Summary of RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," the hosts, Ryan and MC Daniel, welcome their audience with an upbeat introduction, encouraging viewers to join in the conversation and promising an enjoyable experience. They express their love for their fans and share personal anecdotes. The speakers also discuss various topics in a lively and humorous manner, including their past experiences of crashing parties and living extravagantly, reaching milestones, and their friendships. They mention various cultural references and use humor and playful banter to engage with each other and the audience. Additionally, Ryan shares an embarrassing story from his past and discusses a political confrontation. The speakers also mention a sponsor, Blaze, and a contest with a large prize. Overall, the conversation is filled with references to their lives and pop culture.

  • 00:05:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the hosts greet their audience with a lively and upbeat introduction, accompanied by music. They express their happiness to be with their viewers and invite everyone to join in the conversation.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers welcome their audience and share their excitement about the upcoming episode. They encourage viewers to join them with snacks and beverages, promising an enjoyable experience. The speakers express their love for their fans and share some personal anecdotes. They also mention a sponsor, Blaze, a platform where users can earn rewards by depositing money and participating in weekly draws. The speakers emphasize the importance of responsibility and caution when using the platform. They also mention a contest where participants can win up to one million reais by purchasing billets for 1000 reais each. The speakers express their admiration for the platform's structure and encourage perseverance and faith. They also acknowledge some listeners' names and share their appreciation for their support.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics while singing and rapping to a song in the background. They mention their love for God and each other, as well as past mistakes and lost relationships. One speaker talks about a character in the universe who is like his persona and how they met. They also reference a brother who passed away and a mask that represents funk. The conversation shifts to discussing the concept of good and evil, with one speaker identifying as Deadpool, an anti-hero. They also touch on their success and experiences in their careers. Overall, the conversation is lively and filled with references to various elements of their lives and pop culture.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan speaks about a past conflict with a friend named Pedro. He explains that Pedro had stolen something from him and he wanted to talk about it, but couldn't post about it online because he hadn't been active on social media for three years. Ryan also mentions that Pedro had lived with him more than at his own place and had given him a hard time about it. Pedro had also given Ryan a difficult time during a crisis and had been unsupportive when Ryan was going through a tough period. Ryan expresses that Pedro was a difficult person to deal with and that their friendship had been strained because of it.
  • 00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan and Daniel discuss their experiences and friendships. Ryan shares that he used to argue with someone who was older than them, but now realizes that those who don't like them were probably rotten on the inside. He then mentions an incident where Daniel appeared in a video with a burnt face, and jokes that Daniel was his "amiguinho loirinho" (little friend with red hair). Daniel responds by saying that they have mutual friends and that no one should interfere with their friendship. They also discuss the importance of not arguing with those who are older or bigger, and the importance of staying true to one's friends. The conversation then shifts to how Daniel started posting videos and how they have been friends for a long time.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan and MC Daniel discuss various topics in a rapid-fire, conversational style. Ryan mentions that he's been importing for five years and shares an anecdote about cleaning mayonnaise when someone passes on information to the audience. He then talks about respecting others and not trying to imitate others in the same profession. Ryan also mentions a person named Kevin and how imitating him can put one in the shadow. He then talks about taking care of one's hair and mentions various hair care products. The conversation then shifts to food, with Ryan asking what alimento (food) he would be if he were an ingredient. The conversation becomes disjointed, with references to Jesus, meditation, and blessings. Ryan then asks Branca to come on the show and discuss food preferences. The conversation ends with Ryan mentioning that he's bought a comb and is confident, and that today's meal is rice with Sazón.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss various topics in a seemingly random and humorous manner. One topic includes reaching milestones, with someone having reached 130 million and another having surpassed 300 million. The speakers express their own struggles and goals, with one mentioning the desire to buy items in the market but lacking the funds. They also joke about poverty and humiliation, with one speaker expressing a desire to buy a car and a refrigerator. The conversation shifts to a memory of a friend, Olegário, and the speakers reminisce about their past experiences. Throughout the conversation, the speakers use humor and playful banter to engage with each other and the audience.
