Summary of La formación de la Tierra - National Geographic

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video from National Geographic discusses the formation of the Earth, from its beginnings as a ball of hot rock to the present day. It explains how the planet was formed by the impact of an intruder, which created the moon, and how the Earth's climate has changed over time due to the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere. The video also discusses the evolution of life on Earth, from the first bacteria to the reptiles that now exist.

  • 00:00:00 Earth is the only place in the universe where life exists. Why is this planet so special? The answers are hidden in the remote past of Earth. Today we have to travel back in time to see the first humans who moved around on Earth, traveling over continents in search of conflict. They had to face killer sound waves and swim in oceans full of strange life forms. To experience the cold cold of glaciers, and experience the fury of cosmic missiles, we have to journey in time to the planet's birth. Then we can reconstruct together the incredible story of our planet, and discover why all of us are here. The formation of Earth is a story of gravity, which over millions of years formed these rocks to form the planet. One of at least 100 planets that orbit around the sun. But 4.4 billion years ago our planet appeared more like hell than a home. The temperature was over 1,200 degrees Celsius, and there was no air. There was only carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. It was so toxic and so hot that if we approached it more closely we would be incinerated and suffocated in seconds. The newly born planet was a ball of hot rock liquid. There were no solid surfaces,
  • 00:05:00 During the formation of Earth, the impact of an intruder caused the planet's surface to be deformed. This wave of expansion travels throughout the planet, making the two young planets become liquid. Billions of tons of debris scatter throughout space, but over time, gravity works its magic and the debris slowly turns into a red dust ring around the planet. Gradually, over millions of years, the gravity of the intruder solidifies the dust ring into a ball of over 3000 kilometers in diameter. We're witnessing the birth of our moon. They are much closer than the moon we see today, only 22 million kilometers instead of 400,000. The sun rises over a planet in the process of cooling. And three hours later, the impact has made the planet spin so quickly that a day only lasts 6 hours. Days proceed quickly, but the planet slowly changes over time to understand the birth of our planet. We must advance millions of years to see this process. A rain of meteorites three billion years ago inflicted us with the attack of the remnants left over from the formation of the solar system. These strange crystals are found inside meteorites, seeming like grains of salt. Within them, there are tiny droplets of water.
  • 00:10:00 This National Geographic video explains the formation of the Earth and its water. According to the video, over time, the water that we drink has traveled billions of miles to reach us. The Earth has a more familiar appearance, but it is still dangerous. That wind is fast, possibly faster than the most destructive hurricane of our day. It is a mega storm stirred up by the rapid rotation of the planet. The moon is close to the Earth, so its gravity is overwhelming, creating enormous waves that travel across the planet's surface. But over time, the moon moves away, and the waters calm down. The planet slows its rotation. 700 million years after the planet's birth, water creating life covers its surface. But it is not only water. There is more there beneath small islands that seem to have arisen out of nowhere. As time goes on, fused pieces of rocks break through the Earth's surface and rise to the ocean's surface. Over time, lava cools and forms a volcanic island. This is how the islands were formed. In the future, they will join to form the first continents. This planet is still growing - it is made of land and water. It begins to look like the planet we call home, but the atmosphere is toxic and the
  • 00:15:00 National Geographic presents the formation of Earth, from gases and minerals to a powerful mixture that shoots out and creates towers coming back to the sea. Added to the mix are the chemical elements and meteorites, and water has become a chemical stew. It is impossible to know how or when, but somehow these chemical substances joined together to create life. Now, water is full of microscopic organisms, called "bacteria colonies," which are the first forms of life on Earth. A decisive moment in Earth's formation occurred when light from the sun created these colonies of bacteria. Over time, nothing changes--evolution does not advance, and only bacterial colonies exist. These organisms use energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a simple sugar similar to what we put in coffee. From this process, oxygen gas is created. Under water, these colonies of bacteria gradually fill the sea with oxygen. Oxygen then converts iron in water into oxide, covering the ocean floor with rock deposits. Eventually, we will use this mineral to build bridges, boats, and skyscrapers. However, before that happens, millions of years will pass without any evolutionary progress or advancement. We will only be able to use this process after 3.500 million years have passed and an ocean
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how the earth's surface is constantly being changed by the movement and push of plates. Over hundreds of millions of years, we have noticed that something is reconfiguring the hidden undersea layers, and over time, the surface terrestrial plate has split into large plates. Below the surface, the planet's core still remains active, and is warmer than the surface of the sun, which generates movement in the rocks below the surface. These movements slowly push and pull the plates around, and with them, transport islands and oceans over millions of years. We are currently experiencing a period of active change on our planet, as evidenced by the number of volcanoes that have been erupting lately. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has reached levels not seen in millions of years, and as a result, we are seeing more rain with acidity. The rocks that have accumulated over the past 750 million years due to the Plate tectonics activity have slowly begun to rise to the surface, including the CO2 that was absorbed. At this point, there is a great amount of rock that has emerged due to the breaking of the continent, and as a result, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is not sufficient to capture the heat escaping from the
