Summary of Los Derechos Humanos - ONU

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The video discusses the three dimensions of human rights (civil and political rights, collective rights, and the right to self-determination) and the importance of the universality of human rights. It also highlights the work of the UN in protecting human rights and the role of civil society organizations in monitoring human rights violations.

  • 00:00:00 The world is composed of different cultures and people, however, beyond the differences, there is a fundamental commonality among all humans- they are born free and equal in dignity and rights, as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948. Human rights have become one of the most important concepts in the history of humanity, for all beings and they are understood as rights human beings simply because they exist. These rights are inherent in all people, regardless of their culture, country, or religion. The second dimension of human rights includes civil and political rights- such as the right to life, freedom from torture, free speech and free religious conviction. Another important convention is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which protects children's rights from birth to 18 years old. The third dimension of human rights is collective rights, such as the right to self-determination, the right to development, and the right to a clean environment. It is essential to have a principle of the inviolability of human rights, according to which no one right can be superior to the others. The principle of the indivisibility of human rights is fundamental to this principle. Governments cannot establish a hierarchy of human rights. The realization of civil and political rights depends
  • 00:05:00 The UN's human rights missions aim to protect the rights of civilians living in peace zones, especially genocide, crimes of war, and crimes against humanity. For the first time, an international court has been established to prosecute these violations. The court has a limited scope due to the lack of support from important nations, such as the United States of America or China, but this is an important step forward. Criminal leaders of war no longer can be sure of remaining impunity, and alongside UN international human rights institutions, regional bodies also exist. The European Union's Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, or the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, are two important examples. Civil society organizations, such as Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch, play a particularly important role in monitoring the rights of human beings and calling attention to violations of these rights, through public opinion and through their work on human rights legislation. Two disputed aspects of human rights are its universality and its applicability to other cultures. The universality of human rights is questioned by states or groups responsible for human rights violations. The second issue is that the West is often accused of using human rights as an excuse to attack other states militarily, while also violating human

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