  • 00:40:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics in a rapid and humorous manner. They mention Campinos, a man who cannot be missing from a party, and his unique habits. Campinos is described as a rebel and a womanizer who enjoys buying cars and women with large breasts. He also has a peculiar habit of sleeping and learning to do household chores instead of relying on women. The speakers also joke about a man named Eduardo Soares and his supposed detox drink. The conversation is filled with laughter and light-hearted banter.
  • 00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan recounts an embarrassing story from his past. He mentions how a friend arrived just in time to help him tell the story straight, as he was previously unable to due to lack of money. The story revolves around a girl who defecated in a boat, and Ryan describes how he saw her in the bathroom and was surprised to see her looking back at him. After she left, a strong smell of banana, coconut, and picanha filled the air, leaving the group in a state of amusement. Despite the awkward situation, Ryan expresses his affection for the girl, who he refers to as his "princess." The story ends with the group continuing their festivities, still in high spirits.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," there is a political confrontation between two individuals, with one person accused of not being able to give a charge or solution during a disagreement. The conversation involves elements of fire and earth, and the speaker expresses frustration and aggression towards the other person. The speaker also mentions a woman named Amanda and her humiliation, but does not elaborate further. The conversation shifts to discussing food and household chores, with the speakers joking and making light of various situations. The conversation is filled with colloquial expressions and references to Brazilian culture. Overall, the section is characterized by a lively and humorous exchange between the two speakers.
  • 00:55:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers reminisce about their past experiences of crashing parties and living extravagantly. They share stories of wanting to live the rich life, even if they didn't have the means, and how they would enter the homes of others to experience their wealth. They also talk about their first encounters with each other and how they bonded over their shared love for partying and living beyond their means. The speakers also mention famous Brazilian personalities and their experiences with them. Overall, the conversation revolves around their past experiences of living lavishly and the memories they have created.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers engage in various conversations, some of which are disjointed and nonsensical, while others are more focused and reflective. Topics range from their business and personal experiences to friendships and emotions. One conversation revolves around Gusttavo Lima's desire for a friend named Daniel to visit him and their past experiences together. Another conversation touches on the importance of self-confidence, personal growth, and the power of staying focused on one's goals. The speakers also share anecdotes about unexpected encounters, the importance of humility, and their struggles with anxiety and depression. Throughout the video, Ryan expresses his passion for music and helping others, while also expressing frustration towards those who don't contribute positively to their lives.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers are having a conversation that seems to be disjointed and nonsensical. The topic appears to shift from cars to violence, with references to a man climbing a tree with a knife, a vagabond with a sore foot, and broken fingers. The speakers also mention Oprah Winfrey and the Nordeste Osasco neighborhood. It's unclear what the exact meaning of their words is, as they seem to be speaking in a stream-of-consciousness manner, with frequent interruptions and laughter. The conversation is filled with colloquialisms and idiomatic expressions, making it difficult to follow without context.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics including their business, a person named Andressa, and a controversy. The speakers mention that they have a store called Norte, which has two locations, and they don't want to talk about politics or their mothers. They then bring up the topic of caravans and construction, and how they've been trying to feel better. The speakers also mention a person named Sangue Bom and compare him to a character from Naruto. They also discuss a web series and a character named Fabi, and mention a and Gabriel. The conversation shifts to a person named Gusttavo Lima and a controversy involving him. The speakers also mention a missing girl and a bathing suit party. Throughout the conversation, they express their love for each other and their fans.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Gusttavo Lima expresses his desire for a friend named Daniel to come visit him. He recalls their past interactions and how Daniel once brought a drink and tried to buy a house nearby. Gusttavo also mentions how he has been studying and wants to focus on his career. He expresses frustration that Daniel has not come to visit yet and suggests that he may be avoiding him. Gusttavo also references a past incident where they were both at the beach and Daniel lit fireworks, causing confusion and chaos. He ends the section by expressing his belief that 2020 is his year and that Daniel is an important part of that. However, he is unsure why Daniel has not visited and expresses a desire for them to reconnect.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers reminisce about a past experience where they almost drowned in Copacabana and were saved by their friend Daniel. Daniel had given them a blue Tommy Hilfiger hat, which they cherished and had even used in a performance. They recall the chaos and confusion that ensued during that time, with various incidents and misunderstandings happening. Despite the difficulties, they found happiness in each other's company and shared memories of cooking and eating together. They also mention how Daniel had used a machete to make a fire and cook bread, and how they had watched Pokemon together during that time. The speakers express their admiration for Daniel's resourcefulness and determination, despite his quirks and eccentricities. They also reflect on how their friendship had helped them through a challenging time and how they had grown from the experience.
