Summary of The Future of React & Next.js – The Web’s SDK (Keynote, Next.js Conf October 2021)

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The presenter discusses the features of Next.js 12, which include backwards compatibility for developers, performance improvements, and support for ES Modules. Additionally, the presenter demonstrates how Next.js Live allows for real-time development, ideation, and design in the browser. Finally, the presenter discusses the future of React and Next.js, which includes edge functions and middleware that give developers more flexibility and power.

  • 00:00:00 Next.js 12 introduces backwards compatibility for developers, making it easier for them to work with the web's SDK. The performance improvements that Next.js has delivered show that the web's SDK is an important tool for speeding up websites.
  • 00:05:00 Next.js now supports ES Modules, built-in standardized module system for javascript, and has experimental support for URL imports. This allows for smaller bundles and better developer experience.
  • 00:10:00 Next.js Live makes development, ideation, and design in the browser happen in real time, without waiting on a build process. This allows for more collaboration between different team members, and Bel will demonstrate how Vercel's workflow is being extended to ensure performance and correctness before it gets to users. Checkly is a helpful tool that helps you monitor your web vitals in real time.
  • 00:15:00 Next.js is a web development platform that pioneered support for serverless deployments, giving developers more flexibility and speed. This new runtime, middleware, and edge function enable dynamic personalization at the speed of static.
  • 00:20:00 The presenter of the video is sharing how Next.js has rebuilt the Hacker News demo to use React Server Components, which allows for page rendering to be performed on the server rather than on the client. This is faster and improves the user experience, as there is no need for client-side JavaScript. Additionally, server-side components enable data fetching at the component level, which makes it possible to manage caching semantics at the level of the individual components.
  • 00:25:00 The presenter discusses the future of React and Next.js, which include edge functions and middleware that give developers more flexibility and power when working with the web. Additionally, Next.js 12 introduces React Server Components, which allow for dynamic data fetching and rendering of pages at the edge close to visitors. If you're new to React and Next.js, the presenter has presentations available that will help you learn the basics of React and Next.js. If you're migrating to Next.js, the presenter offers advice on how to use today's tools and techniques to make the migration easier.

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