Summary of De oprichting van het Simplisties Verbond 1974 - Van Kooten en De Bie

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The Simplisties Verbond was founded in 1974 as a response to the establishment of the Dutch political party, the VPRO. The organization promotes the philosophy of simplism, which stresses the importance of clarity and simplicity in life. In 1995, the Simplisties Verbond merged with the VPRO to create the present-day Dutch Public Broadcasting Foundation.

  • 00:00:00 The Simplisties Verbond was founded in 1974 to unite Dutch intellectuals opposed to the establishment of the Dutch political party, the VPRO. The goal of the Simplisties Verbond was to promote a simplified form of life, and to this end, they organized discussions and lectures on a regular basis. In 1995, the Simplisties Verbond merged with the VPRO to create the present-day Dutch Public Broadcasting Foundation.
  • 00:05:00 The Simplisties Verbond was founded in 1974 by Kooten and De Bie. The organization promotes the philosophy of simplism, which stresses the importance of clarity and simplicity in life. The goal of simplism is to help people become more self-reliant and understand complex structures.
  • 00:10:00 The Simplisties Verbond was founded in 1974 by Kooten and De Bie. The graphical simplicity of their designs was powerful and uniquely effective, and demonstrated that all those supposedly modern, simple style designs were actually just chaotic and frustrating to use. This insight has led to the revival of simpler, more traditional design in the current generation of graphic designers. While some of these designers may be fleeing from the reality of their everyday lives, the Simplisties Verbond aims to promote a simple, honest view of the world, free of tension and anxiety caused by always being pulled in different directions by ever-changing design trends. They are seeking a laboratory and a community of like-minded people to help them understand and document this newfound reality.

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