feudalism to capitalism.
  • 00:10:00 The Protestant Reformation led by Luther, Calvinists, and Anglicans had unleashed a European schism that led to bloody religious wars. In France, Calvinists Huguenots were persecuted and on the night of Saint Bartholomew, in Paris, the French king had more than 3,000 Huguenots executed. The killings spread throughout the country and in a few days, the Catholic Church had claimed more victims than were claimed by the Court of the Holy Inquisition in its entire history. Tensions between Catholics and Lutherans also unleashed the Thirty Years' War, which in principle had a religious trigger and ended up becoming a European war in which the great powers tried to find their hegemony. The European Catholic congregation had been drastically reduced. The damage caused by the Reformation was enormous. The Catholic Church needed a Counter-Reformation that would bring order and put a stop to the coming calamities. In the city of Trent, a Council was held that implied a kind of catharsis for the church. The clergy was put to rights, some abuses were eliminated, and the administration was reformed. In addition, forms of propaganda were devised to attract the faithful and propagate the faith. Baroque art was born. A twisted, dramatic, exaggerated art that

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