Summary of Curso Las 7 Fiestas Solemnes del Señor - Sesión 2

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the meaning of the seven holidays celebrated in honor of God. The speaker explains that these holidays are still relevant today, and that they can be celebrated in many different ways. The important thing is to have the right intention behind our celebrations, and to give thanks to God for all His blessings.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the seventh feast of the Lord, Passover, and how to celebrate it. It features a pastor and director of an international ministry discussing how to celebrate Passover. The first three presentations (about the first three feasts) are available to download on the ministry's website.
  • 00:05:00 This video introduces the 7 Festivals of the Lord, and discusses their meaning. The video also provides a brief overview of the Ministry of Jewish Return, and how it is being implemented in various countries around the world. Tomorrow, I will have another video about the Ministry's development. In the meantime, please bear with me as I try to give a more comprehensive understanding of the way the Ministry is being carried out. Thank you.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, we explore the significance of the seven festivals celebrated by God in the Jewish calendar. We start with Passover, which commemorates the Exodus from Egypt. We then explore the other six festivals, which are all related to the death or resurrection of Jesus. Each festival has its own significance, and is important to remember and keep in accordance with biblical tradition. We also discuss why these festivals should be kept every year, and why it is important to remember them throughout the generations.
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses the Jewish holiday of Passover, which celebrates the Exodus from slavery in Egypt. The video explains that Passover is a seven-day festival commemorating the completion of the Exodus. It also discusses the meaning of the number 7 in relation to Passover. One important point made is that the Passover festival is a perfect example of how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament law of circumcision and the Ten Commandments. Most people in the popular religion do not understand the significance of the number 7 and its role in Passover.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, a curso on the seven solemn holidays of the Lord is presented, with session 2 focusing on the meaning of Levadura (levain, or leaven). According to Scripture, Levadura refers to sin in the gospel of Luke, where it is seen as one of several ways in which sin manifests itself. This passage is followed by a discussion of the significance of bread without leaven, which is discussed in relation to Christ's sacrifice on our behalf and the celebration of Holy Week. It is emphasized that, while we should always strive to maintain holiness before God, we cannot do so without the aid of leaven. This teaching is reinforced by passages from John chapter 6, verses 32-35 and 51-52. Finally, these verses are applied to our everyday lives, teaching us that, if we eat bread without leaven, we will never be hungry and that anyone who believes in Christ will never be thirsty. Jesus Himself is self-identified as the bread of life, a bread without leaven which represents the sinless Person of Jesus Christ.
  • 00:25:00 In this second session of the "Las 7 Festividades Solemnes del Señor" course, we learn about the Christmas season celebration of the Bread of Life, or pan de vida. This feast is a shadow of what will happen when Jesus comes back to earth and manifests Himself as the Bread of Life. Unfortunately, there are some people who spend their time engaging in unfulfilling sexual activities instead of pursuing spiritual pursuits. Gula (covetousness) is one of the main doctrines taught in demo (demonic) teachings, but it is also seen in many other areas of life. If people understood the importance of this feast, they would see that it represents the person of Jesus Himself- the living Bread of Life. After being cleared of all Levadura (leaven), this feast is then prepared and baked in the same way as unleavened bread is prepared- with water and flour. This is how the Lord Himself was prepared for burial. Isaiah 53:5 says that our Lord Jesus was wounded by our rebellion and punished by our sins. His punishment was our peace, and we were sworn to Him on the night before Passover according to Jewish custom. The Father goes through all the houses looking for any trace of
  • 00:30:00 In this video, we learn about the three sacred holidays in the Jewish religion: Passover, Shavuot, and Yom Kippur. Passover celebrates the release of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt; Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai; and Yom Kippur is the day of atonement. Today's topic is the third holiday, the feast of the first fruits or of new beginnings, which is celebrated on the 16th day of Nissan (the month of Nissan). This holiday is specifically ordained by God to all those who are part of His people and in which you and I are both included or "injected." It is called the feast of the first fruits or of new beginnings in Hebrew, and is celebrated according to Leviticus 23:9-14 on the 16th day of Nissan. Still, we are currently still within the same month, Nissan, as the Passover and Shavuot celebrations. As part of the agricultural festival initiated by the priest on the day of unleavened bread, this third sacred holiday, which is incorporated into the feast of the unleavened bread, is the day of wheat harvest. We are going to read what this passage says
