Summary of Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video tutorial course covers blockchain development with JavaScript and Solidity programming. It starts with the basics of blockchain technology and then covers topics such as smart contracts, decentralized exchanges, and non-fungible tokens. The course emphasizes the importance of networking and sharing knowledge with others, as well as taking breaks and learning at your own pace.

  • 00:00:00 This video teaches you how to build blockchain and smart contract applications using JavaScript. The course includes a GitHub repository with code to help you follow along.
  • 00:05:00 This course covers blockchain development with JavaScript. It starts with the basics of blockchain technology, and covers topics such as Bitcoin. After learning the basics, the course moves on to learning about smart contracts and blockchain development. The course emphasizes the importance of networking and sharing knowledge with others, as well as taking breaks and learning at your own pace.
  • 00:10:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers the basics of blockchain technology, including how to create and use smart contracts. The instructor also covers the use of oracles and chaining to make the applications more reliable and efficient.
  • 00:15:00 This video explains the basics of blockchain, smart contracts, and web three development with JavaScript. The student explains that smart contracts enable trust minimized agreements, speed, efficiency, and transparency. The purpose of these technologies is to solve problems in the real world, such as simplifying agreements and contracts and enabling speed, efficiency, and transparency in business transactions.
  • 00:20:00 Smart contracts are agreements that are executed on a decentralized blockchain. They are helpful in preventing parties from breaking promises and ensuring that agreements are executed as intended.
  • 00:25:00 This video introduces the concept of smart contracts and blockchain, and explains how they can be used to solve various trust issues. The video also describes how decentralized exchanges can be used to improve the accessibility of markets for investors.
  • 00:30:00 Smart contracts are a way of doing agreements and contracts that are more secure, faster, and transparent than traditional arrangements. They are also decentralized, which makes them difficult to hack.
  • 00:35:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers topics such as decentralized finance, autonomous organizations, and non-fungible tokens.
  • 00:40:00 This 32-hour course teaches students how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Brave browser. They first create a new wallet, and then learn about the seed phrase and secret phrase. They also learn about etherscan and how to use it to view different addresses and transactions. Finally, they create a new account and explore its properties.
  • 00:45:00 This 32-hour course covers blockchain development, Solidity programming, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The course covers two different accounts, secret recovery phrases, and private keys.
  • 00:50:00 The video demonstrates how to use a test net to develop smart contracts and a main net. It explains that test nets are free, but you need to be careful not to abuse them. It also provides a brief explanation of how to connect a wallet to a test net and simulate a transaction.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, the instructor explains how to work with a blockchain and its related technologies, showing how to use a transaction hash and etherscan to understand the details of a blockchain transaction.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video is a 32-hour course on blockchain technology, Solidity programming, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It covers the basics of how blockchain works, how transactions are priced, how to create a private key and sign transactions, and how blockchain nodes communicate to create a network.

  • 01:00:00 This video covers how blockchain works and how gas fees are determined. It also covers how to send transactions and pay transaction gas fees.
  • 01:05:00 This video tutorial explains the basics of blockchain technology, including the SHA256 hashing algorithm used by Ethereum. The tutorial also describes how to split data into blocks, nuns, and data, and how to hash all three of these pieces together to create a block hash.
  • 01:10:00 A blockchain is a digital ledger of all Bitcoin transactions. It is decentralized and immutable, meaning that it can never be changed. This makes it a powerful tool for recording and tracking transactions.
  • 01:15:00 Blockchains are a type of digital ledger that allows for secure, decentralized transactions between peers. Each node in a blockchain has the same power as any other node, so it is easy to tell which blockchain is correct. When something happens on a blockchain that a node doesn't like, the node can go back and/or change their blockchain to match the majority consensus.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, we learn how blockchain works at a low level, how hashing algorithms work, and how to sign transactions. We also learn about private and public keys, and how they are used in blockchain.
  • 01:25:00 The video covers how to create a private key and sign transactions with it using a digital signature algorithm. The public key is derived from the private key by hashing it and taking the last 20 bytes.
  • 01:30:00 This video discusses blockchain technology, Solidity programming language, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It covers the basics of gas and how transactions are priced, and how to set limits on gas usage.
  • 01:35:00 This video explains the blockchain transaction fee system, which involves a base fee plus a priority fee. The maximum fee that can be charged is also explained. The video also covers blockchain fundamentals, which were covered in a previous video.
  • 01:40:00 This video explains the basics of blockchain technology, including hashing and hashing functions, how blockchain nodes communicate to create a network, and how consensus is achieved. The video also covers how to create a blockchain using the Aetherium platform.
  • 01:45:00 Blockchains use proof of work and longest chain rule to create consensus. When a node gets paid, they can either receive a transaction fee or the block reward.
  • 01:50:00 Blockchains are democratic, with the longest chain being the one that the whole system corroborates. Attacks like the Sybil attack and 51% attack are difficult to carry out in a decentralized system like blockchain, and proof of stake is a more environmentally friendly alternative to proof of work.
  • 01:55:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain technology, including its history and two main types of blockchain: Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. It also covers scalability issues and how Aetherium is attempting to solve them with sharding and rollups.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This course covers blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. The course starts with an introduction to blockchain basics and moves on to learn how to create and deploy a simple blockchain. The course also covers how to develop blockchain applications using JavaScript, Solidity, and web3.

  • 02:00:00 This video teaches you how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. You will start by learning the basics of blockchain, including gas prices and how to use blockchain explainers. You will then learn Solidity, the language used to create smart contracts on blockchain, and how to use the Remix IDE to code. Finally, you will move onto a local development environment.
  • 02:05:00 This video introduces viewers to the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity, a coding language used for smart contracts. The video also covers how to compile and run the code.
  • 02:10:00 In this video, the instructor explains the concept of a contract, introduces the different primitive data types available to Solidity, and demonstrates how to create and use a contract.
  • 02:15:00 This 32-hour course covers blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. The course starts with an introduction to blockchain basics and moves on to learn how to create and deploy a simple blockchain.
  • 02:20:00 This course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using JavaScript, Solidity, and web3. The course covers how to deploy contracts and perform transactions, as well as how to make the contracts public.
  • 02:25:00 This video explains how variables work in Solidity, and how to create private and public functions. Transactions that change the state of the blockchain are expensive, and variables have a scope that goes beyond the function that defines them.
  • 02:30:00 This video explains how functions work in Solidity and how to create and use view functions to read state from a contract without spending gas.
  • 02:35:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The course starts with a brief introduction to blockchain and Solidity, and then moves on to teach you how to create a contract that stores a single favorite number. You are also introduced to the people object, which allows you to store a list of people with their favorite number and name. Next, you learn how to create an array to store multiple people's favorite numbers and names. Finally, you are taught how to use these concepts to create a more efficient way to store a list of people.
  • 02:40:00 This video explains how to create a new person in a people array using a function and a variable. The person's name and favorite number are automatically set when the function is called.
  • 02:45:00 In this video, the author explains how call data, memory, and storage work in Solidity. Memory is temporary variables that can be modified, while storage is permanent variables that can be modified. There are six places where you can store data in Solidity, and memory and storage are the only two that are accepted by Solidity.
  • 02:50:00 This video explains how to create and use a mapping to store data more efficiently. The video also discusses how to deploy a contract to a test net.
  • 02:55:00 This video teaches you how to develop blockchain and Solidity applications using JavaScript. First, you create a simulated environment to work with. Then, you move to using injected web three, which allows you to deploy your applications to a network of your choice. Finally, you create a simple storage contract and deploy it to the blockchain.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

This video provides an introduction to blockchain technology and Solidity programming. It explains how to deploy contracts to a testnet and how to use Chainlink to bring data into contracts.

  • 03:00:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based application using Solidity, JavaScript, and the Ethereum virtual machine. First, the instructor explains how to set up a development environment and deploy a simple contract to a testnet. Then, they show how to create and use types and functions in Solidity, and how to deploy a contract to a live blockchain. Finally, they explain how to use licenses and identifiers in Solidity contracts, and show how to create a simple contract.
  • 03:05:00 In this lesson, we are going to learn how to create a contract that can deploy other contracts. We will also learn how to use inheritance in Solidity to create more complex contracts.
  • 03:10:00 This video demonstrates how to create a storage factory contract in Solidity using code from the Simple Storage Dot Soul contract. Once the storage factory contract is created, a function to deploy a new simple storage contract can be created. Importing contracts into a storage factory contract allows for easier maintenance of multiple contracts within a single file.
  • 03:15:00 The video discusses how to develop a blockchain application with Solidity and JavaScript. It covers the basics of Solidity, including how to create and use contracts, and how to interact with contracts via the API. Finally, the video shows how to compile and deploy a blockchain application.
  • 03:20:00 The video covers the basics of blockchain development, including how to create a storage index and store a value to a contract. Additionally, the video demonstrates how to use the storage factory contract to create simple storage contracts and read values from those contracts.
  • 03:25:00 This course teaches the basics of blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It covers inheritance and how to add new functions to a contracts to make it similar to another contract.
  • 03:30:00 In this video, you learn about the basics of Solidity programming, including how to create contracts, interact with other contracts, and deploy contracts to a testnet. You also learn about the importance of contract inheritance and how to deploy contracts with a specific license.
  • 03:35:00 The video introduces blockchain technology, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It explains how to set up a function to require a certain amount of ether to be sent in order to execute.
  • 03:40:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based smart contract with Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers the basics of blockchain technology, Solidity programming language, and how to deploy a contract. In addition, the instructor discusses how to use decentralized oracles to convert ether into USD.
  • 03:45:00 Chainlink is a decentralized Oracle network that can be used to bring data and external computation into smart contracts. This gives rise to hybrid smart contracts that combine on chain and off chain functionality.
  • 03:50:00 This video tutorial explains how to use blockchain technology and Solidity programming to develop a full stack web 3.js development project. The course covers topics such as price feeds, contract deployment and verification with chainlink, and event-driven execution with chainlike keepers.
  • 03:55:00 Chain link is a smart contract development framework that enables developers to easily create custom contracts and APIs.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

This video teaches how to use blockchain technology and Solidity to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video covers the basics of blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript, including how to create a funding contract, keep track of senders, and calculate funds sent.

