Summary of Itinera-econoom Ivan Van de Cloot over begroting | Terzake

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

In this video, Econoom Ivan Van de Cloot discusses his thoughts on the current government's budget. He believes that the budget is not in balance, and that it is leading to Belgium becoming a "mythical country." He also argues that the current political climate is leading people to make bad decisions.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Hoofdeconoom Ivan Van de Cloot discusses his thoughts on the current government's budget. He believes that the budget is not in balance, and that it is leading to Belgium becoming a "mythical country." He also argues that the current political climate is leading people to make bad decisions.
  • 00:05:00 Econoom Ivan Van de Cloot discusses the importance of having a government that is able to spend its money wisely, and how Belgium is not alone in this problem. He also discusses how the two government positions he mentioned, of the director of one institution and the directeur of the other, have resulted in inefficiencies. Van de Cloot argues that the two institutions should be merged into one, in order to achieve better efficiency.

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