Summary of NUEVAS Inteligencias Artificiales que REDACTAN correos, RESUMEN vídeos de Youtube y hasta HACKEAN

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00:00:00 - 00:35:00

The video discusses the evolution and capabilities of artificial intelligence, highlighting its potential impact on various fields such as art, content creation, email writing, and predicting outcomes in real-time. It introduces the concept of stable diffusion and its ability to adapt to new scenarios and systems. The video also explores the possibilities of AI-generated content and the role of AI assistants in revolutionizing work processes. It concludes by highlighting the potential of the GPT-4 model, which surpasses human intelligence and inventive capacity, and the need to navigate the ethical implications of AI's capabilities.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the evolution of artificial intelligence and its impact on various aspects of life. They introduce the concept of stable diffusion, which is a type of artificial intelligence that can easily adapt to new scenarios and can be integrated into various systems with ease. They show a small demonstration of stable diffusion, which involves using an image editing software to modify a photo of a sushi restaurant in a Japanese city, and then adapt it to a new location, such as a tropical island or a futuristic city. The software can do the work almost instantly, and it has vastly increased the speed and efficiency of the task, compared to manual methods. The speaker also mentions the historical evolution of art from prehistoric times to modern art, and how stable diffusion can analyze and analyze works of art, creating new and innovative pieces. They then move on to discuss the use of artificial intelligence in the future, and how it will continue to change and impact various fields. They also touch on the issue of copyright, and how it is being used in the current legal system, and how it will be used in the future.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses how artificial intelligence can be used to create content such as artwork and videos. The speaker explains that copyright laws do not apply in many cases, and specifically mentions the example of using the style of a particular artist or studio to create new content. The speaker also explains that AI systems can be trained to recognize patterns and create original content based on those patterns. The speaker emphasizes that AI systems are not copying or imitating pre-existing content, but rather using the patterns discovered in that content to create something new. The speaker concludes by noting that the possibilities of AI-generated content are endless and that its use is only limited by our imagination.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the capabilities of AI in generating images, learning, and creativity. According to the speaker, AI can create new things and improve on existing ones. The speaker uses the example of generating a new image by merging two different images and creating an artistic output, and also talks about the evolution of AI in terms of visual creativity and its potential to revolutionize sectors such as entertainment and gaming. The speaker emphasizes the importance of AI's role in creating new forms of art and enhancing creative processes, and suggests that it has the potential to take industries to new levels of innovation.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the capabilities of an AI assistant that can write emails on behalf of the user. The assistant can understand the context of the user's message and even the tone of the email. The assistant can also be programmed to write in a specific style and direction. The user can give the assistant the direction and tone of the email and the assistant will write it accordingly, without the user having to do any work. The speaker also talks about the impact that this new AI assistant could have in the future, including its ability to revolutionize the workforce.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the new, revolutionary GPT-4 model of artificial intelligence. The model has more intelligence and inventive capacity than a human, making it easier to predict outcomes in real-time. The speaker emphasizes that GPT-4 is becoming increasingly relevant, especially as industries begin to adopt the model. The anticipation is high because the success of GPT-4 has already been compared to the legendary IBM Watson. The speaker suggests that GPT-4 has more potential than just being helpful or useful, but could revolutionize many industries. The amazement of GPT-4 is that it has many parameters, with a list of 155 million and 75 billion in addition to what GPT-3 had. The speaker suggests that GPT-4 will have more hype because of the number of parameters. It has been confirmed that GPT-4 is more intelligent and innovative than GPT-3, and it will be a great tool to help with many tasks. The speaker suggests that GPT-4 will take humanity's power to the next level and change the way we think about technology. The ultimate conclusion is that GPT-4 will be a great tool that will change the way we work and interact with AI.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the benefits of the chat GPT 3, also known as "el GPT de 3 actual," and mentions its limitations. They also mention the impossibility of using it without contact with reality or becoming overly reliant on it. The speaker also talks about how the chat GPT 4 will surpass the capabilities of GPT 3 and make it seem like a toy. They then ATTEMPTS to use the intelligence artificial technology to do evil deeds, such as using it to create ransomware and encrypt files. The speaker mentions that the chat GPT is not designed to create viruses, but they were able to trick it into doing so. The speaker also talks about how the chat GPT can create summaries of videos, and then provides an example of a TikTok video about procrastination and how the chat GPT was able to quickly create a summary of it in real-time. The speaker then provides an example of how the chat GPT was able to create a summary of a historical event in 1930, where a union of American singers tried to prevent people from listening to music with sound. The speaker then mentions how the chat GPT was able to create a summary of a historical event in 1930, where a union of American singers tried to prevent people from listening to music with sound.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the video discusses the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries, including programming, design, teaching, and fitness. The rise of online platforms has enabled professionals to reach a wider audience and be more productive. AI has the potential to revolutionize the future of work by reducing the need for human labor and allowing people to work less. However, a shift away from full-time employment may require a universal income or a higher salary to maintain an acceptable standard of living. AI may bring tension and changes in the way we view work and its relationship to income and survival.

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