Summary of Nuestro cerebro y la toma de decisiones. Introducción a la neuroeconomía.

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the importance of neuroeconomics in business decision-making, and how it can be used to improve productivity and decision-making. The speaker also discusses the dangers of being a "narcissist" in business, and how neuroeconomics can help identify and counteract emotional decisions. Finally, the speaker provides a brief overview of the brain's cognitive and emotional systems, and how they work together to balance each other out.

  • 00:00:00 The speaker, José Millán, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disabilities. He is also a neuroeconomist, which is a new field that combines aspects of economics, neurology, and psychology. He is going to talk about the basics of neuroeconomics, which is the study of how decisions are made based on understanding the anatomy and physiology of the brain. After that, he will discuss how neuroeconomics can be used in businesses and in personal decision-making. Finally, he will talk about the three main areas of application for neuroeconomics: finance, human resources, and marketing.
  • 00:05:00 The neuroeconomics field is concerned with how the brain makes decisions, and how these decisions impact productivity in an organization. In this video, Dr. Giulio Tononi discusses the difference between the two systems of reward in the brain, the pleasure system and the fear system, and how they impact decision-making. He also discusses how understanding these systems can help us make better decisions.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the phenomenon of impulsivity and how it can be overcome by using the brain's "nucleus accumbens" and "ventromedial prefrontal cortex." Impulsivity can be caused by things like a strong emotional response, addiction, or fear, but it can also be overcome by thinking rationally and taking into account rewards and risks. The video also discusses the "amígdala," which is responsible for the fear response, and the "sensory cortex," which is responsible for detecting rewards and punishments.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Robert Ford and Mainstreet approach a lion and she reflexively runs away, obviously because of the fear of panic. However, Robert Ford enters calmly with a frontal nucleus inside medial prefrontal cortex and says to her, "Don't worry, it's already eaten"--an example of a scene in a movie where a character uses rational decision-making in the face of panic. We see that she acts with panic, but Robert Ford is the rationality and we imagine that 99% of us would act this way. Below the prefrontal cortex lies the accumbens, which is responsible for reward, and below that is the tec mental central, which we discussed earlier in the video. These three regions are connected with memory, emotion, and movement, and all of this is important in understanding how we take decisions. We also discuss how emotions are related to memory in this video. Testosterone is another important biochemical in this system, as it impacts both decision-making and sex.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses how physiological factors such as sex hormones, dopamine, and serotonin affect human behavior. It then goes on to discuss how social interactions such as love and attachment are mediated by these hormones. It also discusses how depression can be related to a decrease in serotonin levels.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the importance of attachment in making decisions, and how we are currently living in a horrible, depressing era. It discusses the role of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, and how they are important in our circadian rhythms. It also discusses the importance of attachment in business, and how if we are not productive, it is more productive to know our brain's rhythms and focus on increasing motivation. The video finishes with a discussion of how smoking, caffeine, and nicotine can all affect our decision making. It shows how smoking has been proven to increase serotonin levels and decrease dopamine levels, leading to impulsiveness and aggressiveness. Coffee and chocolate also have this effect on the brain, while the current antidepressant medications increase serotonin levels and decrease dopamine levels, leading to a different kind of decision making.
  • 00:30:00 The video introduces the neuroscience of decision-making, and discusses how our brains are geared towards seeking rewards and avoiding losses. It goes on to discuss concepts such as the "reward system" and "fear system," and how they interact to influence our decision-making. It also covers how subliminal messages can be used to influence our emotions, and how patterns can be subconsciously drawn from the surrounding environment. In the end, the video provides an overview of neuroeconomics, and its application to marketing.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the neuroeconomics field, which studies how the brain processes and makes decisions. It discusses how humans are influenced by emotions and other people's actions, and how this can lead to errors in decision-making. The video then discusses how the neuroeconomics field has applied to the stock market, and how hyper-narcissism and other malignant forms of narcissism can be dangerous for businesses and individuals.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the concept of the "vicious cycle" between stress, anxiety, and poor decision-making. It introduces the neuroeconomics field, which looks at how our brains and behavioral decisions are interconnected. The video provides examples of how neuroeconomics might be used in business, such as to better understand which decisions are best, to understand how different groups of people behave, to learn effective meeting techniques, and to improve negotiating skills. Finally, the presenter discusses the importance of balancing hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, in order to prevent this vicious cycle from continuing.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the neuroscience of decision-making, and how it can be applied to business. It covers topics such as company, psychological approaches, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) functional imaging. It also discusses leadership, and how certain genetic traits can lead to a propensity for impulse control and leadership.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the importance of neuroeconomics in business decision-making, and how it can be used to improve productivity and decision-making. The speaker also discusses the dangers of being a "narcissist" in business, and how neuroeconomics can help identify and counteract emotional decisions. Finally, the speaker provides a brief overview of the brain's cognitive and emotional systems, and how they work together to balance each other out.
  • 00:55:00 The video introduces the concept of neuroeconomics, which is the study of the relationship between brain function and economic decisions. Neuroeconomics is a relatively new field, and there is still much to learn about it. However, there are societies in Spain that are focused on this area, and they can teach you how to apply neuroeconomics in decision making. One important point to remember is that neuroeconomics is not just limited to the field of economics. It covers a variety of disciplines, such as neurology and psychology. You need to be a neuroscientist to really understand it. One of the goals of neuroeconomics is to help us better understand how emotions and risk affect decision making. For example, we may remember the stock market crashes of the past, but we may not understand why they happened. By understanding the neuroscience behind these events, we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. There is still a lot to learn about neuroeconomics, but this is an important field to be aware of. It can help us make better economic decisions in our everyday lives.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

Dr. Fernando Millán discusses how neuroeconomics applies to different areas of life, emphasizing that it is not just a field of study, but an important tool that must be used in order to be more sophisticated. He asks the audience if they know of any ethical issues that could arise from the use of technology and the increasing use of neuroscience, and states that this would lead to the expansion of humanism.

  • 01:00:00 Dr. Fernando Millán's talk on "Neuroeconomics: The Brain in Decision-making" was very informative and helpful for understanding how the brain works and how decisions are made. Dr. Millán discussed how neuroeconomics should be applied to different areas of life, such as marketing, behavioral economics, and psychiatry/transcultural neurology. He emphasized that neuroeconomics is not just a field of study, but an important tool that must be used in order to be more sophisticated and apply the most typical method possible to what has always been talked about, which is why it should be taught in multiple disciplines. Finally, he asked the audience if they knew of any ethical issues that could arise from the use of technology and the increasing use of neuroscience. He stated that this would lead to the expansion of humanism, which would oppose the increasing use of narcissism.
  • 01:05:00 The video introduces the concept of neuroeconomics, which is the study of how the brain uses economic logic to make decisions. The common sense route is often followed, but Dr. Millán recommends continuing to follow his advice, as it is the best way to stay healthy.

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