  • 00:25:00 National Geographic explains how the Earth's climate has changed over time, from a time when the planet was fiery and ice-covered to the present day when much of the surface is covered in a layer of ice. Over the course of 650 million years, the planet went through a series of ice ages, with the most recent one lasting for about 15 million years. Now, due to the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, the Earth is slowly returning to an ice age. This process is being helped by the volcanoes, which release huge amounts of CO2 before the next glaciation. During the ice age, the Earth's surface was covered in a layer of ice several kilometers thick. However, due to the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere, this layer is now slowly melting, allowing the planet to experience increasing temperatures once again.
  • 00:30:00 The video National Geographic presents explains how in 600 million years ago, the Earth's atmosphere was warmer than it is today, and days lasted around 22 hours. This led to the evolution of complex life forms, including bacteria that lived in the oceans at that time. Today, as the ice melts, the gas hydrogen dioxide decomposes and liberates large amounts of oxygen. This has caused the Earth to wake up and be very different from how it was before. In 540 million years ago, in an ocean full of oxygen, those primitive bacteria evolved into complex multi-cellular organisms. We're entering one of the most dynamic periods in the history of Earth's history, with increasing levels of oxygen allowing creatures to grow and develop bone tissue. There are worms, sponges, and this is just the beginning of what's to come. Life in the oceans flourishes.
  • 00:35:00 This National Geographic video discusses the formation of the Earth, discussing the evolution of the simple structure of a creature into the first dorsal spine on land, which allows us to stand. Over the course of millions of years, the simple structure of this creature will evolve into the dorsal spine we have today, which helps protect us from the sun's harmful radiation. However, there is little life on land today, with the exception of a few plant species. The only explanation for this is the sun, whose radiation inflames the surface, creating the familiar forms of life in the ocean. Under the waves, there are dozens of species of animals and plants. Progress in life seems unstoppable. We look for life on land, searching 460 million years ago for a landmass that would move under our feet. We found it in Gondwana, which had a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius and levels of oxygen close to today's. However, over the past few hundred million years, the land has slowly been covered by water, preventing life from flourishing. Now we are slowly restoring oxygen levels and flora is beginning to flourish. If it weren't for the ozonosphere, life on land would not exist. Now we take care of the radiation and life flourishes. These small
  • 00:40:00 This National Geographic video features a trip down the evolutionary tree of vertebrates, from dinosaurs to birds to mammals, culminating with humans. The video shows how creatures have evolved over time, with examples of creatures such as turtles, fish, and insects. Eventually, plants evolved to spread their pollen and survive through waterborne seeds, unlike spores that require water to germinate and grow. This seed, called an embryo, is able to survive for months or even years away from water, something that would not be possible for spores. The video concludes with a discussion of arthropods, which include insects, spiders, and crabs. These creatures have been on Earth for millions of years and are still evolving.
  • 00:45:00 National Geographic explains the formation of the Earth and the role of oxygen in it. The animal kingdom has gradually evolved, with new types of creatures emerging as the planet's surface has cooled and the layers of dead vegetation have accumulated. New lifeforms have arisen as a result, including reptiles that are now gigantic compared to their predecessors. The evolution of life has taken a giant leap forward, with small amphibians becoming reptiles and large animals such as gordon ores. These creatures are still very active and ferocious, and are a threat to the ancient saurian shield-bearer.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the formation of the Earth and the impact of volcanoes on the environment. It explains that basalts are seen as a river of rock flowing out of the Earth's interior, pushing other rocks along with it. The Paradise Island now an inferno is the first victim of the mass extinction in history. The Siberian eruptions are Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, transforming the entire planet.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses how the eruption of the Siberian Traps in Russia, which released a powerful gas into the atmosphere, raised temperatures even more, until they reached a temperature of almost 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). This event occurred 500,000 years ago, and has since led to the extinction of many creatures that have survived. Over the past half-million years, lava has been pouring down and covering an area equivalent to the size of the United States. The surface has been formed by a layer of fused rock 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) deep. The 95% of life that once existed on Earth is now gone. Only a very small number of creatures have been able to survive by hiding underground and feeding on anything. However, all other life on Earth is now extinct. The land has healed and is now ready for the emergence of a new species. However, this will not be possible until the earth's atmosphere becomes more stable. The surface of the earth is thinning and is losing mass.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