  • 04:00:00 This video covers how to use chain link technology to send transactions and get information on prices and conversions rates for native blockchain tokens. Chain link is a technology for sending external data and doing external computation in a decentralized context for smart contracts.
  • 04:05:00 This video tutorial introduces the concept of an interface in Solidity, and shows how to create and use an interface in a code example. The presenter then demonstrates how to call a function on a contract that implements the interface using an alternative approach, importing the interface directly from GitHub.
  • 04:10:00 This video covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to create an aggregator v3 interface object and how to access the latest price for a given round.
  • 04:15:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript, using solidity. It covers how to create a get price function to convert ether into dollars, and how to use conversion rate to ensure that the message dot value sent to the contract is greater than the minimum USD value.
  • 04:20:00 This video teaches how to use blockchain technology and Solidity, a programming language used for developing smart contracts, with JavaScript. The video covers the basics of blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript, including how to create a funding contract, keep track of senders, and calculate funds sent.
  • 04:25:00 This video explains how to create a library for math functions and how to use it in your contracts. The library is called "price converter" and it helps simplify the math involved in calculations.
  • 04:30:00 The video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript. It covers topics such as blockchain, solidity, and safe math. The code in the video is valid for versions 0.8 and below of solidity.
  • 04:35:00 The video explains how to create a withdrawal function for a contract that will allow its funders to withdraw their funds. The function is made public, and the funders' amounts are reset to zero once the withdrawal is complete.
  • 04:40:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the transfer function.
  • 04:45:00 This video explains how to use the call function in Solidity to send Etherium or native blockchain currency. The call function has a maximum gas limit of 2300 and will automatically revert the transaction if it fails.
  • 04:50:00 The video explains how to restrict access to a function so that only the owner of a contract can call it.
  • 04:55:00 This video explains how modifiers work and how they can be used to improve the functionality of a contract. The video demonstrates how to use a modifier to fund a contract, and then shows how the contract's functionality is displayed on etherscan.

05:00:00 - 06:00:00

This video provides a 32-hour course on blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers theoretical concepts and provides advice on how to ask questions effectively for the best chance of receiving an answer.

  • 05:00:00 The video covers the basics of deploying a contract on Ethereum, including how to call various functions and how to check the contract's balance. The contract's funding mechanism is explained, and an error is shown that arises when trying to withdraw funds. Finally, the contract's address and balance are shown on etherscan.
  • 05:05:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop a blockchain-based application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers topics such as variables, contracts, and gas costs. It also discusses how to optimize gas usage for better performance.
  • 05:10:00 In this video, the instructor covers how to make a contract gas efficient by using constants and storage. He also covers how to use custom errors and how to update requires.
  • 05:15:00 This video provides viewers with an overview of blockchain technology,Solidity programming language, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video demonstrates how to use the receive function to send ether to a contract, and how to use the fallback function to trigger code when people send ether to the contract.
  • 05:20:00 This video explains how to create a full stack web3 development with javascript, by demonstrating how to create a simple contract that sends and receives etherium, and how to add fallback and receive functions in case of errors.
  • 05:25:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the Solidity programming language. The video covers topics such as blockchain, Solidity, and web3 development.
  • 05:30:00 This YouTube video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Remix. When errors occur, the first step is to try to figure out what is wrong and then try to find a solution. Step two is to ask Google for help.
  • 05:35:00 This video teaches how to ask questions effectively on Stack Exchange and GitHub forums, and format code for better readability.
  • 05:40:00 This 1-paragraph summary provides an overview of the video "Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course." The video covers how to debug coding problems, format questions for discussion on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange, and search for answers on the web.
  • 05:45:00 This YouTube video provides a 32-hour course on blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers theoretical concepts and provides advice on how to ask questions effectively for the best chance of receiving an answer.
  • 05:50:00 This video explains how to get unblocked on a forum, by learning how to use Stack Overflow and GitHub.
  • 05:55:00 In this video, the author discusses how blockchain technology, Solidity programming language, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript can be done with a 32-hour course. The course can be found at

06:00:00 - 07:00:00

This video provides an overview of how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. It covers how to install the necessary development tools, how to create a smart contract, and how to deploy and interact with the contract using the ethers JS package.

  • 06:00:00 In this video, the author walks through installing various development tools, including the Git and Node.JS runtimes. Next, they discuss how to install Visual Studio Code, which is helpful for developing Ethereum smart contracts. Finally, they provide a brief overview of how to install the Ethereum wallet and start working on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • 06:05:00 This video teaches how to use blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. First, the user installs necessary software, including Node.js and Windows PowerShell. Next, they install the Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows Linux programs to run natively on a Windows environment. Finally, they learn how to use Visual Studio Code to work on their projects in a remote environment.
  • 06:10:00 This video shows how to set up a development environment using Windows, Linux, and Mac. The video teaches how to install Node.js and Git on a Windows machine, and how to use Git pod to run code on a remote server.
  • 06:15:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. The course starts by installing Git and Visual Studio Code, then setting up a workspace and installing the required dependencies. Next, the course covers the basics of blockchain development, including transactions and contracts. The course then moves on to deploy and interact with contracts using the ethers JS package.
  • 06:20:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop blockchain applications using JavaScript. The course starts with an introduction to the basics of blockchain development, before moving on to learn how to create a simple smart contract using Solidity.
  • 06:25:00 This video lesson explains how to use Visual Studio Code to develop blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video also shows how to add syntax highlighting and auto formatting to improve the readability of code.
  • 06:30:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The course provides an overview of how to create a simple contract and deploy it using JavaScript.
  • 06:35:00 The video explains how to write code in JavaScript using the console and Node.js. This code can be synchronous or asynchronous.
  • 06:40:00 In this video, the instructor covers the basics of asynchronous programming in JavaScript. This includes explaining the difference between default and promise-based functions, as well as how to use await to control the execution of a function within an async context.
  • 06:45:00 This course teaches you how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript. You will learn how to create an asynchronous function, compile code, install dependencies, and use yarn to manage your projects.
  • 06:50:00 This video demonstrates how to compile contracts using the yarn command, using the SOLC compiler. If you want to install SOLC globally, you can use the yarn global add solc at zero point 8.7 Dash fixed command.
  • 06:55:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using ganache. It covers how to deploy the code to a JavaScript VM or an injected web3 instance with MetaMask.

07:00:00 - 08:00:00

This course covers the basics of blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. It emphasizes the importance of security and provides guidelines for safe storage of private keys.

  • 07:00:00 This 32-hour course explains blockchain development using JavaScript and Solidity. Ethers is a popular JavaScript-based toolkit that allows for interaction with different blockchains.
  • 07:05:00 This video explains how to create a contract factory to deploy contracts, and how the await keyword is important when using the contract factory.
  • 07:10:00 This video explains how to deploy a contract using the blockchain technology. The author provides examples of how to specify gas prices, block confirmations, and other contract settings.
  • 07:15:00 In this video, the instructor explains how to create a contract and deploy it using only transaction data.
  • 07:20:00 The video explains how to send transactions on the blockchain using JavaScript and ethers. It shows how to sign the transaction and how to use ethers to read the transaction details.
  • 07:25:00 This video explains how to create a blockchain application in Solidity and JavaScript, including the use of the big numbers library.
  • 07:30:00 This video introduces the basics of blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video covers how to deploy a contract to a local Ganache instance and how to clean up the code so that it is less likely to be publicly viewable.
  • 07:35:00 This YouTube video explains how to use environment variables in JavaScript code, and how to keep private keys secret. The video shows how to create a dotenv file, and how to use environment variables in code and in a deploy.js script.
  • 07:40:00 This video teaches viewers how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. First, the instructor demonstrates how to set up a private key in a dotenv file so that it is not stored in plain text. Next, they create an encrypt key.js file to encrypt a private key. Finally, they show how to run the encrypt key.js file and log out the encrypted key.
  • 07:45:00 The video explains how to encrypt a private key using dot encoding and explains how to use that encrypted key to make transactions safely.
  • 07:50:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The course emphasizes the importance of security when working with real funds, and provides guidelines for safe storage of private keys.
  • 07:55:00 This 32-hour course teaches students how to develop blockchain applications in Solidity and JavaScript. They first learn about the different types of blockchains and how to access them. They then create an app called "Free Code Camp" and deploy it to a test network.

08:00:00 - 09:00:00

This video provides a tutorial on how to use the Ethereum blockchain and Solidity programming language to create a basic web3 application. The video starts by discussing how to create an API key for accessing the Ethereum blockchain. The key is then used to access the blockchain verification task in the hardhat application. This task verifies contracts and returns errors if the contract has been previously verified. The video then shows how to use the try catch statement to avoid errors when verifying contracts.