  • 01:20:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss how their lives have changed and the impact they've had on others. One speaker mentions how they started believing in themselves and how their actions have led to opportunities, such as working with brands and influencers. They also reflect on how their past experiences have shaped them and express gratitude for the blessings they've received. Another speaker talks about the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting others bring them down. Overall, the conversation revolves around self-confidence, personal growth, and the power of staying focused on one's goals.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss their experiences and emotions, with one expressing frustration and anger over past events. They mention losing their cool and feeling overwhelmed, as well as the importance of staying calm and finding inner peace. The conversation also touches on the idea of being in control of one's own life and making decisions, as well as the idea of helping others and finding opportunities. The speakers also reference various experiences and situations, including meditation, a shark encounter, and a man named Kevin. Overall, the conversation explores themes of emotion, control, and personal growth.
  • 01:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan and MC Daniel discuss a friend named Paulo who is known for being friendly with everyone. Paulo, who is described as not being crazy but rather charismatic, once helped Ryan and MC Daniel by introducing them to some people. Paulo had a knack for changing the environment and making new connections. When Ryan was in need, Paulo would call him and invite him to a place where they would do something different. Paulo was known for his ability to make things happen and was always ready to help. Despite not knowing Paulo well, Ryan appreciated his friendship and the positive impact he had on their lives.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, Ryan recalls a time when he met a man who didn't communicate well and was closed off. He learned a valuable lesson from this encounter, which he describes as being like a wooden puppet. The man didn't listen to him, and Ryan felt ignored. They both worked in the music industry, but their paths didn't cross regularly. Ryan shares how they met again and how the man's behavior had changed. They reconnected, and Ryan was impressed by the man's transformation. The conversation shifts to their shared love for video games and how they would spend hours playing together. Ryan also mentions how they would call each other to check in and share their experiences. The conversation then moves on to other topics, including the Brazilian music scene and the influence of the Metropolitano bus rap on their music. Ryan reflects on how they evolved as artists and how they continued to inspire each other.
  • 01:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan shares an anecdote about sleeping on a sofa and keeping a coarse woman company. He reflects on how he didn't want her to leave and found himself growing attached to her. Ryan also talks about his progress in life and how he doesn't envy others' success. He emphasizes that everyone has their moment and that everyone will face challenges. The conversation shifts to discussing the importance of controlling one's own life and building one's own property. Ryan also mentions his past experiences with artists and how they have supported each other. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of attachment, progress, and the importance of staying focused on one's own path.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan shares his personal experiences and struggles with anxiety and depression, and how he has been helping others through these issues. He talks about dancing with Pedro Paiva, their connection with horoscopes, and how he used to work with Amanda Demorei but now focuses solely on his own work. Ryan expresses that he doesn't get emotionally involved with women and that he's been inspired by the evolution of funk music. He also mentions his past experiences with Mc and his admiration for Oxe, despite his father's disapproval. The conversation shifts to Ozael and the importance of love and acceptance, with Ryan expressing his intention to visit Cachoeira do Falcão. Throughout the conversation, Ryan's passion for music and helping others is evident.