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the seven solemn festivals celebrated in honor of God, and session 2 covers the first of these, the harvest festival. During this festival, the people of the town offer their crops to the Lord, first of all the barley crop. This is not wheat, but the first crop of the year, and it is an act of dedication on their part. The cebada, or "amados" (loved) barley, is important to make a note of, as it was known in ancient Israel as the "poor man's bread." This is precisely what our Lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill among us, as the suffering servant who died for humanity. This is the most gloriously glorious day for us Christians, the day on which we remember our Lord Jesus Christ's glorious resurrection. This is the day we commemorate again in the first week of the New Year, the day on which the manna was marked in the field. We also recall the following day, the first day of the Easter season, the hand of grain being marked in the field. We remember this continuity of these three festivals in Easter, the hand of grain being marked in the field and the following day, the first day of the unleavened bread season, which
  • 00:40:00 This video is a teaching on the seven holidays in honor of the Lord. It covers the topics of primacy, then those who are in Christ, those who are of Christ in His coming, those who are born again through faith in Christ, but are still living in this world, and kingdom coming. It also reminds us that Jesus is the firstborn of His mother and therefore dedicated to God from birth. This is important to understand as it is different than being 'unigenit' or the firstborn of God, as Jesus is the firstborn of both human and animal mothers. Finally, the video reminds us that we are to dedicate our firstborn to God at birth, as is customarily practiced in most Christian denominations.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, the speaker discusses the meaning of the Third Christian Festival, which is known as "Las 7 Fiestas Solemnes del Señor." The speaker points out that this festival is based on the verses in Corinthians 15:20-23, in which Jesus is said to be the "Santísimo" (holy one). The speaker also explains that this festival is celebrated by giving thanks to God for the blessings He has given us, specifically the first fruits of our work. This includes bringing our first paycheck to church as a way of showing our gratitude, as well as other gifts that may come our way during this time. Finally, the speaker asks Christians to think about how to apply these teachings to their everyday lives.
  • 00:50:00 This video is a lecture on the three festivals of the Lord: Harvest Fest, Spring Fest, and Fall Fest. The lecture covers the biblical and historical context of the festivals, and focuses on how these festivals represent people who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The speaker provides insights on how to celebrate these festivals to the fullest, and offers practical advice on how to apply biblical teachings to our everyday lives.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Victor discusses the seven holidays mentioned in the Bible - Passover, Easter, Pentecost, Shavuot, Trumpets, Atonement Day, and Feast of Tabernacles. He explains that, in biblical times, these holidays were tied to specific crops and celebrations. For example, Passover was associated with the first fruit of the season, Easter with the first harvest, and so on. Today, these holidays still have spiritual meaning for many people, but they may not always have a specific agricultural connection. For example, Passover may refer to the first week of a new job, Easter to the first day of the month, and so on. The important thing is the intention behind our celebrations - whether we give everything we have during the entire week or just a part of it, depending on our individual circumstances. And we can always ask God for guidance in choosing the appropriate holiday gift. In general, biblical holidays are about giving thanks to God, and any gift (whether it's a large or small gift, given wholeheartedly or in part) is a blessing from God.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