  • 08:00:00 In this video, the presenter shows how to deploy a contract to a blockchain using code. First, they create an RPC URL and private key for the contract. Next, they deploy the contract to a testnet using node deploy. Finally, they verify and publish the contract code using ether scan.
  • 08:05:00 This video introduces the concepts of blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It demonstrates the process of verifying code with etherscan and showing how to use Alchemy to monitor and debug transactions.
  • 08:10:00 This YouTube video teaches developers how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers how to create new projects with Node.js, how to run JavaScript in local development, how to use external packages with yarn and NPM, how to create script sections to minimize long commands, and how to develop and maintain blockchain applications.
  • 08:15:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development with JavaScript, including instruction on how to compile and deploy contracts to a blockchain. Additionally, the course covers TypeScript compatibility, encryption of private keys, and using TypeScript with Node.
  • 08:20:00 This video demonstrates how to create a new project in hard hat, how to use yarn to manage dependencies, and how to set up the project for development.
  • 08:25:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain application using JavaScript and Solidity. The video discusses the different dependencies that are needed for the project and walk through setting up the project. Next, the video shows how to run the project with different options. Finally, the video discusses how to test the project.
  • 08:30:00 In this video, Camila Ramos explains how to solve two common problems when working with blockchain development - forgetting to install npm and forgetting to configure hardhat. When you run into these errors, there is a solution that usually just means that you have a config file somewhere that it shouldn't be. After deleting the config file, you should be able to run MPX hardhat in your project and get the expected results.
  • 08:35:00 This video teaches you how to write deploy scripts for blockchain projects in JavaScript. The main function of the deploy script is an async function, and the main function of the contract is also an async function. The deploy script imports dependencies from Hard Hat ethers and prettier, and then uses prettier to format the code.
  • 08:40:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain application with Solidity and JavaScript. First, the instructor explains how to create a flooring contract and deploy it. Then, they demonstrate how to wait for the contract to be deployed and how to use await to make sure the deployment succeeds. They also add a simple storage contract to the deployment and deploy it to a fake blockchain network. Finally, they show how to add a Rigby network to the deployment and use the network flag to switch between different blockchains.
  • 08:45:00 This video introduces blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. It covers the essentials of network connectivity and deployment. After demonstrating an incorrect deployment, the presenter finds and fixes the issue on Google.
  • 08:50:00 This video shows how to deploy a contract to a remote blockchain using Hardhead, a JavaScript library for interacting with block explorers. The video goes over how to create a plugin for Hardhead that automatically verifies contracts after they are deployed.
  • 08:55:00 This video provides a tutorial on how to use the Ethereum blockchain and Solidity programming language to create a basic web3 application. The video starts by discussing how to create an API key for accessing the Ethereum blockchain. The key is then used to access the blockchain verification task in the hardhat application. This task verifies contracts and returns errors if the contract has been previously verified. The video then shows how to use the try catch statement to avoid errors when verifying contracts.

09:00:00 - 10:00:00

This video introduces viewers to the basics of blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. It covers topics such as setting up a development environment, writing tests, and deploying contracts.

  • 09:00:00 The Verify task in Hardhat is used to verify a contract on a live network or a testnet. The chain ID of the network is important for determining which one is a testnet. If the network dot config chain ID equals four, then the contract can be verified.
  • 09:05:00 The video demonstrates how to develop a blockchain-based application using JavaScript. First, the instructor explains how to verify a contract using the API. Next, they discuss how to update the contract's value using the cons operator. Finally, they demonstrate how to deploy and verify the contract on a test net.
  • 09:10:00 This video demonstrates how to create and use tasks in the blockchain development environment of Ethereum. The video covers the syntax for defining a task, adding parameters, and setting actions for the task.
  • 09:15:00 This 1-hour video introduces viewers to the basics of blockchain and Solidity development, with a focus on JavaScript. The video covers how to call functions and access packages, as well as how to deploy contracts and interact with them.
  • 09:20:00 The "Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course" video demonstrates how to work with blockchain and smart contracts using the local host network in a JavaScript environment. The video also covers how to use the console to interact with the blockchain.
  • 09:25:00 This course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as Solidity basics, deploying contracts, and testing.
  • 09:30:00 This video tutorial explains how to write tests for a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The first part of the video explains how to set up the environment and write the before each section of the tests, while the second part of the video goes into more detail about each test and how to run them.
  • 09:35:00 This video covers how to write tests for blockchain development, using JavaScript and Solidity. The teacher shows how to create a simple contract, and write tests to check that the contract behaves as expected. Next, they cover how to use the hard hat gas reporter extension to get an estimate of how much gas each function in a contract costs. Finally, they show how to use these insights to optimize gas usage for a contract.
  • 09:40:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Solidity and blockchain. The course starts by explaining what blockchain is and how it works, followed by a detailed explanation of Solidity programming language. Finally, the course covers how to write unit, integration, and full stack tests for your contracts.
  • 09:45:00 This video explains how to add solidity coverage, create a hardhat project, and write tests for your smart contracts.
  • 09:50:00 In this 32-hour course, you learn about blockchain development, Solidity programming, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. You learn about coverage testing, gas reporting, hard hat configurations, and how to convert existing JavaScript code to TypeScript.
  • 09:55:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development project with JavaScript using TypeScript. The author demonstrates how to use TypeScript to specify the types of variables and contracts in a project, and how to generate type chain typings for compiled contracts. Finally, the author demonstrates how to use TypeScript to create a simple storage variable of a type that is specific to a contract.

10:00:00 - 11:00:00

This video is a 32-hour course that covers how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as deploying contracts, setting up a development environment, and using various libraries.

  • 10:00:00 In this lesson, we learned how to upload a code repository to GitHub, and then send a tweet celebrating our first commit. We also learned how to set up a development environment for hardhat using a familiar contract base.
  • 10:05:00 This video explains how to use various tools for full stack web3 development, including blockchain and solidity programming. The author demonstrates how to set up a development environment, how to use linting and formatting tools, and how to compile and run code.
  • 10:10:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The course provides instructions for using the Node.js module chainlink-solidity to compile and deploy contracts.
  • 10:15:00 This video explains how to use blockchain and Solidity development with JavaScript. The video demonstrates how to create a function to deploy the blockchain and shows how to use the deploy function to get the logs and accounts from the blockchain.
  • 10:20:00 This 32-hour video course teaches how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as named accounts, deploying contracts to a local or test network, and parameterizing contracts for multiple chains.
  • 10:25:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based application with Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers the creation of a constructor that takes a price feed as a parameter, the use of a price converter library to automate the conversion of prices, and the use of a get conversion rate function to pass in the price feed to the get price function. Finally, the video shows how to compile and run the application.
  • 10:30:00 This video explains how to deploy a contract using the Ethereum Solidity language. The video shows how to use a helper hard hat config file to keep track of different price feeds for different networks.
  • 10:35:00 In this video, the presenter explains how to set up a local network for testing purposes using JavaScript. They explain how to use an address-based chain identifier, and how to deploy mock contracts to simulate interactions with contracts that do not exist on the live network.
  • 10:40:00 The video discusses how to deploy a fake price feed to a blockchain using a chain link module. The developer specifies which chains are used for development, and the contract is then compiled and stored in an artifact.
  • 10:45:00 This video demonstrates how to deploy and test mock versions of contracts using the Ethereum network. The video covers the following topics: - learning about blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript - deploying and testing a mock version of a contract using the Ethereum network - using a helper config to deploy contracts only if they have a specific tag.
  • 10:50:00 This video teaches how to develop a blockchain using Solidity and JavaScript. It shows how to deploy contracts on a local development chain, a test network, a main network, and an Ethereum network without changing code.
  • 10:55:00 This video demonstrates how to develop a full stack web3 development project with JavaScript, blockchain, and Solidity. The instructor demonstrates how to deploy a contract to a Rinkeby test net and verify it.

11:00:00 - 12:00:00

This video provides a 32-hour course on developing blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. It covers topics such as smart contracts, natspec, and unit testing. The course also includes a demonstration of how to use the storage opcode to reduce gas usage when withdrawing funds from a contract.

  • 11:00:00 This 32-hour course covers Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript. The course starts with updating your hard hat and helper configurations, and then jumps into level-up tests. After tweaking a contract to make it look more professional, the course discusses style guides and conventions for naming and ordering code. Next, contracts are added and documented with natspec. Finally, a contract is added to the course's GitHub repository.
  • 11:05:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. It covers the basics of Solidity, blockchain development, and full stack web3 development. The author provides a 32-hour course that includes a natspec and example code.
  • 11:10:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development using JavaScript. First, the instructor demonstrates how to test minimal portions of code to make sure they work correctly. Then, they discuss staging and integration tests. Finally, they provide tips on how to unit test code.
  • 11:15:00 The video discusses how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. It covers how to create a deployer and connect it to an account on Fund Me, and then tests the contract's constructor.
  • 11:20:00 In this video, the author explains how to write tests for a blockchain application using JavaScript. They first show how to use the expect keyword to check for errors, and then demonstrate how to use the ethers utility to make the code easier to read. Finally, they show how to test the function that adds funders to the funders array. All tests are successful.
  • 11:25:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. The course starts by introducing the concept of smart contracts and how they work, and then goes on to develop a withdrawal function using async functions and assertions. The course concludes with a demonstration of how to run the withdrawal function and check the results.
  • 11:30:00 In this video, the presenter teaches viewers how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the balance() function. They also discuss how to calculate gas costs and how to use breakpoints in VS Code to debug their code.
  • 11:35:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using contracts and variables. The video covers how to use debugging tools, how to test contracts, and how to withdraw ether from a contract.
  • 11:40:00 In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to create and test blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. They discuss how to create a withdrawal function that is automatically reverted if the account trying to withdraw is not the only owner of the contract. They also discuss how to write unit tests for the code.
  • 11:45:00 This video explains how global variables are stored in Solidity contracts and how gas usage can be reduced by storing variables in storage variables.
  • 11:50:00 In this video, Patrick Coates describes how different variables in Solidity contracts, such as new var and other var, do not take up storage, and how functions inside a contract only exist for the duration of the function and then are deleted. Finally, he explains how gas is calculated and how getting the balance of an Accounts contract can be expensive due to the save word costing 20,000 gas.
  • 11:55:00 The video teaches you how to develop web3 applications in JavaScript using the Solidity language and the storage opcode. Memory funders is a storage variable that remembers the last value stored in memory for an array or string. The cheaper withdraw function makes use of this knowledge to reduce the amount of gas used when withdrawing funds from a smart contract.

12:00:00 - 13:00:00

This video explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers the basics of blockchain development, including how to save money on gas by refactoring code and optimizing contracts. Additionally, the video covers how to keep user data private by setting visibility to private or internal variables. Finally, the video demonstrates how to create getters for public variables to reduce the amount of data stored on the blockchain.

