Summary of Curso de AUTOMATIZACIÓN INDUSTRIAL / 3 de 3 Simulación Estación de Flujo Producción Petroleo y gas

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

This video covers the components of an automated system for simulating an oil and gas production flow station, which includes a separation system, storage tank, and pump systems. The system adjusts levels in the separator, dehydrator, and storage tank according to their respective capacities and triggers an alarm to close the valve in case of pump deficiency or failure. The video also presents trend graphs for pressure and temperature in the dehydrator during the simulation and uses color codes for status information. The control panel allows for activating the respective simulation.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, we learn about the elements present in an automated industrial system for the simulation of an oil and gas production flow station. The system is equipped with a separation system consisting of a valve control that allows entry of production from the wells while the gas is sent to a pressure transmitter to measure the gas pressure before it is passed through to the plant. In addition, the oil from this separator gets transferred to a storage tank with parameters that can set alarms for low or high levels. The system also comprises pump systems that start functioning when the oil level in the separator increases to certain levels. Finally, the simulation is conducted using a code of colors that reflects the status of each element of the system.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the automated system for a simulated oil and gas production station is analyzed. The system is designed to adjust levels in the separator, the dehydrator, and the storage tank according to their respective capacities. The three pumps start one by one until the maximum level is reached. However, if a pump deficiency or failure occurs and the level continues to rise, an alarm triggers the automatic valve closing to prevent spilling. The pumps continue to run until the level decreases and they progressively turn off. The section concludes with an analysis of the graphical trends for temperature and pressure in the dehydrator during the simulation.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video discusses the main components of the production system, which are pressure, temperature, and the amount of fluid in the tank. The simulation shows how the pressure and temperature transmitters gradually decrease over time, as well as the behavior of gas and oil production through trend graphs. The color codes provide information, and the control panel allows for activating the respective simulation.

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