Summary of why I prefer primes, but use zooms...

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

This YouTube video discusses the advantages and disadvantages of prime lenses and zoom lenses. The author explains that he prefers prime lenses for their quality, but uses zoom lenses for their convenience. He also recommend MPB for their excellent customer service.

  • 00:00:00 This YouTube video explains why the author prefers prime lenses but uses zooms for regular photography. The author explains that prime lenses are more restrictive and take longer to find a composition, but they yield better photos. The author also mentions that he upgraded to a new Zoom lens.
  • 00:05:00 The author prefers prime lenses, but uses zooms to achieve different focal lengths. He talks about how to avoid the drawbacks of shooting with a prime lens, such as changing lens when shooting in difficult conditions. He also talks about the benefits of shooting with a prime lens, such as zero distortion and the ability to capture a wider range of light.
  • 00:10:00 The author prefers prime lenses over zooms, but uses zooms for occasional use when the need arises. He praises MPB for their customer service and warranty, and recommends their service to anyone in the camera gear market.

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