  • 12:00:00 This video teaches viewers how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript, by rewriting a function to use a memory array instead of a stack. The rewritten function was more expensive than the original, due to the extra loading it required to load all the transactions from the original stack. However, by adding an API key, the test could be run using the Matic blockchain, which showed that cheaper withdraw was indeed cheaper.
  • 12:05:00 This YouTube video explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers the basics of blockchain development, including how to save money on gas by refactoring code and optimizing contracts. Additionally, the video covers how to keep user data private by setting visibility to private or internal variables. Finally, the video demonstrates how to create getters for public variables to reduce the amount of data stored on the blockchain.
  • 12:10:00 This course covers blockchain development with JavaScript, including Solidity and full stack web3 development. The course includes unit tests and staging tests.
  • 12:15:00 This video explains how to create and use smart contracts with blockchain technology. The instructor shows how to create a script that allows for quick fund transfers between contracts, as well as a script that logs the transactions made. Finally, the instructor demonstrates how to use the ethers module to obtain the value of an ether.
  • 12:20:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as deploying contracts and interacting with them using scripts.
  • 12:25:00 In this video, the instructor demonstrates how to create a GitHub repository and commit code to it. He also provides instructions on how to stage and commit code without using Git's "git add" and "git commit" commands.
  • 12:30:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development, Solidity programming, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The course starts by explaining how to set up a GitHub account and clone the repo. Next, the course covers how to clone the repo and add a remote for the origin repo. Next, the course covers how to push code to the origin and branch. Finally, the course covers how to create a web3.js project and add a smart contract.
  • 12:35:00 This video tutorial teaches you how to build a professional-level website using blockchain technology. The first part of the tutorial explains what an application is, and how it works. Next, you learn how to connect to a blockchain and interact with it through a user interface. Finally, you create a funding contract and fund it with Etherium. You then withdraw the Etherium and see the balance change in your console. The final part of the tutorial teaches you how to build a website using web three, a technology that is related to blockchain.
  • 12:40:00 This 1-hour video explains how to develop a blockchain-based website or front end using JavaScript and Solidity. The video demonstrates how to connect to a blockchain node and interact with contracts deployed on the blockchain.
  • 12:45:00 This YouTube video explains how to build a basic website with HTML, JavaScript, and a smart contract using the browser wallets MetaMask and etherium.
  • 12:50:00 This YouTube video explains how to develop a blockchain and web3 application with JavaScript. The video demonstrates how to create a simple front end with HTML and JavaScript, connect to a blockchain, and make API calls.
  • 12:55:00 In this video, the instructor teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the Metamask blockchain browser extension. First, they connect to the Metamask blockchain and then create a button to connect to the Metamask blockchain when clicked. They also create a function to send ethers to another address. The instructor then demonstrates how to use the Import keyword to import their dependencies into the front-end JavaScript file, and how to use the require keyword to import dependencies in the front-end JavaScript file. Finally, they create a withdrawal function to send ethers back to their Metamask wallet.

13:00:00 - 14:00:00

This video tutorial provides an introduction to developing blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. It covers topics such as importing modules, using Metamask, and creating and using contracts.

  • 13:00:00 This video explains how to use the import keyword in front end code instead of require, which is generally not recommended because it can cause confusion. For raw JavaScript, the author recommends using a different syntax, which he will teach later in the video.
  • 13:05:00 This video tutorial teaches you how to develop a full blockchain and Ethereum development stack with JavaScript. First, you learn how to import the necessary files and modules. Next, you create and use variables to store data in your project. You then learn how to use the connect and fund buttons to interact with your Metamask account. Finally, you create and use a contract to perform actions on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • 13:10:00 This video tutorial explains how to develop a blockchain project using Solidity and JavaScript. The instructor demonstrates how to obtain the address of a deployed contract, how to create and execute transactions, and how to handle errors.
  • 13:15:00 In this video, the speaker explains how to connect to a local blockchain using Metamask. They also demonstrate how to fund a contract and confirm the transaction. Finally, they show how to catch errors when running code on a blockchain.
  • 13:20:00 In this video, the instructor teaches how to listen for a transaction to finish in the blockchain. First, they create a function to listen for the transaction to finish and pass in the transaction response and provider. Next, they use a provider.on event to listen for when the transaction finishes. Finally, they call a listener function to execute when the transaction response finishes.
  • 13:25:00 This video tutorial explains how to create a web3 development using JavaScript, blockchain, and Solidity. The instructor shows how to create a listener function that listens for a transaction hash and confirmsations, and how to update the code to return a promise that resolves when the listener finishes.
  • 13:30:00 This video tutorial explains how to develop a blockchain-based web3 application with JavaScript using the Solidity language. The video begins by demonstrating how to create a button to fund the application with Ethereum. Next, the video shows how to create a get balance function to keep track of user balances. Finally, the video explains how to create an async get bounced function to refund user balances in case the user's Ethereum address doesn't match the provider address.
  • 13:35:00 This video teaches viewers how to develop a basic blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video also covers how to use Metamask to check the balance of a wallet, make a withdrawal, and fund the application with Ether.
  • 13:40:00 In this video, the instructor demonstrates how to build a basic smart contract lottery using Solidity and JavaScript. The code for this section is available in the GitHub repository for this course.
  • 13:45:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop a full stack web 3.0 application using javascript. The course starts by installing dependencies, and then you create a smart contract for a raffle. Next, you create an oracle to get the randomness needed for the contract. You also create a chain link keeper to trigger the contract's actions.
  • 13:50:00 This 32-hour course teaches basic blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as storage variables and error handling.
  • 13:55:00 This 1-hour video tutorial explains how to use events in Solidity smart contract development. The video starts with a description of events, and then goes on to show how to use events to emit information to a logging structure in the Ethereum virtual machine.

14:00:00 - 15:00:00

This video teaches how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. It starts with an introduction to blockchain, Solidity, and JavaScript, and then shows how to deploy a contract. Next, the video demonstrates how to make a request for randomness using the contract's fulfill randomness method. Finally, the video demonstrates how to use the subscription manager app to view the history of events that have occurred in the contract.

  • 14:00:00 Chain links VRF allows for multiple contracts to be funded with a subscription. This is demonstrated by creating a subscription account, adding a consumer contract, and then making a random number request.
  • 14:05:00 This video demonstrates how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video starts by describing how to create an address and contract, and then shows how to deploy the contract to the Rinkeby network. Next, the video demonstrates how to make a request for randomness using the contract's fulfill randomness method. Finally, the video demonstrates how to use the subscription manager app to view the history of events that have occurred in the contract.
  • 14:10:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course includes a section on how to generate random numbers using the chainlink network.
  • 14:15:00 In this video, the author explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity, JavaScript, and the Vir interface. They explain how to create a request random winner function using the Vera interface, and then use that function to call request random words on the VRF coordinator contract. They also explain how to set up a subscription ID for funding requests, and how to specify how many confirmations a chain link node should wait before responding to a request.
  • 14:20:00 This video introduces the concepts of blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It covers how to set up a basic contract, how to request a random winner, and how to emit events.
  • 14:25:00 In this video, Steven Foon explains how to use the chain link keeper network to automate the execution of contracts, without needing to interact with them.
  • 14:30:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript, with a focus on how to use the keeper network to automate contract execution.
  • 14:35:00 This video explains how to create a function to check for and perform upkeep on a contract. The function needs to be externally overridden, and it needs to be implemented in a keeper compatible interface.
  • 14:40:00 This video explains how to create a blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with javascript. The video discusses how to create a raffle state, an if statement to check if the lottery is open, and how to create an interval to check if the lottery has passed.
  • 14:45:00 The video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video covers the following: - Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course - Check upkeep needed to trigger a random winner in a lottery or raffle - Transform a request random winner function into perform upkeep - Make checkup, keep public, and pass data to perform upkeep - Make sure perform upkeep is only called when checkup keep is true
  • 14:50:00 The video discusses how to create a basic blockchain project with Solidity and JavaScript, including how to create a smart contract to hold a raffle. Various errors are made along the way, but the video ends with a successful compilation and execution.
  • 14:55:00 The video teaches viewers how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The course starts with a introduction to blockchain, Solidity, and JavaScript, before moving on to deploy a raffle contract.

15:00:00 - 16:00:00

This video provides an overview of how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. It explains how to create variables and constants, how to create a raffle constructor, and how to deploy a mock network. Finally, the video demonstrates how to use the mock network to generate random numbers.

  • 15:00:00 The video explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. First, the video explains how to create variables and constants for a project. Next, the video explains how to create a raffle constructor and deploy it using a mock network. Finally, the video explains how to use a mock network to deploy a raffle on a development chain.
  • 15:05:00 The video provides an overview of blockchain development, covering topics such as Solidity and JavaScript. It explains how to create a VRF coordinator using Mock contracts, and deploy the resulting mock contract. Finally, the presenter shows how to use the coordinator to generate random numbers.
  • 15:10:00 This video teaches how to create and fund a subscription using a VRF coordinator v2 mock. The user interface is used to create and fund a subscription.
  • 15:15:00 This video demonstrates how to create a verification script for a contract on a blockchain. The script verifies the contract using the process studying v ether scan API key and logs the results.
  • 15:20:00 The video demonstrates how to write unit tests for a blockchain project using JavaScript. The first unit test tests the constructor of the raffle contract, and the rest of the tests verify that the raffle contract is initialized correctly and that the raffle is open.
  • 15:25:00 This YouTube video demonstrates how to develop a full stack web3 development project with JavaScript using the Chai library. The video starts by explaining the basics of blockchain, Solidity, and web3 development, and then goes on to show how to create a raffle using these technologies. The video then demonstrates how to test the project's functionality.
  • 15:30:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the Hard Hat Network. The video walks through how to test a function that emits an event and how to move a raffle from its open state to its closed state.
  • 15:35:00 In this video, the instructor demonstrates how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain and solidity. They first increase the time of the blockchain, then mine a block and enter the raffle. The instructor then tests the functionality of the code by checking the upkeep and describing the function. The code is then tested again by simulating a transaction and it passes.
  • 15:40:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The course includes 32 hours of content, with tests to ensure that the code works as expected.
  • 15:45:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain development with JavaScript, Solidity, and Web3. The first part of the course covers syntax and basic concepts, while the second part covers more advanced topics such as testing and contract programming.
  • 15:50:00 This video explains how to write a blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with javascript test. The test checks that fulfill random words can only be called after a request has been created, and that requests never allow the function to run.
  • 15:55:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript, covering topics such as blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development. The course starts by creating a mock chainlink keeper, which will kick off the chainlink, which will kick off calling fulfill random words. If there is an issue with the call to fulfill random words, the course provides a way to reject the promise.

16:00:00 - 17:00:00

This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. The course includes a series of tests to ensure the code works as expected. By the end of the course, users should be able to develop a full stack web3 development project.

