Summary of Yargı 46. Bölüm

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Police are investigating the murder of a man who was found with a knife in his back. They believe that the man who killed him may have been working for someone else, and they ask the public for help in their investigation.

  • 00:00:00 In the video, a police officer is questioning a woman about her husband. The woman claims she doesn't know who he is, but the officer isn't convinced. He finds out the woman was married to someone else and that he killed her husband. The officer also finds out that the man who the woman was married to is now dead. He's not sure what to think, but he's going to investigate further.
  • 00:05:00 In the video, a 46-year-old man explains that he saw his own face in a mirror and realized that he doesn't have any defense against Allah. He says that we all share the same fate, and that he just wants 20 minutes to speak to the police before he dies. Later in the video, police arrive and ask the man if he knows where Ömer Osman is. The man says that he doesn't, but that he knows someone who might be able to help them. He then shares a brief story about how he met his wife and how their family has changed over time. Near the end of the video, the man shares that he's afraid that something bad will happen to Tuğçe, his wife's brother, and he asks for someone to help him find her. He also shares that he's been dead and alive multiple times, and that he doesn't know what's going to happen next.
  • 00:10:00 In the video, Bilir, the 46th case heard in the Yargı Court, discusses his case with the court's Savcı, who asks about the reasons for his trip to Ankara. Bilir explains that he is there to attend his niece's wedding and that he has been working at the same office as his niece's husband. He shares that he does not know where his niece lives, but that her husband knows. He also shares that he has a daughter, who is 29 years old. The Savcı asks about Bilir's family and whether they are living together. Bilir shares that his daughter lives with her mother. The Savcı asks about Bilir's relationship with his daughter and whether he is able to see her. Bilir explains that he is not able to see his daughter often because her husband often travels for work. The Savcı asks about Bilir's relationship with his daughter's husband and whether he is able to get along with him. Bilir shares that he is not able to get along with his daughter's husband because he does not understand him. The Savcı asks about Bilir's relationship with his daughter and whether he is able to get along with her husband. Bilir shares that he is not able
  • 00:15:00 In the video, the Komiser and the Prosecutor discuss how long it is taking for the case to move forward. They say that there is a possible suspect in the case, and they are investigating if he was involved in the death of Serdar Denizi. They also mention that they found a gun and a knife in the suspect's possession. They hope that the citizens will stay patience while they investigate the case further.
  • 00:20:00 In the video, Ömer, a young man, tells his story of how he was falsely accused of a crime and how this has led to him being homeless and living on the streets. He reveals that he has been using alcohol to cope with the situation and confesses that he has also been stealing to support himself. He asks his listeners to please help him find justice, and ends the video by urging them to vote. The video details Ömer's history of being falsely accused of a crime and his current situation as a homeless and alcoholic man. Ömer asks his listeners to help him find justice and to vote in the upcoming elections.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, a court is discussing the case of Hayırdır Çaycı, a coffee shop owner. The court discusses how many people are in the case, and whether anyone has submitted a statement. The court also discusses the two suspects, Ayten Suat and Görkem Pek, and says that they will be investigating them both. Finally, the court thanks the witnesses for their testimony.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Ceylin discusses how her husband left for a foreign country and she became worried about him. She recalls telling her husband's friends that she would go to the police if he didn't return, and that she has a letter from him proving he was in a foreign country. She then talks about Metin, a prosecutor who is investigating her husband, and how he has changed since their last meeting. Ceylin finally says goodbye to the viewers and promises to explain everything in more detail later.
  • 00:35:00 In the video, a man discusses how he and his friends met a girl and her little brother at a cafe and took them home. The man then tells the story of how he and his friends took the girl's brother's gun and killed him. The man says that he learned his lesson and that he won't do it again.
  • 00:40:00 This video discusses the 46th case heard in court, in which Osman is accused of murdering his wife. Osman's chance at salvation comes when he finds a chance to talk to her before she dies. However, he is later found guilty and executed. The video then goes on to discuss Osman's possible motives for killing his wife, and how his family failed to investigate the matter. Osman's brother suggests that he may have killed her because he couldn't handle the fact that his wife was having an affair. Osman's father also suggests that Osman might have killed his wife because he was angry that she was spending too much money. Osman's brother ultimately decides to bring him to court, but Osman dies before he can be brought to trial.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the 46th bölüm of the Yargı (court), in which a former friend of the protagonist, Serdar, is accused of harming his wife. The protagonist tries to find out more about the case, but is not sure what to believe. His older brother, Emine, tells him that Serdar probably killed himself and that he (the protagonist) should not be too sad because his own business has also gone bad. Serdar's wife, Anil, also commits suicide, and the protagonist begins to wonder if he (the protagonist) ever saw anything suspicious. He then remembers an incident from a few years ago in which his brother-in-law, Çinar, attempted to strangle his wife. The protagonist investigates and discovers that there are many other incidents that have gone unreported, such as a child who climbed onto a truck carrying chemicals and then fell off, or a husband who disappeared without a trace. The protagonist realizes that he has been too afraid to try and find out what is happening and decides to investigate on his own. He meets with the police and tells them what he has learned. Although he fears for his safety, he eventually returns to his family.
  • 00:50:00 In the video, a police officer is questioning a suspect about a crime he committed. The suspect says he doesn't know what to do, and he's lost hope. The officer tells him to keep believing in himself and that there's still a chance things will turn out okay. The suspect responds that he's already resigned himself to his fate, and that he only has one hope left- his father. The officer tells him to stop and think about what he's saying. If he really wants to, he can leave and never come back. The suspect responds that he already has, and that he's going to bury everyone else too. He then threatens to kill everyone if the officer doesn't leave. The officer leaves.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, police are investigating the murder of a man who was found with a knife in his back. It is revealed that the man who killed him may have been working for someone else, and that there may be more suspects. The police decide to investigate further, and ask the public for help.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses the 46th episode of the Yargı court case, in which the prosecutor is caught lying. The jury decides to investigate the case further and find out that the prosecutor has been writing a crime novel. They are also concerned about his phone being off all the time and his messages not being answered. Finally, they ask him why he isn't telling the truth and he responds that he doesn't know.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the 46th episode of the Yargı (court), in which a prosecutor asserts that he does not know what the defendants are accused of. The prosecutor's colleague points out that the defendants might have committed suicide, and the prosecutor reconsiders his decision not to pursue the case. He decides to pursue the case, and discusses the possible evidence with his colleague. The prosecutor concludes that the defendants probably committed suicide, and urges the viewers to watch the upcoming episode to find out for themselves.