Summary of Adquisición y desarrollo del lenguaje en la infancia

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This video discusses how children acquire and develop language skills, highlighting the importance of early interaction with parents. It shows how a child's skills in communication are formed during the critical period for language acquisition.

  • 00:00:00 At around 24 weeks gestation, a fetus begins to develop a sense of hearing. This is important, as they will be able to communicate with others more effectively once they learn to speak. In the early stages of life, a baby will instinctively cry out when they are distressed or uncomfortable. This is their way of communicating with their parents. During the first few months of life, a baby will mainly communicate with their parents through crying and other involuntary expressions. By the time a baby is two years old, they are already familiar with the sounds of both their native language and another language they have heard. This is when parents can start to introduce them to other languages, starting with nursery rhymes and later on, other forms of communication. It is important for parents to listen to their babies and respond to them in a way that makes them feel secure. This process of communicating begins early in life and is crucial for the development of a healthy relationship.
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses how babies learn language and how the intensity of their sucking frequency increases and when the tape changes back to Tagalog decreases. This reveals two astonishing facts: that babies learn language in the uterus and that at birth, they prefer the pronunciation of their mother's language over those of unknown languages. Rebeca turns her head in response to sound from her mother at six weeks old, and by eight weeks old, she is able to reason about all the sounds she hears. She learns that a ticking clock is different from a person's cough, and that this is different from the sound of a bird. In this chaotic world full of noise, from the moment a baby is born, they have the extraordinary ability to distinguish the sounds of speech, unique to the human species, from those of other animals. From the moment a baby is born, they are endowed with this exceptional capacity. However, a new study shows that babies know even more extraordinary things. Nelson was born less than 24 hours ago and during the nine months he has been in the womb, he has heard his parents communicate in English like in the earlier experiment - the chupete is connected to a computer that records the frequency and intensity of his response. The experiment's end is to determine whether a baby
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Dr. Darwin Miwa discusses his research on infant language acquisition. He shows how mothers can communicate with their children through nonverbal means, such as facial expressions and sounds. In a second part of the study, 5-month-old Rachel watches TV while her mother talks to her in the other room. Rachel seems to enjoy it at first, but eventually becomes frustrated when her mother fails to respond. Darwin concludes that the reason for Rachel's displeasure was that her mother broke communication without warning. In the final part of the study, 6-month-old Bridget watches a pre-recorded image of her mother happy on TV. But when a sad image is projected next, Bridget's smile disappears and she becomes serious. The researchers conclude that by 6 months old, infants understand that facial expressions and voice match each other and that looking into a person's eyes is essential for communication.
  • 00:15:00 This video presents research on how infants learn languages. It shows a baby learning to associate sounds in a foreign language with a small toy, and then to do the same with sounds in his own language. After twelve sessions, the baby is able to identify sounds in both languages. The researchers suggest that this ability to learn multiple languages is built into infants' brains at a very early stage, and that it may be due to their ability to filter out sounds from their environment.
  • 00:20:00 This video presents research on how infants learn to speak and listen to language, and how the development of this skill is influenced by exposure to sounds and language during infancy. The researcher shows how a game that captures the attention of a participant can be used to measure the activity of a participant's brain when hearing sounds. The game then randomly presents two sounds to the participant, one representing a different word in Chinese (Mandarin), and the other representing a word in a second language (Mandarin with tones). The adult who has not grown up speaking the language cannot distinguish between the two sounds, but a child who has been exposed to both sounds during the sensitive period of their development can distinguish between the two sounds. The study found that infants who are born with more than one language can learn to recognize and reproduce sounds of both languages, but it is the ability to reproduce sounds that stimulates the next stage of language development- speaking. Mothers instinctively communicate important aspects of their language to their babies through speaking, and although the potential to speak is there from birth, the development of this skill depends on learning.
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses how children learn to communicate through sign language. Dr. Amanda Woodward studies how infants understand what is communicated through sign language, and how this dependency develops over time. Dr. Amanda Woodward and Ashley Brown, an associate professor at the University of Louisville, conducted an experiment in which they showed a child an object with a name, Max, for the first time. Max did not understand the name until his mother signified the object to him a number of times, emphasizing the important words like "name" and "this." This study shows that for infants to learn new words, they must rely on both the spoken word and gesture, which is unique to human communication.
  • 00:30:00 Erika, who has fewer than 100 words in her language spoken, has a wide vocabulary of verbal and gestural signs. It is easier to make signs than to articulate words; controlling one's hands is less complicated than coordinating one's language, lips, and jaw. The development of centers in the brain that control physical movements occurs before centers that control language development when Erika approaches a dog. This signal is for a dog with emotion, but not for one who is simply repeating a sign. Even at 10 months old, Emily can learn. This suggests that imitation plays an important role in the child's learning of a language. When infants are close to 1 year old, they begin to interpret facial expressions, gestures, and sounds in order to maintain communication channels. However, according to Dr. Andrew Mailsoft, the principal motor for learning in infants is imitation. As if they don't know Emily, at 10 months old, babies imitate the actions of adults closely. Parents tend to believe that their child understands something when they imitate it. Dr. Mailsoft explains that infants not only understand what to do with objects but also understand social norms, which is the essence of conversation. He then demonstrates how a father interacts with his daughter by playing turn-based games
  • 00:35:00 This video provides an overview of how children acquire and develop language. The researcher speaks and the puppet reacts, then the researcher and puppet exchange roles. After that, the researcher speaks and the puppet anticipates the expositions of each one, then the researcher leaves and the puppet speaks for itself. The puppet then responds to questions from the researcher. The conversation develops, and the puppet eventually mimics the tone and pace of what the child has expressed. The researcher has never seen this puppet before, and knows it is something that can be communicated with because children recognize the "take and give" of a conversation at an early age. The structure of communication is reinforced through interactions between parents and children. This process begins to take hold by the time a child is 2 years old. At this stage, the child has a vocabulary of active between 50 and 100 words, but understands much more than they can say. Mothers are not able to answer simple questions and follow simple instructions, and almost 70% of a child's first words are names of things they know from daily life or things that are really unforgettable. At meals and parts of the body, the hand is often used. And if I show you -just air from 30 am to 11 pm and kill them, and
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the importance of developing a child's language skills early on, and how a special study done by Susan Jones and her colleagues has found that Maya, a 17-month-old infant, is starting to develop a vocabulary of around 50 words. This is the first of eight weekly sessions with a Chinese researcher, during which Maya is taught a series of objects with names that have been invented. What Maya means by "eso" is shown to be significant, as is the fact that the objects and colors of the materials used are different for each child. The study found that the use of form is key in helping children learn new words, and that vocabulary in children who were taught in a special way (paying close attention to form) was up to three times as large as that of other children at this stage in development. This video provides an interesting glimpse into the development of language skills in children, and illustrates the importance of imagination in the creative process.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the acquisition and development of language in childhood, highlighting the importance of early interaction with parents. By the age of two, children typically use around 300 words and understand 1000. This critical period for language acquisition is also when a child's skills in communication are formed. In the span of two years, Miranda has accomplished an incredible amount, from making sounds to babbling phrases to finally articulating words. She is learning that language can be used to play games and link words in unexpected ways to create new ideas. The language skills of a child are essential to his or her development as a human being, allowing him to express emotions, remember past experiences, and imagine future possibilities.

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