  • 16:00:00 This YouTube video demonstrates how to use Solidity, Blockchain, and JavaScript to develop a full stack web3 development project. The video demonstrates how to verify and configure a raffle using Solidity and JavaScript, and how to pay the winner.
  • 16:05:00 This video tutorial teaches blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. The first part of the tutorial covers creating random winners in a lottery, and the second part explains how to set up listeners to listen for events that will trigger the lottery. A staging test is created to test the functionality of the code.
  • 16:10:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The course includes a series of tests to ensure the code works as expected.
  • 16:15:00 This video explains how to create and test a blockchain application using Solidity, JavaScript, and the Ethereum blockchain. First, the presenter explains how to check if the blockchain has been reset and how to assert that the latest winner's balance is equal to the starting balance. Next, they explain how to test whether the money has been transferred correctly. Finally, they demonstrate how to test the application end-to-end.
  • 16:20:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript, including how to register contracts and manage transactions.
  • 16:25:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. After going through the curriculum, the user is ready to test their skills by entering a raffle. When the raffle is won, the keepers perform the required transactions and the raffle winner is notified.
  • 16:30:00 This video discusses how to create a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using TypeScript.
  • 16:35:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based application using JavaScript, using a framework such as Next Jas. The Front End sections are not required for this course, but are recommended for those new to front end development.
  • 16:40:00 This video tutorial shows how to create a basic blockchain project with Solidity and JavaScript.js, and how to create a website using React.js and Next.js.
  • 16:45:00 In this lesson, the instructor explains how to create a component in Next.js and use it in an index.js file. Next.js also provides a dev command for running the component in a separate window.
  • 16:50:00 In this video, the instructor shows how to create a minimalistic header component in React using JSX. Next, the instructor imports the component into an index.js file, and shows how to use it on the front end. Finally, the instructor demonstrates how to use raw ethers if desired.
  • 16:55:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript, starting with creating a simple header and connecting to a metamask wallet.

17:00:00 - 18:00:00

This video explains how to develop a blockchain application using the Web3.js library. It starts with a demonstration of how to save and comment out code, and then shows how to import Alice and Morales to interact with the user's accounts. Next, the instructor shows how to check if an account has been changed, and how to run a deactivate web3 function, disconnect web3, and refresh the page. Finally, the instructor explains how to make a button that can be clicked to reconnect to the web3 network.

  • 17:00:00 Hooks allow for state to be automatically updated when it changes, which is useful for maintaining a consistent user interface across different instances or devices. In this 32-hour course, you'll learn about blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript.
  • 17:05:00 Use effect allows for an application to re-render as soon as it detects any changes to dependencies, which can speed up the overall process.
  • 17:10:00 The video explains how to use web three, a blockchain development platform, with JavaScript. It demonstrates how to use local storage to remember when someone connects to the application, and how to use use effects to automatically run code when something changes in local storage.
  • 17:15:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with javascript using the Alice web3 library. First, the instructor demonstrates how to save and comment out code, and then shows how to import Alice and Morales to interact with the user's accounts. Next, the instructor shows how to check if an account has been changed, and how to run a deactivate web3 function, disconnect web3, and refresh the page. Finally, the instructor explains how to make a button that can be clicked to reconnect to the web3 network.
  • 17:20:00 In this video, the instructor explains how to create a basic blockchain application in JavaScript using the Web3.js library. First, they import the necessary modules and create a header.js file that exports a function to handle the manual header creation. Next, they create a lottery entrance component and configure it to use Web3.js to connect to a local or remote node. Finally, they add a centralized lottery to the application.
  • 17:25:00 This tutorial explains how to develop a full stack web3 application using JavaScript. The course starts with an introduction to blockchain technology and smart contracts, and then moves on to build a simple lottery using web3. Finally, the author discusses how to create a network-agnostic front end and deploy the application to a local or live blockchain.
  • 17:30:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript by updating contracts and the front end. The author shows how to use functions to update contracts and the front end, and how to generate the ABI and date API.
  • 17:35:00 The video explains how to create a smart contract, deploy it to a local blockchain, and update the contract addresses.
  • 17:40:00 This video explains how to use the blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The chain ID is used to identify the chain and the raffle address is used to store the ticket information. When using web3, the raffle address is stored in a constant so that it can be accessed from anywhere in the code.
  • 17:45:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript using the state hook. After setting up local storage and enabling web3, the course teaches how to update an input field and a label on the front end. Finally, the course teaches how to enter the lottery.
  • 17:50:00 This video discusses how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the web3 UI kit. The video shows how to create a button that enters a raffle, as well as how to create notifications to keep users informed about the progress of their transactions.
  • 17:55:00 In this video, Patrick from the future explains how to add on error, colon error console dot log error, to any run contract functions to help ensure that if any of your run contract functions break, you will not be able to tell.

18:00:00 - 19:00:00

This video tutorial covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity programming and IPFS deployment. You will also learn how to use a smart contract kit to quickly start building your projects.

  • 18:00:00 This video explains how to create a UI for a smart contract lottery using web3.js and JavaScript. The front end is designed using a component library and a formatting library.
  • 18:05:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript. You'll learn how to use tailwind CSS and Dash, and apply Tailwind directives to global CSS files.
  • 18:10:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development project with JavaScript using the BungeeJS library. The course covers topics such as blockchain, Solidity, and CSS. The instructor also provides an example project that deploys contracts to a different Ethereum blockchain.
  • 18:15:00 In this video, the instructor teaches viewers how to develop a blockchain-based application using the Solidity programming language and the IPFS distributed data structure. The instructor provides instructions on how to install IPFS on a computer, and then demonstrates how to use IPFS to host and access a code or data file.
  • 18:20:00 This video provides a tutorial on how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using IPFS. The video first explains how to install IPFS on a computer and how to view and copy the CID of an IPFS object. Next, the video shows how to create a static website using Jas and how to deploy the website to IPFS.
  • 18:25:00 This video explains how to use the FleekHQ platform to deploy a website or app to the blockchain. FleekHQ allows users to connect their GitHub account to Fleet, a tool that automates the deployment process.
  • 18:30:00 In this video, Ali gives an overview of Filecoin and how it works. He also explains how content addressing works on IPFS, and how it is designed to be resilient and decentralized.
  • 18:35:00 This video explains the importance of blockchain technology and its application in the storage of data. Filecoin is a blockchain-based platform that uses storage deals to ensure the permanence of data.
  • 18:40:00 This video explains how to use various tools to develop blockchain applications, including Flake, NFT storage, textil Palghat gate, and Orbit dB. All of these tools are free and easy to use, making them perfect for beginner developers.
  • 18:45:00 This video introduces you to blockchain technology and its various components, including IPFS and Filecoin. You learn how to create a basic web3 application with NextJS and Filecoin, and how to use hooks to make your applications reactive.
  • 18:50:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity programming and IPFS deployment. You will also learn how to use a smart contract kit to quickly start building your projects.
  • 18:55:00 This video tutorial teaches how to create and deploy smart contracts on the blockchain using the Solidity programming language. The first part of the lesson covers the basics of Solidity and blockchain technology, and the second part teaches how to create and deploy ERC20 and EIP20 tokens.

19:00:00 - 20:00:00

This video tutorial covers the basics of blockchain development using Solidity, JavaScript, and the ABI protocol. It explains how to develop a blockchain application and deploy it to a local hardhat node.

  • 19:00:00 The video teaches how to create a ERC 20 token using Solidity.
  • 19:05:00 The video discusses how to create a token contract using Solidity and JavaScript. The contract will have a name, symbol, and initial supply. The contract will also have a transfer function that will allow one address to transfer tokens to another address. Finally, the contract will have an allowance mapping that will allow specific addresses to transfer specific amounts of token.
  • 19:10:00 This video explains how to create a token using the Solidity programming language and the OpenZeppelin library. The video explains how to create a token with a license identifier of MIT, a symbol of OT, and an initial supply of 256 tokens.
  • 19:15:00 In this video, we will be learning about blockchain native tokens, ERC20 tokens, and smart contract tokens. We will see that we can create our own tokens with any specifications we want, or we can use openzeppelin to import a token from another popular repo. One of the important things to keep in mind when working with tokens is that they have an allowance mapping that allows other addresses to have access to your tokens and move them around. We will also see that we need to approve tokens before they can interact with our contracts. Finally, we will be a token wizard and be able to deploy our own tokens.
  • 19:20:00 In this video, the instructor explains how to use the Ave platform to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies. They also discuss the importance of collateral and how it helps to ensure that borrowers and lenders are always safe.
  • 19:25:00 This 32-hour course covers the basics of Solidity, Blockchain, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript. It provides a quick overview of the AVI protocol and how to deposit and borrow using the protocol.
  • 19:30:00 This video tutorial explains how to create a script to deposit and withdraw ether from an ERC20 token contract. The script can be used to interact with the contract on the Ethereum network.
  • 19:35:00 This video explains how to create a blockchain contract and deploy it to a local hardhat node.
  • 19:40:00 This 32-hour course teaches developers how to build full stack web 3 applications using JavaScript. It covers blockchain development, Solidity, and JavaScript. Forked blockchain simulation is used to run tests.
  • 19:45:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity, JavaScript, and the ABI protocol. It explains how to obtain the address of a lending pool and connect to it using the Get Lending Pool function.
  • 19:50:00 In this video, the author explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the islanding pledge provider and the lending pool address provider. First, they explain how to get the Web Token contract address from the get web function. Next, they write an approved function to approve a contract to spend tokens. Finally, they connect the approved function to their account.
  • 19:55:00 This video teaches viewers how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the ERC20 standard. It covers the basics of blockchain and solidity, and demonstrates how to approve and deposit a token.

20:00:00 - 21:00:00

This video tutorial explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain. The first part of the course covers blockchain basics, Solidity programming, and how to create a random IPFS NFT. The second part of the course covers how to make the NFs rare and how to create a token using the request NF t function.

