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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the video, Drillbert the Drillgod is shown in Dome Keeper, a game where the player defends a virtual city from waves of enemies. Drillbert is able to mine and break through walls, but needs to be careful not to take too much damage or he will go into repair mode and stop attacking. Impact recuperation, which is when Drillbert repairs himself automatically after taking damage, does not happen until after the battle, making it difficult to use it as a form of free healing. The video discusses different upgrades that can be made to the drillgod, including the stab upgrade, the speed upgrade, the bounce upgrade, and the advanced conditioning upgrade.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, the drillgod, Drillbert, discusses the new patches that have been released for Dome Keeper. He talks about the changes that have been made to the game, including the addition of a huge map for Relic Hunt and the ability to choose from three unlocks instead of two when picking up one of the gadgets found deep below. He also explains that he cannot be late in order to avoid being hit by the Flyers, and that he wants to get the monster counter. Drillbert then drills out and heads upwards in an attempt to find an upgrade.
  • 00:05:00 Drillbert the DrillGod is in Dome Keeper, and he is making quick work of digging up treasures and defending his Dome. He is also looking to upgrade his abilities, specifically with speed and reflection.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Drillbert the Drillgod is shown in Dome Keeper, a game where the player defends a virtual city from waves of enemies. Drillbert is able to mine and break through walls, but needs to be careful not to take too much damage or he will go into repair mode and stop attacking. Impact recuperation, which is when Drillbert repairs himself automatically after taking damage, does not happen until after the battle, making it difficult to use it as a form of free healing.
  • 00:15:00 The video shows a player drilling through a series of obstacles in a dome keeper game, and then discussing the importance of drilbert's upgrade to not sleep at the walls. The player says that even if drilbert fails, he can still take down enemies easily because of his upgraded drill strength and carry strength.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the different upgrades that can be made to the drillgod, Drillbert. One upgrade that is mentioned is the stab upgrade, which gives Drillbert increased stabbing power. Another upgrade that is mentioned is the speed upgrade, which allows Drillbert to move faster. Another upgrade is the bounce upgrade, which allows Drillbert to bounce off of blocks more easily. The final upgrade mentioned is the advanced conditioning upgrade, which allows Drillbert to survive longer in the mines.
  • 00:25:00 The video shows a drillgod (DRILLBERT) working on a soft surface. He explains that he needs to wake up drilbert, who is apparently foreign, and goes on to discuss his plans for the drillgod. He notes that he needs speed to do his job properly and is disappointed when it starts to rain. He then finds a seed and plants it, before returning to the drill.
  • 00:30:00 The video showcases the character Drillbert, who is described as a " DrillGod ," as they explore a dungeon in search of upgrades. Drillbert notes that they need upgrades in order to defeat the enemies in the dungeon, specifically in regards to strength and teleport duration. They also find a Cobalt Weapon Upgrade that they were not previously looking for.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the importance of grabbing onto roots to increase resources for the player's village, and the importance of Drillbert, the drillgod, in the game. Drillbert is not a regular player and the player didn't notice he was not dead until they were trying to take his resources. Drillbert finds water and the player decides to take some back to the Dome.
  • 00:40:00 The video shows the protagonist drilling down into the ground, eventually finding a foreign deposit of resources. He then upgrades his drill and saves for a long stab, before mining out the section under him.
  • 00:45:00 DRILLBERT, the drillgod, demonstrates his impressive drill skills by creating blocks and pushing things around quickly in a dome. He then goes on to mine in a different direction and fix his repairs.
  • 00:50:00 The video's protagonist, Drillbert the Drillgod, is trying to get some blocks to the left of him. He upgrades his drill and strength, and finds a softer block to sit on. He then finds some Cobalt and teleports away.
  • 00:55:00 The video demonstrates how to upgrade the drill god in Dome Keeper, which includes finding and upgrading iron, teleporting, and keeping an inventory counter.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

The YouTube video "DRILLBERT the DRILLGOD in DOME KEEPER" showcases the gameplay of Drilbert, a drill god who is weaker than he should be. The video discusses the importance of the drillbert's extend cooldown and how it can be used to one's advantage. It also discusses the possibility of upgrading the drillbert's existing equipment, but ultimately decides against doing so in favor of focusing on increasing drillbert's drilling strength.

  • 01:00:00 The video showcases Drilbert, a drill god who is weaker than he should be. Cobalt, a mineral that is helpful for drilling, is also mentioned. The video ends with Drilbert taking the portal home, as he plans to upgrade his drill strength.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the importance of the drillbert's extend cooldown and how it can be used to one's advantage. It also discusses the possibility of upgrading the drillbert's existing equipment, but ultimately decides against doing so in favor of focusing on increasing drillbert's drilling strength.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses a strategy for killing a heavily armored enemy in a dome keeper game. The player discusses their strategy for acquiring and using powerful upgrades, as well as for defending themselves.
  • 01:15:00 In the video, the drillgod, Drillbert, discusses his plans for Dome Keeper, which involve drilling down to the core to find resources. He also mentions that he wants to find a foreign node to help him strengthen his army.
  • 01:20:00 Drilbert discovers a new area of the Dome Keeper map, which leads to some funny moments and some intense gameplay. He also warns players about a difficult modifier that is coming up.

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