Summary of INCENDIARY IDEAS 007 Phenomenal Authorization

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00:00:00 - 00:35:00

This video discusses the concept of phenomenal authorization, which is the relationship between authorship authorization and authority. The concept is developed from Heidegger's thought and is implicit in Kafka's writing. The worldhood of the world is proto-textual in nature, and this is what was intended from the very first philosophical usage of the term logos by Heraclitus of Ephesus. Individual persons are potentially co-authors over the narrative structure of the cosmos, but authorship belongs not only to writers in the literal sense. Folklore is associated with tribal cultures and is the oldest form of narrative. Hedayat was a folklorist, and the novel is the most modern form of literary expression. The revolution of subjectivity occurred around the time of Descartes, and first-person narratives emerged for the first time. This turning point had not taken place until around the time of Pascal.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses the concept of phenomenal authorization, which is the relationship between authorship authorization and authority. The concept is developed from Heidegger's thought and is implicit in Kafka's writing. The worldhood of the world is proto-textual in nature, and this is what was intended from the very first philosophical usage of the term logos by Heraclitus of Ephesus. Individual persons are potentially co-authors over the narrative structure of the cosmos, but authorship belongs not only to writers in the literal sense. Folklore is associated with tribal cultures and is the oldest form of narrative. Hedayat was a folklorist, and the novel is the most modern form of literary expression. The revolution of subjectivity occurred around the time of Descartes, and first-person narratives emerged for the first time. This turning point had not taken place until around the time of Pascal.
  • 00:05:00 The author discusses the concept of novel folklore, which is a type of folklore that is based on the novel form of expression. He argues that the blind owl HeDayat creates is an attempt to fuse the folkloric with the novel. He also discusses the concept of authority and its various manifestations. He suggests that whoever happens to be in an explicit position of political, economic, or social power is not necessarily the true authority in the world. He concludes the essay by discussing the concept of social media influencers and trendsetters and how they are not necessarily considered to be authority in the world.
  • 00:10:00 The white light of god is the gnostic christ, and who promised the imminent return of Jesus the messiah is the gnostic christ in fact Mithra as suggested in Iranian Leviathan. What is the connection between the appearance of Artemis in the essay on Kafka in Lovers of Sophia and the reappearance of Artemis sometimes in passages reproduced verbatim in the context of the discussion of early Mithraism in Iranian Leviathan and why is the symbolism of a black dog sacrificed to Artemis at the esoteric core of Faustian futurists more questions of this kind could be formulated and every such question holds a key to the esoteric truth of phenomenal authorization. This esotericism has everything to do with Plato's philosophical concept of the noble lie, which plays a much more significant role in Republic than simply in terms of this particular policy. A more prominent example of the noble lie in Republic is when Plato argues that the masses in any given society require some religion in order to cultivate their moral character. Children are corrupted by being raised on homeric epics and the customary religion canonized by Hesiod, so he proposes that the guardians design a religion that would be more suitable to the cultivation of the ethical character of the population than the customary Greek religion. This would however be a theology that
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Plato discusses the destruction of the Academy in Athens and his realization that since he must operate in the public space, he has to express himself even more esoterically than the Pythagoreans in order to advance his agenda. He became especially resolved on this view after the execution of his mentor Socrates. However, this fiasco almost turned Plato into another martyr like Socrates and Pythagoras. After established elites in the court of Dionysus conspired against the philosopher, Plato had to be smuggled out of Syracuse by boat in the middle of the night. Leo Strauss is rightly considered the most influential philosopher of the contemporary epoch, and one of the most influential thinkers in the history of philosophy. Strauss made a point of saying that he did not consider himself worthy of being referred to as a philosopher since he was a mere political thinker engaged in interpreting the history of philosophy. High praise for a leading nazi intellectual coming from a jew who fled persecution is quite striking indeed. Strauss also wrote extensive notes on Carl Schmidt's concept of the political which was the jurists most important work and the one that most influenced Nazi German thought on constitutional and international law. Schmidt is on record for his deep appreciation of these notes and for his recognition that they represented the most astute
  • 00:20:00 Nietzsche and Strauss argue that most people are not equal, and that some people deserve to be lied to in order to protect them from harm. They also argue that the true nobility of spiritual aristocrats deserve never to be subjected to machinations based on noble lies.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the idea that the world is actually shaped by dominant paradigms, and that when these paradigms change, the world itself changes as well. It goes on to say that there could be a world where people routinely pass through what is perceived as solid objects, and that this experience would be quite disorienting.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the idea that a "precognitive sentient phenomenon" is behind various phenomena, including the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch. The video suggests that this phenomenon could be referred to as "promethea." If we understand and deal with this phenomenon in a constructive way, the video suggests, the "skinwalker may transform as well."
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses ways to coax the Trickster into becoming our Prometheon, and recommends choosing the form of the destructor wisely. It recommends engaging with the Trickster in a humorous way to ensure a positive relationship.

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