  • 20:00:00 This course teaches you how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript, including learning about blockchain, solidity, and liquidations.
  • 20:05:00 This course teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Solidity and the Ethereum blockchain. The first part of the course covers how to interface with the Ethereum blockchain and how to get the latest round data. The second part of the course teaches how to calculate the amount of dye needed to borrow and how to write the code to do so.
  • 20:10:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. The course begins with a discussion of function basics, and then moves on to discuss how to borrow tokens and repay them. Finally, the course provides an example of how to use the uniswap function to repay all debt.
  • 20:15:00 The video demonstrates how to deposit ether into a lending pool using the AVI protocol, burn tokens to repay debts, and fork a blockchain using the Uniswap protocol.
  • 20:20:00 Scaffold-eath is a front-end and smart-contract development platform that uses scaffold-eath as its base. With scaffold-eath, you have a front end and a smart contract, which you can edit and deploy without having to worry about the smart contract code or the front end. This gives you the ability to tinker with your smart contract and see the changes in your front end without having to rebuild the entire project. With challenge zero, you get started setting up your development environment.
  • 20:25:00 In this video, Austin Griffith explains the basics of Ethereum and smart contracts, and then goes on to teach how to create non-fungible tokens (NF T's). These tokens are unique and cannot be substituted for one another, making them ideal for use in a variety of applications.
  • 20:30:00 An NFT, or "non-fungible token," is a digital token that is unique, incorruptible, and has a permanent history. The standard for NFTs is ERC 721, which is supported by various NFT marketplaces. One of the advantages of NFTs is that they can be used to store art, music, and other digital assets.
  • 20:35:00 This video introduces the basics of blockchain technology, including the non-fungible token (NFT) standard known as ERC-721. It explains how to create an NFT using the Ethereum blockchain, and shows how to deploy and use an NFT in a smart contract. Finally, the video demonstrates how to create an image-based NFT using the Ethereum blockchain.
  • 20:40:00 The video discusses how to create a basic NFT (non-fungible token) with Solidity and JavaScript, and how to use ERC721 for storage.
  • 20:45:00 This video teaches basic blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. The video demonstrates how to create an NFT (non-fungible token) and create a token URI function to return the token's URL.
  • 20:50:00 This video tutorial explains how to create a basic NFT using JavaScript, Solidity, and the Ethereum blockchain. The instructor challenges students to write a test to verify their work.
  • 20:55:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain. The first part of the course covers blockchain basics, Solidity programming, and how to create a random IPFS NFT. The second part of the course covers how to make the NFs rare and how to create a token using the request NF t function.

21:00:00 - 22:00:00

This video course covers everything you need to know to get started with developing blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. You'll learn how to create contracts, request and fulfill random numbers, and deploy your applications to a test network.

  • 21:00:00 This 32-hour course teaches students how to develop blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The course begins by defining the blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development, and then covers how to create a VRF coordinator. Next, the course covers how to request a random number, and how to fulfill that request. Finally, the course covers how to map request IDs to senders.
  • 21:05:00 This video explains how to create a token with a specific rarity using a chance array.
  • 21:10:00 This 32-hour video course teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course begins by introducing the basics of random number generation, and then moves on to teaching how to use a modded random number generator to generate Dog Breed addresses. Finally, the course provides a function that returns the breed of the dog generated by the modded random number generator.
  • 21:15:00 This video covers the basics of blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video explains how to create a token using ERC 721 and how to set the token's token URI.
  • 21:20:00 This video teaches how to create a blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video covers how to create a function to withdraw ether and how to create events for when a new NF T is minted and when it's fulfilled.
  • 21:25:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Solidity and blockchain libraries such as Chainlink. It covers how to create a deploy for a contract that mints an ERC20 token using a chance array.
  • 21:30:00 This video shows how to deploy a contract using Solidity and JavaScript, and how to use IPFS to store the contract's images.
  • 21:35:00 The video introduces the viewer to blockchain technology and Solidity development, demonstrating how to create a function to upload files to a smart contract using the pinata SDK.
  • 21:40:00 This video explains how to use blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video teaches how to create a deploy script for a Hardhead application, create a pinata server, and work with the pin file to IPFS.
  • 21:45:00 The video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript, including learning how to store token URIs and images on IPFS.
  • 21:50:00 This video shows how to use JavaScript to create and store metadata for images uploaded to a decentralized storage network using the Ethereum blockchain.
  • 21:55:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain and Solidity. The video covers how to create a contract, upload files, and deploy it to a test network.

22:00:00 - 23:00:00

This video series provides an introduction to blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. Topics covered include the basics of Solidity programming, deploying to a private blockchain, and using the function selector to encode input parameters for a function.

  • 22:00:00 In this video, the instructor covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity programming, Ethereum smart contracts, and deploying to a private blockchain. He emphasizes the importance of writing tests and encourages viewers to try writing their own.
  • 22:05:00 This video explains how to create a dynamic SVG NFT using Solidity and JavaScript. The example shows how to create a contract, create a dynamic SVG NFT, and initialize it.
  • 22:10:00 This video explains how to create and use image URIs in a blockchain application. The video presents a function that converts SVG images to base 64 URIs and shows how to use it in a smart contract.
  • 22:15:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development project with JavaScript, specifically focusing on blockchain and solidity. The main focus of this video is to introduce new concepts and teach how to use them in practical applications.
  • 22:20:00 In this video, the instructor explains how the blockchain reads and understands contracts written in Solidity. He also goes over the ABI and bin files that are created when a contract is compiled. Finally, he explains how transactions are created and sent to the blockchain, and how the blockchain uses bytecode to represent the instructions needed to execute a contract.
  • 22:25:00 This video overviews blockchain development with Solidity and JavaScript. The video explains the EVM, opcodes, and global variables, and how to encode and decode a number.
  • 22:30:00 This 32-hour course covers blockchain development with JavaScript, including the basics of Solidity and encoding/decoding. The course also covers how to use ABI dot encode tact to save gas.
  • 22:35:00 In this video, the instructor teaches how to encode and decode strings using the Solidity programming language. He demonstrates how to encode and decode a couple of strings and then shows how to encode and decode a multi-dimensional object. He also explains how to encode and decode a packed object. Finally, he demonstrates how to populate a data field in a transaction using the binary code from a contract deployment.
  • 22:40:00 This video teaches how to call functions with just the data field populated in transactions, using the static call and call keywords.
  • 22:45:00 In this video, the instructor teaches how to call functions in a smart contract using the data field of a call. He explains that in order to call a function, you need to encode the function name and the parameters. The function selector is the first four bytes of the function signature.
  • 22:50:00 This video explains how to use Solidity and JavaScript to develop a full stack web3 development project. The video begins with a description of the function selector, which is a tool used to encode input parameters for a function. Next, the video explains how to use the function selector to call a transfer function directly or encode input parameters and call the transfer function. Finally, the video demonstrates how to send raffle money using the function selector.
  • 22:55:00 The video explains how contracts can be used to interact with each other without having to code each interaction.

23:00:00 - 00:00:00

The YouTube video titled "Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript – 32-Hour Course" provides an introduction to blockchain development using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers the basics of creating a contract, deploying it to a test net, and minting new tokens. Additionally, the video shows how to create a market for NFTs using the Mirallas and Graph libraries.

  • 23:00:00 This lesson introduces the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The instructor shows how to create a simple token contract using ERC721 and discusses how to encode JSON into a base 64 token URI using the require module.
  • 23:05:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development project using JavaScript and the blockchain. The author demonstrates how to create a base 64 encoded token that represents an asset's price and attribute information.
  • 23:10:00 This video shows how to develop a blockchain application with Solidity and JavaScript. The video explains how to create a contract that stores two images, one high and one low, and uses a price feed to determine which image to show.
  • 23:15:00 This video explains how to create a dynamic NFT (aka "smart asset") that changes its value based on the price of an underlying asset. The example uses the Ethereum blockchain, but the concepts could be applied to any blockchain or distributed computing platform.
  • 23:20:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video first shows how to create a deployer to mint new tokens on the Ethereum network. Next, it shows how to create tests for the app. Finally, it demonstrates how to add new tokens to the app using random IPFS and an empty mint function.
  • 23:25:00 The video teaches how to create a full stack web3 development with javascript using the async function and promise library. It shows how to create a random NFT index zero with a token year, a basic NFT, and a SVG. Finally, it demonstrates how to make the full stack work on a test net.
  • 23:30:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. You first create a VRF and add a consumer to it, then deploy contracts to a test net. Next, you mint one NFT from each contract and test them. Finally, you use a browser extension to check the code quality of your contracts.
  • 23:35:00 This video teaches viewers about blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The video covers the concepts of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and how to create a market for them. The instructor demonstrates how to use Mirallas to store data centrally and the Graph to store data peer-to-peer.
  • 23:40:00 This 32-hour course teaches students how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. They will learn how to create contracts and build a front end with React.
  • 23:45:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop a decentralized NFT marketplace with Solidity and JavaScript using a 32-hour course. The Marketplace function will need to list items, buy items, and withdraw proceeds. The Marketplace function will also require approval from the owner of the NFT.
  • 23:50:00 The video discusses how to develop a blockchain application with Solidity, JavaScript, and Zeppelin. It covers how to create an NFT (non-fiat) marketplace, list and sell items, and emit events to keep track of the state of the marketplace.
  • 23:55:00 This video shows how to create a list item function for buying or selling an NFT. The function checks to see if the NF T has already been listed, and if not, creates and assigns the modifier is listed.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video is a tutorial on how to develop a blockchain-based application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers the basics of blockchain technology, including how to create an NFT (non-fungible token) and how to transfer funds between buyers and sellers. The video also includes a section on how to create a contract that will protect against reentrant attacks.