This National Geographic video discusses the formation of Earth and the various creatures that have inhabited the planet over time. It covers the extinction of dinosaurs and the rise of mammals, including humans. The video also discusses the effects of climate change on the planet and how human beings are impacting the environment.

  • 01:00:00 This video explains how the Earth's plates are moving and shaking, and how this happens over time. The continents are moving relative to one another, and this process creates new oceans and continents. Over the next 10 million years, the rocks below the water will bury and warm up the bodies of animals that have died. We can see this process happening right now, as the old ocean floor is moving away from the new continent of Montreal and New York-Africa. The world we know is taking shape as the separation between the two continents fills in, creating a new ocean, the Atlantic.
  • 01:05:00 This National Geographic video shows how the Earth has evolved over time, from a place where dinosaurs roamed to the present day where oceans cover most of the planet. The clip features footage of different creatures, including a long-necked pliosaur, the largest creature to ever live, and a velociraptor, one of the fastest animals ever on Earth. The narrator explains that although these creatures are now extinct, their legacy is still felt today. For example, the pliosaur's long, powerful neck allowed it to hunt down large prey like dinosaurs. The velociraptor was one of the most successful predators of its time, and was able to hunt down dinosaurs and other large prey. However, the narrator points out that there is one animal that is currently challenging the dominance of these dinosaurs - the human race. He says that nothing on Earth can match the power of these animals in the past, and that nothing will be able to do so in the future. The video ends with a close-up of an asteroid heading directly for Earth, which will impact the planet in a very short amount of time.
  • 01:10:00 National Geographic's "La formación de la Tierra" video presents the impact of an asteroid on Earth 65 million years ago, which led to the extinction of dinosaurs. This event also allowed other animals to take over, including mammals. Though the extinction of dinosaurs is a sad event, it is an opportunity for other species to thrive.
  • 01:15:00 This video discusses the formation of Earth and the unexpected inheritors of the crown of dinosaurs. According to the video, the dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, and this might be the opportunity for our ancestors to finally find peace on Earth. About 47 million years ago, this lake situated in present-day Germany should have been the perfect place to find them, but they were eliminated by the gas from the volcano. In the future, when the water retreats, the fossilized remains of these primitive primates will be found and we will be able to understand how human evolution began. The history of human life is gradually becoming clearer, and we are witnessing the evolution of bacteria, fish, and land animals from the past to present. The land on which we stand is almost identical to the Earth that we call home, and this is due to the plates on Earth shifting and moving with the continents. The Indian subcontinent moves northward towards Asia, and the battle between the Indian and Asian plates is ongoing.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the formation of the Earth, from the ancient ocean floor to the mountains of the Himalayas. The mountains are said to have been created by the lifting of land along a line of 2500 km, and the highest mountain in the world, Everest, is made of the same material as the Earth's mantle. The video also discusses the effects of climate change on the environment, including the shrinking of the forests and the displacement of animals by the rise of the mountains.
  • 01:25:00 This video explains the formation of Earth, and the first human beings who appeared on the planet. It shows the changing climate and the arrival of human beings in different parts of the world over the past million years. The video also explains how human beings are affecting the planet's climate and environment, and how they are evolving and spreading throughout the world.
  • 01:30:00 National Geographic recounts the long and eventful history of Earth, from the formation of the planet to the present day. This video covers the progress of human migration, the effects of glaciation, and the importance of water in the development of life. The story of Earth continues with new challenges and opportunities still to be explored.

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