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In this video, Stephen Wolfram discusses the principle of computational equivalence and its implications for the study of physics. He argues that this principle implies that certain laws may be impossible to predict, and that observers may be embedded in the universe.
In this video, Stephen Wolfram discusses cellular automata, computation, and physics. He describes how his investigations into cellular automata led him to develop the principle of computational equivalence, which he believes is a more accurate way of measuring complexity than mathematics.
In this YouTube video, Stephen Wolfram discusses cellular automata, computation, and physics. He explains that cellular automata are similar to the way our brains and bodies function, and that his goal is to create a computational language that both humans and machines can understand.
In this podcast, Stephen Wolfram discusses how the principle of computational equivalence implies that what happens inside us can achieve the same level of computational sophistication as our whole universe. He credits this principle with helping to shift the focus of science away from human beings and towards the universe itself.
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