  • 00:00:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based application using Solidity and JavaScript. The video covers the basics of blockchain technology, including how to create an NFT (non-fungible token) and how to transfer funds between buyers and sellers.
  • 00:05:00 This video tutorial explains how to create a contract that will protect against reentrant attacks.
  • 00:10:00 This 32-hour course explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the reentrant vulnerable equals rancher and vulnerable at reentrant vulnerable address function. This function allows for code to be executed in another contract in the middle of a withdrawal, allowing for the theft of funds.
  • 00:15:00 This video teaches how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. The course includes a description of blockchain concepts, Solidity programming, and security measures.
  • 00:20:00 This instructor provides a 32-hour course on blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. He covers topics such as creating and managing NFTs, withdrawing proceeds, and more.
  • 00:25:00 This video demonstrates how to develop a blockchain-based marketplace using the Solidity programming language and JavaScript. The video first covers the basics of blockchain technology, including how to create and manage a decentralized database. Next, the video goes over how to create a minimalistic NFT marketplace using the Ethereum blockchain. Finally, the video demonstrates how to deploy and test the marketplace using simple scripts.
  • 00:30:00 This video teaches how to develop a blockchain-based smart contract marketplace using Solidity, JavaScript, and the Ethereum network. The author demonstrates how to deploy a function with yarn and write tests.
  • 00:35:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript using the Solidity programming language and the Ethereum network. The video begins by discussing variables and how to set them to specific values. Then, the video demonstrates how to create a beforeEach function to execute once before each page load, and an async function to handle multiple requests. Next, the video demonstrates how to create a contract for an NFT marketplace, and how to call approve and transfer functions on the marketplace. Finally, the video demonstrates how to list and buy an NFT from the marketplace.
  • 00:40:00 This video tutorial teaches you how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The presenter demonstrates how to create a simple NFT marketplace, buy and sell items, and verify the ownership of an NFT. They also provide scripts to mint and list NFTS.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. It provides a 32-hour course on full stack web3 development, with an emphasis on the development of a sophisticated front end for a decentralized NFT marketplace.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how to develop a full stack web3 development project using JavaScript. The project includes a marketplace for selling non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The project is created in a minimalistic react project and includes a homepage for displaying recently listed NFTs and a sell page for listing NFTs on the marketplace.
  • 00:55:00 This video demonstrates how to build a simple blockchain and web3 product using JavaScript. The first step is to create a homepage and sell page, and then create a components folder and header component. Next, the video shows how to use the web3 UI kit to create a connect button and export default function. Finally, the video shows how to add the connect button and header to the app.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to learn blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The 32-hour course covers topics such as commands and usage of the Morales admin CLI. The video explains how to use blockchain technology, Solidity programming language, and JavaScript to create a full stack web3 development project. It covers topics such as user management, real-time user engagement, and cross-platform compatibility.

  • 01:00:00 The video explains how to create a basic header andnavbar for a web application, as well as create buttons andlinks. The video also shows how to stylethese elements.
  • 01:05:00 The video explains how to develop a blockchain-based e-commerce platform with JavaScript using the Solidity programming language. The developer demonstrates how to create an index page that lists recently listed NFTs, and how to query off-chain data using an event store.
  • 01:10:00 This video covers the basics of blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The course covers how to use a centralized server to speed up development, and how to use Morales to create decentralized smart contracts.
  • 01:15:00 The video demonstrates how to use blockchain technology, Solidity programming language, and JavaScript to create a full stack web3 development project. It covers topics such as user management, real-time user engagement, and cross-platform compatibility.
  • 01:20:00 This video tutorial explains how to set up a local development environment for blockchain and web3 development using JavaScript. The instructor explains how to create a new local dev chain server using Morales and how to connect the server to a React Morales application.
  • 01:25:00 This video tutorial explains how to connect a blockchain node to aMorales server using a reverse proxy. First, the blockchain node needs to be downloaded and installed. Next, theMorales server needs to be connected to the blockchain node. Finally, the configuration file for the reverse proxy needs to be adjusted.
  • 01:30:00 This video provides a step-by-step guide on how to learn blockchain, solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The 32-hour course covers topics such as commands and usage of the Morales admin CLI.
  • 01:35:00 The video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the Morales SDK. First, the user interface is introduced, and then the user is shown how to add a new sync, watch address, and watch contract events. Next, a script is created to automatically update the front end. Finally, the chain ID is obtained.
  • 01:40:00 This video provides an overview of blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The video provides an example of how to read a network mapping file and how to calculate the contract address for a specific chain ID.
  • 01:45:00 This video explains how to build a blockchain application using Solidity, JavaScript, and the Web3 JavaScript API. First, the video explains how to obtain the necessary information, including the chain ID, topic, and ABI for the event. Next, the video explains how to create event options and subscribe to events. Finally, the video shows how to write code to handle the event.
  • 01:50:00 This video teaches viewers how to create and index events in a database so that they can be queried more easily. The video covers topics such as creating a table name and setting options for the table, as well as how to send events to a server. If everything goes well, the video also demonstrates how to check whether an event has been successfully sent to the server and how to verify that the events have been successfully indexed. Finally, the video demonstrates how to send a response from the server using the dotCloud API.
  • 01:55:00 This video explains how to use Solidity and JavaScript to create a full stack web3 development project. The video shows how to create a Node.JS application that listens for events from a blockchain node, and how to update a database of events.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This 32-hour course covers blockchain development with JavaScript, Solidity, and full stack web3 development. The course includes demonstrations of how to create a blockchain-based marketplace and how to work with tokens stored on the blockchain.

  • 02:00:00 In this 32-hour video course, you'll learn how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain. You'll also learn how to use Cloud Functions to save and run code on a morale server.
  • 02:05:00 This video teaches viewers how to create a Cloud Function that runs whenever an event related to an item listed in a table is synced, cancelled, or bought.
  • 02:10:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain. The video demonstrates how to move blocks, create a table for active items, and log items.
  • 02:15:00 This video demonstrates how to create and work with a blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. After creating a new table in a database, the video shows how to run an event update Cloud Function and list Mint.
  • 02:20:00 This video demonstrates how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using the blockchain and Solidity language. First, the video explains how to disconnect from a blockchain and server, and then how to restart everything. Next, the video demonstrates how to use a cloud function to remove an item from active items after it has been bought or sold. Finally, the video demonstrates how to use a query to find an active item that has been cancelled.
  • 02:25:00 This 32-hour course covers blockchain development with JavaScript, Solidity, and full stack web3 development. The course includes a demonstration of how to create and cancel an NFT (non-fungible token) listing.
  • 02:30:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript. First, the video explains how to set up a node and connect to the network. Next, the video explains how to create and save items in the database. Finally, the video explains how to use logs to debug and troubleshoot code.
  • 02:35:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Solidity and the Ethereum blockchain. The author demonstrates how to create and test a simple blockchain-based marketplace using the Ethereum network.
  • 02:40:00 In this video, the instructor teaches how to use the Morales query hook in React to fetch and display recent listings of network-based tokens on the user's marketplace.
  • 02:45:00 In this video, Patrick demonstrates how to develop a full stack web3 development project with javascript using the console. First, he shows how the console logs initial empty arrays, and then explains how the fetched list of nft's will be displayed on the front end. Next, he creates a new component to format the nft's appropriately, and demonstrates how it works on the front end. Finally, he shows how to add a new nft to the database and show it on the front end.
  • 02:50:00 The video explains how tokens are stored on the blockchain and how to get the URI for an image of a token. It also shows how to update the UI for the front end and how to import API's into the front end.
  • 02:55:00 The instructor provides a 32-hour course on blockchain development, including Solidity programming and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The course covers the basics of how the blockchain works, how to create a token on the blockchain, how to use the NF T API to interact with the blockchain, and how to use a web3 provider to access the blockchain.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

This video provides a comprehensive introduction to blockchain development, Solidity programming, and web3 development with JavaScript. It covers the basics of setting up a development environment, creating a contract, and coding an update listing function that sends an NFT transaction to the NFT marketplace.

  • 03:00:00 The video demonstrates how to create a website that displays an image using the token URI and IPFS gateway. The website can be used to see how the image will look before it is actually created.
  • 03:05:00 This video tutorial teaches how to develop a blockchain-based website using JavaScript and Solidity. The first part of the tutorial covers the basics of blockchain technology and how to create a simple Ethereum smart contract. The second part of the tutorial teaches how to use the web3.js library to create a decentralized marketplace that allows users to buy and sell NFTs (non-fiat tokens).
  • 03:10:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based product using Solidity and JavaScript. The instructor shows how to format and display data on a web page, and how to listen for changes in a user's Metamask account to update the product's listing.
  • 03:15:00 The video tutorial demonstrates how to create a full stack web3 development with javascript using the web3 UI kit. The author demonstrates how to create a new component - update listing - and how to use it to update a listing on the marketplace when the owner of the NFT is changed.
  • 03:20:00 This 32-hour course teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development using Javascript. The course starts with an introduction to blockchain technology and how to use Solidity to create smart contracts. Next, the course covers how to create a user interface using React and Redux, and how to use NFTs to store and exchange data. Finally, the course covers how to use transactions to update the price of an NFT, and how to bind events to user inputs.
  • 03:25:00 This video teaches users about blockchain development, Solidity programming, and web3 development with JavaScript. It covers the basics of setting up a development environment, creating a contract, and coding an update listing function that sends an NFT transaction to the NFT marketplace.
  • 03:30:00 This 32-hour course provides a comprehensive introduction to blockchain and digital asset development with JavaScript. The course begins by teaching how to create a tract address and spell it correctly. Next, the course covers how to refresh and move blocks on the blockchain, as well as how to set the price of an active item on the Morales dashboard. Finally, the course demonstrates how to connect a web application to the blockchain using web three UI Kits.
  • 03:35:00 This video explains how to use blockchain, Solidity, and JavaScript to develop a full stack web3 development project. The instructor shows how to mine two blocks on the Ethereum blockchain, buy an NFT using Ethereum, and update its listing on a website.
  • 03:40:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack blockchain application with JavaScript using Solidity and Metamask. It covers topics such as registering and listing NFTs, creating a form to submit NFTs for sale, and approving the sale of NFTs.
  • 03:45:00 This video explains how to list an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain using the approve function of a running contract. The approve function takes the NFT address, token ID, and price as input parameters, and once it is called, the handle proof success function will output the address, token ID, and price of the NFT listed.
  • 03:50:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack blockchain application with JavaScript using the Solidity programming language. The video teaches how to create and use an API, mint an NFT, and list an NFT.
  • 03:55:00 This 1-paragraph summary explains how to deploy a smart contract using the Graph. The video cuts out before explaining how to deploy the smart contract to a Rinkeby network, but the process is the same.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

This video introduces the concepts of blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The instructor walks through creating a graph and a contract indexer using the Aetherium protocol. He then walks through moving the contract and marketplace to a new folder and explains how to use the schema and QL extension to create a mapping between the events and the contracts. The final section of the video shows how to update the code to index the events.