  • 01:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan shares anecdotes about unexpected encounters and the importance of humility. He recalls discovering Ariel, a woman he had never met, at a bakery and inviting her to join him. He also mentions a visit to Luan's house, where he encountered Monique and was impressed by her humility despite her status as a radio personality. Ryan reflects on the importance of being humble, even when dealing with difficult situations or people. He also shares a story about receiving money from a fan and using it to buy a bag, which he sees as a symbol of separation from others. Throughout the conversation, Ryan emphasizes the value of staying grounded and treating others with kindness and respect.
  • 01:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speaker expresses frustration towards someone named "pai" who has been living at his house for several days without contributing or cleaning up after himself. The speaker also mentions that this person has been wearing his shoes and using his belongings without asking. The speaker expresses his displeasure and calls the person "louco" (crazy). The conversation also touches on the topic of money, with the speaker mentioning that he has been saving for 40 days and has given away a lot of it, causing him to consider living in a car and giving his house to his mother. The speaker also references a past disagreement with a person named Marcelo and expresses regret for not having learned from past experiences. Overall, the conversation is filled with strong emotions and a sense of frustration towards the actions of the person named "pai."

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," Ryan and Daniel discuss various topics, including their business partnership and conflicting financial expectations, their admiration for the funk scene and its artists, and their personal experiences. Ryan expresses his desire to earn money from Daniel and use it to buy a house for Daniel's mother and a car for himself, but Daniel seems hesitant. They also reflect on the importance of valuing oneself and setting fair business deals. In another part of the conversation, Ryan shares his enthusiasm for the funk scene and his admiration for artists like Rian and Kevinho. They also discuss their own personal experiences, such as memorable soccer goals scored by Neymar and unexpected encounters. Throughout the video, the speakers express their excitement and affection for each other and emphasize the importance of collaboration, faith, and humility.

  • 02:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," Ryan discusses his business partnership with Daniel Paulo and their conflicting financial expectations. Ryan expresses his desire to earn money from Daniel, who has yet to establish a structured business arrangement. He suggests using the money to buy a house for Daniel's mother and a car for himself. However, Daniel seems hesitant and unwilling to part with his earnings. Ryan also mentions an incident where Daniel offered him a partnership in a business, but later backed out. The conversation revolves around the importance of valuing oneself and setting fair business deals. Ryan emphasizes that he has achieved success with 26 victories and expects to be compensated accordingly. The conversation continues with further negotiations and financial discussions.
  • 02:05:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, Ryan expresses his excitement about discovering and working with the internet and funk. He shares his admiration for Rian and Kevinho, who have also made a significant impact in the funk scene. Ryan also talks about his desire to marry two popular funk parodies and praises their unique styles. He acknowledges the importance of inspiring new artists and encourages them to learn from the older generation. Ryan also emphasizes the importance of self-worth and valuing oneself and one's relationships. Throughout the conversation, Ryan's enthusiasm and admiration for the funk scene and its artists are evident.
  • 02:10:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers are having a casual conversation. They receive shoes and a phone from someone named Ryan, who is interested in Kevin. The speakers discuss their own shoes and invite Rodrigo to their party. They also mention a man named Neymar, whom they have met and admire for his humility. The conversation shifts to discussing the importance of self-care and healthy eating, and they recall memories of the past year. The speakers also mention a DJ named Milk Raposão, who is part of their team. Throughout the conversation, they express excitement and affection for each other.
  • 02:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers reminisce about a memorable soccer goal scored by Neymar and the impact it had on their lives. Neymar's goal during the final of Libertadores against Penarol in 2011 left the speakers and their families in awe, bringing them to tears and uniting them in their love for soccer. The speakers reflect on how Neymar's achievement serves as an inspiration for them to work hard and stay true to their promises. They also discuss the importance of faith and the role it plays in their lives.
