Summary of Living in the Future's Past | AWARD WINNING DOC | Jeff Bridges | Environment

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Jeff Bridges discusses the human impact on the environment and how it has led to a decline in the planet's ecological health. He goes on to discuss the idea that humans are animals and how emotions and tendencies such as greed and consumption can be counterproductive in a complex society. The video ends by discussing how the concept of world has evaporated in our current era and how life is still messy despite humanity's impacts.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the human impact on the environment and how it has led to a decline in the planet's ecological health. It goes on to discuss the idea that humans are animals and how emotions and tendencies such as greed and consumption can be counterproductive in a complex society. The video ends by discussing how the concept of world has evaporated in our current era and how life is still messy despite humanity's impacts.
  • 00:05:00 Jeff Bridges discusses the role of culture in human evolution, how it has allowed humans to adapt to their environment and survive, and how technology has played a role in this. He also discusses the natural forces that can be destructive to human habitats and the importance of having a faith that is not challenged by science.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Jeff Bridges discusses the human brain and its relationship to the environment. He explains that our evolutionary impulses can be easily hijacked, and that the brain's alarm system for threat, the amygdala, is very tuned to earlier dangers from a time when that rustle in the bushes might be a tiger that was about to eat you. He also points out that we have a very quick system that is kind of dealing with gut reactions with reflex responses, and a slower, more deliberative system that takes time to engage.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the origins of human civilization, which began with the Neolithic Revolution. This revolution involved the first farming and created a different kind of social system in which women had autonomy and there was no real rigid dominance hierarchy among men. After the invention of agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals, humans began to act like a larger entity, creating a reorganization of material existence with far-reaching implications. Today, we live in a world of material abundance and inexpensive energy, which has led us to think that this is the normal human condition. However, early societies, even through the Middle Ages, and up until almost the modern era, had 90% of their economies devoted to the production of energy, primarily in the form of food. That means that 90% of what people did involved producing energy, in other words, just getting by. Our lives are based on solar flows, which are based on the energy potentials that are available in the sun. Fossil sunlight is so powerful that it's indistinguishable from magic.
  • 00:20:00 In this video, Jeff Bridges discusses the history and current state of the world in which humans live, relying on fossil fuels to power everything from transportation to industry. He discusses the ways in which humans have changed over time, and how the way we live today is an anomaly, without any way of knowing that there are any problems with the system. He points out that humans have always been a functional superorganism, but that we've become more efficient at maximizing our surplus value in the past few centuries. He warns that running out of fossil fuels could have unintended consequences, and that our reliance on technology and money to function as a superorganism is ultimately unsustainable.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the effects of rapid climate change, which is likely to occur in the coming decades. It discusses how geological history largely reinforces the lessons from climate models, and how we lack knowledge of how Earth's biological life support systems will respond to dramatic and rapid change.
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses the implications of climate change, energy depletion, and environmental destruction, and how they will impact humans and societies. It argues that we are motivated to achieve certain goals by having a sense of purpose, but that these goals may not be the ones we are actually achieving. The video discusses how we might respond to this situation, and concludes that we will likely withdraw into consumption if we feel our gifts and energy are not having an impact.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Jeff Bridges explains the importance of energy and the current energy transition. He points out that the flow of fossil fuel has turbocharged our society and that, to effectively transition to solar energy, we need to change a lot of things. He also notes that our food system is an energy sink and that we use 10 to 12 fossil-calories to produce one food-calorie.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the challenges of transitioning to a future where energy is more expensive and less beneficial to the rest of society. Jeff Bridges points out that oil's biggest industry is energy inflation, which will make it more difficult to transition away from fossil fuels. If we don't invest in stocks, someone else will buy them back at a cheaper price, and we may get into a mode of addiction speech where we continue to use oil even though it is becoming more expensive and less beneficial. Wise farmers know that if they eat their seed corn, there will be nothing left to plant for a future harvest. This information reinforces the need to transition away from fossil fuels and prepare for a future where energy is more expensive.
  • 00:45:00 This YouTube video explores the idea that humans create their own reality by accumulating objects and possessions. It also discusses the idea that people tend to discount the future in favor of the present, and how this can have negative consequences.
  • 00:50:00 Jeff Bridges discusses human nature, how it influences our attitudes and actions, and the influence of group identity on those attitudes and actions.
  • 00:55:00 Jeff Bridges explains that humans have a tendency to focus on the short-term and desires what is currently enjoyable, instead of looking at the long-term consequences of our actions. He talks about how the same mechanism that allows us to see the consequences of our actions and make better decisions applies to our relationship with the environment.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

Jeff Bridges discusses the importance of ecology and its role in understanding the relationship between humans and the environment. He goes on to say that one of the problems with philosophy is that it is everywhere, and that the story we live in now is that we grow the economy by consuming goods that exist in limited quantities. The video discusses the challenges facing humanity in the future, including the need for more sustainable practices, the impact of consumerism, and the need for empathy and compassion.

  • 01:00:00 Jeff Bridges discusses the concept of ecology and its importance in understanding the relationship between humans and the environment. He explains that while ecology is constantly in flux, it is always intimate and permeable. He goes on to say that one of the problems with philosophy is that it is everywhere, and that the story we live in right now is that we grow the economy by consuming goods that exist in limited quantities.
  • 01:05:00 In the video, Jeff Bridges explains how capitalism is in service of the superorganism, and how entropy is always running down to zero. He argues that without government help, the market forces will be taken by the very short-term requirements placed on them by us. Bridges urges people to think beyond the individual, and to consider the role that government plays in shaping the market forces.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses the challenges facing humanity in the future, including the need for more sustainable practices, the impact of consumerism, and the need for empathy and compassion. It also mentions the importance of moral emotions, and how morphological adaptations may reflect environmental conditions of our ancestors.
  • 01:15:00 The speaker reflects on the implications of recent technological and scientific advancements, and how they can be used to create a better future. He urges listeners to think about what they are willing to do to create this future, and to find their own unique gifts and strengths.
  • 01:20:00 In this video, Jeff Bridges discusses the benefits of living in the future, in which man has discovered fire. He argues that by living in this future, we can help preserve the environment and make life easier for future generations.

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