Summary of HACK your IT Study Habits - CCENT - CCNA - A+ | Atomic Habits

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The YouTube video "HACK your IT Study Habits - CCENT - CCNA - A+ | Atomic Habits" provides helpful advice on how to make studying for exams or certifications more attractive by incorporating temptation bundling and other habits into the "habit loop." The video discusses the concept of reducing friction, which can be done by having a study plan and by reducing the obstacles that can prevent someone from studying.

  • 00:00:00 The author recommends developing good study habits by cueing yourself for when and where you will study, implementing the habit, and setting realistic goals. The book Atomic Habits by James Clear provides helpful advice on how to create good habits, focusing on the cue, the habit, and the response.
  • 00:05:00 The video explains how to create good study habits, by first defining a place and time to study, and then stacking multiple habits onto that. Environment can also play a role in habit formation, by priming the environment to make studying easier.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Atomic Habits founder James Clear discusses how to make studying for exams or certifications more attractive by incorporating temptation bundling and other habits into the "habit loop." He also suggests getting involved in study groups or events, and drinking coffee to associate it with positive feelings.
  • 00:15:00 This YouTube video provides advice on how to hack your study habits, specifically on how to make it easier to start studying and to make it more attractive to continue studying. The video discusses the concept of reducing friction, which can be done by having a study plan and by reducing the obstacles that can prevent someone from studying.
  • 00:20:00 The YouTube video's presenter discusses the concept of "friction" and how it can be applied to studying for certifications. He gives the example of a bad habit of binge watching TV, and suggests ways to create friction for that bad habit in order to make it easier to break it. He also discusses the concept of the "decisive moment" and how habits can snowball if you start out with a good habit. The presenter offers the example of a person who starts out working out every day, but makes it easier for themselves to stay on track by breaking their habit up into smaller goals.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the four phases of the habit loop, which are craving response, reward, making it satisfying, and being creative with technology. It goes on to discuss how to hack your brain to make yourself better, with the example of studying for certification exams.

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