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the 46th episode of "Yargı." A woman, Ayten, complains about her husband, who has left her for another woman. Ayten's husband had mentioned something about a family before he left, so Ayten assumes that he is talking about their apartment. Ayten goes to her father to ask for his help, but he can't seem to answer her questions. Metin, the husband's friend, tells Ayten that her husband is probably just tired after working all day. Ayten's father tells her that she needs to wait until morning to find out for sure. Ayten begins to doubt herself, and she starts to worry that she has made a mistake in getting married. Her husband had mentioned something about a marriage proposal, so Ayten starts to wonder if she is actually getting married or not. In the end, Ayten finds out that her husband had been planning to propose to her all along, but he got sidetracked when he got caught stealing. Ayten is glad that she didn't make a mistake in getting married, and she thanks Metin for his help. The video ends with a brief announcement that there will be another 47th episode of "Yargı" soon.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how one can distinguish between beauty and charm, explaining that I am referring to you, Ha. You did not create these things, these are just things that you have inherited. All of them are not what makes you different from the rest of the Muslim people. Even though I made a mistake in my life, I'm not alone. There are many people in this world who have made mistakes. But you, you are different. You are the only one who has the ability to change everything. Your profession is like a magic wand. We don't even know what it does. We just use it to make new things. People who used to be enemies are now friends. People who used to quarrel are now getting along. But you're not just a tool. You're a human being. You have emotions. You feel pain. I've been telling you this for years, but you never listen. I decided to leave my family and go to the city all by myself. I told my father that I was going to find a job. But he didn't believe me. He thought I was running away from home. One day, I arrived in the city. I was so tired, I almost
  • 01:15:00 In the video, 47-year-old lawyer speaks about how he became religious, and how he changed his mind after realizing that some things in life are equal. He talks about how he and his friends got drunk and fought, and how he woke up the next morning to see Serdar, his son, hanged. He asks his listeners what they think happened, and they give various explanations. The lawyer then expresses his own opinion, saying that he doesn't know what happened but that it must have been something serious. He ends the video by saying that he'll return to talk to his listeners later about what he means.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the 46th episode of the Yargı trial, in which the defendant claims that she does not have the strength to look at the judge. She fears that she will not be able to survive if she is found guilty, and begs the judge to spare her life. The judge empathizes with her and agrees to let her go, but warns her that she should not take this opportunity to run away. The defendant thanks the judge and promises to stay away.
  • 01:25:00 Tuğçe is upset that her baby has a baby face. She remembers painting her own face and Uyudun mu Ne olursun Kaç Kurtar Kendini. The song tells the story of a man who is betrayed by someone he trusts. He wonders if he did something wrong and if he has been living a lie. He tells his friends that he will stay with them until the end. Aylin asks him what is wrong and he says that he doesn't know. He says that he is going to tell the truth and she should come join him. He leaves and she wonders what is going on.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, Aylin Kocan recounts her experience with the court system. She talks about how her name has been changed and how her family is coping. She also explains how her husband could be convicted if the evidence is strong enough. She asks the audience to be patient with her as she tries to explain her story. Finally, she mentions that there is something important that she will tell us later. Later in the video, Tuğçe Can speaks about how he and some other people were playing soccer when they saw a light in the sky. They went to investigate and found that a plane had crashed. They ran to the crash site but found that the plane had already been burned to ashes. Tuğçe wonders what could have happened to Arda, one of the people on the plane, and Dila, the wife of Arda's friend. Dila later appears onscreen and tells the audience that Arda's brother had been trying to get in touch with him but had not been successful. She also says that she is worried about her own safety and asks the audience to be careful. The video ends with Dila discussing the case with Sağ, a prosecutor. Sağ tells her that the case is still
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the arrest of a man who was allegedly planning a terrorist attack, and the precautions taken by the authorities. It discusses the man's background and how he was caught. Finally, the video discusses the possible implications of the man's arrest. The video discusses how a terrorist attack could be carried out, and how authorities took precautions to prevent such a scenario. The arrest of the man is discussed, and it is revealed that he was planning to commit an act of terrorism using a knife or a bomb. It is also revealed that he had contacts with other terrorist suspects.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses the prosecutor Hadi, who is not a doctor. Hadi talks about his job and how he is investigating a case. He says he is working for the government, and he tells the interviewer that he has not been able to find any information about the case in the file. He also says that he has not been able to locate the defendant. The interviewer asks Hadi if he has any evidence, and Hadi says that he does not. The interviewer then asks Hadi if he has any ideas about where the defendant might be, and Hadi says that he does not know. Hadi says that he sometimes feels hopeless and that he has been struggling with this situation for a long time. He then tells the interviewer about a former teacher and how he used to write stories for him. The interviewer asks Hadi if he remembers the story, and Hadi says that he does. He then says that he has been struggling with this memory for a long time. The interviewer asks Hadi if he wants to talk about it, and Hadi says that he does not know. He then asks the interviewer to give him some time. The interviewer then asks the prosecutor if he has been struggling too, and Hadi says that he has not
  • 01:45:00 In this video, the prosecutor discusses how Arda Bey's statements have been building up one by one, and how his wife has been explaining everything to him. Then, the prosecutor goes on to say that he didn't believe Arda Bey when he first said these things, but then he met Dila Hanım and spent the night with her. After that, he went to visit his wife but didn't get far before she killed him. If the prosecutor had known about the video beforehand, he would have been able to investigate the case more thoroughly. He then decides to discontinue the case, and the viewer is left to speculate on what will happen next.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses how a court ruled that the defendant is not criminally responsible for the death of her husband and how the defendant plans to challenge the ruling. The video also discusses the defendant's past and how she may be suffering from mental illness. The video ends with the defendant saying that she will return to the court and that she knows what needs to be done.
  • 01:55:00 Haluk Bey, a prosecutor in the 46th case, is caught lying to the court. He claims that he has an agreement with somebody else, but is actually working with the devil. The jurors are concerned and decide to investigate the case further. They find out that the prosecutor has been writing a serialized crime novel and that he may have been killed because of it. They are also concerned about his phone being off all the time and his messages not being answered. Finally, they ask him why he isn't telling the truth and he responds that he doesn't know.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