  • 02:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Daniel recalls first encountering Ryan, praising his unique personality and humor. Daniel shares how they met through various platforms, including Ryan's viral TikTok videos and Instagram messages. Daniel expresses his admiration for Ryan's ability to engage with his audience and make them laugh. They discuss the importance of their impact on the scene and how they have gained a large following. Daniel also shares an anecdote about a conversation they had, where they both wanted to move on to other topics but ended up continuing their conversation for hours. Overall, Daniel expresses his appreciation for Ryan's entertaining personality and their friendship.
  • 02:25:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, Eduardo discusses how he used to be overweight and how society's standards have changed. He reflects on how he identified with the underdog and how the podcast he listens to, which features two overweight hosts, represents this movement. Eduardo also shares a personal experience where he was inspired by a girl who encouraged him to pursue his goals despite his weight. He concludes by expressing his excitement about the current trend of people embracing their identities and how it's inspiring him.
  • 02:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan speaks about an unexpected encounter with Daniel and some beautiful women. He was supposed to make music with his father, but Daniel invited him to meet some women instead. Ryan went to Daniel's house and was attracted to one of the women, but they were already with other men. He also mentions a festival and a post-party where he met a man named Arrocha, who wanted to make a deal with him. Ryan also talks about his past experiences, including a monstrous drawing he made called "Naruto," and his coaching sessions with Coutinho. Overall, the conversation revolves around various encounters, deals, and Ryan's past experiences.
  • 02:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan Coutinho discusses an unexpected music collaboration with MC Daniel. Coutinho explains that Daniel invited him over to make a funny video and music together, but he was hesitant to leave his daughters. Despite the short notice, Coutinho agreed and found himself impressed by Daniel's professionalism and the opportunity to work with him. Daniel's mother was also present during the recording, and Coutinho praises her support. The collaboration resulted in a humorous and successful song, with Coutinho expressing gratitude for the experience.
  • 02:40:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers engage in a rapid-fire exchange of jokes and references, touching on topics such as respect, Germany, a guru, a caneta (pen), and a character named Gabizinha. The speakers also mention a "bagulho" (prank) and a "filho do Tio" (uncle's son), as well as references to various Brazilian cultural references and hashtags. The conversation is lighthearted and humorous in nature.
  • 02:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Hungria expresses his inspiration from Hungria and Guilherme, mentioning their unique way of speaking and the popular radio song "Papo Reto" in Brazil. Hungria received a message from MC Daniel about young millionaires taking over São Paulo, which reminded him of a conversation with Guilherme about creating a hit song. Hungria also mentions receiving an audio message from a woman, possibly related to the Globo Reporter, and a conversation with his tio about a mysterious audio. Throughout the conversation, Hungria references various ideas and experiences, including a coaching session, a famous person named Kevin, and a green banquete. The conversation is filled with references to the bagulho, a term used for a hit or popular topic, and the pursuit of progress and fame.
  • 02:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss the importance of faith and staying humble while helping others. They share personal experiences of encountering individuals who have transformed from being "gatinhos" (kittens) into "leões" (lions) through humility and offering opportunities to others. The speakers emphasize that everyone should strive to be humble and help others, as they themselves have received support and encouragement throughout their lives. They also mention the power of faith and how it can help individuals achieve their goals.
  • 02:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan and Daniel discuss the importance of collaboration and support in the music industry. They emphasize that seeing successful individuals like Paiva and Daniel inspires them to help each other and make each other's success even better. Daniel shares his personal experience of struggling to create music and how the support of others, including his father, helped him improve and stay motivated. They also talk about the importance of having a strong repertoire and constantly improving as an artist. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of community and collaboration in achieving success in the music industry.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

In the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan and MC Daniel engage in various conversations, sharing experiences and anecdotes on a range of topics. One discussion revolves around their experiences with Paiva, a Brazilian music figure who influenced their careers and treated them differently. Another conversation touches upon the challenges and joys of fame, as well as their personal experiences with fans and social media. The speakers also reflect on their past relationships and current crushes, and share stories of their encounters with famous people. Throughout the video, they express admiration for each other and their shared sense of humor, creating a lighthearted and conversational atmosphere.