This video is about the seven religious holidays celebrated by Christians. It discusses how these holidays are understood from a spiritual perspective in accordance with what is written in the Bible. The video then goes on to discuss the fourth holiday of the year, Pentecost, in greater detail. It mentions that there is a wide range of understanding of this holiday, and that it is important for Christians to celebrate these holidays under the right spiritual context.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, Pastor Alberto explains the significance of the seven holidays celebrated by Lord. These include the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, the Day of Pentecost, the Day of Tabernacles, the first fruits of the olive harvest, the Day of Atonement, and the Day of Trumpets. Each holiday has important spiritual significance, and focusing on the person of Jesus rather than celebrating the holidays themselves can lose all meaning. Thanks, pastors Heriberto and Alberto! This video is very rich and valuable, teaching us much about the depth of the teachings involved. It is important to recognize and appreciate our Lord in the midst of these celebrations. Finally, pastor Rodolfo shares his opinion on the matter, and we learn about the spiritual riches available to those who study these holidays in depth. If you're interested in learning more about these celebrations, I highly recommend watching this video.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the seven holidays that are special to the Lord, and session 2 covers the topic of the diezmo. The lecturer says that the diezmo is normally not preached in a church, but it is here talking about removing the diezmo for the evita, which is obviously for those of God. The lecturer also mentions that there is food in God's house, and that this is important for the church to distribute and also cover the needs of widow and orphaned foreigners in need. This includes widows, orphans, prisoners, those in need of food, and those who are trying to enter the United States illegally. The main point is that the diezmo should be brought to the church and used to cover the needs of those who are in need, both within the church and beyond. This is important for all Christian denominations to understand and be mindful of, and would be a good answer to the question of what to do with the firstfruits.
  • 01:10:00 This video covers the seven religious holidays celebrated by Christians - including Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost. It discusses how these holidays are understood from a spiritual perspective in accordance with what is written in the Bible. The video then goes on to discuss the fourth holiday of the year, Pentecost, in greater detail. It mentions that there is a wide range of understanding of this holiday, and that it is important for Christians to celebrate these holidays under the right spiritual context. While these holidays are celebrated by many people around the world, there is still a lack of understanding of their true meaning among Christians.
  • 01:15:00 This video teaches about the seven religious holidays celebrated by the Lord. It covers Session 2 of the course. In this session, Pastor Heriberto explains that in Christianity, the understanding of these holidays is limited, and there is a fear of denominational churches taking judgments against unaligned congregations for fear of being judged themselves. Many pastors are vaccinated against all things Israel related out of fear of being judged. However, this is not what Jesus intended. To understand and follow Jesus in these celebrations, one must look to the Scriptures, which reveal that Jesus is present throughout the Bible and are the centerpiece of these festivals. The Holy Spirit is awakening believers to see Jesus as their Messiah. However, this process requires prayer. The Holy Spirit is already working in believers to bring them back to Israel. This desire to return to their homeland is not something that anyone put into place, but is the work of the Holy Spirit. Israel will be restored spiritually and physically through the work of the Holy Spirit, first as a physical restoration and then as a spiritual one. First, there will be a physical restoration, and then a spiritual one. José provides a clear and biblical answer to your question. Thank you, José, for being here. Thank you, Pastor Heriberto,
  • 01:20:00 In this YouTube video, various religious celebrations are explained, including the Jewish holiday of Nissan (or "New Year"), which is based on the moon. Christians also celebrate Easter, which is based on the lunar cycle. The main point of this video is to provide an overview of the different religious celebrations and how to determine their specific dates.
  • 01:25:00 In this video, Pastor Heriberto Bustos discusses the seven sacred feast days of the Lord, which include Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Tabernacles, First Fruits, Feast of Trumpets, and Day of Atonement. He says that, according to biblical teachings, the sacrament of Communion is also a feast day, and that we should ask God for what we desire on these days. He also says that it is important to remember our gratitude to God on these occasions.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, Pastor Heriberto Gonzalez discusses the seven holiest days of the Lord. The first day is called "First Fruits," and it's the day that we acknowledge that God is the one who gives us life. The next six days are all about celebrating God's work in our lives. Each day has its own unique theme, and the teachings on these days will be very helpful to those who want to improve their understanding of the Bible. The class will continue on October 17th and 18th.

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