The video discusses the 46th episode of the Turkish legal series "Yargı." In this episode, the protagonist, a young man, realizes that pursuing justice instead of heroism may be more fruitful. Though he may not have any success in life, he will try to save his loved ones by reaching out to the police. However, this may not be the end of the story.

  • 02:00:00 In the video, a 46-year-old man named Serdar is shown confessing to killing a colleague. He says that he did it because he was angry, and that he doesn't remember what happened after he killed the man. He then tells the court how he disposed of the body. He claims that he threw it into the river, but a fish later caught it and brought it to the surface. He then tells the court that he plans to kill again.
  • 02:05:00 The video shows a police interrogation room. The police ask the person if they have a weapon, to which the person responds that they do not. The police then ask if the person knows anything about a weapon being found, to which the person responds that he does not. The person then shows the police his car's keys, which the police take as evidence. The person then goes to the bathroom, where he hides his backpack. He then goes to a restaurant, where he meets another person. The person tells the second person that he has found a weapon and hides it in his backpack. The person then goes to a police station, where he confesses to the crime. The second person also confesses to the crime.
  • 02:10:00 In the video, a prosecutor is discussing a colleague's death with colleagues. He reveals that he plans to kill him, and asks for someone's opinion on how to do it quickly and easily. The colleague replies that he doesn't think the prosecutor should kill him, but should instead try to get him help. The prosecutor replies that he will kill him no matter what. The colleague then warns the prosecutor that he will kill him if he does anything to harm his daughter. The prosecutor replies that he will do whatever it takes to kill him.
  • 02:15:00 The video discusses the 46th episode of the Turkish legal series "Yargı." In this episode, the protagonist, a young man, realizes that pursuing justice instead of heroism may be more fruitful. Though he may not have any success in life, he will try to save his loved ones byreaching out to the police. However, this may not be the end of the story.

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