  • 03:00:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, Ryan and MC Daniel discuss their experiences with Paiva, a well-known figure in the Brazilian music scene. They reflect on how Paiva treated them differently and how he helped them gain success. The conversation also touches upon Paiva's unique personality and the impact he had on their careers. They mention how Paiva's influence led them to collaborate with other artists and how his charisma and charm made him a phenomenon in the industry. The conversation is filled with anecdotes and admiration for Paiva's influence on their lives and careers.
  • 03:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss their experiences with fame and the challenges that come with it. They mention how some people have become wealthy through social media platforms like TikTok and how they struggle to keep up with the attention and criticism. One speaker, Daniel, talks about how he has been called names and criticized for his music, but he refuses to let it affect him. He also mentions how he has found joy in creating music and expressing himself. Another speaker, Fran, mentions that she is no longer working on a project and that they will continue to create music if God wills it. They also discuss the power of social media and how it can be both a blessing and a curse. Overall, the conversation revolves around the ups and downs of fame and the importance of staying true to oneself.
  • 03:10:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics including music, social media, and personal experiences. The speakers mention listening to a specific song for 24 hours straight and the impact it had on them, as well as their experiences with fame and fans. They also talk about meeting famous people, such as Gabigol, and their reactions to it. The conversation then shifts to the importance of respect and privacy, and the speakers discuss their experiences with fans and the use of social media. Throughout the conversation, they express their excitement and enthusiasm for various experiences and moments in their lives.
  • 03:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss various topics including money, houses, and women. Ryan mentions having large sums of money, which he would rather not obtain through theft. He also talks about fixing up a house in Guarujá and producing work. The conversation shifts to women, with Ryan expressing his attraction to a woman named Kiara and mentioning a woman named Rosa. He recalls living with a woman named Chiara and describes her as beautiful. The speakers also mention a woman named Peraí and her distinctive smile. The conversation is filled with humor and references to various brands and products. Overall, the speakers seem to be in good spirits and enjoying each other's company.
  • 03:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss plans for a game of hide-and-seek, as well as past experiences and encounters with friends. They reminisce about a time when they tried to rent a house but were almost expelled, and how they had to hide from their friends, who were trying to expel them. The speakers also mention a friend named Juninho and his companion, Salvador, who helped them during that incident. They also talk about a friend named Rafaela and a possible encounter with her at the beach. The conversation is filled with humor and light-hearted banter.
  • 03:25:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, Ryan recalls a past experience where he wanted to collaborate with Peter but was prevented from doing so by a woman. He describes her as transformative and difficult to work with, using metaphors like "Senhor Miyagi" and "sufocação na minha cabeça." Ryan also mentions feeling uncomfortable and even agonized in her presence. He expresses frustration over being sequestered and not being able to perform with Linkin Park. Despite the challenges, Ryan remains determined to work with Mc and Igor in the future. He emphasizes the importance of not letting others' opinions define him and encourages perseverance through adversity.
  • 03:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss various topics in a disjointed and chaotic manner. Ryan mentions receiving a watch and directing Alex to do something, but the conversation quickly shifts to Rafael and Wesley, with Daniel expressing confusion over who is coming and who is producing music. The speakers also mention a DJ, a car, a pool, and Ciroc, among other things, in a seemingly random order. At one point, Daniel expresses sadness over a product and starts crying, but it's unclear what is causing his emotion. The conversation then shifts to Ryan's team and a bus ride to Minas, with the speakers expressing their past experiences and current feelings. Throughout the section, the speakers interrupt each other frequently, making it difficult to follow the conversation.
  • 03:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," Ryan recalls a friend he met three months ago and how they bonded over their experiences in the Free Fire game. They helped each other out during a tournament and Ryan was impressed by his friend's dedication and perseverance. However, they had a disagreement and Ryan felt disrespected. He also shares stories of his struggles in the past and how he has worked hard to improve his life. Despite their disagreement, Ryan expresses his desire to help his friend and support him, showing respect and humility. The conversation shifts to discussing their shared experiences and the importance of staying true to oneself and continuing to fight for opportunities.