  • 04:00:00 This video walks viewers through the process of building a basic blockchain and an NFT marketplace. It covers topics such as network configuration, deploying the marketplace, and verifying the marketplace.
  • 04:05:00 The video explains how to build a subgraph for indexing data in the blockchain using the GraphQL interface.
  • 04:10:00 This video introduces the concepts of blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The instructor walks through creating a graph and a contract indexer using the Aetherium protocol. He then walks through moving the contract and marketplace to a new folder and explains how to use the schema and QL extension to create a mapping between the events and the contracts. The final section of the video shows how to update the code to index the events.
  • 04:15:00 The video explains the schema for a blockchain project, which includes a table for active items, a table for items that have been bought, a table for items that have been cancelled, and a table for items that have been listed. The video then goes on to explain how to map events to the tables and how to generate code to carry out these events.
  • 04:20:00 The video explains how to develop a blockchain application using JavaScript and Solidity. The video demonstrates how to create an item listed, canceled, and bought event handler, and how to create a Get ID from event params function.
  • 04:25:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to create a new item, update an item's price, and create an active item in a schema. He also explains how to handle item listed and item bought.
  • 04:30:00 This video explains how to develop a full stack web3 development with javascript using solidity and blockchain. It covers the following topics: -What is blockchain and how does it work -How to create a blockchain application using solidity -How to develop a web3 contract using javascript -How to listen for and respond to events on a blockchain
  • 04:35:00 The video tutorial teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using a 32-hour course. The course covers blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development.
  • 04:40:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to use GraphQL to query the Ethereum blockchain, replacing the need to use a Morales database. They then show how to do the same using Apollo, adding it to their codebase for further use in future projects.
  • 04:45:00 This video explains how to use the GraphQL API to connect to a decentralized graph and load data. The code for this project is located in a file called "constants" and can be accessed via the "GQL" import. The project's frontend is run using the "yarn" command.
  • 04:50:00 This video explains how to upgrade smart contracts on a blockchain. The instructor explains how to do it with hard hat and open Zeppelin.
  • 04:55:00 The social migration method is a way to upgrade your smart contracts without changing the logic. The disadvantage is that you have to have a governance protocol in place to manage who the admins are.

05:00:00 - 06:00:00

In this video, the instructor covers how to use proxies in order to upgrade smart contracts without affecting user behavior. He explains the different proxy contract methodologies and provides examples of each. Finally, he covers how to avoid storage clashes and function selectors clashes when upgrading smart contracts.

  • 05:00:00 This 1-hour video tutorial explains how to use proxies in order to upgrade your smart contracts without affecting user behavior. First, the tutorial covers the terminology associated with proxies, including the implementation contract and the proxy contract. Next, the different proxy contract methodologies are discussed, with examples of each. Finally, the tutorial covers how to avoid storage clashes and function selectors clashes when upgrading your smart contracts.
  • 05:05:00 This lesson explains the different proxy patterns and how to use the delegate call function to call another contract. The transparent proxy pattern is the simplest and is used when only admins can call admin functions, while the universal upgradeable proxy allows for multiple implementations of a contract.
  • 05:10:00 This video demonstrates how to use delegate call in Solidity to copy a function from one contract to another. When you borrow a function using delegate call, the contract executes the function in the borrowing contract instead of the original contract.
  • 05:15:00 This video explains how you can use proxies in Solidity development, and how they can be used to simplify code. The video also provides an example of how to create a minimalistic proxy contract.
  • 05:20:00 This 32-hour course explains how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as how to store data on the blockchain, how to call functions on contracts, and how to upgrade contracts.
  • 05:25:00 The video explains how contracts work and how they can be upgraded. It also covers how to create a contract, how to update it, and how to create functions.
  • 05:30:00 In this video, the instructor shows how to upgrade Box to Box V2 using the Hardhead deploys built-in proxies.
  • 05:35:00 This course provides an introduction to blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers how to create a box proxy admin contract and deploy it behind a transparent proxy. The course also includes a tutorial on using the Hard Hat Deployer API to upgrade an existing box contract.
  • 05:40:00 In this video, the instructor teaches how to upgrade a smart contract programmatically. He demonstrates this by upgrading a transparent proxy to an implementation proxy and then to a box V. After completing this section, the student should be knowledgeable about low-level code, proxy patterns, and assembly.
  • 05:45:00 In this video, Bucklin teaches viewers how to code a Dow, a decentralized autonomous organization, with TypeScript and Solidity. The last section of the video covers security and auditing.
  • 05:50:00 The video discusses how blockchain technology can be used to create a voting mechanism for proposals, as well as the trade-offs associated with this approach. It also covers the architecture and tools needed to build a voting mechanism.
  • 05:55:00 This video explains the three methods of voting used in blockchain protocols: skin in the game, proof of participation, and proof of personhood. The hardest part about implementing voting in a community is deciding what constitutes a bad outcome. The third method, proof of personhood, is the most interesting and difficult to implement, but may be the most important.

06:00:00 - 07:00:00

This video tutorial teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. It starts by explaining how to deploy a contract and then covers how to interact with it using JavaScript. The course also covers topics such as governance tokens, voting, and quorum.

  • 06:00:00 This video tutorial explains how to build a basic smart contract using Solidity and the Hard Hat Framework, using a voting process to update the value of the contract.
  • 06:05:00 This video tutorial shows how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using a 32-hour course. First, the instructor writes a smart contract in Hardhead, then writes deployment scripts in TypeScript. Next, they write scripts to interact with governance of deployed contracts. Finally, they show sick Hardhead skills by writing a governance token in Solidity and extending an ERC20 token with governance features.
  • 06:10:00 This tutorial teaches how to create a blockchain-based ERC20 token and create a governance contract to manage it.
  • 06:15:00 The video explains how a blockchain-based governance system works and how the various contracts involved work together. The video also provides an overview of how to create a proposal and vote on it.
  • 06:20:00 This course provides a step-by-step guide to learning blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript. The course covers topics such as governance and voting, as well as deploying and interacting with a blockchain.
  • 06:25:00 This video covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity and TypeScript. The instructor shows how to create a deployment script for a smart contract using Hard Hat Deploy.
  • 06:30:00 The course teaches how to develop a full stack web3 development with JavaScript using Solidity and Blockchain. The course starts by explaining how to install and use the necessary tools and then proceeds to teach how to deploy and run scripts using the command line.
  • 06:35:00 This video teaches how to deploy a contract using the Ethereum blockchain and Solidity programming language. The contract includes a delegate function that allows users to vote on the contract's operations. The video also shows how to verify a contract's deployed state using Etherscan and GitHub.
  • 06:40:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity, JavaScript, and deploying contracts. The first part of the course covers deploying a governance token, and the second part covers deploying a time lock contract.
  • 06:45:00 This video explains how to develop a blockchain-based application using Solidity and JavaScript. It covers topics such as governance tokens, voting, and quorum. The video also covers how to set up contracts and roles.
  • 06:50:00 The video demonstrates how to create and deploy a box contract using the Ethereum Solidity programming language. First, the video explains how to create and constrain three roles: proposer, proposer role, and executor. Next, the video demonstrates how to grant and revoke roles to users. Finally, the video shows how to deploy a box contract.
  • 06:55:00 This YouTube video tutorial teaches how to develop blockchain applications using Solidity and JavaScript. The course starts by teaching how to create a box contract that stores a specific value, and then moves on to proposing and voting on changes to the box contract. Next, the course covers how to interact with the proposed contract using JavaScript.

07:00:00 - 07:50:00

This video discusses blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. It covers how to read and parse JSON, use FS to read files, and sync proposals between nodes. You also learn how to create a vote script and vote on proposals.

  • 07:00:00 This video teaches how to develop a full stack web3 application with JavaScript using the Box and Solidity libraries. The first part of the video covers encoding and decoding data, and the second part shows how to create a proposal transaction.
  • 07:05:00 This video discusses blockchain, Solidity, and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. The instructor explains how to speed up blockchain processing using a local blockchain.
  • 07:10:00 This 32-hour course teaches you how to develop blockchain and full stack web3 development with JavaScript. You learn how to read and parse JSON, use FS to read files, and sync proposals between nodes. You also learn how to create a vote script and vote on proposals.
  • 07:15:00 This video explains how to use blockchain and Solidity to develop a full stack web 3.js application. The video covers importing various libraries and then voting on a proposal.
  • 07:20:00 This course covers blockchain development, including Solidity and JavaScript, with a focus on full stack web3 development. The course starts by introducing the concepts of blockchain and smart contracts, and goes on to show how to create a simple proposal and queue execution using the Governor contract. Finally, the course covers how to hash the description of the proposal to check for completeness, and how to move time to speed up the voting process.
  • 07:25:00 This video teaches how to develop blockchain applications with Solidity and JavaScript. It covers how to move time and blocks, queue moves, and conduct audits.
  • 07:30:00 In auditing a blockchain project, an auditor will first run the project's tests to ensure that the code is working as intended. Next, the auditor will read the project's specs to determine what functions are implemented and how they are designed. Finally, the auditor will run some fast analysis tools to look for common bugs.
  • 07:35:00 The video explains how to use Slither, a Python-based tool for security analysis of contracts, to identify issues with the code of a metamorphic proxy and a vault. Slither finds that the metamorphic proxy is never initialized, and the vault contains a password that could be accessed by anyone.
  • 07:40:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain development, including Solidity programming and static analysis with Slither. After installing Docker, the course demonstrates how to write fuzz tests for Solidity contracts.
  • 07:45:00 This video explains how to use the Kidnapper and Fuzz tester to audit smart contracts. The two most common tasks are reentrant and Oracle manipulation, and if you're not going to be an auditor, you should at least run Slither. After you run through the whole process, you should discuss findings with a smart contract developer and auditor.
  • 07:50:00 This course covers the basics of blockchain, solidity, and web three development with JavaScript. There are resources for security awareness and for catching vulnerabilities.

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