Summary of React For The Rest Of Us: The 10 Days of React JS (Day 1)

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

ReactJS is a programming language that lets us keep our user interface "reactive." This means that it updates automatically based on the data in our app. The main downside to React is that it can result in an application that feels slow, unresponsive, and weird. However, React does have some advantages over traditional approaches: it is simpler and more organized, and it is easier to use than other libraries that offer the same feature.

  • 00:00:00 In this first video of the 10-day React course, we look at the two different ways that we can create user interfaces in JavaScript without using react. We then look at how react fits into this picture and why it is so useful.
  • 00:05:00 The video introduces the ReactJS approach, which is based on the DOM. The approach has two problems: first, because the code is scattered all over the place, it is hard to maintain; and second, the code is slow and error-prone. The video demonstrates the problems with the Dom-based approach by showing how to write code for a simple application. The video then introduces the data-driven approach, which is based on declarative programming. This approach is more efficient and easier to maintain, as the code is centralized and all the data is in one place. The video shows how to write code for a more complex application using the data-driven approach.
  • 00:10:00 React is a JavaScript library that lets us keep our user interface "reactive," meaning that it updates automatically based on the data in our app. The main downside to React is that it is slower than traditional DOM-based approaches and can result in an application that feels slow, unresponsive, and weird. However, React does have some advantages over traditional approaches: it is simpler and more organized, and it is easier to use than other libraries that offer the same feature.
  • 00:15:00 This video introduces React, a programming language and framework for building user interfaces. React is fast and efficient, and it can react to changes in data automatically. In the next lesson, the author will show how to use React together step-by-step.

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