  • 03:40:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers engage in a casual conversation filled with jokes and banter. They discuss the desire to win arguments and humiliate others, but then acknowledge the importance of family and brotherhood. The speakers also mention their love for food and the desire to create content for their YouTube audience. The conversation shifts to discussing a friend named Igor and his mother, who is described as "boladona" or crazy. The speakers also mention receiving messages and the importance of their faith. Overall, the conversation is lighthearted and filled with humor.
  • 03:45:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics including a man named Vera dona and his unpredictable behavior, the importance of studying and following a direction in life, and the significance of both image and music in rap music. The speakers also mention the importance of interacting with the audience and not just focusing on the music. They compare the speakers' talent to that of Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication to reach their level. The speakers also express their belief that everyone, regardless of talent, can achieve success with effort and perseverance. The conversation shifts to the importance of following one's dreams and answering questions from the audience.
  • 03:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers discuss various topics including the presence of Steve Jobs, their experiences in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, and relationships. The speakers express their admiration for each other's work and share stories of their past experiences. They also touch on the theme of love and heartbreak, with one speaker reflecting on past disappointments and the importance of expressing emotions in relationships. The conversation is filled with colloquial language and references to Brazilian culture.
  • 03:55:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss their past relationships and current crushes. Ryan shares his experiences with infidelity and admiration for a woman named Adriana, while MC Daniel talks about his respect for a married man named Ryan Eagle. The conversation also includes references to various people, places, and inside jokes, with the speakers expressing their admiration for each other and their shared sense of humor. The tone is lighthearted and playful, with the speakers often interrupting each other and speaking over one another in a conversational style. The conversation also includes references to music and popular culture, adding to the overall atmosphere of the podcast.

04:00:00 - 04:45:00

In the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Ryan and MC Daniel have a conversation about a confusing encounter with an old man named João Gomes, who made incoherent statements and threats. The speakers also mention Theo Becker, Lucília, Gusttavo Lima, and a car and fight. In another section, Comando do Nordeste sings a Brazilian folk song and discusses Brazil's coffee culture, wealth, and professionalism. Lobo shares stories about his family background and influences, as well as his admiration for Bruno. The speakers engage in rapid-fire conversations about various topics, including relationships, music, and personal experiences. Cima Domingão and Edu Guedes have a playful and poetic conversation, and the speakers engage in a playful and improvisational conversation about music and awards. Capaz da Silva expresses his disappointment with Liverpool's performance and shares his feelings of loneliness and depression, but acknowledges the importance of facing sadness in life. Throughout the video, the speakers use colloquial language, humor, and interjections to create a lively and engaging dialogue for their audience.

  • 04:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," there is a conversation between Ryan and MC Daniel about a man named João Gomes, who is described as a crazy old man. The old man had caused confusion by saying that a police officer was not fat, and then asked for DVD João. The conversation continues with the old man speaking incoherently and making threats. The old man also mentions Theo Becker and a woman named Lucília, and there is a discussion about a car and a fight. The conversation is filled with laughter and interruptions, and at one point, Ryan mentions losing and needing a Red Bull. The old man, Gusttavo Lima, is eventually mentioned and is asked to come forward. The conversation is chaotic and difficult to follow, but the speakers seem to be enjoying themselves.
  • 04:05:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speaker, identified as Comando do Nordeste, begins by singing a Brazilian folk song about adapting to someone's way and leaving no grudges. He then mentions Brazil's coffee culture and encourages listeners to keep going even when things seem difficult. The conversation shifts to discussing a website and the speaker expressing his own eccentricity. The episode's guest, Edu Guedes, is mentioned, and the speaker praises his straight-forward talk. The speaker then asserts his wealth and power to speak freely before signing off with a reference to being part of the Crepúsculo imprint and the name Eduardo Lobo Lobo. Throughout the section, there are interjections of applause and music, indicating a lively and engaging conversation.
  • 04:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," Lobo discusses his family background and the influence of his parents on his life. He mentions Patrícia Abravanel and reveals that his father is Maceió. Lobo expresses his love for his family and how they have come together through hardships. He also talks about how his father's presence has changed his life and how he has tried to improve his own situation. The conversation shifts to Bruno, a friend, and Lobo expresses his admiration for Bruno's determination and his own desire to change his circumstances. Throughout the conversation, Lobo uses colloquial language and humor to engage with his audience.
  • 04:15:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics in a rapid-fire, conversational style. They mention the lack of respect in society, the importance of taking care of one's appearance, and the influence of Osasco, a city in Brazil, on their lives. The speakers also touch upon the topic of wealth and success, with one of them expressing regret for not valuing themselves enough. They joke about various things, including a famous Brazilian soccer player, and discuss the importance of professionalism and self-worth. The conversation is lively and filled with humor, as the speakers engage with each other and share their perspectives.
  • 04:20:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics including their podcast, relationships, and music. The speaker expresses regret for not treating people well in the past, but now values humility and loyalty in a partner. They also mention the importance of being true to oneself and not trying to impress others. The conversation shifts to music and the speaker shares their admiration for a particular artist. The speakers also discuss the challenges of creating content and the importance of staying authentic. Throughout the conversation, there are references to food, music, and personal experiences.
  • 04:25:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers discuss various topics in a casual and humorous manner. They mention a disagreement with someone named Leo Lins, who wants to record a song with Gustavo. The speakers plan to record a song for Tubarão, but decide to go to the studio instead. They also discuss a challenge related to wearing a specific t-shirt and receiving comments about their bodies. The conversation includes references to food, body parts, and popular culture. The speakers also mention their love for music and their desire to try new things. The conversation is filled with jokes and banter, showcasing their friendship and chemistry.
  • 04:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480," the speakers, Cima Domingão and Edu Guedes, engage in a playful and poetic conversation. Cima shares a story about putting a hat on Igão and playing a gaita, while Edu observes and jokes about the mítico and the doctor. The speakers express their love for each other and the joy of the moment, with Cima declaring that he loves everyone and is not owned by anyone. The conversation shifts to the idea of buying an island and the speakers continue to joke and playfully banter. The section ends with Cima making a reference to Patrícia and the work that is happening, but it is unclear what he is referring to. Throughout the conversation, the speakers show a strong bond and a sense of humor, creating an entertaining and engaging dialogue for their audience.
  • 04:35:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, the speakers are engaging in a playful and improvisational conversation. They discuss choosing songs for a list, with each person selecting a song for the others to guess. The conversation then shifts to various topics including music, humor, and awards. The speakers make references to different artists and experiences, sharing jokes and stories. The tone is lighthearted and entertaining.
  • 04:40:00 In this section of the "RYAN SP & MC DANIEL - Podpah #480" YouTube video, Patrícia is mentioned several times, and the speaker encourages viewers to follow her and Daniel on their social media channels. The conversation shifts to discussing various topics, including religion, music, and personal experiences. The speaker expresses gratitude for a friend named Santo Firmino and his Flamengo football team support. He also mentions a man named Gabriel and their shared Evangelical background. The speaker then talks about a woman named Teodora and her quiet demeanor. He expresses a desire to leave and ends the section with various unrelated comments and references to music and everyday life.
  • 04:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video "RYAN SP & MC Daniel - Podpah #480," capaz da Silva expresses his disappointment with Liverpool's performance, warning the audience about two specific products that control them. He then mentions feeling lonely and depressed, despite having support from family and friends. He shares how he spent the night on Facebook, where he received comforting messages from companions. Despite the sadness, he acknowledges that it's a part of life and continues to write music about his loved ones, even those who have passed away. He also mentions the cruelty of saudade and how it can lead to false encounters. The conversation shifts to Dima and Lauri, and the group continues their conversation.

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